Insanity - started today (7/16/12)



  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I loved your comment about not having to keep up with them, that was my hardest part the first time I did it. I tried to keep pace with him and the girl on there and about killed myself lol.

    OMG, as a beginner to this program, that's the hardest part for me to remember! I've done 3 rounds of Turbo Fire and I can totally keep up with Chalene now but I forget that I didn't start out being able to even do 100% of the choreography let alone throw myself into the workout with the required intensity. I just want to keep plugging away and EARN MY TEE SHIRT!!!

  • mollyanne01
    mollyanne01 Posts: 34 Member
    I did Insanity last year and had great results. It also helped my running immensely. I read this thread yesterday and broke out the DVDs as soon as I got home! Thanks for the motivation!! Feel free to add me if you need more buddies!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I ordered insanity last night and hopefully will be starting this weekend!

    Good for you! LET'S DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I did Insanity last year and had great results. It also helped my running immensely. I read this thread yesterday and broke out the DVDs as soon as I got home! Thanks for the motivation!! Feel free to add me if you need more buddies!

    Aww that's so nice to hear!!! I will definitely be adding you to my buddy list!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    If any of you are on Facebook feel free to look me up on my fan page...@sharonseamanfit (that's my Twitter handle as well)
  • SocWkrBee
    SocWkrBee Posts: 374
    I started yesterday. I did the fit test. Whew!! I am not following the meal plan. I am following the calories MFP gave me to lose one pound as a sedentary person.

    I may try the meal plan, depending on how things shape up after the first month.

    Feel free to add me. I am a pretty active/supportive member on here. :happy:
  • mrsdamr
    mrsdamr Posts: 54 Member
    I have had the DVD now for over a month - and haven't started it. I decided to go back to the gym instead. Now after reading this thread, I want to leave work and go home and do it. That being said - I can only work out in the morning - due to Kids schedules -I think I will get up tomorrow morning, do the Fit Test - and head after to the gym for a cool down :).
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I have had the DVD now for over a month - and haven't started it. I decided to go back to the gym instead. Now after reading this thread, I want to leave work and go home and do it. That being said - I can only work out in the morning - due to Kids schedules -I think I will get up tomorrow morning, do the Fit Test - and head after to the gym for a cool down :).

    I am in my basement at 4:45am every morning to press play. I like to work out before everyone in my house gets up because it's nice and quiet. No interruptions or distractions. Do it Girlfriend and then come back here, post your progress, and join me in earning the tee shirt!!! Off to friend you right now!
  • ramgi
    ramgi Posts: 196 Member
    All the best to you! You have a great attitude.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    All the best to you! You have a great attitude.

    Thank you!!! It's people like you that make MFP such a great community.
  • I'm getting ready to buy the series to start it after my running cycle this month. Is there anything I should be prepared for/need to have to get started?
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I'm getting ready to buy the series to start it after my running cycle this month. Is there anything I should be prepared for/need to have to get started?

    Definitely invest in a good pair of cross trainers and a heart rate monitor if you don't already have them. Depending on the floor you'll be working out on you may also want to use a jump mat for additional cushion. Otherwise, the beauty of Insanity is that you don't need any equipment to do the program.
  • djbrink21
    djbrink21 Posts: 97 Member
    Was just looking for a thread like this to find some Insanity buddies. I started this Sunday and finished day 3 today. Used a HRM for the first time this morning and ended up burning 680 calories (a far cry from the 300 I put into MFP the first 2 days). This is my third time starting Insanity. My record being day 6 before I crapped out. Hoping to make it all the way this time and knowing there are others out there doing it with me can only help.

    I am down 15 pounds since the last time I started Insanity and I can see that there is a difference, made it through the whole fit test without pausing it (not something that had happened before). Bought the HRM, kicked the booze and am eating right (for 3 days so far at least). Weighed in Sunday morning at 235; really hoping I can stick with it and see some results. I'm doing the Tough Mudder in September (work guys convinced me to sign up) and would love to be in better shape for that.

    All Insanity buddies are welcome to add me I can use all the encouragement and will dish some back as well.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Was just looking for a thread like this to find some Insanity buddies. I started this Sunday and finished day 3 today. Used a HRM for the first time this morning and ended up burning 680 calories (a far cry from the 300 I put into MFP the first 2 days). This is my third time starting Insanity. My record being day 6 before I crapped out. Hoping to make it all the way this time and knowing there are others out there doing it with me can only help.

    I am down 15 pounds since the last time I started Insanity and I can see that there is a difference, made it through the whole fit test without pausing it (not something that had happened before). Bought the HRM, kicked the booze and am eating right (for 3 days so far at least). Weighed in Sunday morning at 235; really hoping I can stick with it and see some results. I'm doing the Tough Mudder in September (work guys convinced me to sign up) and would love to be in better shape for that.

    All Insanity buddies are welcome to add me I can use all the encouragement and will dish some back as well.

    OMG you sound just like me! This is my 3rd attempt at doing Insanity as well. The first time I made it through the first month and then allowed myself to get intimidated by the length of the workouts in month 2 so I quit. The 2nd time I made it through the first couple of days and then convinced myself I wasn't ready for the challenge. This time I am determined to make it all the way through the entire program. I want my shirt!!!

    So glad you friended me since it sounds like we're going to be able to help each other succeed. Glad also that you found my thread. I hope to see you posting regularly now!!! Congrats on your results to date...15 lbs is no joke!
  • hellohugo
    hellohugo Posts: 5
    I started 7/16/12 too! The fit test almost had me on the floor! i'm scared for today, but we have to dig deeper! Anyone looking for insanity buddies msg me, I think we all need to support each other! :)
  • kpmom913
    kpmom913 Posts: 6 Member
    wow, way to go....good luck. I purchased the p90x system awhile back and have not had the courage to try it out go girl!!
  • deanne525
    deanne525 Posts: 69 Member
    congrats on starting!!

    I just finished day 3 today. it is hard, hard, hard, but i am determined to stick with it. i was literally dripping with sweat after today's workout, but i felt great when i was done! not following the diet plan exactly, but i have made alot of postive changes in my diet. Today i had a multi grain english muffin, all natural PB, apple, protein bar for snack, grilled chicken salad for lunch, grapes, dinner I am making pizzas for the family, but i will stick to 2 slices and have a salad with it. hoping to see a little weight loss by weeks end!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    wow, way to go....good luck. I purchased the p90x system awhile back and have not had the courage to try it out go girl!!

    C'mon what do you have to lose by trying ...besides weight :bigsmile: lol! Friend me if you want some support and encouragement. I love helping others succeed in their weight loss journeys!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    congrats on starting!!

    I just finished day 3 today. it is hard, hard, hard, but i am determined to stick with it. i was literally dripping with sweat after today's workout, but i felt great when i was done! not following the diet plan exactly, but i have made alot of postive changes in my diet. Today i had a multi grain english muffin, all natural PB, apple, protein bar for snack, grilled chicken salad for lunch, grapes, dinner I am making pizzas for the family, but i will stick to 2 slices and have a salad with it. hoping to see a little weight loss by weeks end!

    GREAT JOB TO YOU AS WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think as long as you make clean eating choices and stay close to the calorie allowance the calculator in the nutrition guide gives you, you should see results. Oh and drink plenty of water to help things move along!
  • What HRM did you get? I'm looking into them.