

  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    beer and fast food... nuff said...
  • MartinaC32
    MartinaC32 Posts: 63 Member
    1) because I was LAZY! Too lazy to cook a proper meal so fast food was a staple in my house. Makes me sick to think of how much fast food I used to eat. Never again. Haven't eaten at a fast food restaurant in almost 2 years even though I live 5 houses away from McDonalds, Pizza Pizza, Little Ceasars, KFC Chinese and Subway. YUCK

    2) I LOVE FOOD.

    3) I Hated exercise....Hated being past tense. Love it now. :)
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    - was born weighing 13lbs
    - parents fed me fast food from the age of 3
    - bad eating habits
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I was fat because.... I ate the wrong foods, too much of them and sat on my *kitten* too much. Period.
  • BeckaT79
    BeckaT79 Posts: 216
    I am fat because I was lazy and ate crappy that simple :-) Now I exercise a lot more and eat as healthy as I want to but mostly stay within my calorie limit.
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    I am fat because I had binge eating disorder.
  • amyreafleng
    amyreafleng Posts: 69 Member
    Because it was easy!!!
  • Chipmunk222
    Chipmunk222 Posts: 240 Member
    I would almost kill for a chocolate bar..... wait, I have killed.... squirrels, groundhogs, and even butterflies that were in my path while on the way to the store to feed my chocolate habit....

    This is a true story
  • cathiaflock
    cathiaflock Posts: 112 Member
    I am fat because........I can't resist carbs and sugar!!! I love bread and will eat almost anything with the ingredient sugar lol. alright folks not its your turn come on don't be shy :bigsmile:

    I am fat for a variety of faults of my own. 1) moving to the hottest city in the USA - Yuma,AZ that makes it almost impossible to go outside in the summer months. 2) eating out every day for maybe a month greasy foods and not portion controlling 3) not realizing I was gaining weight. 4) not exercising 5) not incorporating vitamins and fruits and vegy's into my diet.
  • TheNewBlair
    I have sat and pondered this question many times. As I would like to be able to blame my parents for the start of it, for not letting me do sports (but of course my brother was allowed and was the best football in the school) , I have realized that I can't continue to blame them anymore, I moved out with my new born when I was 16 and since then it's been my problem. I am def. an emotional eater, not feeling like I was treated the same as my other siblings... already fat and made fun of, i ate my problems, and when that didn't work, i resorted to drugs and sex... the reason I got pregnant so young. I am learning to fight through that and realize, that I AM the reason, that is what I chose to do, and you know what? I DO NOT CHOSE THAT ANYMORE! I'm learning to eat healthy, and my 5 year old loves to work out with me, my fiance is even on board now! and I couldn't be happier.
  • bloomlately
    bloomlately Posts: 532 Member
    I work in a sedentary desk job.
    I remained sedentary at home.
    I made poor food choices.
  • gailashton
    gailashton Posts: 292
    I am a major carbaholic. I would rather have a box of crackers, a block of cheese, something crunchy over anything. I'm not a sugar person. It's very hard, mind over matter. That's why I count out my crackers then it goes away & I try to pick healthier crackers such as brown rice crackers especially because I can have like 30 of them. I pretty much stay away from bread unless it's the ligher whole grain breads. It's not the same but it's a good substitute. You can do it. Mind over matter. Allow yourself to have those things you love maybe 1 or 2 days a week, just don't go overboard. It will be more like a reward then and you won't feel deprived. I hope this helps. It has helped me. LOL
  • iheartska69
    I tried to deal with too many stressful life events by overeating;
    I love carbs and pasta;
    I eat when I'm bored,
    I have hypothyroidism.
  • kimnsc
    kimnsc Posts: 560 Member
    Because I ate my emotions instead of dealing with them.......And unfortunately a salad wasn't my comfort food.

    I ate a lot of junk and didn't exercise = I got fat.
  • Better_Choices2012
    I am fat because.having 3 kids and not ever getn rid of that baby weight..but have always been plus size...
  • sweetiecorn
    sweetiecorn Posts: 115 Member
    My parents made a big deal out of weight as they have issues themselves. Also PCOS.
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    I'm like an overindulgent parent with myself sometimes too. I say yes when I should say no, to food and to spending, so I'm fat and broke.
  • stacynicholi
    I have a horrible habit of soda pop and that's my number 1 deal breaker. But the junk food, ice cream and eating whatever with zero exercise does not help either. Well today is day #2 of this new breaking calories in half - I just hope it don't break me in half lol

    It doesn't help that I'm hypoglycemic too :(
  • vbrent07
    vbrent07 Posts: 115
    I like to eat(still do but I make healthy meals most of the time), I had no concept of portion control, I'm getting old so my metabolism is slower, I'm addicted to junk food, I was lazy and didn't exercise and I use to have fast food at least 4 times a week (around 1,000 calorie meal each time) The thing that sucks is that it is much easier to put on weight than to lose it but, if you work hard it does happen!
  • ultim8fury
    ultim8fury Posts: 42
    I used my physical injuries as justification to avoid exercise, ate like crap and subsequently fell into long term depression. Also changed jobs away from shift work where I had a ton of free time and opportunity to move around, to a sedentary 9-5 desk job .