Honest answers only



  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    As for me, I do think you are born gay or straight. Just like I think you are born a killer, rapist, child molester or what have you.
    I know you don't mean it that way but that's incredibly offensive.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    My thought is... and maybe I'm wrong, but I believe that people who are anti-gay struggle with their own sexuality. They are afraid about "turning" gay. Life is a "Do it yourself" thing, and everyone has the right to be happy.
    Fanaticism is the brother of doubt!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member

    Nuff said....
  • Lyoung961
    Lyoung961 Posts: 2
    I am not anti gay. I try not to be anti anything apart from badness. When there is so much bad stuff in the world, why take against people who love other people?
    I mean the Bible says that I shouldn't eat prawns but I don't take any notice. I have gay friends. I have straight friends. I have friends who don't have a sexual relationship with anyone. I have also known people who think that gay men fancy them (in a kind of uncontrollable way). I have had to point out that women don't find them attractive, why would gay men? These people have stopped being my friend. LOL!!
  • dougt333
    dougt333 Posts: 697
    My thought is... and maybe I'm wrong, but I believe that people who are anti-gay struggle with their own sexuality. They are afraid about "turning" gay. Life is a "Do it yourself" thing, and everyone has the right to be happy.
    Fanaticism is the brother of doubt!

    so anti gay people think it's a disease? eww wash your hands, you might get gay on you. haha
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    Because it's just not natural and don't tell me you're born that way, you choose to be gay, period. I am anti LGBT everything

    Like you chose that outfit?
    Sit and talk with someone who is gay. It's not a choice and it's thinking like that as to why these people go through hell. These poor people are tormented because of being gay and some CHOOSE to end their lives rather than continue on. WHO THE HELL WOULD CHOOSE TO BE GAY TO LIVE A LIFE WHERE YOU'RE HATED, NOT BY YOUR APPEARANCE BUT BY WHO YOU LOVE?
  • Rdahl2
    Rdahl2 Posts: 90
    People are anti-gay because a religious book written by people many centuries ago tells them it is an abomination, and people will find ANY reason to hate someone who is different than they are.

    That same book also tells you not to judge others, and to treat them as you would have yourself be treated.

    ^^^Exactly! The book pretty much is hypocriticle. Sorry if I mis-spelled that.
  • julesribar
    julesribar Posts: 43 Member
    Why does this even matter. Everyone has a right to their own opinion. Plain and simple. I am so sick of this. If you are gay great but stop telling people they are horrible and sick and bigoted people if they do not agree with the life style.
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    In before the lock... yes!!!

    I'm not anti gay, or racist... I hate everybody equally....
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I'm anti, because is not natural. In the animal kingdom you need a female and a male to procreate, this is as I said not bible related.

    The fact of having 'hybrids' animals doesn't mean those are homosexual, because that's the way they are, not males, not females.
    Homosexuality and bisexuality are prevalent among non-human animals. We aren't talking about some kind of "hybrid" animals. I mean fully male animals have sex with male animals.

    If sexuality were strictly for procreation, your point of view would make perfect sense. But that's not the case, and I'm sure you know that.
    Oh and since minorities always complain people must understand their postures, make marches and become victims, same for them, if they say they are fighting to be accepted, why don;t they make an example and accept not being accepted?
    That is just a ridiculous suggestion. Minorities should just accept that their rights are trampled on?
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Why does this even matter. Everyone has a right to their own opinion. Plain and simple. I am so sick of this. If you are gay great but stop telling people they are horrible and sick and bigoted people if they do not agree with the life style.
    Why do you think it's something you get to agree or disagree with? People live their lives, it has nothing to do with you.
  • droogievesch
    droogievesch Posts: 202

    I'm anti, because is not natural. In the animal kingdom you need a female and a male to procreate, this is as I said not bible related.

    Yes! Because every time I have heterosexual sex it's to procreate! /sarcasm
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    There's plenty of derogitory names for gay people, but are there any for straight people?
    Think about it.
    Actually there are, but I will spare you the drivel. It is hateful to call people names. Period.
  • As someone who is a proud Christian and believes in the Bible - I am still not anti-gay. I stand proud in the statement that I love everyone, and so does God. I am really getting sick of so called "Christians" that push hatred towards people who sin. HELLO... we all do it. I have a son out of wedlock, that's a no-no in our religion. I don't hate anyone and am not anti-anyone.
    People just need to realize that their **** smells too!

    You are the type of Christian I like! *LOL* I guess that's why I have such a bad view on churches because some Christians out there are just over the top. They want to strike you down if you are gay but yet they sin every single day but won't quote the bible on what they are doing because they pray for forgiveness every night.
  • jleach
    jleach Posts: 38 Member
    I don't think this issue has anything to do with religion. Religion is just the tool people use to to validate what amounts to fear. If I were gay, I wouldn't care what anyone else "thought" about it. I would however care if anyone thought they had the right to tell me who I can love, marry or have children with. I find that people who quote the bible seem particularly offensive to me because essentially, what they are saying is that their religion carries more weight than yours. You don't need to beleive, just stop interfering in other peoples lives and in their choices. Unless you're willing to let others determine your choices as well...
  • getfine2015
    getfine2015 Posts: 155 Member
    I took this statement off of a friend's status update and would really like some answers. I'm not trying to start a war but am interested to see what people will say..so here goes; "If you are anti-gay I want to know why, other than, "it's in the Bible"?

    it can also harm the norm of a family where a child is raised by either two men or two women... the amount of abuse that child could receive is unfair, and it is hard for any child to not have a balance of having both a mom and a dad... just an honest answer.

    I was going to stay out of this topic because I accept that you just cannot change a persons mind, especially on a forum, but this comment made my knee jerk so hard I practically gave myself a black eye. There is NO EVIDENCE whatsoever to prove that a child of a gay couple is more susceptible to abuse than a child of a straight couple. And as someone who has, briefly, worked in the child care field I can tell you that I saw PLENTY of straight people abusing their children.

    Also, let's remember that any old straight couple could have a kid: a single one night stand and oops! She's pregnant and he's pissed and she knows her parents will kick her out if she comes home with a baby so now there's a child born into this world who gets left in a box at a fire station. Meanwhile, that gay couple who has been together for 17 years has put in another application to adopt and has been denied.

    I'm not saying that ALL straight couples are bad parents and that ALL gay couples are good parents. What I'm saying is: there are good and bad parents of ALL orientations and being a good parent has nothing to do with what you do in the bedroom and EVERYTHING to do with how you treat your children.

    Also, the 'balance' idea is complete BS. This is 2012, there are plenty of good, well-adjusted kids being raised in single-parent households nowadays (raises hand) and if one woman can do it by herself, then 2 men or 2 women can do just as good a job.

    You didn't quite understand the previous comment before you got on your...Gigantic SOAP BOX......The comment was referring to the child of same sex parents becoming subject to teasing and abuse from other children....and let's be real...Bulling is a age old problem that ALL children will encounter at some point in their childhood....wether its being too fat,skinny,light dark,short,tall, freckles,glasses you name it some kid will encounter that type of peer abuse...why would anyone want to add GAY Parents to the list...beats me....If you want a child...get It the way it was intended....by copulation beteween a MAN & WOMAN.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    Because it's just not natural and don't tell me you're born that way, you choose to be gay, period. I am anti LGBT everything

  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Because it's just not natural and don't tell me you're born that way, you choose to be gay, period. I am anti LGBT everything

    So, should we imprison them, deny them housing, deny them employment - perhaps penal colonies or, taking a cue from the nazis, concentration camps would be a solution?

    It may interest you to know that homosexuality / transgender behaviour is not exclusive to humans as a species. Sexual orientation is not a matter of choice, it's not a mental illness - you're born straight or gay or various shades of grey in between.
  • As for me, I do think you are born gay or straight. Just like I think you are born a killer, rapist, child molester or what have you.
    I know you don't mean it that way but that's incredibly offensive.

    How so?
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