Can we discuss public restroom etiquitte???



  • healthydoseofglitter
    healthydoseofglitter Posts: 532 Member
    OMG at walmart there was poop on the floor infront of the mens room ... I jokingly said to my friend ... how did that happen did he poop his pants and it roll out ..... (watching men walk out the bathroom was funny because everyone had to step over it)

    check out later with said friend something smelt really bad ...... low and behold we found the floor pooper .... he must have pooped down his leg on the floor into his shoes and socks and continued to shop that way ... it was all on his shorts ....

    in his cart he had a ton of stuff he wasnt old or anything maybe 40 he got into a really nice car and drove away all poop everywhere

    he maybe got sick or something but even so CLEAN up after yourself and he was in walmart I woulda grabbed a set of new clothes or at least tossed my socks
  • shipc
    shipc Posts: 1
    Anyone ever experience the bathroom scene in "Bad Teacher" Holding it in until everyone else leaves just to have the guy/girl in the stall next to you doing the same thing? How long do you wait? Do you try to sneak it out (never seems to work)? Do you cover by flushing the toilet/coughing/clearing your throat?
  • Schraudt814
    Schraudt814 Posts: 496 Member
    HUGE pet peeve of mine - sorry if someone already covered this- but bathrooms that are just one room like in a restaurant or gas station...why the heck would you not knock!!!! I always lock the door because apparently knocking isn't common practice anymore and people seriously just run straight into the door assuming it's unlocked. What if I really had to go and forgot to lock it...then you're just walking in on me!!
  • Schraudt814
    Schraudt814 Posts: 496 Member
    Passing gas in a restroom? I was always brought up with "As long as you're in the restroom, fire away, it's only impolite if you're in any other room of the house". No need to even excuse yourself.

    That's the difference between mena nd women. Women go to the bathroom to pass gas. Men, the whole world is our stage!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: too funny
  • druannesh
    druannesh Posts: 10
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    For example: If there are six stalls, and they're all empty except for the one I'm in...why would you choose the one next to me???

    And for the record, this is not a glory hole type sitch. REALLY is true what they say about the forum people.
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    My biggest pet peeve is when a dude will come in the bathroom and cruise conveniently up to the urinal directly next to mine, especially when there's clearly like 3-4 other empty ones nearby to use. To make matters worse, sometimes you can feel their eyes creeping over and trying to "compare". Dude.... NO BUENO. I generally try to avoid public bathrooms all together, if possible.
  • shellisugar
    shellisugar Posts: 120 Member
    For example: If there are six stalls, and they're all empty except for the one I'm in...why would you choose the one next to me???

    And for the record, this is not a glory hole type sitch. REALLY is true what they say about the forum people.

    And what exactly is it that "they" say???

    edited to add: Also, forum people? Really? Look at my post count.
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    Biggest public restroom pet peeve: Ladies who think public restrooms are "so gross" so they hover above the seat. Hoverers, YOU are the reason the public restroom is so gross. YOU are the ones sprinkling wiz all over the seats and floor, and occasionally even missing the target with your solid waste. YOU are the gross ones. Stop it!

    THIS is my biggest pet peeve. I cannot stand nasty b!tches who piss all over the seat and think it's perfectly acceptable just to leave it there for some poor unsuspecting other woman to sit in. As someone said earlier, build a TP bridge, or if the toilet seat protectors are available (as they are in MANY cases, including where I work), USE ONE!!!!!!! You will not, I repeat, WILL NOT get any type of illness from sitting on a toilet seat!!!!! I always call them "nasty b!tches" under my breath , too, and give them the stink-eye when I see them walk out of the stall and see that they've left a piss puddle on the seat and the floor. It makes me wonder what their bathrooms at home look like. UGH!!! So disgusting.
  • Liasings
    Liasings Posts: 150 Member
    I used to work in retail and have wondered how in the name of Frodo people managed to SPRAY their poop that high on the wall. They must have taken elephant laxative and then bent over and grabbed their ankles. We're talking 6 feet from the floor. I just marveled.

    Once, I walked into the restroom and there was this attractive older lady, nice black wedges on her feet, lovely houndstooth jacket, pearls, perfectly coiffed hair, and makeup standing in front of the sinks. She looked at me and smiled. She was naked from the waist down. Her skirt, pantyhose, slip, and panties were folded neatly on the counter and she was putting on lipstick. I mumbled something totally off-the-wall, and jetted out. Fifteen minutes (and several more walk-ins from other unsuspecting people) later, she strolled out, fully clothed, and resumed her shopping.
  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member
    I've worked at Walmart twice and I always make friends with the maintainance people. I feel so bad, they're always really nice older dudes who just want to make a living and the horror stories... oh god. Especially the unisex/family/private bathroom, people seem to think that since it has a closing door, they can do whatever the hell they'd like in there.

    I still maintain that my grossest experience was walking into my high school restroom and finding poo smeared on the mirror. Someone took the time to poo, put it on their hand, and wipe it somewhere.
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    I hate it when they are on their phone talking....HELLO Hang up for 2 minutes, really!>! Ugh...So I flush once for me, and a few extras so the person on the other end of their phone knows what they are REALLY doing. :)

    This is funny!
  • olee67
    olee67 Posts: 208 Member
    Anyone ever experience the bathroom scene in "Bad Teacher" Holding it in until everyone else leaves just to have the guy/girl in the stall next to you doing the same thing? How long do you wait? Do you try to sneak it out (never seems to work)? Do you cover by flushing the toilet/coughing/clearing your throat?

    ^ship... YES! Hilarious... Funniest part of the entire movie.
  • specialkyc
    specialkyc Posts: 384 Member
    For example: If there are six stalls, and they're all empty except for the one I'm in...why would you choose the one next to me???

    And for the record, this is not a glory hole type sitch.

    Strength in Numbers? Maybe they didn't have enough fiber in their diet and just need the support to make it through.

    :laugh: :sad: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    haha, i hate that too. same with parking spaces, no matter how many spaces away from the other cars i park, someone comes and parks right next to me, as close as humanly possible!

    Agree with this and OP....and my biggest pet peeve is the treadmill, if i'm on one and every other one is open why the hell do you have to take the one right next to me and than proceed to sweat on me and my machine....UGH or have terrible bo...
  • ethansmug
    ethansmug Posts: 159 Member
    The worst thing I ever saw, and it was at work which made it worse.

    One of my clients needed to use the restroom so of course I let her, she was in there for more than a few minutes so I knew what was going on. I needed to pee but I waited for about twenty minutes so that the smell wouldn't be so bad.

    Well when I went into the bathroom the only smell was some type of Glade we had in there....BUT wiggling on the toilet seat was a MotherF'in maggot.

    I went and pee'd outside.

    ^^Winner! :sick:

    ETA: Aaaannnd I don't think it was a "maggot", my friend.

    Oh I am pretty sure it was a maggot, I mean I didn't pick it up and tastes it or anything. But I have seen a few in my days and this definitely looked and moved like one.

    Pretty sure it was just a worm. People get them like animals do. They do look like maggots.

    Oh man...I really wish I hadn't visited this forum while I'm having lunch. :sick:

    You're welcome =]
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    For example: If there are six stalls, and they're all empty except for the one I'm in...why would you choose the one next to me???

    And for the record, this is not a glory hole type sitch. REALLY is true what they say about the forum people.

    What are you trying to say here??
  • RunnerBlonde808
    RunnerBlonde808 Posts: 257 Member
    I used to work in retail and have wondered how in the name of Frodo people managed to SPRAY their poop that high on the wall. They must have taken elephant laxative and then bent over and grabbed their ankles. We're talking 6 feet from the floor. I just marveled.

    I almost snorted soda out my nose! This is freaking hilarious!!!!
  • meikab22
    meikab22 Posts: 21 Member
    Reply to: Is it okay to pass gas when someone else is in the stall next to you:

    Yes, It's a restroom & that's what its relieve yourself. Yes, saying Excuse me would be a nice gesture; but not really necessary.:smile:
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    For example: If there are six stalls, and they're all empty except for the one I'm in...why would you choose the one next to me???

    And for the record, this is not a glory hole type sitch. REALLY is true what they say about the forum people.

    And what exactly is it that "they" say???

    edited to add: Also, forum people? Really? Look at my post count.

    you got me. quality of posts really does override quantity.