10 in 9



  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    How are everyone's workouts coming along? I know I reached a little plateau last week...but luckily I am on the next "phase" of ChaLean Extreme, so it is MUCH more intense and I can already feel a difference.

    Last night I did my 4 mile run (about 40 minutes) and did 40 minutes of ChaLean Extreme Push phase..and boy did I have to push...it is intense! I love it!

    Only a week until I leave for home! This next week is the "intense" week before the relaxation of the Holidays! Anyone have a game plan for Christmas?
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    hmm going home to do the cardio party from tJam cuz the 20minute workout just isnt cutting it anymore.
    want to pour tonight! in sweat that is.
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    hi all, i also found it very hard to set a goal weight. when i was initially starting my weight loss journey i couldn't even really come up with a number so i randomly picked 139 lbs (i am 5'5") because i remembered that was my weight during highschool. i am now 142, so getting very close to my goal. i feel very good right now but what i am more focused on is my body fat percentage. the number on the scale doesn't mean anything to me if my body fat is still high. if i am a lean 140lbs then i am happy with it. i am getting my body fat percentage measured next friday again (using a machine called the bod pod at my gym). if i still have excess body fat i will try to go a little lower, if i am in a good range i will begin the maintaining process.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Happy Friday ladies!! I love how I feel SO great the days after a good workout. Or, even the days of a good workout. Last night I did a 4.5 mile run, it was pretty great. I only do strength training 3-4 days a week so that my muscles can rest. And I'm excited because I finally have BICEPS! My flabby arms are getting toned and I love it! I've really wanted to get my body fat measured...to compare from last year when I got it measured. I can definitely tell, but I'm curious to know the numbers.

    Not sure what I'm going to do tonight. My husband and I are saving our pennies for the Christmas traveling. So, it will be a night "in" for us. We'll probably go to the gym and make something delicious for dinner! And Saturday...is my SUPER INTENSE day!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Happy Friday ladies!! I love how I feel SO great the days after a good workout. Or, even the days of a good workout. Last night I did a 4.5 mile run, it was pretty great. I only do strength training 3-4 days a week so that my muscles can rest. And I'm excited because I finally have BICEPS! My flabby arms are getting toned and I love it! I've really wanted to get my body fat measured...to compare from last year when I got it measured. I can definitely tell, but I'm curious to know the numbers.

    Not sure what I'm going to do tonight. My husband and I are saving our pennies for the Christmas traveling. So, it will be a night "in" for us. We'll probably go to the gym and make something delicious for dinner! And Saturday...is my SUPER INTENSE day!

    great job on ur workout dawna. I feel so proud of myself. last night i really wanted to challenge myself so i did cardio party for 45 mins AND turbo sculpt! wow I felt so awesome and proud of myself. I love that feeling too!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    great job on ur workout dawna. I feel so proud of myself. last night i really wanted to challenge myself so i did cardio party for 45 mins AND turbo sculpt! wow I felt so awesome and proud of myself. I love that feeling too!

    Way to go nolachick!! I love combining those two workouts together! It really works the body!! And I LOVE the feeling after the two workouts! I mean, Turbo Jam is a workout in itself, and then with Turbo Sculpt its like...WOW! I typically do both the cardio and then the strength training portion 3 days a week. (Turbo Kick + ChaLean Extreme, and I mix in Turbo Sculpt every once in a while). It feels so good!! You'll definitely see lots of results!! I am SO proud of you and your accomplishments!! way to go girl!! you are doing GRRREAT!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Happy Saturday!! I was just coming in to tell everyone that I weighed myself this morning and was down another 2 pounds!! Last week I knew I was going to disappoint myself by weighing in, so I didn't....but... I am officially at 160!! My goal was to be at 159 by Jan 1st, and I AM GOING TO MAKE IT!!! I about peed my pants this morning!! We can do this ladies!! You are all working so hard, and its so fun to see how far we've come since our originally posts....have a great Saturday ladies!!!
  • that's wonderful, i'm very proud of you.
  • Pattyisgr8
    Pattyisgr8 Posts: 104 Member
    Hi ladies!...sorry I've been off all week I am super sick, and haven't really eaten or worked out so I haven't been posting or even online. Great to hear so many of you are doing well...welcome back Jocelyn!

    I first picked 130 as my goal weight, when I started really loosing I changed it to 125 (I'm 5'2 and its something like 109 - 130 or so), however, I got realistic and made it 140. Higher that I should be for my height, but I think I'd look good there. My lowest adult weight was in the 160's, I've always been heavy set so 140 would be awesome for me. My trainer wants me at 150, but I'd like to get down the the 140. Just my own input :wink:
  • good afternoon everyone. i know i'm losing weight, but i think i'm losing alot of inches. i went to walmart today and thought i tried on a smaller size of jeans. i tried on a size 6. i can zip and button them up.still need work on my stomach though.
  • jrobertson37
    jrobertson37 Posts: 90 Member
    Hey Nolachick, I took 2 weeks off after thanksgiving but is it too late to join. I have 5 pounds im trying to get rid off that will put me in a size 10 and maybe in a size 9. Im a size 10/11 more 11 than 10, if you know what i mean!!! :mad: I started in March at 210. Now i weigh 165. Im 5'2 and i like thickness not thiness but a healty thick body frame. I luv my hips/thigh and i just want to get my waist to 31/32 currently 33 and hips to 38/40 currently 41. Im eating 1700 cals a day working out buring 500+ per workout doing either cardio, kickboxing or circuit for 60 mins, 5 days a week. I learned a month ago that the more i eat and the harder i work out the faster the weight falls off.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Welcome jrobertson37! Its definitely not too late to join! Way to go on your weight loss! That is amazing!

    Well... last night I did 60 minutes of Turbo Kick and then I did ChaLean Extreme Push circuit 3. It was intense! It felt soo good! I am feeling the fat almost "blast" off during this phase because I am lifting heavier weights. Hoping this continues! I wish I could spot reduce....and get rid of this stomach. I mean its really really flat right now (compared to before)...its just not as firm as I want. I'm going to bring Turbo Kick home with me to Minnesota for my Christmas vacation. My sister wants to work out with me...so I'm excited.

    Hope you all have a great Tuesday!!
  • I just signed up for mpf today and wanted to get a few tips. I was working out at the YMCA and the trainer there told me that i should start wearing a waist trimmer belt. My weight is only in my mid area so i wanted to know what everyone else thought about them and if they have ever used one and if it really worked.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    RJharley... welcome! glad you decided to come on over here!!!......I've never heard of using a waist trimmer belt, sorry I'm not much help. I don't really think there is any "cure" for spot reduction. I wish there was....but from what I've learned and from experience...doing lots of cardio combined with strength training can help lose a LOT of inches! If you incorporate cardio and strength training throughout the week you will boost your metabolism and burn more calories constantly. I would ask around, and maybe even start a post asking if anyone has used them and what their experience is... good luck!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    kgrutch-- Hey there! Just wanted to say that I am glad you spoke up on that other post too!! I love that I've had SO much success using heavy weights and low reps. And you are proof as well!!!...you've lost so much weight and body fat...it is SO inspiring! I sometimes fear for speaking up and disagreeing with people...but I get so excited because I always want others to have the same successes I have!! Just wanted to wish you luck on your next body fat measurements. I bet you will do great!!!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    hey ya'll looks like I haven't missed much. I thought there would be a zillion posts already. lol.

    first of all dawna - congrats u are doing an awesome job!
    jrobertson - welcome!
    patty - glad u set a more realistic goal for urself , as long as u are happy with yourself that's awesome. I am 5'5" and my "skinny weight is 150 - I'm talking high school weight here.
    porterbaby - glad u are losing those inches size 6 is amazing! congrats.

    on the waist belt question I can agree that it definately helps. I couldnt not reduce my thighs and I bought a pair of neoprene shorts. they make my legs sweat and I have lost about an inch or so in just a week or two. So I'd defintely try it - granted it might just be water weight but hey every bit counts.

    Update on me:
    I have been home since saturday, enjoying my time home with my family, definately watching what I eat everyone is actually surprised by my new eating habits and I find myself craving healthy food all day while I push away all the unhealthy stuff being bought for the house, etc. on the downside I brought my turbo jam DVD's to work out with and can u believe that with 3 dvd players in the house not one works! grrrrrrrr not even the one on the computer. I'm so efffin pissed u can't imagine. and no one will work out with me, I'm waiting for my mom to get back to town tomorrw so she can do it with me cuz she loves to work out. so far its been very frustrating but I am really watching wat I eat plus I've been running around with my lil nephews 6 and 3 years taking care of them and playing with them, so I hope that counts for something! haha

    anyways ya'll I don't have much access to internet as before so I will try to check in as much as I can
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning ladies! Hope you are all doing well! Last night I did my Turbo Kick Round 32, and did the whole 60 minute routine. I did the legs section and abs section that I only do if I don't lift. It felt pretty good. All day yesterday I was constantly thirsty and my throat was scratchy....I woke up this morning and its even worse!! ugh. I hope I don't get sick. I had a Cold Buster Jamba Juice this morning for breakfast...yummy. And it helped a bit. Tonight I'm hoping to get my workout in and then go to bed!!

    Nolachick--way to go on the self control with the food. That is one of my goals when I go home for the Christmas vacation too. I mean I still want to try a nibble of some things...but if I don't HAVE to have it...I'm going to let it pass by. Great job!! Don't worry too much about the Turbo Jam (although I'd be just as mad as you were!!!), as long as you are eating alright and doing some active things, you should be okay. Just enjoy your time at home. Maybe take a walk if it gets nice outside? And keep chasing after those kids!! Make exercise a game with them..haha!! Have a great time!!! Enjoy your vacation!! yahoo!!
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    kgrutch-- Hey there! Just wanted to say that I am glad you spoke up on that other post too!! I love that I've had SO much success using heavy weights and low reps. And you are proof as well!!!...you've lost so much weight and body fat...it is SO inspiring! I sometimes fear for speaking up and disagreeing with people...but I get so excited because I always want others to have the same successes I have!! Just wanted to wish you luck on your next body fat measurements. I bet you will do great!!!

    hey dawna, thanks for the vote of confidence. i really believe in the heavier weights. by building the muscle mass, the higher your resting metabolism is, the more you are burning throughout the day. nevermind the toned look that you get from the muscles. i dont like to be bulky but when i have lost fat, i actually enjoy more muscle. i didnt want to disagree with people but i believe in this concept and like to let people see all sides and let them decide. i honestly worked out for years (as many friends of mine at the gym) and see very little changes in body/weight. over the last 8 weeks i have made a drastic change and i attribute it to higher weights, higher cardio.
    i see you are doing great 19 lbs down, that is a huge accomplishment, congrats and keep up the good work.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Heyyyy ladies!! Where is everyone??????????
    How is everyone doing with their workouts/eating...and reaching your goals? Are you feeling good for the upcoming Christmas holiday? Its just another day!! Well, hope to hear some updates from ya'll!
  • i'm doing okay, just been keeping busy. how are you doing?
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