Dismayed overhearing comments............



  • denisekh88
    denisekh88 Posts: 53
    I usually don't comment on things but this really bothers me. I have had to deal with people like this my entire life. I am overweight. I am overweight because of several reasons...mainly I overeat and don't exercise enough. I am trying to make a change. The last thing I need is some judgemental person making negative comments like this. What I choose to eat or not eat is my business...and only mine....please keep your insulting judgements to yourself...
  • Shelgirl001
    Shelgirl001 Posts: 478 Member
    Cruise or no cruise, people have to decide their priorities and I really do not really think that many people can understand that when they put food they do not need to eat, ahead of their health, they can easily jeopardize their own long term health and happiness. I am definitely coming to understand that. It has taken me a long time to decide this.

    If more people would discover that just because you CAN do something, it doesn't meant that you SHOULD do it, this whole world would be a much better place.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    Yep, I ate out the other day with a couple friends. I order something I like, but is healthy at the same time. One of my friends made the comment, "Wow! that looks really healthy." She had ordered a burger and fries. She looked at me weird when I finished it all too. I'm just like yea....not sure how to respond here.
  • Tenoreo90
    Tenoreo90 Posts: 329 Member
    Nothing breaks my heart more than a child that is limited in experiences because their parents couldn't get on a healthy diet in the household.

    My daughter has inspired me to find healthier foods. If someone grows up with healthy foods, they won't have such a hard time breaking them later. I grew up with a VERY weight-conscious mom, so I don't have any issues with soda like my friends do. My boyfriend, however, grew up in the complete opposite of health conscious and he has a much harder time making changes.
  • Tenoreo90
    Tenoreo90 Posts: 329 Member
    Yep, I ate out the other day with a couple friends. I order something I like, but is healthy at the same time. One of my friends made the comment, "Wow! that looks really healthy." She had ordered a burger and fries. She looked at me weird when I finished it all too. I'm just like yea....not sure how to respond here.

    Ugh I hate that. I've gotten back into habit of packing a healthy meal for work, and everyone always stares at me like I'm trying to make them look bad or something. Then, without fail, they bring in something unhealthy to share the next day.

    People feel uncomfortable by those trying to better themselves. It makes you see your friends for who they are.
  • MaryB2
    MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member
    Maybe they were on a diet previously for reasons other than looks. I have a good friend that is on a cruise now and is overweight. For the last 3 months she has been in and out of the hospital plus needing dialysis several times a week. With her kidney function not being good she has had to be on a diet much more strict than what I've done to lose weight. Her kidney function is finally back to normal and she doesn't need dialysis anymore. The doctor just got the results back this week. I guaranty she is going to be off her diet on this cruise.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I'm to be honest a bit conflicted. On one side, these are all excuses I tell myself or have told myself in the past about why I shouldn't be dieting (vacation, holiday, weekend, will start tomorrow etc etc) but on the other hand...its a cruise and something thats kinda rare

    I think on vacations or special occasions (as long as we don't kid ourselves what constitutes a special occasion) we should allow ourselves to relax a bit but doesn't mean to overeat like I know I along with many have done in the past. So instead of filling out 5 plates with deep fried chicken, go for filling out your stomach rather than going for food coma. You don't have to live on green salad while on a cruise but you certainly don't need that big tub of icecream either... balance would be nice. This way even though you ate "bad food" you didn't overate and showed some restraint which in my book is a victory
  • Cocochickdeleted
    Cocochickdeleted Posts: 343 Member
    I went on a cruise this past January. I had started eating healthy after Thanksgiving, and I decided, so what if this is vacation? It doesn't mean I have to gorge myself until I can't walk. I stuck mainly to healthy (vegetarian) options and only splurged a couple of times (ate a small bowl of ice cream and sampled a piece or two of cake). I didn't gain a single pound.

    When I decided to get healthy last November, I decided that this is NOT a diet--it is my new lifestyle, and if I can't live my new lifestyle while I'm on vacation, then there is something wrong with it. I am cruising again this coming January, and I have every intention of continuing what I have been doing for the past eight months--including exercising.
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    these are all excuses I tell myself or have told myself in the past about why I shouldn't be dieting (vacation, holiday, weekend, will start tomorrow etc etc)

    This is me 100%! I can't continue doing this to myself.
  • MaryB2
    MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member
    Consider the possibility a 300-pound person standing in line may have once weighed 400 pounds and was going on a cruise to celebrate a 100-pound loss.

    Not so crazy now, is it?!

    :huh: :bigsmile:

    That is a really good point! :drinker:
  • ChrisStoney
    ChrisStoney Posts: 479 Member
    the good thing about watching your diet and intake on MFP is that when you are on vacation (I just came back from 18 days off, and did not log in for even one day) you still make healthy chioces and push away when you think you ate 'enough'. I was also very active on my vacation... I don't like to sit around, I like to walk, hike swim, fish.... so when I returned to the gym I was 8 pounds lighter than when I left. I kind of wonder if it was muscle loss, but people have told me you don't lose muscle that fast. Also if I see someone over-eating it makes me think "that was me 2 years ago" and I probably eat less than I would have at that point.
  • CassandraM22
    Was the food good?

    On a cruise..the food is pretty awesome. :)
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    If I go on a cruise I'm going to eat whatever the heck I want while I'm there.
    Me too, but what I actually want to eat probably isn't the same as what you want to eat...
  • Journalartista
    Journalartista Posts: 84 Member
    If I start to judge others I think, What if that person has already lost 50lbs? I would be congratulating and supporting them rather than judging.
  • waldenfam2
    waldenfam2 Posts: 203 Member
    OY! I agree with you. I don't think vacations are an excuse to let your diet completely slip into oblivion. It's a place to relax, enjoy nice food, but don't go "overboard".

    I think most health-conscious people would just enjoy the fact that on a cruise the food is prepared for them and they don't have to make the effort. I wouldn't see it as a free-for-all. Yeah, I'd indulge in a treat here or there, but wouldn't go hog-wild.

    It's all in the mind-set. Life-style vs. diet.


    As a formerly morbidly obese person, I find that making excuses to over-indulge is what got me into my original predicament to begin with. My health doesn't care if I'm on a cruise. I'm in this to be healthy, not diet. I want to lead by example, not show my children that it's okay to over eat for a week because the trip was expensive. I want to show them how you can still eat healthy while being away from home and being faced with tempting circumstances.

    For me, If I was faced with the same circumstances I would be concerned and saddened. Concerned for the health of the people convincing themselves that it's okay to eat that way and saddened because they don't realize how much better life is when you pass on the extra helping and go outside and enjoy the fresh air.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I was looking at the website of a luxury cruise line, just for the fun of it. I noted that it had many exercise facilities and in my daydream, I worked out every day, while enjoying the cuisine. I once went to spa that had a dieter's menu, but more important, it was possible to fill one's entire day with wonderful things to do inside and out: Traditional gym facilities, swimming, yoga, hikes, massages, health and cultural topic lectures.

    There's too much emphasis on food in our culture, especially on large portions of food that isn't that all healthy.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I have been on several cruises.
    And yes, it is a food orgy for sure.
    As for the sea of cellulite, MY GOD! I was worried the boat would tip over.
    And not everybody was fat, and guess where I ran into them when we were not stuffing our faces?
    And guess how many fat people were in the gym?
    Success Is A Choice :drinker:
  • weeblex
    weeblex Posts: 412 Member
    My wife and I love cruising and have to say there are as many ways there to binge eat healthy as unhealthy, and they have a great gym and running track.

    We go in September and I plan to eat whenever I feel like, just this time I'm going to limit the 24 hour pizza stand and the awesome pasta bar..... limit, not give up :smile:

    A bigger worry should be, if we had to get in the lifeboat, how to get in line with the thinner people :laugh:
  • weeblex
    weeblex Posts: 412 Member
    My wife and I love cruising and have to say there are as many ways there to binge eat healthy as unhealthy, and they have a great gym and running track.

    We go in September and I plan to eat whenever I feel like, just this time I'm going to limit the 24 hour pizza stand and the awesome pasta bar..... limit, not give up :smile:

    A bigger worry should be, if we had to get in the lifeboat, how to get in line with the thinner people :laugh:

    LOL I guess since we've been working out we should be able to run faster :laugh: :laugh:
  • EuroReady
    EuroReady Posts: 199 Member
    We are always being watched by SOMEONE. But for me, not only would I probably feast while on a cruise, but I would surround myself with interesting companions so my entertainment wasn't watching others at the watering hole.
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