Ladies: Best Way To Approach You In The Gym?



  • Bilbobradshaw
    Bilbobradshaw Posts: 79 Member
    I think that waiting until she is leaving the gym, maybe in the hallway or something would be a more accepted approach, I get annoyed when guys try to talk to me during my workout... I am there to look ugly, break a sweat and kick my own *kitten*... leave me alone... HAHA

  • skybird455
    skybird455 Posts: 172 Member
    When a girl is trying to do squats or pull ups, just give her a spot. She won't ask for one because of pride, so just walk up behind her and put your hands on her *kitten* (you could go hips, but *kitten* is more intimate, it tells her you're interested in more than friendship, a major turn on). Provide support as needed, she'll be extremely grateful when she's finished her set, you'll be in for sure.

    ok I just wanna ask is the guy hot that is grabbing or not? that make a difference.

    geez, ladies, go easy....poor guys, its just a joke

    God I hope you're joking. I really hope you're joking. Because any random dude that grabs my *kitten* saying he's trying to "spot" me at the gym would get a swift backhand to the face. No joke.

    Try to do that with 135 lb on your back, wouldn't want you to drop that now. :bigsmile:

    That would absolutely be the last rep I did, and once my barbell was racked, then the backhand (or kick to the balls) would come. Better? I'm a pretty chill person, but somebody I don't know grabbing my *kitten* would NOT fly.

    I don't see how a kick to the balls is better, that's not going to make you any friends.
  • hkevans724
    hkevans724 Posts: 241 Member
    That is one thing I have no plans to ever do...every girl in the gym looks downright angry and ready to bite every guy's face off if we so much as glance their way.

    If I am at the gym, I am mad.. I hate the gym..
    Plus if I am working out I don't want to be bothered but some dude trying to get my number... best to wait till she is done working out, maybe catch her on the way out... but don't sit in the parking lot like a super freak and bound out the car the second she walks out.. :)
  • Not sure if anyone already said this, but I think if she's making eye contact back to you and is making herself approachable, you should feel free to say something.

    For me personally, I go there to workout and I have little patience for anyone or anything that hinders my poductivity. So, you may consider trying to catch her on her way out after her workout is done. Or maybe hop on the cardio machine next to her and try to say something as she's cooling down.

    Any insightful comment like, "I see you're into your music, too. Do you have any recommendations to add to my playlist?" Or, "Have you seen the [insert comment about something playing on one of the TVs -or-mention something the gym is doing differently]?" and let a conversation begin. She will probably figure out that you are interested if you talk for a few minutes. Also, if you aren't sure about her relationship status, a simple conversation like that could give her the opportunity to mention a boyfriend or husband and you could save some embarassment and still make a good impression as a friendly person. (You never know, she might have a single twin sister or something.)

    You don't necessarily have to come out and say "I find you attractive and you've caught my attention."

    If you find it's just too difficult to catch her without the head phones in, you could cross her path on the way to her next machine, make sure you have eye contact, smile and say a short, sincere word of admiration, like "You are wearing me out, working so hard!" She might take off her head phones to interact.

    Good luck!
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    I have had a few guys try to hit on me. The one that worked simply told me that I have made great progress and to keep up the good work. There are lots of hot guys at my gym, I'd feel flattered if they approached me. Another way that would work is if a guy had a suggestion on how to do something better or something else to try. As long as he was polite I'd be interested in learning more.
  • As a personal trainer and club director at a large gym I can give you this advice.... DON'T ! We are there with purpose and when you think your eyes are meeting they probably are not or if they are it is by accident. Most women don't want to be bothered during their workout. I purposely put my music on so no one will bother me. if the ear buds are in take that as your cue that she is not intrested in talking while doing her work-out.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I don't have a face at all.

    I would be flattered if someone hit on me, no matter where I was, or what I was doing.

    It's not all about you. Remember, it took courage for that person to approach you. Get off your high horse.
  • allie_girl
    allie_girl Posts: 66
    I guess it depends on how she works out - some days I am happy to chat for a few with anyone who strikes a conversation up with me, but other days, I refuse to make eye contact. Also, one guy always jumps in on my circuit to talk to me. It makes me really mad, but it could be due to the fact he's not cute. Start with eye contact and a smile... and worst comes to worst, she blows you off, and you just go back to working out as normal. Take a chance. :D
  • ChrisRS87
    ChrisRS87 Posts: 781 Member
    I forgot to add, women love guys that draw attention to themselves. Look at nature, it's always the bird with the most vibrant and colorful feathers which finds its mate. Buy spaghetti strap tops so your nipples hang out a bit and grunt very loud when doing all your lifts. That way they know you're top dog. Nothing sets off the pheremones like a sweaty meat head.

    Result? The women approach you. Flawless strategy broski.
  • Easywider
    Easywider Posts: 434 Member
    For the record...OP no longer cares.

    I defied you all and walked right up to the girl I was curious about...while she was all sweaty and in the middle of her workout...and you know what? She was pleasant and receptive...She even gave me her number, without me asking for it.

    Lesson learned.

    You are all free to continue bantering about how much you hate social interaction at the gym, in fear that it may disrupt your precious workout.
  • olee67
    olee67 Posts: 208 Member
    I'm not a lady, but, here's my policy as a guy on approaching women at the gym:


    I'm there to work. You're there to work. IF a lady wants to break the ice, ask for advice (whether you need it or not) or a spot.
  • bms34b
    bms34b Posts: 401 Member
    "Excuse me but are you using that bench?"

    Or if she's doing a particularly hard workout just comment on it. Ex: this cute girl was doing a killer ab workout and my husband in a non creepy way told her it was pretty serious.

    Oh and if all else fails a small wave and a hi always works.:wink:

    THIS! a smile and a wave.

  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    That is one thing I have no plans to ever do...every girl in the gym looks downright angry and ready to bite every guy's face off if we so much as glance their way.

    Good observation. Adrenaline is pumping, we are nasty sweaty and pissed that somebody has been goofing around with the last set 15lb dumbbells for 20 minutes. Well that's me anyway.
  • mrsRhughes
    mrsRhughes Posts: 122
    haha I love all the craziness that goes on in these posts ... but here's my "opinion"...

    1) Check for a ring. I know some married women don't wear their rings to the gym or to work out because it can be annoying, but there are some that do and obviously if she's wearing a ring - don't say anything.

    2) Just a smile and 'hey' to start off is good ... you don't have to come right out and ask her on a date first thing! I know there are some women on here saying they wouldn't like to be picked up at a gym, but I have some friends who I KNOW would like to have guys from their gym ask them out because they know they at least already have a similar interest in working out! Everyone is different.

    3) This all depends on what kind of guy you are ... if you are trying to pick women up in a gym (and I'm not speaking to the OP, just in general!) just to hook up then that's obnoxious. IF you actually think you might have similar interests and there is something "special" about one woman/girl in general, I don't think there's anything wrong with attempt to get to know her! People meet each other and start relationships in stranger places than the gym. :)
  • paulsmisses
    paulsmisses Posts: 178
    i am married, however when i was single i would have been thrilled to get chatted up at gym when i was all sweaty and pretty much feeling the least attractive i could ever feel! go for it!
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    Guess I am the weird girl in the room because I don't mind at all if a guy comes up to talk to me at the gym. I like when they come to the machine next to me and just strike up conversation. To me it shows they are fearless. Sure you could wait till I leave the gym but to me that's creepy and I think you were too wussy to talk to me earlier.
    To prevent being rude just say "Hey, I don't mean to interrupt your workout, but I saw you from across the room and you caught my eye. You look like you are going strong in your workout, but I would love to hear from you." Slip me your number and tada! Not only have you energized my workout by making me feel all good on the inside, but I will call/text you haha.

    Saying this would make it aceptable to approach me in the gym. Being casual and relaxed helps..
  • sheila569
    sheila569 Posts: 269 Member
    I use a 30lb dumbell and take it to the side of their head, drag them out by the hair and into my car. Never had any trouble with that.

    Or, "Hello." before the workout always works...just hello and a smile. If they got time and they like what they see, they'll make time for you.

    Now I'm singing Lionel Richie...

    ~~ is it me your looking for~~ LMAO
  • Maryaly40
    Maryaly40 Posts: 551 Member
    bump for later :drinker:
  • WandRsmom
    WandRsmom Posts: 253 Member
    I forgot to add, women love guys that draw attention to themselves. Look at nature, it's always the bird with the most vibrant and colorful feathers which finds its mate. Buy spaghetti strap tops so your nipples hang out a bit and grunt very loud when doing all your lifts. That way they know you're top dog. Nothing sets off the pheremones like a sweaty meat head.

    Result? The women approach you. Flawless strategy broski.

    flawless plan there ^.

    Just don't say " that's a nice wedding ring , do you wear it all the time ? ;):)" . Seriously. Don't. Really pissed me off.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    a small wave and a hi always works.:wink: