
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :drinker: Good morning all, just a quick note and an e-mail I received. :cry: It is snowing and VERY cold. Weather is calling for rain later hubby getting ready to pump out the water again.:noway: Can't wait til spring so we can get this problem fixed( I hope).:sick: I have been sick (still am) and :frown: dealing with news from hubby's doctor this week. :smile: I haven't lost or gained (thank GOD) I am praying for all who have losses may God help you to get through Christmas. :happy: Congratulations to our winners and the ladies who have found strength in all aspects of their lives. :smile: Welcome to our newbies and welcome back to our missing. My love and prayers are with you all.:sick: I am going back to bed now....:yawn: :sick: :yawn: :sick: :yawn: :sick:
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: .
    A glance at a female, in a mirror....
    From Freida Corbin
    :smile: At 2 she looks into the mirror and sees a princess
    :smile: At 7, she sees herself as the beautiful Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty
    :huh: At 14, she sees herself as a young lady, but fat, with pimples and thinks she can’t possible be seen this way. “How awful!” She says.
    :smile: At 20 years of age, she sees herself as too fat, too skinny, too short, too tall, hair too curly, or too straight. But… she goes out anyway.
    :smile: At 30 years of age, she still sees herself as too fat, too skinny, too short, too tall, hair too curly, or too straight. But… decides she doesn’t have time to fix all this, and goes out anyway.
    :smile: At 40 she still sees herself as too fat, too skinny, too short, too tall, hair too curly, or too straight. But she thinks “Hey I am alive! OH WELL!” and goes out anyhow.
    :smile: At 50, she sees herself in the mirror and thinks “finally … I am me” She goes out and thinks……
    :smile: At 60, she looks at herself and thinks of all the women that cannot seem to look at themselves in the mirror…. She goes out and conquers the world!
    :smile: At 70 years of age, she sees herself and her worth, her wisdom, happiness and recognized her ability. She goes out and enjoys life to the fullest.
    :smile: At 80… she does not preoccupy herself with looking in the mirror. She simply puts on her bright smile and hat and goes out enjoys all the fun that life has to offer.
    :happy: Let us share the message to all women: Let us all put on our bright hats sooner!
    :happy: Let us be more mindful of opening our hearts rather than our appearance.
    :happy: Let us enjoy each and every moment and share those with the ones we love.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    It's been awhile since I've had a chance to post. Hubby is on call nights so if he doesn't go out, he sleeps and then is underfoot all day. Between that and Christmas prep I haven't had much time to be online.

    So far I haven't lost a pound or an inch since Thanksgiving week, but haven't gained anything either! The only exercise I seem to be getting is madly dashing around in my Shapeups. Guess I'll just keep on keeping on until the holiday prep is all finished. Honestly, I'm not complaining, I absolutely LOVE this time of year. Just lots to do to make things "just right" for when my daughter gets here. I'm finishing up the last apron this morning, and once I get it wrapped, I can deep clean the house before she arrives on Wednesday.

    Last week I chose NOT to attend my niece's annual cookie exchange. I knew if I went I'd not only be shamed into eating a few cookies, which would stir up carb cravings, but come home with dozens of cookies, which is the LAST thing I need at my house right now. It raised a few family eyebrows, but I have learned my limits.

    Hubby is back on days until Christmas, so maybe I'll be able to check in this week.
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    :drinker: Good morning all, just a quick note and an e-mail I received. :cry: It is snowing and VERY cold. Weather is calling for rain later hubby getting ready to pump out the water again.:noway: Can't wait til spring so we can get this problem fixed( I hope).:sick: I have been sick (still am) and :frown: dealing with news from hubby's doctor this week. :smile: I haven't lost or gained (thank GOD) I am praying for all who have losses may God help you to get through Christmas. :happy: Congratulations to our winners and the ladies who have found strength in all aspects of their lives. :smile: Welcome to our newbies and welcome back to our missing. My love and prayers are with you all.:sick: I am going back to bed now....:yawn: :sick: :yawn: :sick: :yawn: :sick:
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: .
    A glance at a female, in a mirror....
    From Freida Corbin
    :smile: At 2 she looks into the mirror and sees a princess
    :smile: At 7, she sees herself as the beautiful Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty
    :huh: At 14, she sees herself as a young lady, but fat, with pimples and thinks she can’t possible be seen this way. “How awful!” She says.
    :smile: At 20 years of age, she sees herself as too fat, too skinny, too short, too tall, hair too curly, or too straight. But… she goes out anyway.
    :smile: At 30 years of age, she still sees herself as too fat, too skinny, too short, too tall, hair too curly, or too straight. But… decides she doesn’t have time to fix all this, and goes out anyway.
    :smile: At 40 she still sees herself as too fat, too skinny, too short, too tall, hair too curly, or too straight. But she thinks “Hey I am alive! OH WELL!” and goes out anyhow.
    :smile: At 50, she sees herself in the mirror and thinks “finally … I am me” She goes out and thinks……
    :smile: At 60, she looks at herself and thinks of all the women that cannot seem to look at themselves in the mirror…. She goes out and conquers the world!
    :smile: At 70 years of age, she sees herself and her worth, her wisdom, happiness and recognized her ability. She goes out and enjoys life to the fullest.
    :smile: At 80… she does not preoccupy herself with looking in the mirror. She simply puts on her bright smile and hat and goes out enjoys all the fun that life has to offer.
    :happy: Let us share the message to all women: Let us all put on our bright hats sooner!
    :happy: Let us be more mindful of opening our hearts rather than our appearance.
    :happy: Let us enjoy each and every moment and share those with the ones we love.

    Thanks for sharing.....I enjoyed that.

    :brokenheart: Susieque: I didn't lose any this week.....but didn't gain any either. My goal is to just MAINTAIN until the holidays are over.
    BTW: got me a pair of ShapeUps and I love them !!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just thought that I would pop in and say hi. Very busy today, sewing pajama pants for gifts, making spicy pretzels for parties, and making suet pudding. Ho ho ho!!
    I have a mental image of everyone on this thread in Christmas overdrive today, and it will keep me going. Happy weekend!

    And - here's to smart choices!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :happy: Just checking in. It's cold and we're expecting a blizzard! I went shopping last night and will make sure I go to mass today at 5 because I'll be snowed in tomorrow! :noway: What a lovely time to get snowed in!!:love: I can do my cards, some baking, some wrapping and just plain enjoy the reason for the season. What a difference a week makes!!!:flowerforyou:
    Have a wonderful day and will try to check in again!:smooched:
  • :happy: how do you join?
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    You just did!!:wink: Welcome!!!:flowerforyou:

    Now that you have posted on this thread, when you look under "my topics" under the community section, this thread will show. I saw your other post, and I think sheilajane told you that we will start a new thread in January. We usually try to post a link to the new thread as the last entry on the old thread.

    Feel free to post on here anytime. Ask questions, share frustrations, triumphs, disasters, whatever.

    One thing I will mention is your arrival is going to make things more "interesting" as another one of our members is "suzzzeque" but I am sure we will figure it all out. There are two Barbara's, at least two Kathy's...and there may be more multiples that I can't think of right now.

    BTW, if you want your state to show on your profile, but not the city, if you edit your profile so that there is a character posted in the city field, and then fill in your state, then the state will show on your profile. We have people on this thread from coast to coast in the US and Canada.

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    :happy: how do you join?

    Welcome! I knew you would find us!!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Just a very quick post to say hello to everyone and wish you good choices this weekend and good luck in getting everything done for Christmas.

    Renny- you mom is cute!

    Laurel - Thanks for the Email / poem. It was great.

    Welcome Suzeque51!

  • l_mahloy
    l_mahloy Posts: 118
    Hi All,

    Quick hello been sick such a bad time of the year to feel sick. Oh well best wishes to you all I will be working very hard to ge the rest of my weight off after the 1st. Just tring to hang in there and not gain until then.

    Best wishes
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    There are two Barbara's
    Are you sure? It seems like there are at least 50! :wink:

    I feel more in control of my eating again and lost the extra pounds I gained last week. I also looked at my menustrual calendar app on my iPhone and realized that, once again, this feeling like I have to eat a horse came during what they call my "fertile" period. So, while Thanksgiving definitely didn't help, I think it's just part of my normal cycle and I need to learn to roll with it. Either that or go insane every month.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Renny- you mom is cute!

    :heart: Jeannie, thanks. I echo that sentiment!! My mom is cute :laugh: I love her to pieces.

    :heart: Lynn, I am sorry to hear you have been sick. I know what that is like. I wish you health and happiness. Starting fresh on the 1st is a great idea. You look great in that picture.

    :heart: Suzeque51, welcome to our group! There will be lots of motivation and good ideas for you.

    :heart: Barb, you have such great tips. I learn every time.

    As for myself, I am holding steady and will start fresh in the New Year. I put up the Christmas tree last night and my daughter and her SIL came over to decorate. Then we visited and had some apple cider and a snack.

    btw. It is raining in Victoria but Holland has snow and ice.

    :wink: Renny
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hello Ladies:heart::heart:

    Well in between moving my parents. Dec. 29 is the closing date. My Dad was rushed to the hospital with Congested Heart Failure. We had his chart sent to my sister and it said his heart is at 11%. He is home now but I am monitoring his food intake and weight. He is on Coumadin and has to watch his greens. Gee, what can ya eat without greens. :huh: Plus, he has to watch his salt intake. I made him a member of my fitness pal so I can easily monitor his food intake. This has to be the best place for all that info. Well, the sodium intake and calories anyway. I would really like a diet laid out for me to plan what to make for him. Does anyone have any suggestions?:smile:

    I told my Dad, he has to have the internet in his new place. I will pay for it. That will make it easier for me when I am over there to get online. It seems that will be my new job taking care of my parents. Hey, what better place to be right, than MFP, to keep them on track. I think it is a blessing in disguise in someways because, it will force me to rethink of what goes into my mouth. Plus, I will check in with you all more, and making home made meals.

    My sister & I found a nice double wide mobile home in a very nice 55 and over park. The landscaping is impeccable. The lady who lived where they a moving, loved gardening, so her place has great personal touches to the landscaping. I will really enjoy working on their new little piece of land. Thank god I will not have to worry about my Dad working on the acker & half of hilly land anymore. I would help and that was really hard work.

    As it is now today is really my first day staying home all day in a week. As you may know Southern Massachusetts had over 15+ inches of snow. So I snowbound. My parents are fine I made sure they had everything they needed.

    So that is what has been happening with me.

    I haven't gain anymore weight and I am glad of that. However have not gotten to the gym yet. Hope by mid January I will be back into it. I have to keep remembering my husband's retirement party I have to put on in February. He has one more week to work and he just can't wait. I can't either. No more night shift. I will be able to make noise during the day. :)

    Hope everyone is well.

    Kathy from MA
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :smile: Checking in fron the "Winter Wonderland" of RI! An hour on the treadmill, Christmas Music, Wrapping gifts, writing cards.....life is good! (Did you notice that part of the happy feelings has NOTHING to do with food??) Praise God! What a gift during this season of giving. :flowerforyou: God gave me the gift of clean eating!:love:
    Have a blessed Sunday!
  • Boston01810
    Boston01810 Posts: 2,267 Member
    Hi Kathy from MA, I am from Mass also- Andover
  • My God, You are same age as me and you have lost so much weight. You are an inspiration. I want to lose 30 lbs but I tend to blow off my diet every 2 to 3 days..Instead losing i am gainin. I will follow your thread and get motivated.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    My God, You are same age as me and you have lost so much weight. You are an inspiration. I want to lose 30 lbs but I tend to blow off my diet every 2 to 3 days..Instead losing i am gainin. I will follow your thread and get motivated.
    There are many of us your age or close on here. Stick with us - we do our best gentle nudging to try to keep you on track! (I think if you look in the dictionary under "encouragement", there is a picture of the women on this thread.)
    Hope all are enjoying your weekend. I am going to go sew gifts for an hour, then it is off to church for a family party put on by my women's group. OOPS, change that sewing thing, I just remembered that I'm in charge of entertainment tonight! Bye Bye! (Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work I go . . . )
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hi Kathy from MA, I am from Mass also- Andover

    Hi Boston01810 enjoying the snow???? Did Andover get any??? Oh just looked at the map. You were kinda saved. Taunton here we got hammered.
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    :smile: Checking in fron the "Winter Wonderland" of RI! An hour on the treadmill, Christmas Music, Wrapping gifts, writing cards.....life is good! (Did you notice that part of the happy feelings has NOTHING to do with food??) Praise God! What a gift during this season of giving. :flowerforyou: God gave me the gift of clean eating!:love:
    Have a blessed Sunday!

    Sounds like a perfect afternoon :flowerforyou:

    I'm on the computer scanning old pictures from my dads. I have 4 totes of albums and tons of slides to convert to DVD's. I don't want our family history to get lost. Very time consuming and emotional. :)
  • Boston01810
    Boston01810 Posts: 2,267 Member
    alonhone- don't despair- I did not get down 27 pounds over night. I have been at is since last Feb- working out with a person trainer 3 days per week. Changing my nutrition, cardio and personal training. I am trying to do more at home- hence I am a novice with the Wii Fit Plus programs.

    Yes- we got 8 inches. It is light and fluffy- my husband shovels.. (I try not to). LOL
This discussion has been closed.