ClayandRocks Member


  • I must add to the trend -- up 4 over the month of June. Vacation and then a stubborn carb craving. I am a little disappointed that the number is so high, but certainly can't say it is a shock.
  • I didn't weigh myself this week. I had a fine vacation a couple weeks back, but unfortunately fell out of the groove so that I still have carb/ sugar cravings. Getting closer to the groove again. I'll weigh next week even though I know it will be disappointing.
  • I frequently get a hotdog on each of the 3 summer holidays. In recent times, it has been 5 Guys -- not top notch, but it serves the purpose. There, my major challenge is to remember to eat only half of a "little fries". When they are perfectly crispy on the outside it can be hard to do.
  • Down 2 since last check-in.
  • I prefer the mixed spring greens, which often contain spinach, arugula and some radicchio (which is a type of chicory). For lettuces I go for any of the leafy types. I avoid iceberg and romaine if it has large ribs. I don't eat lettuce salads all that often, although it picks up during summer. (My usual salad is tomatoes,…
  • Up one since last check-in. No surprise, as I was very non-regimented last week.
  • Pretty variable. I basically eat when I'm hungry, while trying to avoid snacking. To some extent I let my sleep schedule modify my eating schedule, and some days I sleep very late. I usually do not have an appetite for breakfast, so a late lunch is normally my first meal of the day (generally 2 - 3:30). But this week I've…
  • Walked to lunch -- 3 miles round trip.
  • Not getting discouraged/ not stopping the effort when the gain is small or nonexistent is the way I would phrase the "secret".
  • When I think about actual monetary cost of food, it has nothing to do with weight control, only about being able to afford other things. I do often consider whether the amount of pleasure is worth the points/ calories. In line with 88olds thinking about satisfaction. "If I have this I won't be able to have that, which do I…
  • It's been a cold and rainy spring here (normal). A spell of warm weather next week, so I will be doing as much as I can in the garden. I feel spring does lead me to more activity and a lower drive to overeat. There is a food cart area about a mile and a half away, which I will once again consider walking to for lunch…
  • No change since my last check-in. Not bad really, it means I defeated the Easter Bunny.
  • There was chocolate (and there will be more chocolate as the week progresses). I have minor regrets about buying so much, but in the end it's just a blip on a long chart. At least I have been back to the gym.
  • Not especially true, I think. I have personal experience with throwing out a lot of "good food" that has spoiled because I wanted to eat something else.
  • I do not generally feel frustration with food or my efforts to control what I eat. I do feel annoyance when I once again have succumbed to temptation -- but that's a different thing. I did feel frustration with the WW Smart Points system. I felt it was too "controlling" or trying too hard to force me to eat "good" foods.…
  • Down 1. I seem to be back on track
  • Speaking of green, tonight's dinner will include a big serving of asparagus. I love them, but only eat them a few times per year so that they stay a special treat. It has been years since I've had pistachio ice cream, due to a sensitivity to dairy. I had a stick-it-in-the-freezer type ice cream maker, so I conceivably…
  • I have a list of my 9 favorite lunch spots (plus 1 blank for variety) that I rotate through every two weeks. Lunch is my big meal for the day. I know these places so well that I have pre-tracked my likely choices, and having that info keeps the decision-making easy. For home cooked meals I pretty much wing it based on what…
  • Up 0.5. Still eating a bit too much, but getting closer to the right level.
  • Up 1 lb after three weeks of vacation/not tracking. Not the greatest result, but certainly one I can live with. Back to tracking, almost back to my body recognizing that a little calorie deficit is not agony.
  • Purely coincidentally, I cancelled my WW membership earlier this week. One, I could use the money elsewhere, and two, with no meetings near me at a time I like, I can do just as well with calorie/ nutrient content information found online.
  • Traveling for the next couple of weeks, so an early weigh-in here. No change this week. Wish me good judgment and fortitude during my vacation, coz luck has nothing to do with it.
  • I have thought about it quite a bit in the past, but not so much in recent years. Mine was originally based on the usual BMI categories and my personal history. I'm 5'9", and I have been as low as 155 lbs in my adult life (mid-20s). I am in fact somewhat big-boned, and when I was that weight a number of people thought I…
  • Down 0.5 -- that's good enough considering I consumed 2 days worth of points on Sunday
  • I do not use distractions. I suppose I'd enjoy music, but I'm not motivated enough to figure out what equipment I need, get together a playlist, etc. I have found that I actually slow down or stop moving if I get too engrossed in a story, especially if I am using a cycle or step machine. I need to keep my mind on the…
  • Down 1.5 My body is trying to make my brain think about food more. I have noted this effect several times previously when I got around this weight (and I still have about 20 pounds to go). As long as I don't encounter any causes for stress, I think this will be no big problem. If for some reason something stressful does…
  • Since it is an end of the month summary with good results, I thought I'd take the initiative. Down 2, for a total of 10 lbs over the past month. Confirmation of the long-known phenomenon that rigorous tracking really helps with controlling eating and successful weight loss. I've essentially been giving myself 210 points…
  • A few not-yet-serious issues. My blood pressure and blood sugar have now edged up to the high end of borderline, and these are the primary motivators to get at least 30 lbs off. I know there are no guarantees that this will work, but at least I will have done myself some good. When I was last down below 180 my GERD also…
  • Since I turned 60, I certainly find I fatigue more easily than ever. It's pretty much a downer. There are a variety of issues, sometimes it almost seems like chronic fatigue syndrome, but I don't think it's quite that bad. Just a few days ago I did maybe 30 minutes of work in the garden and then took a 2-hour nap. A couple…