iamdesiderata Member


  • Potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, lettuce in a salad, carrots...you can sneak these in to your diet without making them their own meal if you really dont like them that much. Why not fruit? But I would have to say that if you're not going to eat veggies, you're not going to achieve your goals in the long run. At least get…
  • It's there for perspective, in a way that's meant to hopefully motivate you to continue - or discontinue - eating the way you did that day. The changes - even the slightest - are there to prove to you how every calorie makes a difference. 5, 25, or 350 more or less calories can mean the difference between a few pounds. If…
  • Same with me. Diet is the biggest factor in weight loss, simply reducing your calories and eating the foods that are best for your body to lose fat and increase metabolism. I'm lazy, so exercise was harder to make habitual than simply buying more fruit/veggies, taking the breading off my chicken and eating whole wheat…
  • best answer ever hahahaha I <3 smart-*sses
  • Vegetables (aka fiber) and lean protein. It takes more energy for your body to break down any foods with a lot of fiber and/or protein, which means digestion is a slower process, so you'll feel fuller for longer. I'm a college student so I know how much healthy food can cost, and its not pretty. My suggestions? 1. Frozen…
  • always gotta go with electronica, like Tiesto, Armin Van Buuren, Ferry Corsten, etc. I dj so I've always got a different mix every other day.
  • Justin's Organic Peanut Butter comes in 2 tbsp packs! They help me
  • Just by taking a look at your diary, some days you are too under your calorie goal. You should aim for at least 1200 cals or more. Also, everyday your sodium intake is WAY too high - which will lead to water retention, making you feel bloated and the number on the scale to be deceiving. Keep up your exercise routine but…
  • you should eat most of your exercise calories! Don't let your body go into starvation mode, that will be counteractive. I usually like to weigh myself in the morning before i've eaten and after i've used the bathroom...You usually bloat a little after exercising and may retain water.
  • Ha ha ha ha ha ha thats awesome.
  • Interval training is exercise that involves "bursts of high intensity work" followed by periods of low to moderate activity or rest, hence the name "intervals". It is usually thought of as the most effective way to work out due to the fact that it can result in the same amount of fat loss as traditional training, but for a…
  • Hahahaha the AARP pick up line is great! I heard a cheesy one last night - If I received a nickel for everytime I saw someone as beautiful as you, I'd have five cents.
  • Good luck with those, they sound like a good challenge, but fun! You'll find lots of people on this site that will help motivate you and support you, MFP is just awesome like that :) Cheers!
  • The only thing you need to do in order to lose weight is to stay at or under your calorie goal. 3 cookies every once in a while or even every day won't hurt you just so long as you do not exceed your daily caloric goal. I wouldn't recommend it, however in theory you can eat only cookies, or french fries, or whatever you…
  • to get your protein, go for the lean meats and nuts. in baking, replace eggs with banana's, tofu, apple sauce or sometimes water + vinegar can work.
  • Muscle burns more calories than fat, even while youre not doing anything. That means that the more lean body mass you have, the higher your metabolism is. And because you're female, you don't need to worry about bulking up from strength training - we are physically incapable of doing so (without artificial help of course).…
  • Hi from Chicago :) The support you didn't know you needed is here on My Fitness Pal! Good luck on your journey to create a new healthier lifestyle, and as said before, take pictures along the way! :D
  • They're everywhere. Good thing I've got low calorie cookie recipes to keep me satisfied :)
  • Lots of fiber and lean protein. You'll find you will naturally eat less. And eating 1200 calories worth of real and raw foods is SOOO much easier than eating 1200 calories of "Low-fat, Sugar-free diet foods." Hope this helps :)
  • is this a Kellogg's problem or other companies too
  • The original pumpkin pie did not have a crust :)
  • iamdesiderata = I am Desiderata. Desiderata in Latin means "that which is to be desired", and I am just that. Also it is a reference to the Desiderata poem. xxx
  • im just afraid of what happens when you stop taking them - you should learn to eat 1100 to 1300 cals (at least) a day, not because you're taking a pill. because now, once you discontinue taking it, you might keep eating the way you're used to eating and steadily gain back the weight you lost. be careful with that stuff, i…
  • yea i am! Well, went to high school at naperville north, now i live in chicago. :)
  • well usually i like to add some kind of protein to it, like shrimp, and a light sauce, like some olive oil and lemon juice. depending on what kind of flavor i'm craving i'll add some hot or savory spices. you can just use it in place for any rice dish really, so i searched for recipes for rice and just used quinoa. works…
  • prolonged fasting will slow down your metabolism to the extent that will just do the opposite of what you are trying to achieve - gain weight. Fasting is actually a healthy way to rejuvenate and restart your body from 0. (Fasting spas throughout the country help monitor fasts for 14 to 21 days). But fasting requires you to…
  • hahahaha i swear thats gotta be the secret to my success then :laugh:
  • It was definitely an incredible sight, something that has so much more value than the initial reaction. Made me appreciate my life - and I think we can all take away something from this and apply it to our own lives. Thank you to the rescue team and everyone who helped! You're in my heart!
  • My friend compared the decomposition of a homemade burger and a McDonald's burger. Saaammmeee thing.