

  • Running is my enemy. I hate running. After 2 minutes I want to throw myself on the floor in a huge tantrum. It can't be normal since I'm happy to exercise other sports quite intensely. I am in good shape, endurane wise. So why on earth this incredible frustration when I run? I don't know, it feels emotional, and I plan to…
  • Try winegum or gummibears, some of them come fat- and sugar-free. I like to eat those when I want a full handful of candies rather than just a square of chocolate lol. Try weight watchers chocolate mousse, which you can darken with pure cocoa powder, making it more rich. I also love making fake chocolate truffles…
  • I bought a panini press from Philipps and I am now abusing it to cook whatever I like without much hastle. Whole fish or fish fillets, chicken breasts, all sorts of vegetables, bread, tortillas, potatoes. You dont have to use any oil and everything gets crunchy and tasty. Most nights I just put my marinated chicken breast…
  • For me, the only way I can get my eating into order is by planning EVERYTHING. As soon as we don't have food left in the house, we call Pizza Hut, so rule number one, always have healthy food in the house. Always. Don't wait til you run out. So why don't you try planning all your meals and snacks for 1 week ahead, if it…
  • Nobody can tell you what's really gonna work. You have only trial and error. We have the same weight loss goals and I think we might be similar in age and size. I eat 1,500 calories a day, sit all day then lift heavy weights twice a week and do yoga twice a week. I lose at least a pound a week. Also remember, we are…
  • Because your body is not a machine. It is a dynamic living organism influenced by a range of factors other than food and exercise. In fact, sometimes your body will decide to defy the laws of maths, physics and common sense and simply become heavier. Dieting is like believing in God, you need faith that in the end it will…
    in Confused Comment by EstherZue April 2013
  • Red wine! This drink has some studies which have shown it prolongs life expectancy and youthfulness. So at least you can fool yourself that you did not pick the crappiest option :tongue:
  • I had the same mindset as you OP, because everyone who diets always cuts bread and pasta first. I grew up eating pasta and potatoes almost every day and very little meat, as a result I really suffered cutting the carbs and felt sick from too many eggs and turkey breast and chicken filets :sick: Half way through my diet I…
  • I also know someone who died during gastric bypass surgery. I think anyone who voluntarily agrees to be cut open across the stomach is mad! If you have issues with discipline, there are other ways to force yourself to stay committed. There are holiday camps where you can stay and lose weight and exercise in a group. There…
  • Yes, definitely eat more. But eat better also. Instead of the Heinz soup, cook some tomatoes and bell peppers and puree them with a stand mixer. Exchange the sugar pieces in your tea with honey or stevia sweetener. Instead of the Wharburtons have some proper wholewheat bread, with cheese and turkey breast and some nuts,…
  • Hey nerdfighter, you can answer the question for yourself really, no need to rely on rumours! :) Excess cholestherol in the bloodstream causes plaque in your artieries, much like coffee does on your teeth, and you are in danger of developing arteries diseases. Meanwhile the liver has a number of roles in your body, one of…
  • I don't think there's a need to come down on her like its forbidden to experiment with eating and dieting, jesus, you guys are a mob! I learnt so much about my body and my metabolism by trying different approaches - which I basically had to because I plateau roughly every 6 weeks. So in response to the thread, I am…
  • I precook chili con carne or any other kinds of stews. I make sandwhiches out of 1 slice of bread and pile smoked salmon and creamcheese and cucumber, or smoked turkey breast and cheese and melon. I also like egg wraps, made from 1 egg and 3 egg whites boiled and cut up rolled with light mayo in a tortilla wrap. for the…
  • I was at the same point couple weeks ago. I took the insanity elite nutrition guide as inspiration and changed my diet to: 5 meals each 300 cals 40% carbs 40% protein 20% fat. Also cleaned up my diet completely: No processed foods or ready meals, no cereal, sugar, sweetener, bread, pasta, rice, dressings, etc. just natural…
  • Why don't you follow the Insanity Elite Nutrition Guide then? You can find a copy online if you google it. It gives you a list of meals of each 300 cals to eat 5 times a day. I've had great results with the plan. Its challenging to fulfil the ratios 40 carb, 40 protein, 20 fat. But it's totally cleaned up my habits and…
  • Yes, change your routine. Eat a bit more - but controlled and clean - like add an avocado for lunch or add a banana and nuts in the morning, etc. And change your exercise to sth else or even stop completely for a week (worked for me). Then start exercising again and watch your weight loss to see when you might have to go a…
  • I think you should get out of that house in the afternoon maybe and not stay in this space of negativity around you. This anxiety to go outside can be a viscious circle and get worse the longer you stay inside and isolated. It can lead to severe depressions. Don't just think about your physical health, get mentally healthy…
  • Just to be clear, I am not advising you give in to what your body craves and treat that as healthy dieting. I think you can only afford to relax your standards a little after you've had some dieting experience, you've eaten healthy for a couple months and seen how you body, your mood, your digestion and everything else…
  • I don't think weight loss is simple maths, at least not from my experience. I"ve been doing mfp calorie counting for 3 months and the last 2 weeks of that my weight did not budge - neither up nor down. I was eating religiously at my calorie goal exercising hard 5 times a week. How is it mathematically possible not to lose…
  • I was on a pleateu not to long ago. I didn't change my eating or calories because I'm thoroughly convinced that its really good and clean and enough. I changed up my exercise routine though and started jogging. Good God the pounds melted off like it was the first week of dieting :laugh: I did Zumba for a while and…
  • I get this warning a lot too. Its to make sure you don't eat an unreasonable low amount of calories for a prolonged period of time because it may not give your body all the nutrients and energy it needs to keep everything functioning. Try to eat 1200 of good foods. If you end up less at the end of the day and you don't…
  • I found a great recipe for the most amazing chocolate truffles. Melt 100g dark chocolate. Mix with 100g fat free cream cheese. Add some splenda and vanilla flavour. Put in the fridge for half an hour. Take out and roll into balls and dust with a cocoa powder and cinnamon. Put back into fridge. Depending on how large you…
  • I had the same issue at work. Every day we have boxed of chocolates going around. To resist I take a lot of food with me to the office. I take 2 apples, I have a jar with dates, another one with nuts standing here, and I pack a whole lunch meal like a wrapped tortilla, or pasta salad or sth like that from the night before.…
  • I fry 1 chopped onion and 3 chopped garlic cloves in 1/2 tbsp olive oil until they are burnt, and I mean it, they have to be dark brown. Then add sliced tomatoes and fresh coriander. Then stir in 1 cup of couscous, the other half tbsp. olive oil and top with 2 cups of water or stock. Cover and let sit 5 min. Fluff up…
  • Ha! Reminds me of earlier today when I went to Starbucks. I bought a skinny blueberry muffin, as opposed to a normal one. When I went on MFP to log the calories - guess what - both have the same calories, 370 cals for one bloody muffin. The skinny has 5g less fat, which is added in sugars :huh: Not doing that again... In…
  • If done properly fasting has many benefits, for the digestive system, for you psychology. But its not a "detox". The body is perfectly capable of detoxing itself - there is a host of organs dedicated for that purpose. You cannot actually "flush out" any toxins by stopping to eat - logically makes no sense, right? Fasting…
    in Fasting? Comment by EstherZue June 2012
  • My personal choice is always nike, they are stretchy and don't leave marks but tight enough to support. Plus now they have a new slogan across that reads "true love" :love:
  • yes i think you do. at least i seem to. for example, this past week i had my period, I was working out really hard and eating super clean, and i stayed at 68.4 the entire week and at the last day of my period I gained to reach 69 kg. Oh I was furious and went for an aggressive jog in the park. This morning lost 800g. I'm…
  • Thanks for your quick responses guys. I checked the C25K program, it looks awesome. But seeing how slowly it starts I guess its no wonder I'm maxed out after 10 minutes. In the bootcamp we run 5 min through deep sand or sprint. So I guess my endurance level is really lame :laugh: I really dont think I can slow down any…
  • I count 100 calorie for 1 banana, so that's definitely gonna help you reach your goal at the end of the day. You could also make some home-made cookies with almonds, oats, dried berries, honey, etc. It will give you a nutrient boost and is more easily eaten as a snack than just the loose nuts. You can flavour them with…