leslieheb Member


  • Veggie trey.. or fruit trays .....what about some good wraps .....
  • I think you should start it and do your best and work towards it.. what would be the point if you could already do it.. it is suppose to be a challenge..
  • Oh Girl I can see how that can be a challenge.. I am a school teacher and the kids bring me food and snacks all time.. It takes all me sometimes to just throw them away ( of course not infront of them).. but.. I know that you can do it...
  • I am a huge biggest looser fan.. I like watching what they do and the advice and know that I am not alone in this journey.. But there are countless shows where the contestants break down and cry... most of us are the way we are because of something.. And on the show we see that.. When the trainers pull one of them aside…
  • I think that protein is a good thing.. so as long as your are under for calorie goal i don't see the harm... protein in what helps with muscle repair and such as you loose the weight...
  • When I was living at home my mom was a very picky eater and she did not eat anything except green beans... when I first moved out I thought that I was a picky eater and did not want to branch out.... I would try different stuff and in different ways.. for example my friend takes zucchini and blends it and puts it in…
  • I totally understand what you are saying..and my family is a prime example.. my sister is tall skinny and has been her entire life and me on the other had is the complete opposite.. I believe with enough dedication I think we can all do it.. my uncle has a motto that as long as you eat less calories than you burn then you…
  • My thoughts on this is that we all fall sometimes how we react to that fall is what matters the most... don't kill yourself just take it as a lesson learned and move on because if you dwell on it you will kick your self...... if it really bugs you i usually workout a little more for the next week and eat a little less…
  • This does work.. the first couple of weeks i was on my diet and trying to eat less I ws hungry but slowly I started feeling full with less and less food intake...... now I can only eat a small plate of food before i am stuffed ....
  • I am kind of in the same boat and I found that if I dress cute and get up and get dressed in what I consider cute it helps... I do little things to help me recognize I am doing well. I had a roommate in collage that had an eating disorder and her doc told her to find something good about herself everyday.... Find things…
  • What foods should I avoid if you are trying to done the mid section ... I have heard that certain foods adds to this problem,......
  • You are looking good. Keep it up... Take any acomplishment as good thing no matter how small it is... I watch the biggest loser and when they people get down close to their goal weight the pounds come off slower and slower and the changes are smaller and smallr... so keep it up you are doing great..... before long the…
  • When it started getting colder here and I no longer wanted to go out I got online and came up with an exercise plan of situps, pushups ect that i did while I watched tv so that I was doing something productive.. I have noticed that when I am exercising I tend to eat less and feel better about being stranded .. I hope all…
  • I have an Iphone and I use pandora and use the key words christian rock and it plays a veriety of songs that are upbeat and great for me
  • You could always go and eat something healthy bec most places have salads and wraps that are good and then have water.. or bring your lunch and then eat it at the fast food place while everyone else gets the fast food. That way you still have the interaction without all the bad food. I hope it gets better
  • I usually eat one big meal a week .. It usually is whatever I am craving that week.. My sister who is a trainer told me a while back that if you have a good hearty meal once a week then your matbolism is jump started and know that you are not going to stop feeding it. On thanksgiving I plan the Thanksgiving meal to be my…
  • I think that sounds like a great idea. That is what I did. I started by walking every night and I set a goal on how far I wanted to go every night and then when that became easy I would walk some and then power walk some... I would power walk till I felt like I needed to rest... Then when that became easy I powered walked…
  • Don't beat yourself up over it.. besides my doctor told me that if you splurge on one meal a week it keeps your metabolism going and in high gear so just take as it is in the past and plunge ahead... we all fall at some point the most important thing is that we pick our self back up and keep going.... I know you can do it…
  • Yes it is very doable.... You just have to take one step at a time... know that your big over all goal is 75 but makes weekly goals that are reachable.. for example start out by saying I am going to workout everyday and then work on eating less calories and research foods that you like.. When I started my journey I was a…
  • I agree that BMI should be considered on many factors not the weight and height ratio.. But ChancyW you are so right knowledge is power.. So many people don't have the knowledge they need to be healthy and try things that in the end could hurt them.. I also believe that with the recent health care bill it should show all…
  • So is this chili or something?
  • Yes when I workout I make better choices with my food and eat less of it..,.
  • Good job..it is nice to be the one that feels great.. I am a school teacher and what makes it hard is when people are so pessimistic all around me ... but I try to do what I know is right and now let them pressure me into doing something that I know is bad. But, great job on your will power..
  • Good job.. take each time as accomplishment and now work to decrease your time and work towards that marathon..
  • When you went on that low of a calorie intake you probably put your body into shock and then when you starting eating regular again your body freaked out and stored the calories. That is why i don't like extreme diets..
  • Yea I do because I don't want to get my pjs or other cloths that are for other things all sweaty and gross. I also want to be comfy and put on clothes that I will be able to move and not have restricting workout. I think it makes it easier to get a better workout and in the end burn those calories.
  • Well they say that if you give yourself some room to reward yourself it helps those cravings and it will boost you metabolism and help in the long run as long as it is in moderation and far between
  • It sounds like you have a great plan. That is the first step to accomplishing any goal. Don't beat yourself up if you slip a little. I have heard that it is good to give your body extra calories every now and then. It is suppose to keep your metabolism at it peak... so don't worry if a couple of days you eat a little more…
  • Good job.. I know it is the best feeling and when I started getting comments like that it just motivated me more to push towards my goal.