Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    1. drink water. carry water bottle :)
    2. log all food :)
    3. rest and take care of this darn cold! :)

    So.... I had to go all the way back to last friday to find my post!!

    I HATE being sick. Did I say HATE BEING SICK!! This is by far the worse cold I have ever had, and I am not a person that likes to lay around . Today I was able to get up a little and help hubby with work that we had to get done. Poor hubby has been trying to do all this alone while I lay in bed. He has been sweet though with waiting on me, but I just hate it. I haven't even touched my sewing in almost an entire week.

    I went to see the doctor yesterday, and the Nurse Practitioner told me it was not a virus, but just a really bad cold. So no antibiotics would work. So she prescribed a nose spray to open up the clogged head I have and ear pressure, and prescribed steroids to take to try and help with the cough. I do NOT want to take steroids, so I got some cough syrup to see if that would help. But, after being up the entire nite coughing, this morning I went and got the steroids. I told my husband I feel like I have been doing pushups - my stomach hurts just from all the coughing.
    But. the only good thing about this is that I have been eating a lot less. I guess this is what I get for not getting my flu and pneumonia shot.

    Why is it that my mind still thinks I am young, and I want to do all the things I used to be able to do. Yet, I guess my body is telling me that I am almost 67. So listen to the doctors when they tell me I need those shots.

    But I am starting to feel a little better this evening (I guess that's the steroids working :) , and hoping tomorrow I can get back to at least 50% feeling better.

    So my goals for tomorrow are:
    1. drink water
    2. take a vitamin and vitamin C.. I am not a vitamin taker at all. ...... in fact, I take no supplements at all. Thinking maybe I should be at least taking a multivitamin?
    3. I will not go to the gym just yet, but if I feel better, try and get out for a short walk
    4. log all food
    5. get back on here on thursday and be accountable

  • KayHBE
    KayHBE Posts: 906 Member

    Change Fitbit goal to 12,000✔️
    - walk at lunch hope it's not too icy✔️✔️
    - Drop off friends supplies❌
    - Stretches✔️

    JFT Wednesday

    - Over 12,000 steps
    - Walk at lunch
    - Extra walking at work aka get up and move
    - Healthy dinner before soccer
    - stretches

  • kirbygirl41
    kirbygirl41 Posts: 304 Member
    edited March 2017
    My goals for February were:
    Exercise 3 - 4 days a week :)
    Steps: At least 7000 a day
    Log all food everyday. Stay in the green zone
    Drink 24 - 32 ounces of water each day
    Lose 1 pound :)

    Didn't do to bad. Only missed a couple of days on my monthly goals. I really like this group because I can set realistic goals for the next day. If I don't meet my daily goal I am encouraged to start again the next day and just keep going. Other groups I've been in if you miss reaching your promised monthly daily goals one day your out of the group for the rest of the month and then you have no accountability for the rest of the month. So thank you all for this group!

    That said I do have a monthly goal for March. I am only setting this monthly goal so I can strive to reach it as I plan my daily goals each night.

    March monthly goals:
    Exercise 3-4 days a week
    Steps 8000 steps 6-7 days a week
    Log all food. Stay within calorie goal 6-7 days a week
    Drink 24-32 ounces of water everyday!
    I'd like to have my "fat" jeans to big around the waste at the end of March and get back to wearing the rest of my pairs of jeans. (Same size jeans but one pair is just a little bigger in the waste than the rest.)

    I already set my daily goals last night but I'll repeat them here:

    Exercise 20 minutes
    Steps 7000
    Drink 32 ounces water
    Log all food and stay under goal
    Clean house
    Read and study

    Happy March everyone. Let's do this!!!
  • TechNerd42
    TechNerd42 Posts: 225 Member
    linnea4 wrote: »
    Record (Because I know it helps, even if I don't want to do it.) - Done
    Aim for that 100 calorie boundary (this time I'm not going to be treated to dinner by my daughter as a surprise.) - Surprisingly enough, also done. Thanks to the Peanut Butter and *not* walking last night. And resisting the urge to buy a King Cake when I went to the store to pick up something to make for dinner.
    Pay attention at work (Changing jobs tomorrow, so kinda have to get crap done today.) - So Done. OMG. Even managed to clean out my cubicle of the stuff I won't need in my new job. It's so empty.
    Either go for a walk or go to the gym. Don't consider it, do one or the other. - Not Done, because I didn't want to eat anymore and I was low.

    JFT Wednesday:
    Aim for the 100 calorie boundary
    Walk or go to the gym if needed to make the above happen (King cakes go on sale today, right?)
    Get home early enough to take my son to work. (And pick up something for dinner while I'm there. Try to avoid the cakes though)
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,510 Member
    edited March 2017
    Yesterday Fat Tuesday 2/28/17
    1) Since I caved at work this morning and ordered a paczki, I WILL walk on the treadmill tonight (crappy weather) - I really, really did not want to, but I thought of two things: the raspberry paczki I ate, and this goal. So I forced myself to get on the treadmill, put on a movie I love, and walked 1.5 miles. Felt so good after! :smiley:
    2) Log all food....no more sweets after paczki - Yes, this is big for me b/c I love a taste of something sweet at the end of a meal, even if it's my 10 M&Ms :smiley:
    3) Drink 10 glasses of water - Yes 12 :smile:
    4) Grocery shop after work and stick to list - Yes but b/c I altered my usual route thru store, forgot to backtrack and forgot two items, one that I need for potluck salad on Sunday. Rats, now I have to go back to the store this week. :neutral:
    5) Floss - have to keep this going! Yes :smiley:
    6) Bedtime by 10:30 w/ TV off - Yes 10:21 :smile:

    Beginning today, I'm putting monthly goals in writing. I think having others see them (I love this group!), I won't be able to pretend my goals didn't exist 30 days ago. :wink:

    For March:
    • Lose 4 lbs
    • Find tape measure and start measuring again (once per month)
    • Walk dog or on treadmill 4X per week (with fresh snow falling today, probably more of the treadmill)
    • Log more often on weekends, it keeps me more accountable

    Just for today Ash Wednesday 3/1/17
    1) Walk at least 25 flights of stairs
    2) At soup supper before church service, do not eat any of the desserts
    3) Floss...going for 3 days in a row!
    4) Bedtime by 10:30 with TV off

  • mmoore9242
    mmoore9242 Posts: 15 Member
    Just for Today
    I will be SMOKE FREE (day 1)
    I will reach 12,000 step goal
    I will give more positive attention to my youngest son today
    Try a new recipe - cooking Salmon for first time = any advice welcome :)
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    edited March 2017
    My goals:
    Starting weight January 1 217.0 Goal was to lose 7 lbs, to be 210. Actual weight: 211.0 :) Close enough, but I know I could have done better
    Goal weight for the month of Feb to lose 5 lbs, to be 206. Actual weight 205.4 :) I have been sick, so I think at least 2 lbs was because of that. But I am still going to take that number - if anything, a boost to my commitment.
    Goal for the month of March - lose 5 lbs, goal of 200.

    Jan 1: 217
    Feb 1: 211
    March 1: 205.4

    I am sure some of the weight loss was because I have been sick. But yet, I was eating OK - I just wasn't snacking. So I have to try harder with the excess snacking

    So my goals for JFT, Wednesday
    1. drink water
    2. take a vitamin and vitamin C.. I am not a vitamin taker at all. ...... in fact, I take no supplements at all. Thinking maybe I should be at least taking a multivitamin?
    3. I will not go to the gym just yet, but if I feel better, try and get out for a short walk
    4. log all food
    5. get back on here on thursday and be accountable

    Word for March: Committment

    Remember --- EAT TO LIVE, not Live to eat.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member

    Beginning today, I'm putting monthly goals in writing. I think having others see them (I love this group!), I won't be able to pretend my goals didn't exist 30 days ago. :wink:

    Love this idea.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    Goals for March
    Current weight 204.5

    Lose 5 pounds
    drink minimum 6 glasses of water a day
    exercise at the gym minimum 3 times a week
    walk minimum of 3 times a week
    consistently log all food and water
    consistently get on here with daily goals, and be accountable
  • kirbygirl41
    kirbygirl41 Posts: 304 Member
    Exercise 20 minutes :/
    Steps 7000 :)
    Drink 32 ounces water :)
    Log all food and stay under goal :/ Spicy Chicken bake for dinner had more calories than I thought.
    Clean house :)
    Read and study :)

    Exercise for 20 minutes first thing in the morning!
    Steps 7000
    Drink 32 ounces of water
    Log all food and stay under
    Finish up this week's paperwork for work
    Read and study
  • KayHBE
    KayHBE Posts: 906 Member
    - Over 12,000 steps✔️
    - Walk at lunch✔️
    - Extra walking at work aka get up and move✔️
    - Healthy dinner before soccer✔️
    - stretches✔️

    JFT Thursday

    - 12,000 steps
    - Lunch time walk
    - Make lunch
    - Do (1) Burpee
    - Relax in a bubble bath
    - Give myself a pedicure

    We've got this. One step at a time. One day at a time.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,095 Member
    Need to catch up!!

    Goals for Tuesday
    - make an unreal amount of pancakes.... and log them .. No. I am so so proud!
    - Drink 3 cups of water - yes!
    - Stay as near to my calories as possible with only 100 over at the most! - sorry what was that? (200 over)
    - Book in the girls at the gym crèche and get my butt back there! - Yes booked in for today!

    Goals for Thursday

    -3 glasses of water
    - go to gym - attempt what I can with bruised ribs!
    - Log log log!
    - Stay within 100 cal
    - Have a nap (very unlikely!)
  • shenna333
    shenna333 Posts: 100 Member
    Good morning all!! Been sleeping in an extra hour everyday this week! Still working on the same goals. Meeting some, falling a little short on others. Been going over on calories some. Expecting a loss, just not a big one.

    Just for today: Thursday

    Water 8 glasses
    10000 steps
    Stay calm and cool

    Same ole. Hope you all meet your goals today. If you are ill.....feel better!!!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Yesterday Ash Wednesday 3/1/17
    1) Walk at least 25 flights of stairs - No....work closed down early due to snowstorm, so I didn't get all my stairway breaks in. Instead I snowblowed the driveway and shoveled the walkway, and Fitbit had >10,000 steps, so that was good.
    2) At soup supper before church service, do not eat any of the desserts - Yes :smiley: Met a cute retired couple at the supper, and Dave ate "my" dessert instead of me.
    3) Floss...going for 3 days in a row! Yes :smiley:
    4) Bedtime by 10:30 with TV off - No. Now is not the time to be going to bed late, b/c I'm starting yet another (!) cold. What the?!? This is my third cold since Christmas! Starting with the cold meds immediately this time, maybe won't be so bad. No whining.

    Just for today R 3/2/17
    1) Drink 10 glasses of water or decaf tea for cold
    2) Walk >10,000 steps and/or 25 flights of stairs
    3) Floss
    4) Bedtime by 10:00 - 10:30
  • bri150lbs
    bri150lbs Posts: 44 Member
    I've really been struggling for a while.

    I lost 130 pounds in about 3 years but then I gained 60 pounds between July of 2016 and January of 2017. It has taken all this time to figure out the right combination of meds to get my thyroid numbers in balance. A new set of meds gave me horrible side effects, including heart palpations. I have felt terrible for so long!

    It takes 6 weeks for the meds to build up in your body and 6 weeks for them to fade away once you switch to something new. Figuring out which meds to take is a very slow process!

    What a nightmare.

    Even when I was eating 1200 calories a day, I still gained weight! When I exercised, I was so weak I could barely move for several days. I constantly felt like "if I could just eat more, I would feel better", but I never felt better and got back into my cycle of binging on carbs, which made me feel even worse.

    I hate feeling guilty about what I eat, but I got back to that for a while. Yuck!

    So, now. I think i am getting back on track.

    For the month of February I was able to stay at about 1200 every day and keep my carbs on track without cheating a single day! No guilt!

    I have been logging into MFP for about 45 days in a row.

    I have lost 10 pounds since January 1st.

    My ultimate goal is to weigh 150, so I have 70 more pounds to lose.

    My new goals for the Month of March and...

    J4T Thursday

    1. Stick to 1200 calories
    2. Stay under 100 carbs
    3. Hold it together as I deal with my troubled teenage daughter
    4. Do house work.

  • bri150lbs
    bri150lbs Posts: 44 Member
    Hi Joan! Glad to see you are finally recovering from that cold! And glad to see your scale is moving in the right direction for you. You go girl!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    bri150lbs wrote: »

    So, now. I think i am getting back on track.

    It is great to see you back! I was wondering about you.

    I am so sorry all the struggles you are having. Getting meds adjusted has to be hard, especially when the side effects are making you worse. I am so sorry you are having to go through all that. Boy ... and here I am complaining about a cold that won't go away!

    You have always been my inspiration, and still are. I know you will get to that goal. Losing 10 lbs since January is a great accomplishment! Welcome back!!! There are so many wonderful people on this journey - all with such amazing posts that keep me going each day!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    edited March 2017
    I think the steroids are making me feel a little better, but this deep cough just will not go away. My chest hurts from coughing so much. Its been a long week with this ..... but ... I know with time I will feel better.

    1. drink water :)
    2. take a vitamin and vitamin C.. I am not a vitamin taker at all. ...... in fact, I take no supplements at all. Thinking maybe I should be at least taking a multivitamin? :) Hubby tells me Vitamin C will not help ... but hey... what can it hurt!
    3. I will not go to the gym just yet, but if I feel better, try and get out for a short walk :/ Just no energy. This cough is so deep, even the steroids are not helping. I am up most of the nite. SO frustrating. But at least during the day when I am up its not as bad.
    4. log all food :)
    5. get back on here on thursday and be accountable :)

    JFT, Thursday
    1. concentrate on water
    2. log all food
    3. take a multivitamin and Vitamin C
    4. rest to get over this cold. It is is warm outside, sit and soak up some sunshine.
    5. try to do a little sewing
    6. daughter is really struggling this week also with anxiety. Try and go for a car ride or something with her tonite to see if she will open up
    7. count my many blessings
    8. get back on here tomorrow - be accountable

    Word for March: Committment

    Remember --- EAT TO LIVE, not Live to eat.
  • TechNerd42
    TechNerd42 Posts: 225 Member
    linnea4 wrote: »
    Record - Done
    Aim for the 100 calorie boundary - Yep
    Walk or go to the gym if needed to make the above happen (King cakes go on sale today, right?) - Not needed
    Get home early enough to take my son to work. (And pick up something for dinner while I'm there. Try to avoid the cakes though) - Done - Well, did not avoid the cakes, but it was tasty and within the calorie allowance

    Take the day off recording. PMS Sucks. PMS when I can't see because my eyes are dilated is even better.
    Do not nap at work - no matter how tired I get
    Drink plenty of water (normally not a problem, however my day started wonky with the doc appt so it may throw off how many (32oz) bottles of water I drink. (normally two at work and one at home, but the late start may make one at work.)
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,095 Member
    Hey bri, are you over or under active? It's hell getting it right!
    When I get pregnant mine goes haywire and then takes a while to settle post pregnancy!

    Glad to hear you're on the right track x