Post your pet pictures 📸
We all know how much our pets make our day. So let's show off our pets, and tell us a bit about them!
I'm Katie
Looking for a welcome
Plans for the New Year?
Happy New Year! I'm starting back into my healthy routine today. I am 10 pounds less than I was a year ago and I plan on working on what works for me. What's important for me is to add more fiber and eat plenty of vegetables. I did try intermittent fasting and found that I was comfortable and strong. As long as I kept up…
Song Challenge
OK music lovers — here are the rules: Answer each category with a SONG. No repeats and don’t use the internet (it's tempting but try not to). Go with the first song that comes to mind, change the answers to your own (can’t steal mine): * Something to wear: These Boots were made for Walkin' * A place: Party in the USA *…
I’m new to this
So I was wondering if it’s easier to work out by yourself or with a friend on this app. If that is possible. I need motivation with a work out friend. I don’t know how that works. Tips and answers please and thank you!
Socialization Groups with MFP and Interaction
Does anybody know how to join a group where people interact about a given topic? I belong to several groups and see very little interaction. Cheer or way to go is nice, but how about actual conversations in any given group. I have asked fitness pal support but seem to be going round in circles with their emails which…
For Those Who Can’t Sleep
Hey guys. I’m Haylee and I’ve been having anxiety worse than usual since the start of the new year. I have a good feeling that it’s because 2022 ended with so much drama. I got married, drama at thanksgiving and Christmas. So here’s my little slice of the map.
Roll call Illinois
Hoping to find some people in my area. So is anyone from Illinois???
Guys who mass blast every woman in MFP repeatedly asking to be friends... Why???
Dude, I've seen you pop up like four times already, and I keep declining you. Let it go.
Net carbs
Is there a way to capture net carbs in the app?
So everyday I walk laps around the parking structure across from my work building
Today, the head of security was taking pictures of me and stopped me and told me to leave. I wouldn't because I've been doing this like 3 times a day everyday and the parking guy knows me and never said anything. He physically stopped me (by standing in my way) from moving, said I was trespassing, that I was on 5 different…
what are you grateful for today???????
:heart: my jeans fit okay :heart: our new cat has a great personality :heart: spring :heart: pretty phone wrist strap i made :heart: mother's day is over.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
What other apps have you tried?
I logged into MFP after some time to discover that the barcode scanner is now a premium feature. What other fitness apps have you used, and how do they compare?
The New Singles Hangout...Come & Mingle
While the other thread is temporarily closed, I thought it would be fun to start another one. I've enjoyed seeing all the sexy singles interact with each other. *NOTE* Please keep the thread PG so we don't anger the mod gods. Good Morning everyone!
Has anyone used the GoLo plan and what were your results?
Please help!
Due to mental health issues I have drastically increased my weight to 230lbs can’t get to the gym and start loosing because I look very fat and can’t fit in any of my clothes. What should be my daily intake in order for me to loose 30 lbs at least?
Anybody from Uruguay here?🧉
What Makeup Are You Loving Right Now?
For me, Colourpop eyeshadows (specifically the "All Amethyst" palette).
Any other gamers getting nervous about the amount of totally awesome computer games that are about to come out. Skyrim is really gonna shag up my exercise routine nov-dec.
How many days do you usually log, do you stick with a certain number of days or do you log everyday
I have been on MyFitnessPal for a while, started really logging in 2020. Just wanted to know how many days other people currently log. I currently log for Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, on a 71 day streak. Thinking about adding in an extra day of logging, but the Monday, Wednesday, Friday, has now been a daily routine…
What's Your Non-Diet/Health/Fitness New Year's Resolution?
Mine is to do some serious clothes culling. I have more clothing than I could ever realistically wear. Do I really need eight winter coats? Or thirty-two button-front short-sleeve shirts? Or enough beach-wear to move to Miami? I picture that cartoon devil and angel pair on my shoulders. 😇 : You haven't worn that red…
I have Lipedema also known as "painful fat syndrome". I follow the RAD diet plan, somewhat, mainly limiting my carbs and sugar intake. I've lost 30 pounds since July 16 by making this change. I'm using some Plexus products that have vitamins and minerals highly suggested by the leading Lipedema research doctor to help with…
Diet plans
Am new to weight loss. Has anyone used Nutrisystem? Am seriously considering trying it for a month and see what happens?
Getting Significant Other On Board
Any tips to motivate your significant other to get on the same program as you are with diet and exercise? My wife and I have both put on weight, but I am the only one of us that is trying to get it off. Don't get me wrong, I think my wife is beautiful in any shape or form, but the extra weight is causing her some issues.…
Tell me how you're feeling, right this minute
It's lots cheaper than paying a therapist. :) I'm feeling glad I hopped on the treadmill so early this morning. But kind of melancholy listening to my old John Denver music. Now I feel embarrassed that I like John Denver music. :) Ok, who's next.
Plans for a Happier New Year!
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I am starting out today on a healthier new year. I am 10 pounds less than last year but it remains I need to keep on working at it. I tried some intermittent fasting and felt great...no binging. Right now, I am exercising and making the changes I know work for me. Be well and keep growing strong! 💙💪💙
Photo button
It’s a great app on the iPhone with the dashboard, but such a shame you can’t post photos with your status updates :-(
Happy Saturday everyone
Hope this message finds you well. I have been enjoying the MFP community platform for a week now. First impression, so many beautiful souls… it’s been a delightful experience. All the best. M
Garmin connect app
Does anyone else on here use the Garmin connect app ? If you do use the app tell me your name on your profile and I'll gladly add you.
Is there a way to search members on here?