Add "Time Eaten" to Food Logging
I would like to suggest adding an option to include 'Time Eaten' when logging food for Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner or snacks. Over time, tracking would reveal good or bad habits. Recording time eaten would also be helpful for people who do IF.
Supplement Tracking
It would be awesome if I could track supplements (vitamins/minerals.) Maybe even scan the barcodes. If micronutrients were added then these values would be very helpful to show where you may want to supplement.
Ability to name custom macro goals
Using Lumen which provides daily macros categorized as a “Lumen Low” day, “Lumen Medium” or a “Lumen Boost” day. I enter these as individual custom macro goals and asking for ability to provide a label to give each custom macro set a name
Recipe Instructions
Please include written instructions with your recipe videos. Not everyone lilkes to follow a video when cooking. Not everyone is strictly a visual learner. Only having a video as instruction for a new recipe is not helpful. AAAAARGH!!!!!!!
Food/calories logging from pics
In 2015, Google once tried to analyse photos of food and determine the calories contained in the food depicted. The app was called "Im2Calories". Unfortunately, there was never a public product. Would be also great to have this functionality in MFP. AI has continued to develop...
Improve Quick Add Feature
I think that you should be able to add everything to quick add like you can when you add a food, like fiber, sugars etc.
Meal, item, and diary entry sharing
My partner and I both use MFP to track our macros according to a plan set by our trainer. It would be so helpful to be able to share an item or meal with him that i already logged using the iOS share features such as iMessage. Would also be helpful to be able to share favorited foods and scanned foods. In addition to item…
Supplement Section in Diary
Similar to the Snacks and Water section, I think a Supplements section would be great to track all the supplements and vitamins we take.
Save Favorite Foods
I love tracking my food intake with MyFitnessPal. But there should be a way to save favorite foods/condiments. I'm glad there's a section to save meal combinations, but I tend to not put in single items (say like, for me, I use Hienz Ketchup No Salt Added, due to me watching carbs and having diabetes). But there are so…
Multiple Users
I'd love to use this app for my whole family. I don't want to have to log out and log back in using different accounts to manage each family member.
One click to add water
Please let me know if this already exists. One water icon or water with a plus sign right on the dashboard to add water.
Calorie adjustment for exercise on NEXT day after earned (so can see actual & know real day total)
The option to add in calories you can eat each day based on exercise seems great, but how can I start planning meals for the day without knowing how many calories I can add in? What if I think I will make it to the gym that evening, but things happen... I suggest an option to add in your exercise calorie credit the next…
Active Calories directly from the HealthKit / App on iOS rather than using steps
I would like to simplify the calorie adjustment, rather than having MFP read steps and specific activities from HealthKit and then do its own calculation I would like if there was an option to simply take the active calories total as is in the Health App for iPhone users. I use different trackers sometimes and MFP doesn't…
Better Workout Log Structure
As is, the workout section is pretty good, with intuitive calorie calculations and custom workout building BUT it offers very little in the realm of showing actual progress or helping you track the workout itself. Looking at a fully realised workout planning app like Hevy, you can see how its checklist feature of tracking…
Bariatric option
It would be nice to have an option for settings for Bariatric people. Ones who’ve had gastric bypass or sleeve and those specific goals and nutrition goals . Add in supplements and vitamins needed .
Spread Individual food over multiple days
I shop once a week, instead of adding Milk (or other) allowance across 7 Days, if you could add a function that can add total weight and split across days in 1 entry.
Calorie Cycling
I took several WOE concepts and worked them into this new idea. It has been very successful for me. As I said in another thread I weigh less than what I weighed in 1974. My blood pressure and blood sugars are normal (type 2 diabetes). I have lost 143 lbs from my heaviest and in the last 5 weeks I have lost weight every…
Sugar alcohols in nutrients
When will MFP include sugar alcohols in the nutrition summary tab? It has other foods from labels. With the rising popularity of keto and low carb diets and the need for diabetics to monitor as well it would be hugely helpful. Right now I can’t accurately calculate my net cabs for the day
MFP Website Macro bar(not sure what it's called)
I switch between the app and the website. On the website, it would be nice if the macro bar (shows how many calories, and how much protein, carbs, and fat is in each item logged) stayed at its position on the page so that it's easier to locate which column is which when you've scrolled down passed breakfast.
Challenges and the Fitbit vacuum
Google announced that they are getting rid of their Fitbit challenges including workweek hustle and weekend warrior. If MyFitnessPal could implement step challenges similar to those on Fitbit, not only could MyFitnessPal pick up all those members but also make challenges that interoperate with other fitness watches. Also…
Meal planner
It would be nice to have a meal planner with a grocery list to plan meals for the next week and have a grocery list
Daily Section for Vitamins/Supplements
Because there's no "vitamins" section, I will have to add all of my vitamins/supplements and then make them their own "meal" so your app's calculator can know how much/many nutrients I'm taking in every day. If there was a catagory for vitamins, I could just put them there instead. :)
Show items in grams only (have the choice)
I've been tracking religiously for over 2 years now but the ONE thing that irritates the hell out of me is the MFP setting where most items show as ounces first - if they show as grams at all but that's another story. Does anyone know if I can default the search results to show items in grams only? I don't mean record it…
Macro Goals by Meal
I have noticed when I want to adjust my goals by meal, I can do so by calories either in number or percentage, but when you're counting macros and not calories, there's no way to switch that off. My calories aren't going to be perfect when I'm focusing on specific macrograms per meal. I would love if you guys could add…
Thanks MFP for getting rid of blogs
It's not like anyone was wanting them or rereading them anymore :/ ... just another thing that y'all take away! and without warning... many of us that have been around for years may have wanted to preserve some of those... and I may not have blogged all the time but I would reread my old ones to see how far I have come...…
Cleaner Diary Showing of My Meals—Allows for Easier Quantity Change & Simplifies the Diary View
I love the "My Meals" section and use it regularly because I often eat many of the same meals. For example, I make an at-home Keurig Starbucks latte with a set amount of creamer and milk (using measuring cups) and love simply entering the item with a click in my meals. However, it would be nice if an option would allow us…
Nutrition tracking vs fda guidelines
Is there a way to see my nutrition intake va fda guidelines (scaled by age/weight)?
Calorie tracking
Since I’ve started using MyFitnessPal, I have done a pretty good job of tracking dietary energy (calories). My Apple Watch, and other smart watches track resting calories and movement calories. It would be a nice addition to see on MyFitnessPal a graph or a chart showing calories in vs calories out. Ideally would be great…
Heart Healthy
In the Heart Healthy overview, it appears in my app that the total fat for the day is included, instead of just the Saturated Fat. Unsaturated fat does not contribute to heart disease (and in fact can be helpful), and since I care about tracking this it would be much more helpful to be able to see my saturated fat total at…
Delete process
Swiping to delete a food item is awful in this app. It always slides to the next day instead of pulling up the delete button. We need an easier way to delete foods.