Naming Quick Adds
Hello. There are times when my husband or I would like to do a quick add for various reasons. It would be great to be able to add a title instead of just seeing ‘quick add’ when we look back at our food logs. This would help with seeing what meal it may have been that we used the wick add for.
Keeping track of meds & supplements
When notes went away I looked for a new way to track my medicines and was pleased to find them in the database. This makes it excellent to track what you have taken and when
Count individual food occurrences within time range
Maybe I'm missing something within the app and web page, but I'd like to be able to search for a food i've logged and see how many times its been consumed within a provided time range.
Time food is eaten on desktop app like the phone app
It would be great to be able to put the time each food was eaten on the desktop app like the phone app!! That would be very helpful. It is great to have it on the phone app but I also like to use the desktop for logging.
New page setup
I have to say I'm not happy about the new format, to small since I do everything off my phone can I get back to the old format. David Antonelli
5 wk wt if ate the same- idea forcenhancement
I currently go to notes and add the text 5 wk wt and then put in how I finish my day. It would be great if when you calculate the day or hit complete during the day it would auto calculate and display within your food diary. I often target my eating to that wt rather that the calories.
fitness friends
I love connecting with positive and motivated people, feel free to add me as a friend! Let’s work together to stay healthy.
How about a MyFitnessPal recipe search?
Got the newsletter with some tasty looking recipes, but when I click on the links, all it does is take me to the app. Would be nice to be able to do a search on your recipes instead of endlessly scrolling through the categories, hoping to find a specific recipe.
Ability to put a bright green checkmark next to each food that is logged
I was thinking it would really be nice because I put all of my food for the day into MFP in advance that a bright green checkmark next to each listed and logged food item will be so nice to have so I can check off what I have eaten so far in the day at a glance. I think that would be very valuable.
Garmin Connect
So MFP has the Sleep feature, yet, despite being synced do Garmin connect where it accesses my activities, somehow can't gain my sleep data? Same for water consumption, I log water consumption directly on my watch, and yet, it doesn't sync to MFP.
Limit on number of new threads in a time period
How can these spammers post dozens of new threads in minutes? Does Vanilla not have the basic ability to limit how many threads a poster can start in a period of time? I ran a forum in 2004 that had that functionality. No poster has any legitimate reason to start more than a couple new threads every 15 minutes, and even…
My Food list needs scan barcode option
Very unhappy with the premium version that we have to manually enter into our personal My Food list. We need to do this by scanning barcodes!!!!! Please make this an option. TY
Allow goals to be settable as "less than" or "at least" or "unlimited" and unchanged by exercise
Please allow goals to be set as less than (maximum) or at least (minimum) or unlimited versus a hard target, and to not have those changed at all by exercise. Reasoning: as a pre-diabetic, right now I'm solely focusing on smoothing glucose spikes and then lowering my overall glucose levels, with the help of a continuous…
Search for recipes
I would like to search recipes by typing in a name, food name, food category. Right now all i can do is scroll through each one.
Default to food diary
When I open the app I would love to go directly to the food diary instead of the dashboard. Thanks!
Would it be possible to not have the wording ... stop fasting... right on top the timing bars showing how long you have been fasting. And also have an option for an 18/6 or 20/4 our fasting window.. thanks
Track caffine
Can you add caffeine as a tracked item?
Premium Family Plan
Greetings!! How about creating a Premium Family Plan? Sometimes, we're not on a diet alone at home...
Premium Family Plan
This seems to be a common question...any update? A Family Plan would be so helpful and justify the cost of premium! I am post bariatric surgery, my husband is on Wegovy, my son is trying to gain muscle, and my daughter is in recovery for an eating disorder. We all have different eating goals and needs - having a central…
All time "My Recipe" ingredient view
When you create a recipe you have a list of all ingredients and amount of that ingredient before you officially save it. It would be nice to then at a later date, at anytime to be able to click on the recipe to see the ingredient breakdown What if it's been a while since you made the recipe and you don't remember exactly…
Syncing with Coros
Anyone know if there are plans to have Coros watches sync with myfitnesspal? As it stands now, I either have to do a manual entry or make sure it's in strava.
Please bring back the feed! I miss being able to see my friends progress all in one place. It feels lonely here now. 😒
Fiton app
Can we get the fiton app to connect with my fitness palsy to be able to put workout in the tracker
short cut for voice logging
Suggesting a simple way to initially describing source of voice logging by a button or an initial voice entry, such as: from the database, my recent log entries, my frequent log entries, or a priority order (recent log entries then database, etc.) The time saved by the search will be tremendous!
Vet advertisers
I was sad to see the ad up this morning, which is blatantly false and at best bloatware and at worst malware being promoted by MyFitnessPal. You really should vet your advertisers before subjecting your users to them.
Create a recipe with bar codes?
I love the bar code option for my meals but can't find that option when creating my own recipes to save. I would love that option for adding individual ingredients. I think that would be easier for everyone! Thank you.
Extend multi-day add to apply to My Meals
In the Android app, I can do an "add to multiple days" for an individual food, My Recipes, or My Foods. I can't do a "add to multiple days" for items in My Meals. Why? If this is a bug, please fix it. Otherwise, please consider it a feature request. Thanks!
Change the data entry
Unfortunately I often have to see scanning merchandise that the values in MFP database is fraud and by no means same as food label. I send core tons but they are never applied to help people too. I suggest changing your data entry team.
Personal database
I want to barcode scan my foods into MY FOODS so I don’t have to keep doing it over and over I’ll have my own personal database and I can scan all my items right when I come home from the store.
List, filter or add preferences for an alert for possible allergens
I have coeliacs disease and must avoid gluten (Barley, Rye, Wheat and *Oats). It would be great to have any allergens which are listed in the ingredients noted in the app. With this info a user could add preferences in their profile so an item they should avoid could be noted. I appreciate there could be concerns about…