Fed Up Documentary



  • WatchJoshLift
    WatchJoshLift Posts: 520 Member
    All this sugar talk is making me want a slice of that pumpkin pie in my fridge. It's okay though, pumpkin is a vegetable.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    It's really sad to me that all these so-called "documentaries" and theories which point to an outside source (carbs, sugar, processed foods, meat, etc.) and blames that source for weight gain gets so many followers who are ready to embrace a crutch rather than take personal responsibility for their own actions. *sigh*

    I agree with your point about blaming others...but your argument is like saying there is nothing wrong with heroin, and in fact it should be legal so people, who can moderate their heroin usage, can do so at their leisure.

    Are you REALLY comparing heroin to sugar, and are you suggesting that sugar should be illegal because people can't control themselves around it? The absurdity!

    Are you trying to argue that there's nothing wrong with sugar ?

    yes, I believe we are.

    over consumption of calories leads to obesity….

    you can get 100% of your diet from sugar, be in a deficit, and lose weight. Just google the twinkie diet….

    there are no essential nutrients in sugar.

    that has nothing to do with whether it is addictive or not ..

    actually, the guy that did the twinkie diet lost weight and had better health markers….go figure…but you know, sugar...

    We're talking sugar here... not specific foods that have other ingredients in them.

    Refined sugar will spike your blood sugar and insulin level...has no fiber which will not make you full..like eating fruits will do.


    What happens when people eat and don't get full ?

    Errr - you avoided the main 'so' part.

    The spiking insulin.

    Also, what happens when you eat something with that table sugar you are pouring down your gullet.

    Also, what happens when you ingest protein?

    Also, what is so bad about insulin?

    If you have more sugar in your body than your liver can process that sugar is turned into fatty acid.

    Please could you address all the questions - I am trying to get the complete picture.

    Also, how much sugar can your liver process?

    See...all this information and so many questions! This is fab!
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    Unsweetened apple juice has a higher glycemic load than most sweets.
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    It's really sad to me that all these so-called "documentaries" and theories which point to an outside source (carbs, sugar, processed foods, meat, etc.) and blames that source for weight gain gets so many followers who are ready to embrace a crutch rather than take personal responsibility for their own actions. *sigh*

    I agree with your point about blaming others...but your argument is like saying there is nothing wrong with heroin, and in fact it should be legal so people, who can moderate their heroin usage, can do so at their leisure.

    Are you REALLY comparing heroin to sugar, and are you suggesting that sugar should be illegal because people can't control themselves around it? The absurdity!

    Are you trying to argue that there's nothing wrong with sugar ?

    yes, I believe we are.

    over consumption of calories leads to obesity….

    you can get 100% of your diet from sugar, be in a deficit, and lose weight. Just google the twinkie diet….

    there are no essential nutrients in sugar.

    Lol. None? It serves no benefit?

    What benefit to your body does refined sugar have ?

    Destroys your liver and teeth.

    A quick source of energy?


    ...by spiking your blood sugar and insulin levels !

    You don't understand how the human body works do you?

    Of course I do.

    What happens to your blood sugar and insulin when you eat refined sugar.... please tell me ?

    Unsweetened apple juice has a higher glycemic load than most sweets.

    See also: white rice.

    Must be because of all the refined sugar.

    rice is a carb.

    Why do many marathon runners carb load before a run ?

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    It's really sad to me that all these so-called "documentaries" and theories which point to an outside source (carbs, sugar, processed foods, meat, etc.) and blames that source for weight gain gets so many followers who are ready to embrace a crutch rather than take personal responsibility for their own actions. *sigh*

    I agree with your point about blaming others...but your argument is like saying there is nothing wrong with heroin, and in fact it should be legal so people, who can moderate their heroin usage, can do so at their leisure.

    Are you REALLY comparing heroin to sugar, and are you suggesting that sugar should be illegal because people can't control themselves around it? The absurdity!

    Are you trying to argue that there's nothing wrong with sugar ?

    yes, I believe we are.

    over consumption of calories leads to obesity….

    you can get 100% of your diet from sugar, be in a deficit, and lose weight. Just google the twinkie diet….

    there are no essential nutrients in sugar.

    Lol. None? It serves no benefit?

    What benefit to your body does refined sugar have ?

    Destroys your liver and teeth.

    A quick source of energy?


    ...by spiking your blood sugar and insulin levels !

    You don't understand how the human body works do you?

    Of course I do.

    What happens to your blood sugar and insulin when you eat refined sugar.... please tell me ?

    It elicits an insulin response that takes glucose in the blood stream and stores it as glycogen in your muscles and liver and stores the remainder as fat so you will have readily available energy when you need it later as opposed to raising blood glucose levels to dangerous levels. It's doing exactly what it's supposed to do and exactly what it needs to do. Insulin is not a bad thing, it's a very good thing.

    your body does not burn fat when your insulin levels are spiked

    Did you even take a biology class in school ?


  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    It's really sad to me that all these so-called "documentaries" and theories which point to an outside source (carbs, sugar, processed foods, meat, etc.) and blames that source for weight gain gets so many followers who are ready to embrace a crutch rather than take personal responsibility for their own actions. *sigh*

    I agree with your point about blaming others...but your argument is like saying there is nothing wrong with heroin, and in fact it should be legal so people, who can moderate their heroin usage, can do so at their leisure.

    Are you REALLY comparing heroin to sugar, and are you suggesting that sugar should be illegal because people can't control themselves around it? The absurdity!

    Are you trying to argue that there's nothing wrong with sugar ?

    yes, I believe we are.

    over consumption of calories leads to obesity….

    you can get 100% of your diet from sugar, be in a deficit, and lose weight. Just google the twinkie diet….

    there are no essential nutrients in sugar.

    Lol. None? It serves no benefit?

    What benefit to your body does refined sugar have ?

    Destroys your liver and teeth.

    A quick source of energy?


    ...by spiking your blood sugar and insulin levels !

    You don't understand how the human body works do you?

    Of course I do.

    What happens to your blood sugar and insulin when you eat refined sugar.... please tell me ?

    It elicits an insulin response that takes glucose in the blood stream and stores it as glycogen in your muscles and liver and stores the remainder as fat so you will have readily available energy when you need it later as opposed to raising blood glucose levels to dangerous levels. It's doing exactly what it's supposed to do and exactly what it needs to do. Insulin is not a bad thing, it's a very good thing.

    your body does not burn fat when your insulin levels are spiked

    Did you even take a biology class in school ?



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Good lawdy...just read this...please...for the love of..

  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    It's really sad to me that all these so-called "documentaries" and theories which point to an outside source (carbs, sugar, processed foods, meat, etc.) and blames that source for weight gain gets so many followers who are ready to embrace a crutch rather than take personal responsibility for their own actions. *sigh*

    I agree with your point about blaming others...but your argument is like saying there is nothing wrong with heroin, and in fact it should be legal so people, who can moderate their heroin usage, can do so at their leisure.

    Are you REALLY comparing heroin to sugar, and are you suggesting that sugar should be illegal because people can't control themselves around it? The absurdity!

    Are you trying to argue that there's nothing wrong with sugar ?

    yes, I believe we are.

    over consumption of calories leads to obesity….

    you can get 100% of your diet from sugar, be in a deficit, and lose weight. Just google the twinkie diet….

    there are no essential nutrients in sugar.

    Lol. None? It serves no benefit?

    What benefit to your body does refined sugar have ?

    Destroys your liver and teeth.

    A quick source of energy?


    ...by spiking your blood sugar and insulin levels !

    You don't understand how the human body works do you?

    Of course I do.

    What happens to your blood sugar and insulin when you eat refined sugar.... please tell me ?

    It elicits an insulin response that takes glucose in the blood stream and stores it as glycogen in your muscles and liver and stores the remainder as fat so you will have readily available energy when you need it later as opposed to raising blood glucose levels to dangerous levels. It's doing exactly what it's supposed to do and exactly what it needs to do. Insulin is not a bad thing, it's a very good thing.

    your body does not burn fat when your insulin levels are spiked

    Did you even take a biology class in school ?

    Wow, I really have to spoon feed this to you huh? Ok well when you're not eating food which is most of the time, where do you think your body gets energy from? That's right! Stored fat! How long do you think insulin levels are elevated after eating? You really are one of the most ignorant people I've seen in all my time on these forums. The funniest part is that all these knowledgeable people are making a fool of you but you're so sure that you're right lol.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Also, I kinda like some of dat dere insulin spike...or at least my muscles do.
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »
    Good lawdy...just read this...please...for the love of..


    I'm not going to read any sort of internet article.

    You are so confident in your own personal beliefs so it is your job to convince me.

    People are over weight because they choose to not eat healthy and not to exercise, but I also personally believe that sugar is addicting.

    I am not understanding why you and the other couple of posters are getting so butt hurt about my opinion ?

  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    edited November 2014
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »
    Good lawdy...just read this...please...for the love of..


    I'm not going to read any sort of internet article.

    You are so confident in your own personal beliefs so it is your job to convince me.

    People are over weight because they choose to not eat healthy and not to exercise, but I also personally believe that sugar is addicting.

    I am not understanding why you and the other couple of posters are getting so butt hurt about my opinion ?

    Because your opinion is wrong

  • WatchJoshLift
    WatchJoshLift Posts: 520 Member
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »
    Good lawdy...just read this...please...for the love of..


    I'm not going to read any sort of internet article.

    You are so confident in your own personal beliefs so it is your job to convince me.

    People are over weight because they choose to not eat healthy and not to exercise, but I also personally believe that sugar is addicting.

    I am not understanding why you and the other couple of posters are getting so butt hurt about my opinion ?

    This dude is in danger of breaking MFP. I'm not sure MFP can handle so much I can't even in one thread ...
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    AJ_G wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    It's really sad to me that all these so-called "documentaries" and theories which point to an outside source (carbs, sugar, processed foods, meat, etc.) and blames that source for weight gain gets so many followers who are ready to embrace a crutch rather than take personal responsibility for their own actions. *sigh*

    I agree with your point about blaming others...but your argument is like saying there is nothing wrong with heroin, and in fact it should be legal so people, who can moderate their heroin usage, can do so at their leisure.

    Are you REALLY comparing heroin to sugar, and are you suggesting that sugar should be illegal because people can't control themselves around it? The absurdity!

    Are you trying to argue that there's nothing wrong with sugar ?

    yes, I believe we are.

    over consumption of calories leads to obesity….

    you can get 100% of your diet from sugar, be in a deficit, and lose weight. Just google the twinkie diet….

    there are no essential nutrients in sugar.

    Lol. None? It serves no benefit?

    What benefit to your body does refined sugar have ?

    Destroys your liver and teeth.

    A quick source of energy?


    ...by spiking your blood sugar and insulin levels !

    You don't understand how the human body works do you?

    Of course I do.

    What happens to your blood sugar and insulin when you eat refined sugar.... please tell me ?

    It elicits an insulin response that takes glucose in the blood stream and stores it as glycogen in your muscles and liver and stores the remainder as fat so you will have readily available energy when you need it later as opposed to raising blood glucose levels to dangerous levels. It's doing exactly what it's supposed to do and exactly what it needs to do. Insulin is not a bad thing, it's a very good thing.

    your body does not burn fat when your insulin levels are spiked

    Did you even take a biology class in school ?

    Wow, I really have to spoon feed this to you huh? Ok well when you're not eating food which is most of the time, where do you think your body gets energy from? That's right! Stored fat! How long do you think insulin levels are elevated after eating? You really are one of the most ignorant people I've seen in all my time on these forums. The funniest part is that all these knowledgeable people are making a fool of you but you're so sure that you're right lol.

    It's clear that you have no idea what you are talking about. Some of the other people at least are making arguments that I can debate with them on. You've done nothing but embarrass yourself.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    edited November 2014
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »
    Good lawdy...just read this...please...for the love of..


    I'm not going to read any sort of internet article.

    You are so confident in your own personal beliefs so it is your job to convince me.

    People are over weight because they choose to not eat healthy and not to exercise, but I also personally believe that sugar is addicting.

    I am not understanding why you and the other couple of posters are getting so butt hurt about my opinion ?

    But..the article holds info relevant to the discussion, yet you aren't going to read it in order to understand where people are coming from (aka "be convinced")?


  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    Unsweetened apple juice has a higher glycemic load than most sweets.
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    It's really sad to me that all these so-called "documentaries" and theories which point to an outside source (carbs, sugar, processed foods, meat, etc.) and blames that source for weight gain gets so many followers who are ready to embrace a crutch rather than take personal responsibility for their own actions. *sigh*

    I agree with your point about blaming others...but your argument is like saying there is nothing wrong with heroin, and in fact it should be legal so people, who can moderate their heroin usage, can do so at their leisure.

    Are you REALLY comparing heroin to sugar, and are you suggesting that sugar should be illegal because people can't control themselves around it? The absurdity!

    Are you trying to argue that there's nothing wrong with sugar ?

    yes, I believe we are.

    over consumption of calories leads to obesity….

    you can get 100% of your diet from sugar, be in a deficit, and lose weight. Just google the twinkie diet….

    there are no essential nutrients in sugar.

    Lol. None? It serves no benefit?

    What benefit to your body does refined sugar have ?

    Destroys your liver and teeth.

    A quick source of energy?


    ...by spiking your blood sugar and insulin levels !

    You don't understand how the human body works do you?

    Of course I do.

    What happens to your blood sugar and insulin when you eat refined sugar.... please tell me ?

    Unsweetened apple juice has a higher glycemic load than most sweets.

    See also: white rice.

    Must be because of all the refined sugar.

    rice is a carb.

    Why do many marathon runners carb load before a run ?

    For energy.

    Also, sugar is a carb.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    It's really sad to me that all these so-called "documentaries" and theories which point to an outside source (carbs, sugar, processed foods, meat, etc.) and blames that source for weight gain gets so many followers who are ready to embrace a crutch rather than take personal responsibility for their own actions. *sigh*

    I agree with your point about blaming others...but your argument is like saying there is nothing wrong with heroin, and in fact it should be legal so people, who can moderate their heroin usage, can do so at their leisure.

    Are you REALLY comparing heroin to sugar, and are you suggesting that sugar should be illegal because people can't control themselves around it? The absurdity!

    Are you trying to argue that there's nothing wrong with sugar ?

    yes, I believe we are.

    over consumption of calories leads to obesity….

    you can get 100% of your diet from sugar, be in a deficit, and lose weight. Just google the twinkie diet….

    there are no essential nutrients in sugar.

    Lol. None? It serves no benefit?

    What benefit to your body does refined sugar have ?

    Destroys your liver and teeth.

    A quick source of energy?


    ...by spiking your blood sugar and insulin levels !

    You don't understand how the human body works do you?

    Of course I do.

    What happens to your blood sugar and insulin when you eat refined sugar.... please tell me ?

    It elicits an insulin response that takes glucose in the blood stream and stores it as glycogen in your muscles and liver and stores the remainder as fat so you will have readily available energy when you need it later as opposed to raising blood glucose levels to dangerous levels. It's doing exactly what it's supposed to do and exactly what it needs to do. Insulin is not a bad thing, it's a very good thing.

    your body does not burn fat when your insulin levels are spiked

    Did you even take a biology class in school ?

    Wow, I really have to spoon feed this to you huh? Ok well when you're not eating food which is most of the time, where do you think your body gets energy from? That's right! Stored fat! How long do you think insulin levels are elevated after eating? You really are one of the most ignorant people I've seen in all my time on these forums. The funniest part is that all these knowledgeable people are making a fool of you but you're so sure that you're right lol.

    It's clear that you have no idea what you are talking about. Some of the other people at least are making arguments that I can debate with them on. You've done nothing but embarrass yourself.

    Please tell me what I said in that post that was incorrect?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    It's really sad to me that all these so-called "documentaries" and theories which point to an outside source (carbs, sugar, processed foods, meat, etc.) and blames that source for weight gain gets so many followers who are ready to embrace a crutch rather than take personal responsibility for their own actions. *sigh*

    I agree with your point about blaming others...but your argument is like saying there is nothing wrong with heroin, and in fact it should be legal so people, who can moderate their heroin usage, can do so at their leisure.

    Are you REALLY comparing heroin to sugar, and are you suggesting that sugar should be illegal because people can't control themselves around it? The absurdity!

    Are you trying to argue that there's nothing wrong with sugar ?

    yes, I believe we are.

    over consumption of calories leads to obesity….

    you can get 100% of your diet from sugar, be in a deficit, and lose weight. Just google the twinkie diet….

    there are no essential nutrients in sugar.

    Lol. None? It serves no benefit?

    What benefit to your body does refined sugar have ?

    Destroys your liver and teeth.

    A quick source of energy?


    ...by spiking your blood sugar and insulin levels !

    You don't understand how the human body works do you?

    Of course I do.

    What happens to your blood sugar and insulin when you eat refined sugar.... please tell me ?

    It elicits an insulin response that takes glucose in the blood stream and stores it as glycogen in your muscles and liver and stores the remainder as fat so you will have readily available energy when you need it later as opposed to raising blood glucose levels to dangerous levels. It's doing exactly what it's supposed to do and exactly what it needs to do. Insulin is not a bad thing, it's a very good thing.

    your body does not burn fat when your insulin levels are spiked

    Did you even take a biology class in school ?

    Wow, I really have to spoon feed this to you huh? Ok well when you're not eating food which is most of the time, where do you think your body gets energy from? That's right! Stored fat! How long do you think insulin levels are elevated after eating? You really are one of the most ignorant people I've seen in all my time on these forums. The funniest part is that all these knowledgeable people are making a fool of you but you're so sure that you're right lol.

    It's clear that you have no idea what you are talking about. Some of the other people at least are making arguments that I can debate with them on. You've done nothing but embarrass yourself.

    You are sorely mistaken.

    Please read the link I gave.
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »
    Good lawdy...just read this...please...for the love of..


    I'm not going to read any sort of internet article.

    You are so confident in your own personal beliefs so it is your job to convince me.

    People are over weight because they choose to not eat healthy and not to exercise, but I also personally believe that sugar is addicting.

    I am not understanding why you and the other couple of posters are getting so butt hurt about my opinion ?

    This dude is in danger of breaking MFP. I'm not sure MFP can handle so much I can't even in one thread ...

    You're typing but saying nothing.

    When people have no knowledge to contribute to the conversation they will usually just say silly things. I don't blame you for doing this... you want to be a part of the conversation even though you can't really contribute.
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    AJ_G wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »
    Good lawdy...just read this...please...for the love of..


    I'm not going to read any sort of internet article.

    You are so confident in your own personal beliefs so it is your job to convince me.

    People are over weight because they choose to not eat healthy and not to exercise, but I also personally believe that sugar is addicting.

    I am not understanding why you and the other couple of posters are getting so butt hurt about my opinion ?

    Because your opinion is wrong

    It's an opinion you simpleton... it's can't be wrong.

  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Reading it will tear away his crutch. He will no longer be able to point to an outside entity (aka the sugar demon) to blame for his weight. He will have to accept that his weight was caused solely by his own actions and not some outside force (ie. addiction).

    C'mon guys, that's hard.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    sm1zzle wrote: »
    It's really sad to me that all these so-called "documentaries" and theories which point to an outside source (carbs, sugar, processed foods, meat, etc.) and blames that source for weight gain gets so many followers who are ready to embrace a crutch rather than take personal responsibility for their own actions. *sigh*

    I agree with your point about blaming others...but your argument is like saying there is nothing wrong with heroin, and in fact it should be legal so people, who can moderate their heroin usage, can do so at their leisure.

    Are you REALLY comparing heroin to sugar, and are you suggesting that sugar should be illegal because people can't control themselves around it? The absurdity!

    Are you trying to argue that there's nothing wrong with sugar ?

    yes, I believe we are.

    over consumption of calories leads to obesity….

    you can get 100% of your diet from sugar, be in a deficit, and lose weight. Just google the twinkie diet….

    there are no essential nutrients in sugar.

    Lol. None? It serves no benefit?

    What benefit to your body does refined sugar have ?

    Destroys your liver and teeth.

    A quick source of energy?


    ...by spiking your blood sugar and insulin levels !

    You don't understand how the human body works do you?

    Of course I do.

    What happens to your blood sugar and insulin when you eat refined sugar.... please tell me ?

    It elicits an insulin response that takes glucose in the blood stream and stores it as glycogen in your muscles and liver and stores the remainder as fat so you will have readily available energy when you need it later as opposed to raising blood glucose levels to dangerous levels. It's doing exactly what it's supposed to do and exactly what it needs to do. Insulin is not a bad thing, it's a very good thing.

    your body does not burn fat when your insulin levels are spiked

    Did you even take a biology class in school ?

    Wow, I really have to spoon feed this to you huh? Ok well when you're not eating food which is most of the time, where do you think your body gets energy from? That's right! Stored fat! How long do you think insulin levels are elevated after eating? You really are one of the most ignorant people I've seen in all my time on these forums. The funniest part is that all these knowledgeable people are making a fool of you but you're so sure that you're right lol.

    It's clear that you have no idea what you are talking about. Some of the other people at least are making arguments that I can debate with them on. You've done nothing but embarrass yourself.

    You are sorely mistaken.

    Please read the link I gave.

    He doesn't want to though. I can only wonder what would happen if someone were to tell him to read a study. If he doesn't read studies or isn't open to reviewing research, I really am wondering how he could possibly know ALL DA THINGS.