Over 200 New Year New Me Part 22



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    julie - glad you finally got your chicken :smile: ..weird statement from your ex-boss..

    I did another spin class ..i am soo pooped (that on top of my lunchtime workout) hubby said it wasn't that hard but i was strugglingi think because she had a good part of use standing, he had really strong legs , and mine not so much, we had 8 minutes we had to stand , my calves were on fire, i actually had to stop once, due to i couldn't move my legs but more cause i had sweat in my eyes and it was burning...but i did it..

    But now since i did 2 workouts i have lots of cals to eat tonight ..ugg...i am like at a net of 400 right now.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Finally i have eaten enough...i was trying my best to get over 1200 net...was real hard today.

    cals - 1982'
    water = 55 oz (not enough :sad:
    Exercise - 33 min elliptical + 12 min eliptical + 1 hr spin class - 771 cals burned !!!!
    Proud - That i survived the spin class, it was hard for me to today...but i did it.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Today, they were very fake cordial to me and I got the strangest compliment (I think) through my ex supervisor's boss's clenched teeth (seriously -- clenched). She said, "Well, you're a very different looking bird." :huh: :laugh: Who says that?!

    Maybe you were exuding rotisserie chicken vibes and she picked up on it. I mean, what's the chances of her using "bird" (ie. CHICKEN) when she sees you, hmmm???? :wink:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I am royally p'od...I really hate my part of my job where i have to be on call..i hate that i have to put my life on hold.

    1st i didn't sleep at all last night cause that stupid on call blackberry was going off all night ..having multiple issues and hving to call peole early in the morning (which i HATE), figured i can't do this lift class so we were going to work out, i was soo upset coudln't get into anything (pluse i hadn't eaten ), then i got on the treadmill was just going to walk for a while, then freaking got another call, again having to call something...I am just soo mad, annoyed i don't know what...but i really want this weekend to be over.

    can't go to the pool, can't do some of my classes can't just enjoy the weekend..some days i really want a different occupation...and today being one of those days.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I did it I did it I did it!! I jogged as much as I could and my legs are screaming at me! But I did it in less then 50 minutes!!! I'm so excited! I'm such a dork I even wrote a success story about it!


    Time to go get ready for the concert!!

    P.S. My legs might be screaming at me because I went out dancing last night and danced way too much. Probably not a great idea on my part but it was fun!:tongue:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I'm caught up I'm caught up! I'm caught up~!

    PHew! That took awhile!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good for you blue walking today

    Yay Jess, on the 5k

    Julie, yeah kind of a weired comment. She should actually feel a little stupid for saying it.

    I am leaving tomorrow!!!! Don't forget all about me!!!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    apparently I want to be fat forever
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300

    Lildeb – So glad you got your AC fixed!! I would go crazy without mine. I sure hope that this doctor can help you with your daughter. That is so exciting about the 16’s!! They might be a little snug now but they will fit perfectly soon! Losing .4 lbs is still great and WTG on the 1 ½ inches!!

    Thanks !! I am lovin my air ...i have actually had to turn it up for being too cold...

    And i would love to claim the 16's but that was Jess :sad: :sad: It will be a long long time before I am in anything that doesn't start with a 2.

    Oops! Sorry! Maybe I was seeing into the future when I typed that. :bigsmile: We will get there. I am far away from 16s too. So hopefully we can push each other to get there!!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    lildeb - Sorry about not liking your job. :mad: I haven't ever really hated my job but I am sure that it is horrible. I hope that the rest of the weekend you don't get as many calls and you can enjoy your weekend. But if that doesn't happen you only have to be on call for a little bit and you will be back in action really soon.

    Julie - So glad that you finally got your rotisserie chicken!!! Sounds like your ex-boss was a piece of work!

    Jess - WTG on your 5k!!! That is awesome!!!

    Blue - Hope your walk went well!! Sooo proud of you!!!

    So far this weekend I have not been too great. I have been eating way more than I should and then feel horrible about it! I know that today is another day and I will put them past me. Last night was my 10 year HS reunion and I had a blast but I went way over in calories even when I thought I was being good. I knew I would be over in the alcohol but I really was trying to be good with the food and it is just aggravating!!:devil: :devil: Okay. I am over it now. Today I haven't eaten much because I have been at my grandpa's trying to keep him busy and time flew by. So I am going to find something to eat and then maybe do some exercise but with this huge headache I am not sure how much I will get done.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    apparently I want to be fat forever

    No you don't!! You are not fat now, you are a beautiful woman! Is everything okay? You have lost so much weight and doing great!! You are such an inspiration to me and I strive to be like you. We all have our days when we feel like we are never going to get to our goal weight but we are learning so much during our journey. Keep your head up and we will be here to pick you back up.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Raider - Yes we will be side and side come on we can do it, looks like we are around the same we will do it...

    Thanks, i really doln't hate my job, some days i jsut hate it though, i work at home and works out real well , i abosultely hate being on calll...i really think i wouldn't mind it as much if it was just supporting the it processes but i really hate when people call..1/2 the time i can't do anything and just have to call other people, just irritting...i dread it..but tonight and then tomorrow and it is over, hopefully i won't get anything else.

    not been doing the greatest, when i don't work out seems like i just don't do as well, not been horrible ,

    My sis is coming over now, she said she was bored..she is always late thought wating on her now :sad:
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    apparently I want to be fat forever

    No you don't!! You are not fat now, you are a beautiful woman! Is everything okay? You have lost so much weight and doing great!! You are such an inspiration to me and I strive to be like you. We all have our days when we feel like we are never going to get to our goal weight but we are learning so much during our journey. Keep your head up and we will be here to pick you back up.

    I agree with Raider! Cris, you have come so far! Bad days are allowed, but only if you get back on it again tomorrow.

    Jess - way to go on the 5K!!! Double props after completing it after a night of dancing :)
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    apparently I want to be fat forever

    I felt that way a little earlier. Last night I made brownies with peanut butter chips in them. WTF was I thinking?! Like I could be trusted. I didn't even bother substituting applesauce for the oil. I just straight up made horrible-for-me brownies.

    I ate 3 before 3pm today! Along with 8oz glass of 2% milk. Yeahhhhhhh.. that's 670 calories.
    But as much as I didn't feel like going, I just got home from the gym. My HRM says I burned 1278 calories (in 100 minutes). I. kicked. my. *kitten*.

    The bottom line is you and I make sooooo many choices that are healthier than the ones we made before. I'm still fine with my "who cares if it takes me another year to lose the rest of my weight" attitude I've had for the last couple months. :smile: Losing 4 pounds a month is more than fine with me!

    Now..... I'm going to eat a cheesesteak and drink beer. :laugh:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: I agree with Julie. Even though things don't go well sometimes, you're still WAY better off than you were before you began your weight loss journey. We're here for you, so don't you dare think of giving up or leaving us!! I'd have to harass you...constantly!

    Speaking of which, apprently I like sabotaging myself. I went way over on calories last night, but was okay with that because I was having fun with friends and my boyfriend. This morning, the scale was back at 191.4, which is good after being back up to 196 at the beginning of the week. Well, apprently I felt it was okay for me to have a chocolate sundae AND a cupcake AND Dr. Pepper today for snacks. I haven't eaten supper yet and I'm already well above my calories for the day. I'm going to hate myself tomorrow morning, but I can't blame anyone but myself. I really need to think about why I keep sabotaging myself every time I start seeing progress again....I wish Jillian Michaels were here to talk me through it then kick my *kitten*!

    Jess: Again, I'm so jealous about the dancing. I definitely have excuses to visit Texas, just need to make the time for it. I have relatives and another friend in Texas; family is in Waco and friend is in Fort Worth. So when I make it down that way, I'll make sure I have enough time to go dancing with you. And way to go on the 5k even after a night of dancing...you're my hero!

    lildebbie: I think it's awesome that your husband is slowly making his way toward utilizing MFP's support groups!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I know a while back, we discussed doing a half marathon someday together, but I'm wondering if we should shoot higher...like the Susan G. Komen 3-Day. Since it's a walk, those of us who aren't yet running could do it, too. I bet we could raise the minimum team amount if we all did it together as a team. Just a thought to ponder for next year's 3-Day events...
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I did it. It was beastly hot (93 F) and extremely humid, but I made it the entire mile. I am so exhausted I can't be funny. :tongue: I barely had enough energy for that tongue emote. I'll talk more tomorrow. I have to get to bed! Thank you all for believing in me that I could do it today!

    check in:
    high end of cals but hey I was hungry
    water: loads
    exercise: sweated my *kitten* off for the one mile walk
    proud: I made it to the finish line. Whew. Goodnight.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I AM SO PROUD OF NANCY AND JESS!!! You guys rock! I don't know how you did it, it was SO HOT today!

    98*F here, heat index of 108. Phew! I broke a sweat just driving to the gym with my car's AC on full blast. :laugh:

    Calories: 2312 oh yeah... And absolutely not healthy calories at all (but my goal was 2313!!!)
    Exercise: 5 miles on the elliptical on the "Hills plus" setting level 10 (I'm still an elliptical wimp, but getting much better); 35 minutes of strength training (my entire body feels like jello... especially since I've had a shot and 2 pints of beer at this point :tongue:)
    Water: I didn't log it. Probably not enough, but at least 8 cups
    Proud: I felt like death earlier after my blood sugar was nuts from eating 3 (yes 3) brownies. But I went to the gym and pushed myself harder than maybe ever before. Also, my weight was down to 196.6 again this morning so I'm totally right about my muscles retaining water being the reason I'm not showing losses on Fridays. But again, I'm fine with it. :smile: It's good to see the confirmation on the scale now and then. I'm getting married in 6 days! We're going to get our marriage license Monday (hopefully, if I can take a long lunch)!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess and Blu - WTG on the breast cancer walks today !!!!

    Julie - Today those brownies sound really good, i wanted some cheesecake very bad but hubby wouldn't let me :sad:

    Check in -

    cals - 1580
    Water - nothing today
    Exercise - nothing really , per my hrm like 80 cals , but was soo ticked off and then got interrupted so not even counting it
    Proud - that i was soo angry today about work stuff, but i didn't result in binging (which i really wanted to do), but i think i owe more of that to hubby than me.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    good morning ladies...
    Finished yesterday's Skinny Challenge to. Although, I think I should have stretched more.. My feet and calves are screaming at me today. So, today, I am going to do a little stretching, drink more water and take it easy. Of course try to mgd (make good decisions).

    We went shopping yesterday for our camping trip. 5 hours, 5 stores and 400 dollars later we got home. Holy cow, feeding all those extra people sure added up. So, today we are also going to attempt to start loading the camper, cleaning the camper and getting a few other things done around the house before family comes!

    Blue... I am SOOOOOOO proud of you! I knew you could do it! Yippee
