Over 200 New Year New Me Part 22



  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    A while back I bought a new sports bra, but I got it in 40C and it didn't fit. My normal bras that I have been wearing were 42C, but as I mentioned in one of the previous threads when we had our bra discussion, I'm on the outermost hooks now and need to get some new ones soon. So this morning I was getting dressed in gym clothes so that later when I should be going to the gym I am already dressed, so that "I don't feel like getting changed" isn't an excuse I can use to not go. :wink:

    On a whim, I decided to put on the new bra, and it fits! I'm on the innermost row of hooks now but it's not digging in, and it's really comfy. There's no underwires like some of the other styles for this brand, too. I hate underwires! I am so glad, because this bra was $44 and now I can get some use out of it!

    I am still up 3 lbs from last week, but TOM is still here, and I have not been so great about eating and sodium and drinking my water the past couple days. I always go a little crazy at TOM. I'm going to go to the gym today and do a C25K run, though, and stop at the store on the way home and pick up some meat and veggies so we can cook more this week.

    Oh, I meant to report back after I tried C25K again this week! I had been doing C25K last fall for the 3rd time, and I really gave it a good shot. I did W1 twice, then I did W2-4 on schedule, and then I did the first 2 days of W5 on schedule, but I just could not get that D3 run. I knew I wouldn't be able to because even though I'd been doing all of the days up until then, after I started W3, I never ever finished the last interval of the day without taking a short walking break. How was I going to do 20 min nonstop when I couldn't even do all the intervals for W3-5 nonstop? So then I muddled along and was doing W5D1 and W5D2 alternating trying to just build up more stamina, but then I fizzled out and ate my way through the winter.

    So, on Wed last week, I loaded up my iPod with the W3 podcast (I have an iPod Shuffle so either I load up the iPod with a big play list of random music or only with the C25K podcasts, or else I'll never find the podcast in all the other music) and I started it up. Right in the middle of my first 90s interval my Shuffle came unclipped from the hem of my shirt and went flying. I caught it but I hit the button that resets the podcast to the start and there's no way to FF to the place you were at. :sad: But now I was all out of sync! I didn't really want to walk for 5 min again for the warmup so that I could restart it, so I just did it myself ignoring the verbal cues in the podcast and watching the timer. Sometimes the tempo of the music was wrong, but it was mostly ok. Anyways, I finished the whole thing without walking even the last interval! AND since there was more time on the podcast due to the unclipping fiasco, I decided to run an extra 90s interval at the end.

    I was so excited that I finished it without walking. Maybe I will actually make it through this time! Before when I was doing it, I wasn't doing much else other than C25K. No strength training like I am doing now with my trainer (not even using the weight machines), and no other cardio on the non-C25K days, and not really eating much differently. Getting back into running and races is a big goal of mine.
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    Jess and bluenote - WAY TO GO! You guys rock. :smile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Thank you all for the congrats on the 5k. However, I think the 5k won! After I got home yesterday my foot was killing me. I have plantar fasciatis but this feelings like something different. I had that concert but was off my feet most of the day but it still hurt. Today, I'm in throbbing pain. Trying to decide if I wanna go to an urgent care or not. I'm going to be very upset if I did some sort of damage and I can't workout. Lord I pray something is just inflamed or it's the plantar fasciatis I have! UGH! So frustrated!!! I feel very defeated. Anywho. Just my rant for the day.

    Blue-way to go on the walk! It may have taken it out of you but I bet you felt great!

    Heather-I looked into doing one this year but there's no way I could raise 2 grand on my own. But if we do it as a team I might be down for that depending where! I wanted to do it so bad!!

    Momma-Have a great time on your trip!! We will miss you!!!

    Cris-You are not going to be fat forever. You are beautiful and you have come so far! Just have a lot going on right now. The important part is you are basically maintaing during this busy time in your life. Don't beat yourself up!

    raider-Glad you had a good time at your HS reunion! I'm dreading mine!

    Colorado-5 hours and 5 stores $400!? WOW!!! You are one awesome lady to be putting all that together!

    Miranda-Congrats on finally getting passed that c25k day you were stuck on and the sports bra fitting! Those are both great news!

    Think I got everybody! Hope you are all enjoying your Sunday. My Mom's back with my ibproufen! YES!! GOTTA GO! :tongue:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Nancy - Great job on the walk!!! You have come so far and have done great!!!

    colgrl - Wow!! You are definitely a trooper on getting this all together but I am sure it is well worth it. I love getting things for groups together, hope you get everything done. I know you can do it today, keep MGD!!

    Miranda - That is great news about the bra and C25K!!! I know you can finish it this time!!

    Jess - Hope your foot gets better. I have friends that have the same foot problems and they say it is really painful. I hope that it nothing else is wrong!

    So this weekend has been a TOTAL bust! I have over eaten sooooo much this weekend. Even today. I am sitting here with only 15 cals left for the day and it is onl y 2:30 pm!!:grumble: :grumble: I have had this horrible headache off and on yesterday and today! I hoped after drinking water and sleeping that it would help but it didn't. I have been taking ibprofen and tylenol and neither of it has helped. I am thinking that I am over eating because I am thinking it will help my headache but I just keep eating. If I didn't have such a pounding headache then I would march my butt upstairs and get on that elliptical. I am suppose to be starting to study on my CPA review stuff and I can't get motivated on that either. I have lost any motivation for anything this weekend. I think I need a kick in the but*!!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Checking in!

    Friday's weigh in was a wash (or did I already report that?) so ZERO for mstahl!

    Friday and Saturday nights we went to Ray's place. Ken had spent the entire day (both days) at the hospital with his dad. By entire day I mean he went in around 8:30 AM and didn't leave until around 8PM so he was wiped! And what better way to deal with being wiped out than to eat greasy foods and drink amazing ales?

    So Friday and Saturday I was fabulous during the day with calories but even with splitting a turkey Reuben and keeping my beer consumption to just one pint - I was still over by around 500 -600 calories. FAIL!!!!

    Today we went into the hospital to check on George - he was having a blood pressure test where they take it while your laying down, then sitting then standing - found out what I'd been saying all along - he's on too much BP meds and his BP drops down to next to nothing when he stands up (thus light headed). Over all he seems like he's in good (cranky) spirits. Hopefully he'll be able to go to the rehab place tomorrow then build up his strength and come home in a couple of weeks. The rehab center is brand new and only about a mile (nice walk) from our house! Can't wait for him to get back here.

    After his tests Ken's brother and his brothers kids volunteered to stay with George so Ken can have the day off. VERY NICE because he's been the one at the hospital almost all day every day. George was playing his harmonica for the medical staff - 92 year old flirt. :love: He was saying that he sure was glad he's 92 years old because when he got a sponge bath if he'd been any younger he would have been very embarrassed. Ken's brother was like "DAD watch what you SAY!" and George said "Well I'm not DEAD!":laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    We went to Cracker Barrel for brunch and I had the "healthy sampler" that had yogurt and granola and eggs and BACON and yeah - I could look at it and guess 700 calories but heck! It said healthy!:embarassed: but I've only had iced green tea since then so I can still have a meal tonight.

    Monday I'll be BACK! Holding to 1200 calories every day and exercising regularly. I'm ok with the lag time - I know going slow is better than too fast but I think this hold at 172-175 ish for the past few weeks is enough of a break for me! I need to get my butt in gear and get serious or Fall will be here before I know it.

    Elmox (sp?) - I can't sing without music. I can't sing very well with it - but without it I'm lost!:ohwell:

    Jess - wtg on the 5K! Rest and ice your foot - it will be fine soon!

    Colorado Girl - have a great trip and enjoy yourself!:flowerforyou:

    Momma -you too!:flowerforyou: (I love going to summer camp!)

    Miranda - nice on the bra. I really need to get a couple good bras for work. My 38Cs are too big and my 36 Cs are too small (cup) so I'm going to order a 36 D and see if that can work. I'm smaller than I've ever been but I guess the extra skin from the (TMI) sag adds up? Gross.

    LilDebbie - I'm glad you made it through the school year! I know what you mean about being on call. My new job I have some of that and most of the stuff that gets passed to me isn't really anything I can fix. I work with the software that looks for sensitive data and auto encrypts it, but this gateway touches every bit of email leaving our system. Thus when any email has issues since they see the stamp from my system on it they just pass it to me. Even when the content of the message clearly states the problem is with the email address or whatever! :grumble:

    Heather - so happy about the certification! What an awesome thing to do - you're really making a difference in kids lives! Riding days are probably the highlight of their life!:heart:

    BlueNote- you do know that the one mile walk for a cure is only the beginning right? You'll be doing so much more by next summer! I'm so proud of you!!!! 93 degrees and thick humid air and you didn't wimp out! You're freaking AWESOME!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Chris - yeah this is a long walk and sometimes it's a very long walk beside a very tempting buffet! But the :angry: "Eff this diet":mad: weekends are just part of it. I just adds a few more days to our journey! Just a drop in the bucket! No worries - you're coming along with us like it or not :wink:

    Miranda - I'm so impressed with your getting back to C25K! WAY TO GO! I dropped my 5K101 when Millie died and I haven't done squat since then (last week of April). I will get back to it! You will have it finished in no time!

    Raiderape - you're just having a bad weekend so that Chris and I don't feel so alone aren't you? What a great friend!:tongue: We'll get this life style change back under control in no time!

    Snowflake - I'm happy you stop by and check in with us - we miss you :)

    lstPaul - I hope that water front property sells soon, and is bought by a family that loves to race noisy ATVs round and round and round while blaring horns and having lots of loud music - OH and think fireworks are great EVERY night of the week!:devil:

    LittleSpy - your chicken hunt... they sell rotisserie chicken seasoning - so if you buy a small fryer, you can just rinse it off in cold water, mix the powdered seasoning with some olive oil - slather it all over the chicken (I rub it under the skin on the breast) and then put it in a 375 oven BREAST SIDE DOWN for about 45 minutes to an hour. It won't look as pretty but it will taste great! Roasting it breast side down keeps all the juices in the breast meat (kind like the rotisserie part). I probably roast a chicken a week - I use minced rosemary, crushed garlic, salt and olive oil for the seasoning. I'll roast a chicken, remove all the meat, put the skin and bones in a pot filled with cold water and let it simmer over night on low - the next day you have nice chicken broth... I might be cheaper than you when it comes to food. I'm determined to grow my own chickens :laugh:

    OK I will admit that while I can see your photo in my minds eye, I can NOT remember your user name - but you play or played rugby! I'm so glad you've found us!

    Everyone else that I skipped - I am old and my mind is weak... sorry!

    OK I'm off to finish dealing with all the clothes I sorted out of my closet! Some go to co-workers, some too old to recycle and some to good will.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    AAAAAaaaaanddd - after the worlds longest post I'll check in for Sunday!

    Calories - over by two glasses of red wine (oops!)
    Water- OK since I am counting my weak iced green tea!
    Exercise - uhm.... I jogged barefoot around our apron to remind myself how it was done?

    Proud- super bad sweet tooth which is so unlike me! I want to eat a tub of icing or something. But I'm not. I'm going to bed :)
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Singing was great this morning/all day! I left the house at 6:30 a.m. to be there for a 7 a.m. call, then left at 3:15 p.m. It was a long day, and I helped set up and strike the stage, so I'm counting that as my exercise!

    Yesterday we went to the Big Apple BBQ Block Party - it was great and I am proud of my self-control. Jonathan and I shared every plate, so based on my estimates, it looks like it was only 1000 cals. Considering that filled me up for most of the day, 1000 in one set isn't that bad.

    Lots of checking-in to do:
    Cals: Over / About right / Over by like 150
    Water: 72 oz / 48 oz / 48 oz (need more water...so parched!)
    Exercise: Walked a mile or so = 100 cals burned / 60 min of aerobics = 435 cals / Set-up and tear-down of stage = 100 cals

    Plan to go running tomorrow in Central Park...hooray!

    Sorry for the short post....I'm watching season two of True Blood and HAVE to get back to it!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    The only part of my body that hurt this morning, post-walk, were my shins. They were KILLIN' me. :sad: Still hurting this evening, even. I knew I could do that mile, but wowsa, when you add hills, the sun glaring in your eyes, heat, and terrible humidity it makes that mile seem like 10!!! :noway: The first half was great - very easy. My friends were doing the 5K walk, so I began with them (same route until the first half mile). The first half was breezy, and the sun was behind me. The humidity was there, but the nice breeze and the sun not in my face made it easier. I thought for a brief moment that I may very well shoot for the 5K with them, but I thought it best to stick to my one mile plan. My friends insisted I turn at 18th street, but I knew I was not supposed to turn until 20th. Well, I listened to them and wandered down the wrong street. LOL I sat on a bench and talked with this older woman whose feet felt like they were on fire. Oooh, I was so glad that was not me! Anyhoo, she confirmed that I did indeed wander off the mile path by two blocks. I thought for a minute there, hey, no one will know I skipped two big blocks. I could just go on from here and say I did the mile. But something inside me refused to cheat. I walked back down the two blocks and joined the walkers. :tongue: I turned the corner and whammo - sun in my eyes, NO breeze, up hill, and dying hot. Dear Lord that last half of the mile was torture! One of my friends who did the 5K run was finished, so when he got my text that I "broke down" at 18th (again - had to pass that darn 18th again, only this time on the right path!), he came and walked the rest of the way with me.

    The walk was extremely emotional for me. I had never been in that kind of situation before where I was walking with survivors of anything, and towards the end of the walk I became overwhelmed at what an honor and privilege it was to walk this mile with these people whom I did not know - breast cancer survivors and their families and friends. Seeing the names of people who lost their lives to breast cancer pinned on the backs of t-shirts in homage was a very humbling yet powerful experience. For once I am lost for words, but I hope you understand what I am trying to say. When I crossed that finish line, I realized that my goal of walking a mile, albeit HUGE for me, was far less important than the grace of walking with these women and knowing in a tiny way that I helped raise money to further breast cancer research.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I keep gaining weight. About two pounds a day since I joined the gym. I am hoping this will all settle down once my body gets a grip I am adding intensity. ???

    check in:
    cals: about 5 under
    water: 100
    exercise: 50 mins bike, arms, PT exercises
    proud: Today was my cousin's wedding and I wore the smaller dress. I thought it was too tight in the ta-tas, but my cousins did not think that was true. It must have looked OK because I *think* a man was flirting with me! :blushing: I have not been involved in a flirt since 1989! :noway: I thought what the hell, it could be fun - and it was! :blushing: :huh:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Blue - you did great at the walk!! Sorry you went down the wrong straight..you would think they would have signs and not let people go down the wrong streets..

    I think yoru muscles are just tyring to get used to what you are doing with them. I know the 1st week i joined the gym i didn't loose but gained instead, just keep at it..!!!!!

    Check in -
    cals - 1800
    water - nada ( i am soo bad on the weekends about this)
    exercise - spin class (almost 600 cals)
    Proud - That i made it through the spin class this morning..the sunday morning girl is freaking tough!!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    mstahl-WOW! What a post! :laugh: Hope that George gets released into the rehab facility soon and is able to come home soon!

    lilDebbie-Glad your Sunday went better then your Saturday. Are you loving Spin class yet? I miss it!

    Blue-You are absolutely right. It's a very emotional walk to do. I was a mess the first year I did it. So proud of you for doing the mile walk and not giving up when you got lost! I can only imagine how humid it was for you, I was dieing down here in Dallas!!

    Well I'm on day 2 of limping around. It seems to be slowly but surely getting better. Ice helps but heat when I'm in the shower most definitely makes it worse!! I've googled some foot pains and some say to go to a dr, some say to just ice it and give it time to heal and some say go to a chiropractor. It's not sensitive to the touch and it's not swollen. My insurance sucks and I'm cheap so I don't want to go to the doctor if I don't have to! Okay thanks for listening to my vent again. So frustrated!! :explode:
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    mstahl - it's me! :) I'm the rugger!

    Which reminds me... I think the boyfriend and I are going to head to 7s on Wednesday!

    Note of explanation: Rugby is usually played with 15 people per team. 7s is rugby played with... you guessed it! 7 people :) The pitch (field) is 100 meters from try (goal) line to try line - IE gigantic. So with only 7 people on your team, it means a LOT more running.

    There's a 10s (along the same lines as 7s) tournament up in Rockford, IL next weekend we want to go to. My only hesitation is that it's co-ed. Yikes! The good thing about this type of tournament is that it isn't too serious, so I should be alright. And if a guy DOES take a cheap shot at me, I have Adam to back me up. (He played professional rugby in England for a couple years)

    Yesterday wasn't too, too terrible, but it wasn't too good either. Pizza and ice cream...oops. But after walking through Lincoln Park Zoo for a few hours and walking to get the ice cream, I still managed to come in under calories for Sunday.

    Elmox - what type of singing do you do? (I was in OSU Women's Glee Club in college, took voice lessons, and was in a musical last spring in Columbus. Stil trying to find something out here in Chicago to get into... that isn't swamped with professionals!)

    Happy Monday, ladies :)

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I lost my damn mind for a minute or two yesterday.
    I ate almost like I would've 73 pounds ago (STILL not quite as bad). Except that I ate that way nearly every day then and yesterday was just one day and it's over and I've found my mind again. :tongue:

    I'm going to kick my butt at the gym tonight. And I'm going to come up with a meal plan for the rest of the week. I'll only be eating 50% of my exercise calories or so for the next couple of days because we're going to the beach (eerr.... honeymoon?) this weekend and suffice it to say I'm not worried about my metabolism slowing down this week. :wink:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Elmox - what type of singing do you do? (I was in OSU Women's Glee Club in college, took voice lessons, and was in a musical last spring in Columbus. Stil trying to find something out here in Chicago to get into... that isn't swamped with professionals!)

    I sang all though junior high and high school in multiple choirs, took voice lessons, and LOVED being in musicals. I totally understand your frustration of trying to get involved in something that doesn't involve professionals - I live in New York City for Pete's sake! Even church choirs contract out with semi-professional singers here. I terribly miss being in musicals/theater, but again, in New York City, even "community theater" is full of professionals. It's something I look forward to getting involved in whenever we leave NYC, however, I have no idea when that will be or where we're going!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Blue - Once again, you did great on your walk! That is awesome that you didn't let the wrong turn stop you from getting to your goal and not cheating!!:love::love:

    Jess - Sorry that your foot is still hurting! I have had heel spurs for about a year now and after going to the chiroprator, I don't hurt at all. I know that is not what you have but foot pain is painful. Hope it gets to feeling better today.

    mstahl - I hope that George is able to go to the rehab center today and recoups real soon!

    Teresa - Rugby?!?!? I have never watched it or even played it but that sounds like an awesome way to work out and have fun! Well if your into that, LOL! :laugh: Well whatever you decided have fun!! At OSU being in Glee club must have been lots of fun! If we would have had one when I was in MS or HS I might have chosen choir over band but band won out.

    Julie - I did the same thing with eating but I did it ALL weekend!! :grumble: :grumble: Today is a new day and back to the game plan. I can't believe that it is only a few days till your wedding!!! I am sooo excited for you!!!:bigsmile:

    Well, this morning I am still trying to fight a headache. It is not as bad as it was the weekend but it is still there. I have planned my day to eat healthy and exercise when I get home. And drink lots and lots of water because I got on the scale this morning and I am up 3 lbs!!!:noway: :noway: I have got to get back in control of this! Hope everyone has a great Monday and I'll be back!!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Elmox - what type of singing do you do? (I was in OSU Women's Glee Club in college, took voice lessons, and was in a musical last spring in Columbus. Stil trying to find something out here in Chicago to get into... that isn't swamped with professionals!)

    I sang all though junior high and high school in multiple choirs, took voice lessons, and LOVED being in musicals. I totally understand your frustration of trying to get involved in something that doesn't involve professionals - I live in New York City for Pete's sake! Even church choirs contract out with semi-professional singers here. I terribly miss being in musicals/theater, but again, in New York City, even "community theater" is full of professionals. It's something I look forward to getting involved in whenever we leave NYC, however, I have no idea when that will be or where we're going!

    I know!! Come to Chicago and we can start our own non-professional company :)

    Work is sllloooowww this morning! (Or I'm having trouble focusing. One of those, two)

    I also discovered how awesome the Magic Bullet is this morning (the kitchen appliance version not the.. um... uh... other one). I made the most DELICIOUS smoothie (frozen strawberries, skim milk, tablespoon of reduced fat peanutbutter). Tasty goodness, and everything you need to start off the day: dairy, protein, fruit!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    That sounds good. Too bad I don't have the time in the morning!

    I am also slow or not really wanting to work this morning. My immediate boss, our section boss, and our division director are out on vacation this week. So I will probably be on here a lot!! :bigsmile:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    WOW, you gals are so chatty or could it be that I haven't logged on for 2 whole days. Sorry!

    I know I am late on posts but I would like to CONGRAGULATE JESS and BLUENOTE. WAY TO GO LADIES!!!

    CRIS: Look at how far you have come. You are not going to be fat forever. Get that negativity out of your mind. There is so much going on in your life and you feel overwhelmed.

    Step back for a moment and think that it’s a journey to become healthy for your family (especially for you soon to be hubby and your son) and for YOU, so it’s not a DIET (where you have falling off the wagon?) It’s to feel good inside and out. Every single day is a learning process. Ok, you overate one day, big deal ( I have done that so many times too) , pick yourself up and think what more important the number on the scale or your health ( feeling good about yourself and becoming a healthier(soon to be) wife and mother) the most important thing. We Can do this!! Whether it takes us 3, 6, 9, or 12 months..we are going to be doing this FOREVER..It’s not a diet., SO stop beating yourself up. Love ya sis :-)

    COgirl: your just too amazing for words.. juggling all those things:flowerforyou:

    Momma: hope you have a safe trip. You will be missed. Have fun!

    Raiderape: Glad you had fun at your high school reunion

    Heather: Glad your back from your travels. We missed you :-)

    Maranda: Great new about the bra and about C25k..you can do it! Take it slow and steady (at first) then once you build endurance focus on speed.

    Litdeb: Great job resisting cheesecake! I wish my husband would do that for me (suggest not to eat it because it’s too fatty). He is the one who suggest unhealthy foods..and I have to calm him down. We have 2 desserts in the Freezer “David’s sweets marble cheesecake and 4 berry tart” they have been sitting there for a couple of months..

    Mstahl: Hope George is doing well today. How are you doing? Sounds like a lot on your plate. Hang in girl:flowerforyou: :heart:

    LItspy: what happened in the past (yesterday) is gone- let’s focus on today and the future:laugh: :wink: . Let’s get our *kitten* in gear to exercise and watch what we eat this week. We can do this, right girl!

    Elmox: I with Mstahl, I can’t sing with or without the music..LOL

    Sorry if I forgot anyone..not my intention:flowerforyou:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    I am having a great "skinny" day. Was told by 2 people that I'm looking vey skinny. Just got back from the bathroom and realized I could pull my size 14 pants down (I realize that sounds really funny, but I can't think of a better way to say it!) without loosening my belt or undoing the button and zipper. LOVING today!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    POS Me-Are you feeling better today??

    elmox-Congrats on the skinny day!

    Raider-Hope your head gets to feeling better soon. I feel your pain! I was there last week.

    It's awfully quiet around here this morning. Is anybody around?