Over 200 New Year New Me Part 22



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh oh, nevermind about stalking Ann! I remember now she was going to Dollywood. :laugh: My memory is pathetic.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    i was thinking ann said she was going some where , but can't remember.

    I go by my polar f7 all the time, it actually tells me most of the time less than the machines, but i go off of it..., you are doing great gaining muscle ...

    I feel so proud...i was talking to my friend about my weightloss and showing her my new progress picks (i took a new one last night), i think i am doing 1 every month so i can see..well she was so motivated she joined MFP today!! I am glad i can motivate others,
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    LilDeb - You ARE an inspiration. Deal with it! :wink:

    LittleSpy - Dude, that's a lot of calories! If I'm hoofing it, I'm buring 12-15 cals/minute. Usually it's 10 cals/minute. I'm certainly not second-guessing your HRM, but wowsa, that's a lot of cals! I think your plan (as usual) sounds good.

    Raider - To clarify - I am not currently ready to run a 5k. Just realized that it's something I WILL be able to do...in the future.

    Checking for today:
    Cals: 1338, 180 under exercise cals
    Water: 72 oz, may have more
    Exercise: Running in Central Park = 330 cals
    Proud: Running!!

    Since Ann is off, should we start a new thread (so we don't have 15+ pages), or is that "against protocol"?
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    LittleSpy - I am HERE for YOU! I ate all 2K plus calories for you today! Ken spent yet another full day with his dad at the hospital then at the nursing home and he needed a trip to Rays. So I (being a good wife) went along, had a pint of Lake Erie Brewing Company's 'Lake Erie Monster' ale, some sauteed shrimp appetizer, a blue cheese burger (but NO bun!) with lettuce and tomato (and ketchup) and sweet potato fries not regular! AND chocolate cheese cake with a shot of mint liqueur. Oops.


    oh well. TOMORROW I START OVER!:ohwell:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    LittleSpy - Dude, that's a lot of calories! If I'm hoofing it, I'm buring 12-15 cals/minute. Usually it's 10 cals/minute. I'm certainly not second-guessing your HRM, but wowsa, that's a lot of cals! I think your plan (as usual) sounds good.

    Well, 1105 divided by 90 minutes is 12.2 cals/minute. The way it broke down was about 870 calories in 60 minutes on the elliptical (the machine, also taking my HR, weight, and age into account) said around 700 cals burned) and 230 for 30 minutes of strength training. I did 5 miles on "random" level 10. Kicked. my. butt. Man, I love the elliptical. And the huge plus is, apparently I'm the only one! I walked in today around 5.30pm (first time I went after work) and all of the treadmills were taken, most of the bikes were taken and there was only ONE person on an elliptical (and there are like 30 ellipticals). :noway:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Elmox - what type of singing do you do? (I was in OSU Women's Glee Club in college, took voice lessons, and was in a musical last spring in Columbus. Stil trying to find something out here in Chicago to get into... that isn't swamped with professionals!)

    Hey, I resemble that! :wink: (professional musician/actress here - tee hee)
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Jess - so sorry to hear your foot is still in pain. You may want to get that checked out. I'd go podiatrist, maybe.
    raider - hope your headache is better by now!
    Teresa - Rugby sounds cool. I don't know a thing about it but the word sounds cool. LOL on the magic bullet comment!
    elmox - good job pulling your pants down! LOL We all knew you could do it! And congrats on the running!!!
    pos_me - glad you got the results you wanted from the preggers test!
    Julie - so does getting the license mean you're married now? I forgot how that goes...
    lstpaul - {{{HUGS}}} to you.
    mstahl - I love that YOU love your job! I get all excited when I read your love affair with your job posts!
    lildeb - Your hubby is so sweet! Tell him thanks from me for helping you through a cheesecake massacre. That is GREAT that you are a role model for others to start their weight loss journeys! Good for you! I know you are an inspiration to me, that is for sure!
    heather - ROFL on your magic bullet story, too! Sorry about your gain - just put it behind you and roll forward, girlie girl!

    I am worried about Cris, too. Thanks for keeping us updated, Jess (was it Jess or Heather? Can't remember - sorry). I hope she knows how much we love her and want to walk this journey with her. I've never felt so close to a group of weight loss sisters than with you girls! I will start praying for her return, both to us and to her mojo.

    So I had one of my physical trainer sessions today at the fitness center. She worked with me on intensifying my walk. I was exhausted after we finished thirty minutes! I can't believe how just marching or lifting your legs straight like Frankenstein or adding three pound weights can boost your heart rate! Well, it does for this out of shape beginner, that's for sure! LOL
    We also logged on here to see my food diary. Um...it's funny how you think you're doing great on eating until someone else views your diary with you. :embarassed: I now see why I gained three pounds... :ohwell:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    hi girls...I'm so sorry I just left you all hanging...I am going through some personal trials right now and mentally I just feel completely destroyed. I didnt want to bring my sadness or negativity to the board so I opted to just stay away.

    I was lurking...and it means so much that all of you were concerned and reached out to me. I'll be around but Im just a mess right now..I'll be back once I calm down and get my head on straight

    I love you all like sisters and I wish you the best of luck on this journey and I hope you all take me back when I'm ready to come back.

    I woke up crying at 4am and am now sitting on the computer typing to you as I drink a coke. Good to know that I've learned not to "eat" my feelings...:explode: :grumble:

    I'll be back I promise I will

    love u

  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hey Chris - you know you can take what ever time you need...




    How about now?:smooched: :flowerforyou:

    Seriously - we're here for you and you are perfectly free to be as negative as you need because we all vent here! So lurk if you like but please don't go away!!!

    btw- had a lb of strawberries for breakfast :indifferent:
    but i can quit them anytime i want. i just don't want to quit them right now is all...:ohwell:
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    Woo, this morning I was back to where I was last Wednesday, before Auntie Flo came to visit. Now it's time to trend downwards from there! I usually only log my weight on Fridays even though I weigh myself every morning, but I'm tired of not seeing my ticker move so I'm going to log it today. :wink:

    I had kind of an annoying morning. Apparently, the clocks at the gym are 5 min fast. I was running a little bit late getting to the gym, tons of traffic. I have to drive by a high school and a middle school on my way from our house up to the highway, and then when I get off the highway I have to drive through a bunch of commuter traffic and lights to get to the gym. The schools are in the middle of finals, I think, and there was traffic backed up the wazoo out front of there. Anyway, by my car's clock, which I checked against my cellphone on the way home, said I got there at 7:25, so 5 min to spare! I go into the PT studio, and stretch and stuff for a few min, wondering where my trainer and workout partner are. Finally I asked another trainer in there, is Melissa here today? And he was like oh yeah, she was out front with the other girl you work out with but they left. I looked at the clock and it should have been like 7:30 but it said 7:35. :angry: So, I went looking for them and found them up in the yoga studio... the lady at the desk was supposed to tell me they were up there and she didn't, and they went up probably just before I walked in because of the clock discrepancy.

    It's kind of a stupid thing but I hate being late because I only get 30 min!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    mstahl -- I don't see how you can eat that many strawberries without um... intestinal consequences. :laugh: Or maybe you can't. :tongue: I also LOVE strawberries. I try so hard to limit myself to a quarter pound at a time, but it's really difficult!

    bluenote -- nope, we're not married yet. In this county (and I think all of SC) you have to apply for your marriage license and then wait 24 hours to pick it up. Then you have to have an officiant, notary, or judge sign the license and whenever they do that you're officially married. So, technically we *could* get married in about 3 hours if the mood struck. I'm a notary public but unfortunately I can't officiate my own marriage license. :tongue: But Scott's mom is also a notary so she's going to sign it over lunch on Friday. :laugh: We're sooooo not into any kind of ceremony! Then you take the signed marriage license back to probate court & get your marriage certificate. It's all very romantical (yes, I make up words), isn't it? :laugh:

    Cris -- Take all the time you need, but I agree with the others -- vent away here if you need to.

    I was completely full of whatnot. :embarassed: I would bet money that if I didn't work out for a few days and kept my sodium at a decent level, I'd be down to 194 or 195 because I kicked my butt at the gym and had leftover Mexican food for dinner last night and I was 197.6 this morning. Hooray, progress!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    elmox-YAY for wanting to register for a 5k!!

    LittleSpy-For as high as you said your heart rate gets 12 calories a minute sounds about right. I burn just about 10 calories a minute and my heart rate stays in the 160's. I love how you are doing exactly what you want as far as getting married! Love it!

    Lildebbie-Congrats on getting your friend to join mfp! It's a great feeling to help others isn't it?

    mstahl-way to take one for the team and eat all those calories! LOL Hope George adjusts to the nursing home well!

    bluenote-I like the sounds of your personal trainer. Makes me want one! Sounds like she's pushing you hard! Hope you are enjoying it.

    Cris-Do what you need to do to get yourself back on track emotionally and physically. Just remember we are here thinking about you. You know I'm always here if you need to talk. Just a message away! And you know you can vent on the board anytime you want. That's what it's here for. Don't think you are going to be a negative impact on anybody. We luv you!

    Miranda-Congrats on your loss this morning!

    You are correct that Ann went to Dollywood. I think they got back yesterday it said on facebook. Can't remember. We will hang around another day and see if she makes a new thread for us. She was probalby exhausted.

    This not being able to go to the gym and having to sit on my butt and ice my foot and rest it is absoultely killing me! I'm going outta my mind!!!! I woke up and it was feeling better this morning, till I went to Walmart on my way to work to buy some stuff for lunch. So, here I sit at work with my foot up and ice on it yet again! We're supposed to go pick out our new seats for the 2010-2011 Mav's season today. The first year it involved them showing us on a map where the seats were and you had to run to the seats you want and snatch the paper on the seat. I'm NOT missing out on better seats this year. I'll hobble my way up there if I have to! :tongue:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    hi girls...I'm so sorry I just left you all hanging...I am going through some personal trials right now and mentally I just feel completely destroyed. I didnt want to bring my sadness or negativity to the board so I opted to just stay away.

    I was lurking...and it means so much that all of you were concerned and reached out to me. I'll be around but Im just a mess right now..I'll be back once I calm down and get my head on straight

    I love you all like sisters and I wish you the best of luck on this journey and I hope you all take me back when I'm ready to come back.

    I woke up crying at 4am and am now sitting on the computer typing to you as I drink a coke. Good to know that I've learned not to "eat" my feelings...:explode: :grumble:

    I'll be back I promise I will

    love u

    Cris take all the time you need but remember we will be here for you if you need us and of course you are welcome back whenever.We love you and we will miss you.I hope you get things sorted out and remember we are here if you need to vent
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