Over 200 New Year New Me Part 22



  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    POS Me-Are you feeling better today??

    elmox-Congrats on the skinny day!

    Raider-Hope your head gets to feeling better soon. I feel your pain! I was there last week.

    It's awfully quiet around here this morning. Is anybody around?

    Yes Jess, Thanks for asking. I got it on Sunday Morning, full blown. I took a pregnancy test Friday, but it came out negative, thank GOD! So today i am debating if I should rest or do C25k because I am in so much pain. Today I am going to fucus on my eating, because I am always a little over on calories ( with or w/o exercise) and hopefully do C25k ( week 4 again - I love interval training better than running. I burn so much calories this way).

    Back on track and ready to be under 200 by July...
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    I am having a great "skinny" day. Was told by 2 people that I'm looking vey skinny. Just got back from the bathroom and realized I could pull my size 14 pants down (I realize that sounds really funny, but I can't think of a better way to say it!) without loosening my belt or undoing the button and zipper. LOVING today!!

    I am so :bigsmile: happy for you. THat is a great feeling makes you keep doing what you're doing. :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    elmox-- Awesome! Can't wait until my 14s are falling off! I only have 1 pair of them that are big on me now and only 1 pair of 12s that fit well enough to wear in public. :laugh:

    posme- Glad to see you! Congratulations on not being pregnant!

    jess -- It IS quiet here this morning. Sounds like someone(s) have a case of the Mondays...

    We went to apply for our marriage license today -- hooray! Haha, the woman who took our information was so funny. She straight up just took our info and our money, glared at us and then said "congratulations." in a very non-congratulatory manner. :laugh: I think she was upset with us because we came in right when she was about to break for lunch. :tongue:

    I'm going to the gym after work today! I have a leftover chimichanga & some guacamole I need to eat for dinner so I need to make room. :laugh:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Jess - I am here!! I was thinking the same thing about it being sort of quiet. Has anyone heard from Cris after her last post?

    Julie - Congrats on the marriage license!! I know those people don't seem to be very happy. You would think that they are making most people sooo happy!! We went and got ours on Valentine's Day and there was no excitement from anyone in there. I was kind of shocked that we didn't have to wait to long.

    elmox - I so know what you mean about your pants!! I am doing the same thing with my jeans but I am not in 14's yet. Got quite a bit before I will get to that size but that is okay. I know I can do it! And congrats on the compliments! You sure know how to pull off skinny!!

    pos_me - Glad that you were not preggers since you didn't want that. I was in the same spot as you were for the last week and a half. I was bad and didn't exercise but if you have the energy and can tolerate it then I say do some but then again I didn't take my own advice.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    elmox-- Awesome! Can't wait until my 14s are falling off! I only have 1 pair of them that are big on me now and only 1 pair of 12s that fit well enough to wear in public. :laugh:

    posme- Glad to see you! Congratulations on not being pregnant!

    jess -- It IS quiet here this morning. Sounds like someone(s) have a case of the Mondays...

    We went to apply for our marriage license today -- hooray! Haha, the woman who took our information was so funny. She straight up just took our info and our money, glared at us and then said "congratulations." in a very non-congratulatory manner. :laugh: I think she was upset with us because we came in right when she was about to break for lunch. :tongue:

    I'm going to the gym after work today! I have a leftover chimichanga & some guacamole I need to eat for dinner so I need to make room. :laugh:

    I'm in that weird space between sizes. I think another 5-7 lbs and I'll be rocking 12s. For now though, 12s would NOT be appropriate for public viewing!

    Pos_Me - Second that congrats on not being preggers! Rest up and feel better. I know that exercise sometimes helps when I'm feeling icky from period-stuff and sometimes it just makes it worse.

    Jess and Blue - I'm late here, but congrats on finishing your races. I did a Komen run (well, I walked it) years ago. There's one here in NYC in Sept or Oct, I should make myself sign up and actually run the whole thing!

    LittleSpy - Congrats on getting the license!! Ah government workers... BTW, I am now CRAVING Mexican!! :laugh:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Good morning girls!
    littlespy: Here is a real 'congratulations' for you! :drinker:
    mstahl: I hope George is getting better. I loved your wishes for our land ... (that it sells quickly to ATV racing, firework shooting maniacs!). We spend the night Saturday at the family farm - it was the first time I have stayed overnight there since my Aunt passed away last fall. I was surprised by a rush of saddness when we first got there, but was ok after a bit and it was a very nice stay. We did some re-arranging and it helps that the house doesn't look like my Aunt just went out the door for groceries. It was so sad being there right after her stroke with her notes by the phone to tell my mom when she planned to call her that night, and her church offering envelope set out next to her purse. I put away her coats which were still hanging by the front door, and will probably slowly have to do more of that so that it isn't so painfully obvsious that she isn't there. I am sooo glad that we are trying to buy it and keep it in our family. I hope it all works out soon.
    Cris: I hope you are feeling better about your weightloss efforts ... you have really done great! you are just going through a rough patch and will get back on track soon!

    I've got to run, just wanted to check in but it took me a long time to catch up and now I am heading out to take my daughter to her sax lesson and then I'm going to the doc to be tested for Lime's disease - I had a bite with a circle around it - no tick found, but I was out in the woods the last few weeks at our riverfront land. Might explain the joint pain I've been having in my elbow and shoulder.
    I lost .4 pounds last week ... which isn't much but for me it was great! slowly but surely .... at least I hope I'm back on the slowly but surely track. :happy:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    lstPaul - good luck at the doctor's offiice. We've had an outbreak of lymes around my parent's farm. Now all of us sisters are paranoid about breast cancer AND lymes disease :ohwell: It's always something...

    I love my new job! (I just need to keep saying that because I'm so freaking happy at work!) I'm sitting next to a BIG WINDOW! I love this place!

    Gotta go work! Just logged on to add my tsp. of peanut butter!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    lstpaul: I hope you don't have Lyme's. Let us know the results! I'm glad you had a nice time at your aunt's farm, even though it was a bit sad. Hopefully you'll be able to keep it and start bringing back the happier memories.

    lildebbie: Yay to your husband for keeping you from binging and eating cheesecake. I love how support he is!

    mstahl: Thank you for sharing George's comments embarrassment had he been younger for his sponge bath. He sounds like such a delight.

    bluenote: Congrats on your mile walk. I am immensely proud of you for not skipping out on two blocks of it; I think it truly shows your dedication to your weight loss journey. You are unstoppable! Oh, and way to go on being involved in your first flirt since 1989!

    elmox: Like you, I am also about 5-10 lbs. away from rocking the next smaller size. It's frustrating, isn't it?

    Theresa: I love your comment regarding the Magic Bullet not being the other kind of bullet. One Christmas, a family member who was about 10 told me she wanted a magic bullet for Christmas. I was shocked and said, "How do you even know what that is?" With a confused look on her face she said, "I saw it in the Kohl's add. It would be awesome to make malts and smoothies all the time." I started laughing and told her I'd keep that in mind. My family thought I was acting strangely...
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Yesterday I ate terribly, even though I acknowledged my self-sabotage cycle on Saturday. By the end of the day, my calories were ridiculously high and I was actually a bit grossed out thinking that I used to eat this many calories (more, even) on a daily basis. As much as I dislike that I've gained three pounds since Friday, I think I needed to be disgusted by my old habits to renew my determination to lose the weight. I know what caused the gain, even as I was shoving my face full of Ben & Jerrys, so I am will not beat myself up over it. Instead, I am giving myself a fresh start today and plan on working out with Jillian Michaels this evening. I WILL lose the last 30 lbs., even if it takes six months or more.

    Cris: You'd better be in this with me, lady!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Theresa: I love your comment regarding the Magic Bullet not being the other kind of bullet. One Christmas, a family member who was about 10 told me she wanted a magic bullet for Christmas. I was shocked and said, "How do you even know what that is?" With a confused look on her face she said, "I saw it in the Kohl's add. It would be awesome to make malts and smoothies all the time." I started laughing and told her I'd keep that in mind. My family thought I was acting strangely...


    We do a gift swap in my family rather than buying everyone individual gifts. This past Christmas my mom brought a Magic Bullet to swap. I already have one so I didn't want it but I was a little tipsy so I kept going on and on about how much I loved my "bullet" to try to convince other people they wanted it instead of what I wanted. :blushing: Yeah.... and my sister-in-law continues to refer to me as "Bullet." :laugh: :tongue:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    pos me-So glad you are not pregnant! Hope the cramps go away soon!

    LittleSpy-Congrats on the marriage license! Pretty soon you will be a married woman. Bet that feels weird!

    Elmox-You should totally do the 5k in New York! That would be awesome!!!! I've only been to New York once and I don't think it counts. I never got to do anything fun. I wanna go back and visit so bad.

    lstpaul-Keeping my fingers crossed on the lime's disease for you. Hope it's nothing serious!

    Heather-Way to be back on track girl! I was ready for it this morning too. Stupid foot! Hopefully Wednesday!!

    Cris-Where are you? Do we have to stalk you!?
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    I am sure that was sad trying to move things in her house. But it needed to be done to help you move on. There is still a lot to go but you will get through it. I sure hope that everything works out so that you can buy your family ranch.

    Hope you don't have anything wrong and it is an easy fix.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hey gals - been chatty today :)

    I have been so busy at work this is the first time ( minus going to the gym) i wasnj't working.

    I am soo glad to be off call !!! you can't believe how much i hate it.

    I am soo happy though I am already down 2 lbs from friday, since i had like hardly any loss last week, i am sure this is making up for it :)

    Julie - getting close ..so when is the big day..this weekend??
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I think it's time we all begin the official "stalking/intervention" of Chris. While we've all gone away for a couple of days before, this is very unlike her, and even more unlike her not to give us a heads up. So let's facebook her and leave her messages and get that girl back here!

    Talk to ya later!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    I think it's time we all begin the official "stalking/intervention" of Chris. While we've all gone away for a couple of days before, this is very unlike her, and even more unlike her not to give us a heads up. So let's facebook her and leave her messages and get that girl back here!

    Talk to ya later!

    I don't have her FB but I will try on here. I didn't think it was like her either. I was a little worried when I didn't see/hear her this morning.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Just wanted to let everybody know I heard from Cris. She's feeling pretty down and in a bad frame of mind and didn't want to come and post on the board. Send her lots of positive vibes right now ladies, she needs them! :sad:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Oh no...I hope things get better for her soon.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Just got back from running in Central Park.

    -I ran for 10 minutes straight = anout .8 miles. This is a big first for me.
    -I ran with a friend who has a bit more running experience than me. I was pushing her on the pace (but held back which allowed me to keep on running probably)!
    -We ran/walked a total of 1.7 miles = probably 1.3 of running and 0.4 of walking. I wanted to keep going!
    -I know for sure that I want to do a 5k now. What a cool feeling!!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Cris - If you are reading the board at least you know that we are all here for you. It has been a lot quieter without you here in the past few days. We hope that everything gets better soon! Sending as many positive vibes that I have your way!!:heart::heart:

    Jess - Thanks for finding out about Cris. Please keep us updated if she isn't back soon.

    elmox - WTG on your run!! I am sure that it is an amazing feeling to know that you are ready to run a 5k!!! Keep up all the great work!!!

    Well, I was on a mission when I got home to exercise but me and the hubby had a little tiff and then I got a really bad headache. Even with not exercising I only went over 150 cals, I know that still is a lot but it so could have been a million times worse. And for some reason my water has slipped, I need to get a hold of that too.

    Check in:
    Cals: Over by 147
    Sodium: Over
    Water: 88 oz , trying for more
    Exercise : Big fat 0
    Proud: Not eating as bad as have been the last few days.

    Talk to you all tomorrow!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Are we supposed to be missing Ann? I don't remember her saying she was going to be away. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it's time to stalk her, too! She seemed a little discouraged last week. :frown:

    So, I got the Polar F6 because I didn't trust my old Proform HRM. I felt like it was overestimating my calories burned. But I'm getting the same crazy numbers with my F6! I don't know if I should count them and eat them. But I do wonder if I've been underestimating too much and that's why my weight loss is slow. I'm okay with it being slow if that's how it needs to be, but if I can make it faster by eating more... you know? :laugh: Kind of nervous to increase my calories *again* but maybe I should. It's worked for me every other time.

    That said, according to my scale I am gaining muscle weight which is something I want to happen and since my weight is staying the same that means I'm also losing fat at about the same rate I'm gaining muscle weight (maybe not building brand new muscle, but gaining muscle *weight*). My fat percentage is going down and my muscle percentage is going up. Again, this is what I want, so..... maybe I should just let sleeping dogs lie for a while longer.

    Anyway, my HRM said I burned 1105 calories for 60 minutes on the elliptical (5.02 miles, woot!) and 30 minutes of strength training. I love that workout, but I don't know if I'm comfortable eating almost 2400 calories on days I workout. That's a lot of peanut butter, even for me. :laugh: I'm considering just eating the same amount each day regardless of exercise. Factor in working out 6 hours a week into my "activity level" and eat something like 1600-1700 cals every day whether I exercised or not. I'll wait until I get back from the beach next Monday to make that decision, I guess. I feel like that may be easier to maintain rather than eating 2000+ calories some days and 1300 others.
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