Over 200 New Year New Me Part 22



  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Question, It might be too much information...sorry :embarassed:

    I got TOM 2 days ago, it was very light with lots of pain and the whole nine yards that comes from my montly friend except the actual flow. yesterday is was bearly noticable..so I thoug it ws due to me exercising. well today nothing but lots of pain and still with the same headache i had 3 days ago. durning my something years I had my TOM I have never experience spotting. the only time i spotted was when i find out I am pregnant. I know I am not preganant because i have an IUD.
    has any one had spotting?
    is it normal?
    and what could be the cause?

    any kind of input is greatly appriciated:blushing:

    Is it your normal amount of pain? I mean we all have out of whack period times. I know once we get into our 30's things start behaving differently. I don't know though. You can still get preg with any form of birthcontrol if it fails. Good questions for the obgyn
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Ryan has an appt at 11:30, it is just about 9 a.m. now so I better be getting ready.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I know an old lady who swallowed a fly" : loooooved that book!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    pos_me- I have no idea but you could have something wrong with your IUD, infection, etc....Id go get it checked out just to be safe
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Question, It might be too much information...sorry :embarassed:

    I got TOM 2 days ago, it was very light with lots of pain and the whole nine yards that comes from my montly friend except the actual flow. yesterday is was bearly noticable..so I thoug it ws due to me exercising. well today nothing but lots of pain and still with the same headache i had 3 days ago. durning my something years I had my TOM I have never experience spotting. the only time i spotted was when i find out I am pregnant. I know I am not preganant because i have an IUD.
    has any one had spotting?
    is it normal?
    and what could be the cause?

    any kind of input is greatly appriciated:blushing:

    Mine was kind of like this last month. It came earlier than it has been the last few months (but was actually really normal for me, according to my history). It was extremely light for 3 days -- almost nonexistant. But I felt crampy, bloated, etc. Then WHAMMO! It knocked me off my feet and kicked my butt for about 3 days & then lasted 3 more. Normally I just have one light day, 2 whammo days, and 2-3 more days where it's going away.

    And now you know way too much. :embarassed:
    But I agree with the other ladies that if it continues you probably at least want to call your doc.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I agree. If it's not normal maybe just call your doctor and mention it to them. It could be all the exercise. My has been flakey since I started to intensely workout. Better safe then sorry! Hope you get to feeling better!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Thanks girls for the help:blushing:
    I will see what goes on the next couple of days. if it still lingurning and not yet full blow then i will call my obgym ( which i hate to do) . I did read a while back that if you lose weight then you have to go back to the doc for a reajustment..:huh: ..but not sure if this is true. It can't be a pregnance then that means there is nothing left I haven't try..well there is one thing but hubby is against it:sad:

    again too much info:embarassed:
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    pos me... well I hate to tell you this.. but my niece is pregnant with #2 and guess what.. yep she was on the IUD.. Go get it checked out soon!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    mama.. definitely get Ryan checked. My Ryan hit his pinky finger this past school year on someones back pack. it thought he just strained it. But, after taking him to the urgent care.. He had broke it. He had never had a broken bone in his life before and was not in too much pain. It just got funny colored. So, go get it checked out!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    pos me... well I hate to tell you this.. but my niece is pregnant with #2 and guess what.. yep she was on the IUD.. Go get it checked out soon!

    Cogirl: Please don't tell me that; now I'm scared...
    Going out to get a pregnancy test...please be negative:grumble:

    The funny part is we ( hubby and I) were talking about extending the family ( more like he wants more and I said No Thanks)..I don't know what came across him but he was like why don't we try for another one:huh: ..are you serious...I don't think my body can handle another pregnancy. the last one took too much out of me...I can't see myself doing that again. then we both giggle and forgot about the whole thing....Maybe GOD has answer his prayer...NO I think I am going delusional...
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Momma, so sorry to hear Ryan in pain or whatnot. I would worry too much since he hasn't really complain too much and playing normally. But just ot be on the safe side, call the doctor and inform her about the bump. Hopefully it's nothing.
    About your youngest daughter, reading one-on-one is a great idea. I do that with all my children..even the older ones. My daughter love to read so we share inputs about the book she is reading. she is currently reading the series or books "sisterhood of the traveling pants" she watch both movies after we read book one and two. Now she is on book 3. My older son hate to read, so I have to look for books that would have something intresting like a mystery plot. Sometimes it's very challenging because I might think the book I check out he doesn't like or doesn't intrest him. Durning summer vacation, in about a week, we plan on going to the library and seriously going through aisle by aisle to see what does he want to read....he is suppose to do this on his own but if i leave it for him to do it will never be done. he is 13 years old and hate to read. My youngest son LOVES to read. Every single week we are in the library picking out 5 books to read in one day, every single day until we send them back. The one book he wanted me to read over and over and over again was " I know an old lady who swallowed a fly" It was my daughter's favorite too, when she was very young, and till today. sorry for all the rambling...LOL

    elmox: I sent you an "friend request"...please accept

    be back later

    Pos - Oh you brought back a flood of memories. There was an old lady who swalled a fly that I am crazy about and I can't find the book tell you the artist but the cover and pages has a lot of black and bright bold colors. It was one of my favorites because of the pictures that went to the lyrics.

    My oldest is in college and still doesn't enjoy reading. But then in collage I did no pleasure reading just tried to get through all the required material. Any who he had a 5th grade teacher the got him started on poetry with Shil Silverstein?sp He has written a couple of books. The poems and such are quirky and silly, things that kids can realate to. You might give it a try. Also he started reading books or magazine articles that had anything to do with soccer, his passion. Good luck. Litereacy is very important to me. I have been a reading tutor at the grade school level for years. I love the saying, 'First you learn to read, then you read to learn".
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome back, ladies!

    Unfortunately with the reduce hours, I don't get as much computer time as I'm used to. It took me a LONG time to catch up on posts, but I read everything and even took a few notes. I'll apologize ahead of time for only commenting on a few items.

    Jess: I love the new boots. I have the same ones but in the brown lower/pink upper. They're super comfortable and only took one evening before they were fully "broken in." I'm so jealous that you get to go two steppin'! We don't have any bars/clubs that do that anymore. Boo!

    Bluenote: Thank you for sharing your gym orientation story with us. I definitely giggled.

    Elmox: You'll be in those 12s before you know it!

    Julie: Your rotisserie chicken story had me laughing because I went through a similar ordeal with iced coffee. When Super America (gas station chain) first got their iced coffee machines, I was addicted. One weekend, while out and about in the world, I went to FOUR Super Americas to try to find the coffee. Two of them didn't have the machines yet, one had a machine out of service and the last one didn't have the mocha flavor I was in need of. My boyfriend thought it was all hilarious, but I was literally about in tears over iced coffee. Anyway...I LOVE the new ring! It's gorgeous. I'm now officially jealous of all of you gals who are getting married!

    Snowflakes: I loved reading Shel Silverstein as a kid. I loved reading just about anything I could get my hands on, though, so I'm probably not a great spokesperson! I've found that boys especially love Mr. Silverstein's work, though.

    Okay, my current weight is 192.6, so no loss. I blame the Olive Garden dinner from Monday night. Pasta always sticks with me for WAY too long! Hopefully it will all be gone again soon.

    I'll try to stay current this weekend because it's so hard to play catch up after being away from you gals. I have Monday off, so I may fall a bit behind there. Hope you all have a great weekend in case I can't check back again today.

  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Updated with Heather's info:

    Jessica.............0 = 0.00%
    LIldebbie ......-0.4 = 0.14%
    tstout............ - 4.0 = 0.97%
    cogirl............. -1.5 = 0.59%
    cris20056.......0 = 0.00%
    Pos_me..........0 = 0.00%
    Miranda...........0 = 0.00%
    Awestfall..........0 = 0.00%
    julie..................0 = 0.00%
    Elmox............. -2 = 1.04%
    Heather............0 = 0.00%
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    snowflakes-OMG I loved those books!!

    POS-WOW! Maybe God is answering your husband prayers. Good luck girl!

    Heather-My best friend went to school in Minneapolis and they use to always go to a place called Rush I think...I think they turned it into some other weird punk rock bar or something now. I'm not sure. When she graduated we went to some country bar but can't remember what it was called. We don't have as many as I would like around here. We are having to drive about 40 minutes to go to a good one tonight. The one we used to go to now is non smoking and so nobody goes there except creepy old men. I wore them to work this morning and they are super comfy! Wanted to break 'em in before tonight. :tongue: Are you going back to Wisconsin for training anytime soon? That's where you were right? I'll be back up in Pittsville at the end of June begining of July!

    For the first time I think all week I ate the lunch that I brought. YAY ME!
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Jessica.............0 = 0.00%
    LIldebbie ......-0.4 = 0.14%
    tstout............ - 4.0 = 0.97%
    cogirl............. -1.5 = 0.59%
    cris20056.......0 = 0.00%
    Pos_me..........0 = 0.00%
    Miranda...........0 = 0.00%
    Awestfall..........0 = 0.00%
    julie..................0 = 0.00%
    Elmox............. -2 = 1.04%
    Heather............0 = 0.00%
    Mari ................-2.8=1.25%

    Holy crap, my first weigh in in a while and I did great! This really makes me feel like going to the gym today..I havent been in weeks. Plus I just got sick again, but I'm not going to let that get in my way. My nose is just a little stuffy, I need my exercise...I feel pumped!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Way to go Mari!!! Ride the wave of good feeling right to the gym and have a great workout.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jessica.............0 = 0.00%
    LIldebbie ......-0.4 = 0.14%
    tstout............ - 4.0 = 0.97%
    cogirl............. -1.5 = 0.59%
    cris20056.......0 = 0.00%
    Pos_me..........0 = 0.00%
    Miranda...........0 = 0.00%
    Awestfall..........0 = 0.00%
    julie..................0 = 0.00%
    Elmox............. -2 = 1.04%
    Heather............0 = 0.00%
    Mari ................-2.8=1.25%

    tstout -- I think you calculated something wrong. I say this because I'm under the impression you weigh under 400 pounds (forgive me if I'm wrong!!). And 4 pounds is 1% of 400. So 4 pounds is 2% of 200 so that makes me feel lik you definitely lost more than 0.97%. I feel like you'll probably be this week's biggest loser and I don't want you to be deprived of torturing us with a challenge because of a calculation error! :smile:

    Divide the amount you lost (4 pounds) by last week's weight and then move the decimal over 2 places to the right. :smile:
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    I may be up 3-4 lbs this week due to TOM, but here is my little victory for the day. :smile: For quite some time now, I wear shorts or yoga pants all day long because I work at home and can get away with it. My jeans fit, but I hate the way they dig into my belly after I sit in them for a long period of time, so I only wear my jeans when I'm leaving the house. But today I have been wearing my jeans all day because we had a handyman coming to the house this morning to install a new toilet downstairs and I wanted to be "presentable", and then I realized they weren't digging into my belly so I kept them on after he left! :smile: Well they are a little bit but not uncomfortably so... still that makes me happy. :smile:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Miranda -wtg!! on the jeans...i doubt i will wear jeans again at least till October...too hot here

    MAri - WTg on the weight loss...

    i know i am obsessed with the scale ...i am the 1st to say it :smile: ...so this morning i get on and i was 274.2 (which i was not happy about), so got dressed had breakfast and some water(not much like maybe 10 oz), then got ready for the gym (at home) ...got on the scale before i got dressed for the gym , and i was 273.4 (which is much more what i was thinking for this week, that was a litlte over a lb)...soo weird my 1st weigh is more than later in the day...here is my thought and i am jsut rambling here cause i really dont' want to work, is 1) the last few mornings i wake up and my ring is very tight and 2) my children won't stay in their beds...serena came in our bed at 2 this morning (never does that), but the other one has been coming in several nights at like midnight, so of course it disrupts my sleep, wonder if that causes fluctiation...no big deal i will move on...just my random thoughts :smile:

    I did go to the gym at lunch, did the weightloss thing on the elliptical...the intervals were more resistance than i ever did before, i thought i wasn't going to do it, but i did !!! Ended up burning like 350 at the gym, + my spin calss i am taking tonight i think i will easy be hitting 700 cals burned today :smile:
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Thanks elmox and Deb! I just checked the scale again and now its telling me even another pound less, though I'm not going to put that in to be fair...I weighed in the morning and that's that!
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