Getting into a calorie surplus can be hard for some



  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    fat kid is fat and likes to eat to much. :( sad panda face.
  • jmule24
    jmule24 Posts: 1,382 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    so. if jeff's got bars- but can still post- what exactly does that mean?

    I mean what's the point of "jail time" if he can still post- and PM... what am I missing.


    I'm made jelly- I'm trying to cut- still. I'm back up to 165- and I don't want to be- going the wrong direction... but I'm eating less than 1800 regularly- 1600- should be taking me down... it's just so hard to eat that little.

    I wanted to bulk this year.
    Fark me.

    Well from the other day when you posted some pictures, you've made 165 look pretty damn good IMO!

  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    jmule24 wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    so. if jeff's got bars- but can still post- what exactly does that mean?

    I mean what's the point of "jail time" if he can still post- and PM... what am I missing.


    I'm made jelly- I'm trying to cut- still. I'm back up to 165- and I don't want to be- going the wrong direction... but I'm eating less than 1800 regularly- 1600- should be taking me down... it's just so hard to eat that little.

    I wanted to bulk this year.
    Fark me.

    Well from the other day when you posted some pictures, you've made 165 look pretty damn good IMO!
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    jmule24 wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    so. if jeff's got bars- but can still post- what exactly does that mean?

    I mean what's the point of "jail time" if he can still post- and PM... what am I missing.


    I'm made jelly- I'm trying to cut- still. I'm back up to 165- and I don't want to be- going the wrong direction... but I'm eating less than 1800 regularly- 1600- should be taking me down... it's just so hard to eat that little.

    I wanted to bulk this year.
    Fark me.

    Well from the other day when you posted some pictures, you've made 165 look pretty damn good IMO!

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    why thank you both :D

    LOL I'm not unhappy- I am okay with the way I look- but I would be happier with about 10 pounds down- I want my abs back.

    Unfortunately I got a glimpse last year- and I have the flat weird abs- not the sex sectioned ones- you know what I"m talking about- so I think I'm forever just not going to have sexy abs- so I'll take lean ones instead- and shoulder caps- I would like shoulder caps.

    So just a LEEETTTLE more.

    And honestly- I can't get to much lower- no one wants a shredded dancer at dinner- it's not a good look and I won't be making much on it.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    why thank you both :D

    LOL I'm not unhappy- I am okay with the way I look- but I would be happier with about 10 pounds down- I want my abs back.

    Unfortunately I got a glimpse last year- and I have the flat weird abs- not the sex sectioned ones- you know what I"m talking about- so I think I'm forever just not going to have sexy abs- so I'll take lean ones instead- and shoulder caps- I would like shoulder caps.

    So just a LEEETTTLE more.

    And honestly- I can't get to much lower- no one wants a shredded dancer at dinner- it's not a good look and I won't be making much on it.

    Agree with the others - totally hot in those pics!

    I can definitely sympathise, I need to go looooowwww to cut - goddamn stupid big maintenance range :/
  • jbgolf52
    jbgolf52 Posts: 210 Member
    Came back to see OP is still eating less than 2,500, good luck with your wheel spinning for 2015.
  • ForecasterJason
    ForecasterJason Posts: 2,577 Member
    I still haven't ramped up my training much yet (should still be doing so pretty soon), so it probably wouldn't do me much good anyway to be in that much of a surplus just yet. Also, I'm not sure that it'll take 2500 calories before I start gaining.
  • jbgolf52
    jbgolf52 Posts: 210 Member
    I still haven't ramped up my training much yet (should still be doing so pretty soon), so it probably wouldn't do me much good anyway to be in that much of a surplus just yet. Also, I'm not sure that it'll take 2500 calories before I start gaining.

    It has been more than a week, what are you doing? Join a gym, pick a beginner program, and eat!
  • ForecasterJason
    ForecasterJason Posts: 2,577 Member
    jbgolf52 wrote: »
    I still haven't ramped up my training much yet (should still be doing so pretty soon), so it probably wouldn't do me much good anyway to be in that much of a surplus just yet. Also, I'm not sure that it'll take 2500 calories before I start gaining.

    It has been more than a week, what are you doing? Join a gym, pick a beginner program, and eat!
    If you remember from what I stated on pages 5-6, my plan is to stick with the training equipment I have using a program that a member here is designing for me. I have still been doing some training in the meantime though. Not much volume, but I'm thinking enough to take advantage of the slight increase in calories I've been doing most days.
  • jbgolf52
    jbgolf52 Posts: 210 Member
    If you remember from what I stated on pages 5-6, my plan is to stick with the training equipment I have using a program that a member here is designing for me. I have still been doing some training in the meantime though. Not much volume, but I'm thinking enough to take advantage of the slight increase in calories I've been doing most days.

    Why can't you join a gym? A program doesn't take a week to write, this is nuts. Just train and eat or stay small man, I've never seen someone stall so much as you.
  • ForecasterJason
    ForecasterJason Posts: 2,577 Member
    jbgolf52 wrote: »
    If you remember from what I stated on pages 5-6, my plan is to stick with the training equipment I have using a program that a member here is designing for me. I have still been doing some training in the meantime though. Not much volume, but I'm thinking enough to take advantage of the slight increase in calories I've been doing most days.

    Why can't you join a gym? A program doesn't take a week to write, this is nuts. Just train and eat or stay small man, I've never seen someone stall so much as you.
    I got my machine free from someone who no longer had use for it, so I'd like to be able to really take advantage of it.
    I do find it almost comical how unusual of a situation this is. Access to the training program is beyond my control at the moment, but it adds to the prolonged nature of the situation.

  • jbgolf52
    jbgolf52 Posts: 210 Member
    I got my machine free from someone who no longer had use for it, so I'd like to be able to really take advantage of it.
    I do find it almost comical how unusual of a situation this is. Access to the training program is beyond my control at the moment, but it adds to the prolonged nature of the situation.

    This is not an unusual situation, you just think you're a unique snowflake and you're not. That machine is inferior to a barbell and dumbbells, who cares if you got it for free. If you actually want to get real gains then join a cheap gym, pick one of the programs already mentioned in this thread, and eat. Either way I'm done, I'll most likely see another thread like this in a year's time with you complaining about your lack of results.
  • ForecasterJason
    ForecasterJason Posts: 2,577 Member
    edited January 2015
    jbgolf52 wrote: »
    I got my machine free from someone who no longer had use for it, so I'd like to be able to really take advantage of it.
    I do find it almost comical how unusual of a situation this is. Access to the training program is beyond my control at the moment, but it adds to the prolonged nature of the situation.

    This is not an unusual situation, you just think you're a unique snowflake and you're not. That machine is inferior to a barbell and dumbbells, who cares if you got it for free. If you actually want to get real gains then join a cheap gym, pick one of the programs already mentioned in this thread, and eat. Either way I'm done, I'll most likely see another thread like this in a year's time with you complaining about your lack of results.
    Given my size and current strength levels, you seriously don't think I can make significant progress with a machine? And what I meant by an unusual situation was my training setup and the lack of programs that can accommodate it.

  • jbgolf52
    jbgolf52 Posts: 210 Member
    edited January 2015
    Given my size and current strength levels, you seriously don't think I can make significant progress with a machine? And what I meant by an unusual situation was my training setup and the lack of programs that can accommodate it.

    The machine you have cannot can provide close to the stimulus that a barbell and dumbbells can. Your training setup is determined by how much money you're willing to spend. If I were you I would sell the machine on Craiglist and join a real gym. Let this sink in: my 22yr old sister, who works out once in a blue moon, is STRONGER than you. Stronger in every single lift you posted. If you can do more than a couple pull-ups then you have her there but that's it. Unless you plan on being a weakling your whole life then do something about it and join a gym and eat. Very few girls will want to be with a guy your size, so it's your choice.

    Seriously man, you're 20yrs old and acting like you're 10. Do some google searches and you'll see why joining a gym and getting on an actual program (that is already created and not one that takes weeks to come up with) is the best course of action for you. I'm going to bed, I've wasted enough time trying to help you.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    Seriously, no I don't think you can make decent gains on your home machine since they are generally poorly designed and meant for hanging clothes on rather than working out with. Your progress on that home machine will be very limited and you'll just be more frustrated than satisfied in the end. You have mentioned before that you have access to a campus gym so why not use it?

    Are you just suffering from gymtimidation? If so, don't worry about it since the people there will actually be very helpful. Everyone starts somewhere and you will be surprised at the respect you will get. Oh, and the scenery is much better in a campus gym than in your basement if that means anything to you! ;)
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    jbgolf52 wrote: »
    Given my size and current strength levels, you seriously don't think I can make significant progress with a machine? And what I meant by an unusual situation was my training setup and the lack of programs that can accommodate it.

    The machine you have cannot can provide close to the stimulus that a barbell and dumbbells can. Your training setup is determined by how much money you're willing to spend. If I were you I would sell the machine on Craiglist and join a real gym. Let this sink in: my 22yr old sister, who works out once in a blue moon, is STRONGER than you. Stronger in every single lift you posted. If you can do more than a couple pull-ups then you have her there but that's it. Unless you plan on being a weakling your whole life then do something about it and join a gym and eat. Very few girls will want to be with a guy your size, so it's your choice.

    Seriously man, you're 20yrs old and acting like you're 10. Do some google searches and you'll see why joining a gym and getting on an actual program (that is already created and not one that takes weeks to come up with) is the best course of action for you. I'm going to bed, I've wasted enough time trying to help you.

  • ForecasterJason
    ForecasterJason Posts: 2,577 Member
    Seriously, no I don't think you can make decent gains on your home machine since they are generally poorly designed and meant for hanging clothes on rather than working out with. Your progress on that home machine will be very limited and you'll just be more frustrated than satisfied in the end. You have mentioned before that you have access to a campus gym so why not use it?

    Are you just suffering from gymtimidation? If so, don't worry about it since the people there will actually be very helpful. Everyone starts somewhere and you will be surprised at the respect you will get. Oh, and the scenery is much better in a campus gym than in your basement if that means anything to you! ;)
    I think if I didn't just get the machine a few months ago I probably would just use my campus gym. I guess what jbgolf is saying is that my machine can't provide enough stimulus for my muscles to grow, although I don't quite understand why not. I've read that free weights do a lot better job with the stabilizing muscles. But for the muscles actually involved in the lift, I find it hard to understand that I wouldn't be able to make much progress if I'm in a calorie surplus. I know most of what I've done thus far with the machine hasn't been very optimal for much growth, but how would it not work if I'm doing the similar amount of volume as with free weights? Is it that the muscles simply can't get taxed enough, even with training to failure?
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    Seriously, no I don't think you can make decent gains on your home machine since they are generally poorly designed and meant for hanging clothes on rather than working out with. Your progress on that home machine will be very limited and you'll just be more frustrated than satisfied in the end. You have mentioned before that you have access to a campus gym so why not use it?

    Are you just suffering from gymtimidation? If so, don't worry about it since the people there will actually be very helpful. Everyone starts somewhere and you will be surprised at the respect you will get. Oh, and the scenery is much better in a campus gym than in your basement if that means anything to you! ;)
    I think if I didn't just get the machine a few months ago I probably would just use my campus gym. I guess what jbgolf is saying is that my machine can't provide enough stimulus for my muscles to grow, although I don't quite understand why not. I've read that free weights do a lot better job with the stabilizing muscles. But for the muscles actually involved in the lift, I find it hard to understand that I wouldn't be able to make much progress if I'm in a calorie surplus. I know most of what I've done thus far with the machine hasn't been very optimal for much growth, but how would it not work if I'm doing the similar amount of volume as with free weights? Is it that the muscles simply can't get taxed enough, even with training to failure?

    So what exactly is this machine? You've never told us what it actually is. Is it a bow flex or weight stack or something else?