
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    This morning I called the doctor and said I was given advice to wait to take any medical exams, and she was completely understanding and asked me if I would like to postpone my appointment until the Immigration Office asks for it. I apologized profusely but she said it was no trouble... but I still feel horrible at doing that so last minute and am glad she was so kind to me. I feel like a complete burden to everyone and I wouldn't blame her if she ranted about it to her co-workers after. :anguished: I am relieved that I didn't have to get the test today, though.... but that only means I'll have to get it later. They'll probably ask for it in five months or so.

    @Susieq_1994 I'm so sorry to hear that you are in pain like that and I hope you get better. Please don't feel obligated to post in this thread (even though I'm sure all of us love your positive posts), you should rest up and relax as much as possible as I'm sure it's difficult when you're feeling so bad. :( I hope you get better soon!

    Edit: Now I want zucchini bread. Yum.

    I am not sure postponing will be good as now it's not over but at least you won't have to do it twice!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    @LBuehrle8, if I don't talk to you before you fly out, enjoy your trip, eat lots of English stuff so I can live vicariously through you, (except curry, you can keep that nastiness) and have the bestest time with your Englishman!

    See you when you get back!

    I am actually very curious as to what the British people call "curry". I have no idea what it is, because according to Pakistanis that I know, the stuff they call curry isn't ACTUALLY curry. I've tried the authentic stuff, but there are so many of them... This lack of knowledge is irritating me. :p

    I love curry! But I have no idea if what I have had is "real" now!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    @LBuehrle8, if I don't talk to you before you fly out, enjoy your trip, eat lots of English stuff so I can live vicariously through you, (except curry, you can keep that nastiness) and have the bestest time with your Englishman!

    See you when you get back!

    I am actually very curious as to what the British people call "curry". I have no idea what it is, because according to Pakistanis that I know, the stuff they call curry isn't ACTUALLY curry. I've tried the authentic stuff, but there are so many of them... This lack of knowledge is irritating me. :p

    I love curry! But I have no idea if what I have had is "real" now!
    Thanks for the well wishes, everyone. :) I'd like to post a sincere apology for not responding more to the thread lately. The area of my injury means that any laptop-friendly position is ultimately agonizing, so I've been foruming on my tab while lying down in bed--which isn't exactly post-friendly. I feel extremely guilty for posting and getting commiseration/sympathy while not commiserating/sympathizing with anyone else. :/

    @raelynnsmama52512 It would be much cheaper to reformat the computer you have and just reinstall the operating system. It will work like new and cost nothing if you do it at home, and will likely be cheap to do at a computer shop if you don't know how to do it. Just a suggestion to maybe save you some money. :)

    Also, my brother tried Ritalin before Strattera and it had some awful side effects (according to my mom--I was too young at the time to remember anything, but she pulled him off of it quite fast because of the side effects), and most others that tried it said the same--so I hope that the Strattera will help you out and you won't need to try a bunch of other stuff. :)

    I want to do a recap and mention everyone here, but I'm afraid that I don't remember who posted here and who posted in the BatCave, and I don't want to bring up the private posts here by mistake. Oops. But I know for sure that I can at least wish @LBuehrle8 a wonderful vacation in London. :smiley:

    Post when you can...we always love hearing from you! Feel better! ♡♡♡
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    I confess I am sooooo ready for (American) football season. I have changed my profile pic and am currently wearing my Boise State polo at work. I am team mom on my son's team, my hubby is asst coach. We have season tickets to the Boise State games. ARGH!!! Kick off, already!!!!

    September 3rd starts USC's (and I don't mean California!) season and I can't wait!!! Hubby is in Charlotte at the Panthers fanfest for his birthday, (he's 26 today!) I'm so ready for football season!!

    Y'all, I am just gonna apologize now because @raelynnsmama52512 and I are SEC fans and we can be obnoxious about our football. I was raised to love God, my family, sweet tea and the SEC!!!

    Pshh, who you telling?! Lol! Trust me, Gamecock football is a RELIGION in our family! Basically, on Saturday we're all useless because we're all watching the game, screaming at our TVs about a bad call, and cussing the refs haha! (You could also apply that to hockey as well!) I'm a bad fan, I've never been to a USC game, but hubby has already vowed to change that this year lol! I have no shame, I get pretty obnoxious haha! God, family, friends, and SEC football, that's all you really need in life. :wink:

    We ring cowbells in our house when State scores. And I am apologizing in advance to everyone here because I can't help talking football...

    I despise football. Sorry.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I went through my friends list and deleted people that I've had no interaction with. 2 of these people I know in real life. What is the point of being friends with someone if they NEVER comment on anything you post?! I need interactive friends.

    I'm interactive, I swear! Just busy!

    And apparently a bit worried Mo will delete you! :)
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    OK, I took a week off (taking care of my grandson who just got a baby sister!), I have scanned many, many pages to get caught up again, did not thoroughly read, but wanted to thank everyone (I think you probably all chimed in) for the congrats on the new baby, she is amazing! I had some quality time with my Noah too. He has become such a funny little man, and is oh so sweet.
    Funny story: He was flexing his muscles and showing me how strong he is, and asked me to do mine, and when I did, he said "Nana, you have bat wings!" and cracked up laughing... he is so silly. I am sure he heard me say that before about my loose skin on my arms.

    Welcome back! I'm so glad you got some time to enjoy your grandson and his baby sister!! I hope the little one is settling in well and that her mama is getting at least SOME sleep. :smiley:

    Plus 1

    Everyone is doing great, it was an easy delivery, therefore an easy recovery and baby is thriving. Mom is learning to sleep when baby sleeps and yesterday was her first day alone with baby and nearly 4 year old and they did wonderfully. He was a big helper and when Lily cried he sang to her, like I said he is sooo sweet!

    Great news!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I went through my friends list and deleted people that I've had no interaction with. 2 of these people I know in real life. What is the point of being friends with someone if they NEVER comment on anything you post?! I need interactive friends.

    I totally misread that as attractive and was like WHOA! then re-read and laughed at myself.

    That made me laugh.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I was disappointed last night. DH and I decided on an impromptu date night (quick Vietnamese dinner followed by new Mission Impossible movie) I ate only one spring roll and wor wonton soup (left the noodles) in anticipation of a treat at the movies, but our film was SOLD OUT! So we went home and I had fruit and yogurt instead and was grumpy. :|

    Oh bummer!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I went into Petsmart yesterday, to look for ONE item for my dog. I spent over $100 and walked out with a new betta fish (and supplies for said fish). They didn't have the dog item...

    I now have two bettas - I will see if I can post a pic in the batcave later today, this new guy is a really pretty half-moon tail.

    Years ago I went a little fish-crazy, and had up to 6 tanks at one time (the largest was about 35 gallons, the others were smaller ones for the individual bettas). I'm hoping once I'm in my own place next year I can get a really big tank set up. (I won't be the crazy cat lady, I'll be the crazy fish lady)

    Hee hee... I've never heard of a crazy fish lady, but you could totally pull that off. But see, if you only have ONE really big tank with a bunch of fish in it, it's less crazy sounding. "What? I have ONE tank. Jeez." "Yeah but you have 45 fish...."

    I used to have 3 tanks. I finally gave away my last 2 as I hadn't used them in years. I plan on being a crazy cat/fish/dog/horse person one day.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    So. Much. PAIN. :s

    Confession: I spent the better part of this morning crying my eyes out because my back injury hurts so terribly. I haven't slept in two nights because of it, and the OTC medicine we got at the pharmacy is barely tickling it. Walking hurts, sitting hurts, laying hurts, EVERYTHING HURTS.

    Right now, between the evil migraine I'm nursing right now and the back injury, I'm in so much pain that I feel nauseated. :'(

    ♡♡♡♡ hugs
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Small win: Colleague just asked if i wanted anything from the baker's. I do, very much so, want a yummies (a doughy/pastry type thing with lots of icing, similar to a yum yum). But i said no.

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    If I play my cards right, I might be going to Pizza Ranch on Sunday. I'm pretty stoked about this.

    What is Pizza Ranch? It sounds delightful. I hope you can rope some pizza. And maybe ride a horse.

    I would LOVE to ride a horse. I plan on "roping" pizza, breadsticks, dessert pizza, potato wedges, and maybe even fried chicken.

    Well....come visit me. I can help you fulfill that dream. :)

    I almost tagged you in my post about horseback riding. I haven't done it since I was a kid, and Mr. Mo and Rachael never have.

    Well you make it to the east coast and I'll show you around NY and take you horseback riding!

    Life goal! I NEED to make this happen!

    I'm waiting...
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    sigh...When I found that I couldn't eat peanut butter in moderation, and had to get it out of my apartment ASAP, I not only threw it away-I drowned the jar in water first so I wouldn't be tempted...

    I can't believe I shared that.

    Have you tried PB2 apparently it is amazing for those who love peanut butter. :)

    Do I earn a space on my BINGO card for this?!

    I refrained from saying anything. ;)
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I was really, REALLY sad when I couldn't get on the forums yesterday. I thought you all were gone forever. Seriously. I am glad that is not the case. I did, however, get some real work done yesterday, so there is that.

    1. I did not pack a proper lunch today because we're going to Chick-Fil-A for dinner tonight and I need to save calories for all that fried deliciousness.
    2. I am up almost 4 lbs. from last week's weight.
    3. I was miffed at first, but now, I don't really care.
    4. I plan on eating ALL THE FOODS this weekend.
    5. I ate 2 bites of gelato, a few grapes, and a couple small squares of chocolate yesterday that DID NOT go in my diary.

    Sounds like a good plan to me! I went to Taco Bell on Wednesday & had an order of Nachos Bell Grande & their Mexican Pizza & the food was ok, but not great. On Thursday my sister & I went to Chipotle & I had a Steak burrito & it was divine! I am such a messy eater & of course most of my filling came out on the tray.

    I am not weighing myself for at least a week LOL! The sodium was probably killer.
    So. Much. PAIN. :s

    Confession: I spent the better part of this morning crying my eyes out because my back injury hurts so terribly. I haven't slept in two nights because of it, and the OTC medicine we got at the pharmacy is barely tickling it. Walking hurts, sitting hurts, laying hurts, EVERYTHING HURTS.

    Right now, between the evil migraine I'm nursing right now and the back injury, I'm in so much pain that I feel nauseated. :'(

    I am hoping you're having some relief from your back pain & the migraine.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    I hope everyone has a great weekend! @LBuehrle8 I hope you have a safe trip tonight and that your vacation is completely fabulous!!

    @FluffySandwich I'm relieved for you that you didn't have to have the blood test today! Whew! Maybe now you can relax over the weekend and not worry about that.
    Thank you!! I hope so, too. I took a nap today and had a whirlwind of nightmares, so I'm hoping that doesn't come up again tonight :lol: My boyfriend and I are thinking about going to see The Gift, and then Mission Impossible sometime next week :tongue:
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    @LBuehrle8, if I don't talk to you before you fly out, enjoy your trip, eat lots of English stuff so I can live vicariously through you, (except curry, you can keep that nastiness) and have the bestest time with your Englishman!

    See you when you get back!

    I am actually very curious as to what the British people call "curry". I have no idea what it is, because according to Pakistanis that I know, the stuff they call curry isn't ACTUALLY curry. I've tried the authentic stuff, but there are so many of them... This lack of knowledge is irritating me. :p

    I love curry! But I have no idea if what I have had is "real" now!
    I'm also confused by this curry talk.... because I love curry, but I don't know what this special English curry is. I've had Thai and Indian curry... is that what you guys are talking about? Going to look into this.

  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    edited August 2015
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    @LBuehrle8, if I don't talk to you before you fly out, enjoy your trip, eat lots of English stuff so I can live vicariously through you, (except curry, you can keep that nastiness) and have the bestest time with your Englishman!

    See you when you get back!

    I am actually very curious as to what the British people call "curry". I have no idea what it is, because according to Pakistanis that I know, the stuff they call curry isn't ACTUALLY curry. I've tried the authentic stuff, but there are so many of them... This lack of knowledge is irritating me. :p

    I love curry! But I have no idea if what I have had is "real" now!
    I'm also confused by this curry talk.... because I love curry, but I don't know what this special English curry is. I've had Thai and Indian curry... is that what you guys are talking about? Going to look into this.

    Well, what I've read is that curry became popular due to the colonization of India way back in the day, and remained a popular dish until today. However, I'm relatively certain that it became sort of like Tex-Mex or Chinese food is in the U.S.--very "Americanized", and not always very close to the original Mexican/Chinese foods that they're based on. ;)
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    @LBuehrle8, if I don't talk to you before you fly out, enjoy your trip, eat lots of English stuff so I can live vicariously through you, (except curry, you can keep that nastiness) and have the bestest time with your Englishman!

    See you when you get back!

    I am actually very curious as to what the British people call "curry". I have no idea what it is, because according to Pakistanis that I know, the stuff they call curry isn't ACTUALLY curry. I've tried the authentic stuff, but there are so many of them... This lack of knowledge is irritating me. :p

    I love curry! But I have no idea if what I have had is "real" now!
    I'm also confused by this curry talk.... because I love curry, but I don't know what this special English curry is. I've had Thai and Indian curry... is that what you guys are talking about? Going to look into this.

    Well, what I've read is that curry became popular due to the colonization of India way back in the day, and remained a popular dish until today. However, I'm relatively certain that it became sort of like Tex-Mex or Chinese food is in the U.S.--very "Americanized", and not always very close to the original Mexican/Chinese foods that they're based on. ;)
    There's this place in Montreal that makes really really delicious Pad Thai, a Cashew Nut Chicken dish, and Curry. Stuff is delicious and the cooks are all from Thailand and I thought it seemed pretty authentic. Almost EVERY time I ask for ''extra spicy" at a restaurant the person taking my order is like ''Are you sure? It's very spicy" and it always ends up being mild tasting no matter how spicy they say it is. This place means business. I ordered extra spicy and waved away her warnings..... but I almost died. Had like thirty cups of water, but it was delicious. :tongue: I feel like a lot of people over here can't handle even the slightest bit of spice (my boyfriend's dad starts sweating over medium salsa).

    But I've never been to Thailand and I've never been to India, and I'm pretty sure that's the only way I'm going to get the real REAL deal. I'd love to go to both places some day, as well as the whole world. Too bad money doesn't grow on trees :(
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    @LBuehrle8, if I don't talk to you before you fly out, enjoy your trip, eat lots of English stuff so I can live vicariously through you, (except curry, you can keep that nastiness) and have the bestest time with your Englishman!

    See you when you get back!

    I am actually very curious as to what the British people call "curry". I have no idea what it is, because according to Pakistanis that I know, the stuff they call curry isn't ACTUALLY curry. I've tried the authentic stuff, but there are so many of them... This lack of knowledge is irritating me. :p

    I love curry! But I have no idea if what I have had is "real" now!
    I'm also confused by this curry talk.... because I love curry, but I don't know what this special English curry is. I've had Thai and Indian curry... is that what you guys are talking about? Going to look into this.

    Well, what I've read is that curry became popular due to the colonization of India way back in the day, and remained a popular dish until today. However, I'm relatively certain that it became sort of like Tex-Mex or Chinese food is in the U.S.--very "Americanized", and not always very close to the original Mexican/Chinese foods that they're based on. ;)
    You are exactly right. It's evolved into its own thing and is, apparently, the most popular food in the UK.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    I saw a video of Chinese people eating ''Chinese'' food in America. Some of them were very confused. Some said ''It's very good, but I don't see how this is Chinese."

    One of these days I'm going to have some real Chinese food :lol:
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    Small win: Colleague just asked if i wanted anything from the baker's. I do, very much so, want a yummies (a doughy/pastry type thing with lots of icing, similar to a yum yum). But i said no.

    We call them yumyums where I live. You've made me want one too! I shall resist purely because when we have a big DIY week, we tend to have a big takeaway week too.

    Same in Kent, but I always find them kinda soggy? :#

    No these are not yum yum (which I dislike)

  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I was disappointed last night. DH and I decided on an impromptu date night (quick Vietnamese dinner followed by new Mission Impossible movie) I ate only one spring roll and wor wonton soup (left the noodles) in anticipation of a treat at the movies, but our film was SOLD OUT! So we went home and I had fruit and yogurt instead and was grumpy. :|

    You should have gotten your movie treats to go! That's what I would have done ;)
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    So. Much. PAIN. :s

    Confession: I spent the better part of this morning crying my eyes out because my back injury hurts so terribly. I haven't slept in two nights because of it, and the OTC medicine we got at the pharmacy is barely tickling it. Walking hurts, sitting hurts, laying hurts, EVERYTHING HURTS.

    Right now, between the evil migraine I'm nursing right now and the back injury, I'm in so much pain that I feel nauseated. :'(

  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    So, I definitely have ADD, no question. I also had blood drawn to check my thyroid since both my parents have issues, she put me back on the pill, and I go back in 4 weeks to follow up. As far as my back goes, basically I've got to just try to take Tylenol for now and when I go back we're going to look at trying injections. I'm currently on strattera for the ADD, to see if that helps, and once my lab results come back, we'll know what else is going on, or if my thyroid is okay or not. She did mention my weight, and I told her I was doing what I could to try to lose it, but she's also wanting to address that and go other avenues concerning that. She's concerned my weight could be affecting my back too, so I'm guessing if it's not my thyroid, she's going to try something else. She did mention the strattera has a side effect of loss of appetite, which can lead to weight loss. I feel better, but still a little confused.

    Btw, anyone familiar with strattera? Lol

    Was there something in particular you want to know?

    Oops, my bad! Should have been more specific lol. Basically, does it seem to work relatively well, and are there really that many side effects as I've been told there are?

    My sister was on the team that launched this drug and she said it works very well, that the trials were great. She said it is the only ADD drug on the market that is not a stimulant, so that in itself is a benefit. I have no personal experience with this drug.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I went into Petsmart yesterday, to look for ONE item for my dog. I spent over $100 and walked out with a new betta fish (and supplies for said fish). They didn't have the dog item...

    I now have two bettas - I will see if I can post a pic in the batcave later today, this new guy is a really pretty half-moon tail.

    Years ago I went a little fish-crazy, and had up to 6 tanks at one time (the largest was about 35 gallons, the others were smaller ones for the individual bettas). I'm hoping once I'm in my own place next year I can get a really big tank set up. (I won't be the crazy cat lady, I'll be the crazy fish lady)

    I can drop mad money in Petsmart in no time. I swear the one local to me would close down if I stopped shopping there. I don't do fish though, fish are creepy.....
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    OK, I took a week off (taking care of my grandson who just got a baby sister!), I have scanned many, many pages to get caught up again, did not thoroughly read, but wanted to thank everyone (I think you probably all chimed in) for the congrats on the new baby, she is amazing! I had some quality time with my Noah too. He has become such a funny little man, and is oh so sweet.
    Funny story: He was flexing his muscles and showing me how strong he is, and asked me to do mine, and when I did, he said "Nana, you have bat wings!" and cracked up laughing... he is so silly. I am sure he heard me say that before about my loose skin on my arms.

    welcome back, we missed you!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    edited August 2015
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    @LBuehrle8, if I don't talk to you before you fly out, enjoy your trip, eat lots of English stuff so I can live vicariously through you, (except curry, you can keep that nastiness) and have the bestest time with your Englishman!

    See you when you get back!

    I am actually very curious as to what the British people call "curry". I have no idea what it is, because according to Pakistanis that I know, the stuff they call curry isn't ACTUALLY curry. I've tried the authentic stuff, but there are so many of them... This lack of knowledge is irritating me. :p

    I love curry! But I have no idea if what I have had is "real" now!

    Curry is so disgusting! My SO and son LOVE curried goat, and it smells like dirty socks

    ETA: This would obviously be Jamaican curry.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Morning everyone. I'm sorry I haven't been commenting much, I have been reading all the posts. This is just been such a busy week at work for me.

    Just know that I'm thinking of you all, between the posts here and in the bat cave.

    But in case I don't get back - I hope you have a fantastic trip Laura!!

    It must be month end for you too, @Glinda1971! I remember us saying we're both in finance. This week has been brutal!

    749 invoices to get out the door and the person who is supposed to help me decided it was a perfect time to do something else. I'm not her supervisor but I'm going to talk to my boss when he gets back next week. It takes 3 full days to do just those so now I have that much more to catch up.

    That is rubbish! Too bad you can't leave them for him to do!

    Loving my new super favorite word!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Just think... Laura is right now winging her way to London to be with her love! (Small emotional sniffles here for true romance)....
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I went into Petsmart yesterday, to look for ONE item for my dog. I spent over $100 and walked out with a new betta fish (and supplies for said fish). They didn't have the dog item...

    I now have two bettas - I will see if I can post a pic in the batcave later today, this new guy is a really pretty half-moon tail.

    Years ago I went a little fish-crazy, and had up to 6 tanks at one time (the largest was about 35 gallons, the others were smaller ones for the individual bettas). I'm hoping once I'm in my own place next year I can get a really big tank set up. (I won't be the crazy cat lady, I'll be the crazy fish lady)

    I can drop mad money in Petsmart in no time. I swear the one local to me would close down if I stopped shopping there. I don't do fish though, fish are creepy.....

    I'm usually able to resist petsmart since its out of my way. But now there is going to be one 10 minutes from home, and I'll pass it everyday ony commute. This could be dangerous :grimace:
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Just think... Laura is right now winging her way to London to be with her love! (Small emotional sniffles here for true romance)....

    She is going to have such a wonderful time!