
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    edited August 2015
    Yayayayayyyy! My gifs are working again!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    So... After horrible, horrible pain for twelve days and increasingly limited movement, I dragged myself to a doctor this morning. I've been diagnosed with sciatica due to injury, and have been prescribed enough prescription drugs to kill a rhinoceros. I may spend the next week in a drug induced haze, so right here I'm adding a disclaimer that I'm not responsible for anything I may say or do in the next 15 days. >:)

    But hey, I have codeine! Yippee! (I'm seriously stoked, because after an injection, I've had my first horrific-pain free day today! I feel no pain and it's BEAUTIFUL. Spool beautiful. I could kiss that doctor.)

    ETA: Since I've already been quoted and look dumb, uhhh... Spool was supposed to be "soooo". Autocorrect, not drugs, I swear! ;)

    YAY!!!! I'm SPOOL happy for you!!! ;)
    Awww, leave Susie alone; she's stoned.

    Hahaha! She's knows I'm just teasing her...right, Susie? Or are you too stoned to know? ;)
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    edited August 2015
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Yayayayayyyy! My gifs are working again!

    I see nothing! :(

    Nope, nevermind. I see it! :)
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    So... After horrible, horrible pain for twelve days and increasingly limited movement, I dragged myself to a doctor this morning. I've been diagnosed with sciatica due to injury, and have been prescribed enough prescription drugs to kill a rhinoceros. I may spend the next week in a drug induced haze, so right here I'm adding a disclaimer that I'm not responsible for anything I may say or do in the next 15 days. >:)

    But hey, I have codeine! Yippee! (I'm seriously stoked, because after an injection, I've had my first horrific-pain free day today! I feel no pain and it's BEAUTIFUL. Spool beautiful. I could kiss that doctor.)

    That's great news @Susieq_1994 . Happy you are pain free and I will be looking forward to some drug induced posts!

    lol :p I should probably stay off the internet at that point... :D God only knows what I might say. O.o
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    So... After horrible, horrible pain for twelve days and increasingly limited movement, I dragged myself to a doctor this morning. I've been diagnosed with sciatica due to injury, and have been prescribed enough prescription drugs to kill a rhinoceros. I may spend the next week in a drug induced haze, so right here I'm adding a disclaimer that I'm not responsible for anything I may say or do in the next 15 days. >:)

    But hey, I have codeine! Yippee! (I'm seriously stoked, because after an injection, I've had my first horrific-pain free day today! I feel no pain and it's BEAUTIFUL. Spool beautiful. I could kiss that doctor.)

    ETA: Since I've already been quoted and look dumb, uhhh... Spool was supposed to be "soooo". Autocorrect, not drugs, I swear! ;)

    YAY!!!! I'm SPOOL happy for you!!! ;)

    Thank you ;)... I just hope it heals quickly--I can't stay drugged for the rest of my life. :-/ I need to get housework and stuff done. :o Laying around in bed makes me feel like a lazy do-nothing.
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    So... After horrible, horrible pain for twelve days and increasingly limited movement, I dragged myself to a doctor this morning. I've been diagnosed with sciatica due to injury, and have been prescribed enough prescription drugs to kill a rhinoceros. I may spend the next week in a drug induced haze, so right here I'm adding a disclaimer that I'm not responsible for anything I may say or do in the next 15 days. >:)

    But hey, I have codeine! Yippee! (I'm seriously stoked, because after an injection, I've had my first horrific-pain free day today! I feel no pain and it's BEAUTIFUL. Spool beautiful. I could kiss that doctor.)

    ETA: Since I've already been quoted and look dumb, uhhh... Spool was supposed to be "soooo". Autocorrect, not drugs, I swear! ;)

    YAY!!!! I'm SPOOL happy for you!!! ;)
    Awww, leave Susie alone; she's stoned.

    How kind of you to... err... Defend me. :p Although I can't say that this defense will do well for my pristine and spotless reputation. :D
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    So... After horrible, horrible pain for twelve days and increasingly limited movement, I dragged myself to a doctor this morning. I've been diagnosed with sciatica due to injury, and have been prescribed enough prescription drugs to kill a rhinoceros. I may spend the next week in a drug induced haze, so right here I'm adding a disclaimer that I'm not responsible for anything I may say or do in the next 15 days. >:)

    But hey, I have codeine! Yippee! (I'm seriously stoked, because after an injection, I've had my first horrific-pain free day today! I feel no pain and it's BEAUTIFUL. Spool beautiful. I could kiss that doctor.)

    ETA: Since I've already been quoted and look dumb, uhhh... Spool was supposed to be "soooo". Autocorrect, not drugs, I swear! ;)

    YAY!!!! I'm SPOOL happy for you!!! ;)
    Awww, leave Susie alone; she's stoned.

    Hahaha! She's knows I'm just teasing her...right, Susie? Or are you too stoned to know? ;)

    Waaaay too stoned. :p Actually, I'm afraid to take any of the medication I was prescribed today since I forgot to ask what the pain injection that I was given was. I assume it was diclofenac, which is the most commonly given NSAID injection, but I'm not entirely sure. And one of my prescriptions is a very high dose of diclofenac, which would mean overdosing if I took it. And if the shot WASN'T diclofenac, I don't know what the drug interactions might be! :o

    ... As you can see, my head is a fun place to be. :p
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Yayayayayyyy! My gifs are working again!

    Yay!! And also, dang it. I found bunches of awesome gifs and didn't bother to save them because they wouldn't work in the forums. Such loss. :'(
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I confess I am sooooo ready for (American) football season. I have changed my profile pic and am currently wearing my Boise State polo at work. I am team mom on my son's team, my hubby is asst coach. We have season tickets to the Boise State games. ARGH!!! Kick off, already!!!!

    September 3rd starts USC's (and I don't mean California!) season and I can't wait!!! Hubby is in Charlotte at the Panthers fanfest for his birthday, (he's 26 today!) I'm so ready for football season!!

    Y'all, I am just gonna apologize now because @raelynnsmama52512 and I are SEC fans and we can be obnoxious about our football. I was raised to love God, my family, sweet tea and the SEC!!!

    Pshh, who you telling?! Lol! Trust me, Gamecock football is a RELIGION in our family! Basically, on Saturday we're all useless because we're all watching the game, screaming at our TVs about a bad call, and cussing the refs haha! (You could also apply that to hockey as well!) I'm a bad fan, I've never been to a USC game, but hubby has already vowed to change that this year lol! I have no shame, I get pretty obnoxious haha! God, family, friends, and SEC football, that's all you really need in life. :wink:

    We ring cowbells in our house when State scores. And I am apologizing in advance to everyone here because I can't help talking football...

    I despise football. Sorry.
    Me too, unless it's actual football; the kind you play with your feet. ;)
    I'm also not very keen on hockey, to be honest. I'm not a very good Canadian, I guess. Although I did have very good seats at a lacrosse game last year and was most impressed by their calf muscles. I enjoyed that part!
    Same. I'm not a fan of watching sports but I do love looking football player's legs. :wink:

  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    I'm about to go to a tennis game with my boyfriend and his parents, and I'm having one of those days where I feel extremely ugly and am scared to reveal my face to the world. I've been breaking out lately (stress?) and just feel gross and fat and unsightly. Hoping for a quick and painless tennis game... it's my first one.
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    So, I definitely have ADD, no question. I also had blood drawn to check my thyroid since both my parents have issues, she put me back on the pill, and I go back in 4 weeks to follow up. As far as my back goes, basically I've got to just try to take Tylenol for now and when I go back we're going to look at trying injections. I'm currently on strattera for the ADD, to see if that helps, and once my lab results come back, we'll know what else is going on, or if my thyroid is okay or not. She did mention my weight, and I told her I was doing what I could to try to lose it, but she's also wanting to address that and go other avenues concerning that. She's concerned my weight could be affecting my back too, so I'm guessing if it's not my thyroid, she's going to try something else. She did mention the strattera has a side effect of loss of appetite, which can lead to weight loss. I feel better, but still a little confused.

    Btw, anyone familiar with strattera? Lol

    Ugh I am hoping your back feels better @raelynnsmama52512! When will you know about your Thyroid?

    I'm not sure, they had a notice posted that said because of the high volume of lab work they have that lab results would be discussed at the next appointment, unless things were severely abnormal, then they would call. So unless something is really wonky, I probably won't know until next month. I'm guessing if I haven't lost any weight before then too there will be a discussion about that. I'm dealing with my back right now, I'm still in a lot of pain but I'm used to that for the most part. There's just some days that I can't deal with it.
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    So, I definitely have ADD, no question. I also had blood drawn to check my thyroid since both my parents have issues, she put me back on the pill, and I go back in 4 weeks to follow up. As far as my back goes, basically I've got to just try to take Tylenol for now and when I go back we're going to look at trying injections. I'm currently on strattera for the ADD, to see if that helps, and once my lab results come back, we'll know what else is going on, or if my thyroid is okay or not. She did mention my weight, and I told her I was doing what I could to try to lose it, but she's also wanting to address that and go other avenues concerning that. She's concerned my weight could be affecting my back too, so I'm guessing if it's not my thyroid, she's going to try something else. She did mention the strattera has a side effect of loss of appetite, which can lead to weight loss. I feel better, but still a little confused.

    Btw, anyone familiar with strattera? Lol

    Was there something in particular you want to know?

    Oops, my bad! Should have been more specific lol. Basically, does it seem to work relatively well, and are there really that many side effects as I've been told there are?

    My sister was on the team that launched this drug and she said it works very well, that the trials were great. She said it is the only ADD drug on the market that is not a stimulant, so that in itself is a benefit. I have no personal experience with this drug.

    That makes me feel better! :smile:
    I just took my first dose this morning, so I guess we'll see how it all goes!
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    So... After horrible, horrible pain for twelve days and increasingly limited movement, I dragged myself to a doctor this morning. I've been diagnosed with sciatica due to injury, and have been prescribed enough prescription drugs to kill a rhinoceros. I may spend the next week in a drug induced haze, so right here I'm adding a disclaimer that I'm not responsible for anything I may say or do in the next 15 days. >:)

    But hey, I have codeine! Yippee! (I'm seriously stoked, because after an injection, I've had my first horrific-pain free day today! I feel no pain and it's BEAUTIFUL. Spool beautiful. I could kiss that doctor.)

    ETA: Since I've already been quoted and look dumb, uhhh... Spool was supposed to be "soooo". Autocorrect, not drugs, I swear! ;)

    So glad you got some relief!! :smiley:
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    In honour of @LBuehrle8 arriving in blighty today I have made meatloaf with roast potatoes and veg and a cherry and almond crumbleand custard, all from scratch
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    misskarne wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    @LBuehrle8, if I don't talk to you before you fly out, enjoy your trip, eat lots of English stuff so I can live vicariously through you, (except curry, you can keep that nastiness) and have the bestest time with your Englishman!

    See you when you get back!

    I am actually very curious as to what the British people call "curry". I have no idea what it is, because according to Pakistanis that I know, the stuff they call curry isn't ACTUALLY curry. I've tried the authentic stuff, but there are so many of them... This lack of knowledge is irritating me. :p

    I love curry! But I have no idea if what I have had is "real" now!
    I'm also confused by this curry talk.... because I love curry, but I don't know what this special English curry is. I've had Thai and Indian curry... is that what you guys are talking about? Going to look into this.

    Well, what I've read is that curry became popular due to the colonization of India way back in the day, and remained a popular dish until today. However, I'm relatively certain that it became sort of like Tex-Mex or Chinese food is in the U.S.--very "Americanized", and not always very close to the original Mexican/Chinese foods that they're based on. ;)

    When I go to the US next year, one of my first stops is going to be Outback Steakhouse. I want to see what the American idea of Australian food is.

    Spare yourself the trouble. It isn't Australian food and it's hit or miss as a good steak. (I have never been to Australia, but where I live, Outback, Texas Roadhouse, and Longhorn all have basically the same menu. I eat at Texas Roadhouse because I know the owner and that's really all there is to separate them)

    Seconded. Outback is terrible.

    Texas Roadhouse is alright because CINNAMON HONEY BUTTER. Also, there's one 5 minutes from my house. Outback is like 10. Longhorn is 20.

    Man, do I live in suburbia, huh?
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    Zedeff wrote: »
    My scale is tared to 5 pounds above zero.

    It makes me feel better that I get to subtract 5 off the reading.

    Similarly, I add 1 to 1.5 lbs to my "recorded" weight compared to what my scale says, and I only log when my weight reaches a new low. It feels good to look at my report and see only consistent losses, and when there aren't losses, I can remind myself that I've been adding a pound each time anyways.

    I do that too
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    Confession: I learned that Wawa currently has a Key Lime doughnut. I'm considering going to the gym for the sole purpose of burning 270 calories and stopping at the Wawa across the street to get said 270 calorie doughnut.

    At least I planned the workout first?
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    I went out to eat at an Indian buffet for lunch. I tried to track what I did but really I have no Idea how much I ate. I loved it. I believe it was 100% of my days allowance
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    edited August 2015
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I confess I am sooooo ready for (American) football season. I have changed my profile pic and am currently wearing my Boise State polo at work. I am team mom on my son's team, my hubby is asst coach. We have season tickets to the Boise State games. ARGH!!! Kick off, already!!!!

    September 3rd starts USC's (and I don't mean California!) season and I can't wait!!! Hubby is in Charlotte at the Panthers fanfest for his birthday, (he's 26 today!) I'm so ready for football season!!

    Y'all, I am just gonna apologize now because @raelynnsmama52512 and I are SEC fans and we can be obnoxious about our football. I was raised to love God, my family, sweet tea and the SEC!!!

    Pshh, who you telling?! Lol! Trust me, Gamecock football is a RELIGION in our family! Basically, on Saturday we're all useless because we're all watching the game, screaming at our TVs about a bad call, and cussing the refs haha! (You could also apply that to hockey as well!) I'm a bad fan, I've never been to a USC game, but hubby has already vowed to change that this year lol! I have no shame, I get pretty obnoxious haha! God, family, friends, and SEC football, that's all you really need in life. :wink:

    We ring cowbells in our house when State scores. And I am apologizing in advance to everyone here because I can't help talking football...

    I despise football. Sorry.

    Me too!!! The only sport I enjoy watching is basketball.

    Actual football is AWESOME! During men's World Cup I tend to go a little insane....



    American football sucks, lol.

    I also love boxing (both sexes) and woman's UFC

    ETA: My son is the big basketball fan in the house, we are not even allowed to talk to him when there is a game on!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    @LBuehrle8, if I don't talk to you before you fly out, enjoy your trip, eat lots of English stuff so I can live vicariously through you, (except curry, you can keep that nastiness) and have the bestest time with your Englishman!

    See you when you get back!

    I am actually very curious as to what the British people call "curry". I have no idea what it is, because according to Pakistanis that I know, the stuff they call curry isn't ACTUALLY curry. I've tried the authentic stuff, but there are so many of them... This lack of knowledge is irritating me. :p

    I love curry! But I have no idea if what I have had is "real" now!

    Curry is so disgusting! My SO and son LOVE curried goat, and it smells like dirty socks

    ETA: This would obviously be Jamaican curry.

    I'm open to being proven wrong, but I think live (domesticated) goats smell like dirty socks and would be surprised if they didn't taste that way too. I love goat milk and cheese, but I have never eaten goat meat.

    Hahaaha! I have never had anything made from a goat!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    So... After horrible, horrible pain for twelve days and increasingly limited movement, I dragged myself to a doctor this morning. I've been diagnosed with sciatica due to injury, and have been prescribed enough prescription drugs to kill a rhinoceros. I may spend the next week in a drug induced haze, so right here I'm adding a disclaimer that I'm not responsible for anything I may say or do in the next 15 days. >:)

    But hey, I have codeine! Yippee! (I'm seriously stoked, because after an injection, I've had my first horrific-pain free day today! I feel no pain and it's BEAUTIFUL. Spool beautiful. I could kiss that doctor.)

    ETA: Since I've already been quoted and look dumb, uhhh... Spool was supposed to be "soooo". Autocorrect, not drugs, I swear! ;)

    <3 Glad you are getting some relief!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    So... After horrible, horrible pain for twelve days and increasingly limited movement, I dragged myself to a doctor this morning. I've been diagnosed with sciatica due to injury, and have been prescribed enough prescription drugs to kill a rhinoceros. I may spend the next week in a drug induced haze, so right here I'm adding a disclaimer that I'm not responsible for anything I may say or do in the next 15 days. >:)

    But hey, I have codeine! Yippee! (I'm seriously stoked, because after an injection, I've had my first horrific-pain free day today! I feel no pain and it's BEAUTIFUL. Spool beautiful. I could kiss that doctor.)

    ETA: Since I've already been quoted and look dumb, uhhh... Spool was supposed to be "soooo". Autocorrect, not drugs, I swear! ;)

    YAY!!!! I'm SPOOL happy for you!!! ;)
    Awww, leave Susie alone; she's stoned.

    hahahaaha, this made me laugh, a LOT
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I'm about to go to a tennis game with my boyfriend and his parents, and I'm having one of those days where I feel extremely ugly and am scared to reveal my face to the world. I've been breaking out lately (stress?) and just feel gross and fat and unsightly. Hoping for a quick and painless tennis game... it's my first one.
    But you are so freaking cute! Adorable even!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    So I have now tried all the Quest bars I wanted to try.

    Cookie dough, chocolate peanut butter and cookies and creme are my faves. White chocolate raspberry was good too. Not a single one was gross and I never felt like I had to choke one down. This is a new staple for me.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Checking to say good morning! I have my home internet back; I've missed you all terribly. But not enough for me to read the almost 3000 posts I missed. LOL

    Welcome back!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    I did NOT log Thursday at all for some reasons...
    1. I have NO idea how much beer/wine I drank.
    2. I went swimming but I have no idea for exactly how long or what my effort would be defined as
    3. I ate a TON of fried food.
    4. I gained 5 pounds and I want to cry about it because I was SO close to 179 and I did this to myself... :bawling:
    5. I want to become a good runner but it's too surfing hot and humid in Austin, TX to even really try.
    6. For the first time in, well, ever, I can not WAIT for it to get cooler so I can run more with my dog Tessa.

    You can get back on track. We are only human so it's inevitable we will slip up from time to time but you really can do this!
    +1. We all have's just a matter of getting up again...
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    So... After horrible, horrible pain for twelve days and increasingly limited movement, I dragged myself to a doctor this morning. I've been diagnosed with sciatica due to injury, and have been prescribed enough prescription drugs to kill a rhinoceros. I may spend the next week in a drug induced haze, so right here I'm adding a disclaimer that I'm not responsible for anything I may say or do in the next 15 days. >:)

    But hey, I have codeine! Yippee! (I'm seriously stoked, because after an injection, I've had my first horrific-pain free day today! I feel no pain and it's BEAUTIFUL. Spool beautiful. I could kiss that doctor.)

    ETA: Since I've already been quoted and look dumb, uhhh... Spool was supposed to be "soooo". Autocorrect, not drugs, I swear! ;)

    I love a good toradol injection. I don't know if that's what they gave you, but I am super happy whatever it was worked.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I confess I am sooooo ready for (American) football season. I have changed my profile pic and am currently wearing my Boise State polo at work. I am team mom on my son's team, my hubby is asst coach. We have season tickets to the Boise State games. ARGH!!! Kick off, already!!!!

    September 3rd starts USC's (and I don't mean California!) season and I can't wait!!! Hubby is in Charlotte at the Panthers fanfest for his birthday, (he's 26 today!) I'm so ready for football season!!

    Y'all, I am just gonna apologize now because @raelynnsmama52512 and I are SEC fans and we can be obnoxious about our football. I was raised to love God, my family, sweet tea and the SEC!!!

    Pshh, who you telling?! Lol! Trust me, Gamecock football is a RELIGION in our family! Basically, on Saturday we're all useless because we're all watching the game, screaming at our TVs about a bad call, and cussing the refs haha! (You could also apply that to hockey as well!) I'm a bad fan, I've never been to a USC game, but hubby has already vowed to change that this year lol! I have no shame, I get pretty obnoxious haha! God, family, friends, and SEC football, that's all you really need in life. :wink:

    We ring cowbells in our house when State scores. And I am apologizing in advance to everyone here because I can't help talking football...

    I despise football. Sorry.
    Me too, unless it's actual football; the kind you play with your feet. ;)
    I'm also not very keen on hockey, to be honest. I'm not a very good Canadian, I guess. Although I did have very good seats at a lacrosse game last year and was most impressed by their calf muscles. I enjoyed that part!

    I played and coach soccer too. Maybe I hate distance running because my sports were all 120 yards or less of sprinting and dodging...
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    So... After horrible, horrible pain for twelve days and increasingly limited movement, I dragged myself to a doctor this morning. I've been diagnosed with sciatica due to injury, and have been prescribed enough prescription drugs to kill a rhinoceros. I may spend the next week in a drug induced haze, so right here I'm adding a disclaimer that I'm not responsible for anything I may say or do in the next 15 days. >:)

    But hey, I have codeine! Yippee! (I'm seriously stoked, because after an injection, I've had my first horrific-pain free day today! I feel no pain and it's BEAUTIFUL. Spool beautiful. I could kiss that doctor.)

    ETA: Since I've already been quoted and look dumb, uhhh... Spool was supposed to be "soooo". Autocorrect, not drugs, I swear! ;)

    YAY!!!! I'm SPOOL happy for you!!! ;)
    Awww, leave Susie alone; she's stoned.

    Hahaha! She's knows I'm just teasing her...right, Susie? Or are you too stoned to know? ;)

    Waaaay too stoned. :p Actually, I'm afraid to take any of the medication I was prescribed today since I forgot to ask what the pain injection that I was given was. I assume it was diclofenac, which is the most commonly given NSAID injection, but I'm not entirely sure. And one of my prescriptions is a very high dose of diclofenac, which would mean overdosing if I took it. And if the shot WASN'T diclofenac, I don't know what the drug interactions might be! :o

    ... As you can see, my head is a fun place to be. :p

    Call and ask. Another point in favor of my dictor is that I receive a written visit recap so if I forget (or am stoned on toradol) I can look at it later. I'd bet on a steroid mix if they prescribed the oral NSAID though. I like those to. (degenerative disk disease and premature osteoarthritis in my left hip and then there's the mush that is my left knee.)
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    I'm about to go to a tennis game with my boyfriend and his parents, and I'm having one of those days where I feel extremely ugly and am scared to reveal my face to the world. I've been breaking out lately (stress?) and just feel gross and fat and unsightly. Hoping for a quick and painless tennis game... it's my first one.

    Hugs. I don't think you're any of those things, but I have felt the same way.
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    So I have now tried all the Quest bars I wanted to try.

    Cookie dough, chocolate peanut butter and cookies and creme are my faves. White chocolate raspberry was good too. Not a single one was gross and I never felt like I had to choke one down. This is a new staple for me.

    Ok that's it. Going on a hunt for tbese. Do tney fill you up?
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    In honour of @LBuehrle8 arriving in blighty today I have made meatloaf with roast potatoes and veg and a cherry and almond crumbleand custard, all from scratch

    All of that sounds yummy!