

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    My confession is I have stretch marks literally ALL over my body. I have them on my boobs, stomach, thighs, and all over my back. Never pregnant, just formerly morbidly obese. I know stretch marks are normal but when they cover the majority of your body, it's a little overwhelming to accept that. I never took care of myself/my body as a teenager and unfortunately I can't do anything about the damage that has been done. What a great wish it would be to be able to go back in time and have a second chance with your body. I wish I knew then what I know now...but what can ya do? I am only 22 and I feel as if my body is just ruined. I don't feel comfortable in my own skin, it's honestly a very sad situation. You only get one body, and I messed mine up, there's no turning back really. As you can tell I have a lot of regrets. I also deal with loose skin but that's a whole other story on it's own. Hopefully at some point in my life I will feel better about my body and learn to accept it as who I am, but that hasn't happened yet.

    Unfortunately, this is me as well. I do have some hope that the stretch marks will fade away and the skin will tighten up, because I'm only twenty. Twenty two isn't much older, so why give up hope? :)

    SusieQ, I had no idea you were only 20!!! (Sorry if the 'only' sounds condescending, not intended. I am literally twice your age ;) ) Have you been married very long?

    I guess she was from the 1994 in her handle...are you turning the big 2-1 this year?!

    Duh. Hmmmm, it's interesting that I'm paid to detect stuff and I missed that big clue. I'm a dork.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Can I just say how awesome this thread has become?

    Yes, it started out about trash bags, peanut butter, and hot chocolate powder, but it has evolved into a community within the MFP community where people actually CARE and SUPPORT one another through stupid decisions, horrible situations, and hilarious escapades.

    You all rock. And if I wasn't super lazy, I would finally get around to friend requesting the rest of the regular posters.

    Super great.

    I think it's become the thread motto, and I love it. <3

    Someone should change the picture in the group to the Super Great shark. It's currently... Sunflowers? Is that thing actually changeable or is it always like that?
    I put the shark there first but you couldn't see him, because it's a banner and the sizing didn't work. So I changed it to something pretty and hopeful - I love sunflowers! Other suggestions welcome!
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    When I worked as a youth counselor at a wilderness boarding school we sometimes had rice with sugar and butter for breakfast and the girls called it "Poor boy cereal"..I was not a fan personally.

    You people putting sugar on your rice are monsters.

    Confession: There were times when I was super broke where rice with barbecue sauce was dinner. Still would.

    As a broke newlywed, I made Hamburger Helper without any hamburger or milk. Blech. Gosh, that was 1996. I haven't bought Hamburger Helper in at least 14(?) years. The thought of eating it now....disgusting. :s

    As a broke kid, we ate tuna and rice for at least one year non-stop, because my mom couldn't afford to feed us anything else. I still pretty much hate tuna and rice.

    Then, when we had a slight step up, it progressed to macaroni covered in Chicken Tonight sauce, with not a chicken bit in sight. Every. Single. Day. Just thinking about that horrible combination still makes me sick. That stuff was not made to be put on macaroni! :s

    Yum tuna & rice:D. I just had salmon & rice for lunch the other day. For dinner the past few nights I've been eating pasta noodles & parmesan since I can't stand most pasta sauces now. I could go for some good homemade macraroni & cheese with topping on it.

    I remember growing up my mom making a lot of cheap pasta dishes like spaghetti, lasagna, chili, chicken corn soup, & hamburger helpers. She made one meal that to this day grosses me out even though I love broccoli & cauliflower now.

    She would make a disgusting casserole & not cut up the veggies very well so you would be chomping away on the stalks or hard piece of the flower.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    In the interest of staying on track on this thread...

    Confession: I have gained 16 pounds since I started this job in November. Granted it's a desk job, and I came from a fairly active job where I was on my feet a lot. This morning I was down two pounds from my current highest weight. However, my MFP weight is still lower than where I am currently, so I can't log the loss. And that makes me a little sad. :'(

    I have also been working SL 5X5s since November. I'm starting to feel strong! Last night I did 190 lbs on my squat, tried for 75 pounds on my OHP (but couldn't finish all my reps on the last set), and 215 on my deadlift. Lost my grip on the last deadlift. I think I need some deadlifting gloves to help my grip. I am going to be trying 120 pounds on my bench press tomorrow night, and 105 on my rows. I <3 lifting!
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    edited June 2015
    Can I just say how awesome this thread has become?

    Yes, it started out about trash bags, peanut butter, and hot chocolate powder, but it has evolved into a community within the MFP community where people actually CARE and SUPPORT one another through stupid decisions, horrible situations, and hilarious escapades.

    You all rock. And if I wasn't super lazy, I would finally get around to friend requesting the rest of the regular posters.

    Super great.

    I think it's become the thread motto, and I love it. <3

    Someone should change the picture in the group to the Super Great shark. It's currently... Sunflowers? Is that thing actually changeable or is it always like that?

    Plus faces are great in protein so it deals with nutrition :p!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    edited June 2015
    Today is my second day in a row that I haven't binged. I hope to stop binging & maybe I'll set a reward system like I did with weight loss. Before I started binging I was around 153 now I'm up to about 160 which was what my original goal weight was going to be anyway, but I would like to eventually lose a little more. For right now I am going to set my calories around 1973 & try to eat around that amount everyday but if I go over some days I am NOT going to BEAT myself up & try to make up for it in another day.

    Last night I confessed I was hungry at 11:33 & wasn't going to eat anything but decided to eat a Quest bar, because I hate going to bed hungry.

    I also ordered New Rules Of Lifting For Women on Amazon & hope to get it soon.

    You can do this! I think I'm getting better at sticking to my own calorie goal by taking all the restricted foods I was hiding from and throwing that label out of the window. I honestly feel MUCH less like baking all the foods, eating all the foods, and drowning my sorrows in more of the food when I have it all sitting right there in my fridge, just being food.

    As I told my husband yesterday: I messed up big time because I was tired, and whether I had those foods in my fridge or not, the outcome would have been exactly the same--just because I was able to make cookies (and proceed to eat too many of them) doesn't change the fact that I would have pigged out on anything else that was available if I didn't have cookie ingredients available, for example.

    And you know what's really awesome? Normally I would have made the cookies, eaten ALL the cookies, and then gobbled down the remaining chocolate chips. This time, yes, I ate too many of them (7), but I then put the rest away into the freezer, and I didn't even feel the urge to touch the chocolate chips because "those are for baking". Since I can bake whenever I want, I don't need to get them out of the house by eating them just so I don't mess up tomorrow.

    Does that make sense? My husband had a really hard time understanding my feeling of making progress when I had blown my calorie goal so badly, but I told him that you guys (and anyone else with disordered food issues or weight issues) would understand it. :)
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Today is my second day in a row that I haven't binged. I hope to stop binging & maybe I'll set a reward system like I did with weight loss. Before I started binging I was around 153 now I'm up to about 160 which was what my original goal weight was going to be anyway, but I would like to eventually lose a little more. For right now I am going to set my calories around 1973 & try to eat around that amount everyday but if I go over some days I am NOT going to BEAT myself up & try to make up for it in another day.

    Last night I confessed I was hungry at 11:33 & wasn't going to eat anything but decided to eat a Quest bar, because I hate going to bed hungry.

    I also ordered New Rules Of Lifting For Women on Amazon & hope to get it soon.

    You can do this! I think I'm getting better at sticking to my own calorie goal by taking all the restricted foods I was hiding from and throwing that label out of the window. I honestly feel MUCH less like baking all the foods, eating all the foods, and drowning my sorrows in more of the food when I have it all sitting right there in my fridge, just being food.

    As I told my husband yesterday: I messed up big time because I was tired, and whether I had those foods in my fridge or not, the outcome would have been exactly the same--just because I was able to make cookies (and proceed to eat too many of them) doesn't change the fact that I would have pigged out on anything else that was available if I didn't have cookie ingredients available, for example.

    And you know what's really awesome? Normally I would have made the cookies, eaten ALL the cookies, and then gobbled down the remaining chocolate chips. This time, yes, I ate too many of them (7), but I then put the rest away into the freezer, and I didn't even feel the urge to touch the chocolate chips because "those are for baking". Since I can bake whenever I want, I don't need to get them out of the house by eating them just so I don't mess up tomorrow.

    Does that make sense? My husband had a really hard time understanding my feeling of making progress when I had blown my calorie goal so badly, but I told him that you guys (and anyone else with disordered food issues or weight issues) would understand it. :)

    Baby steps! That is what this 'journey' is all about. (Sorry to those of you who cringe at the word 'journey'. It was too apropos ;) )
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    I lied, I have another confession.

    I keep starting the day strong with logging. Then by dinner I just give up and say to myself, "oh, I will just start over tomorrow". Then tomorrow comes and it is a repeat of the day before. I really want to get rid of the last 18 but just don't have the motivation anymore. Even when I go back to my progress graph to see where I was at this point last year, I amaze myself at how far I have come. I just can't seem to get the mojo to finish the job. *Sigh*

    That's pretty much me, too.

    *raises hand* and me. :(
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Ok, major confession here. I found this bedding set and bought it - ex-display $80 instead of $240. I love it (YES IT'S JESSICA SIMPSON I DON'T CARE), but it's in the spare room closet hidden from my husband. I bought it for the camper that we don't own yet, that he doesn't want yet (really only because the timing's not right and he's too busy to care) but that I'm desperate for. Is that bad? I'm such a brat.

    I have a Jessica Simpson coat. It's really cute, olive green pea coat. But something about it being from the Jessica Simpson line does make me feel a little embarrassed for some reason. :D

    I felt a little embarrassed wearing her jeans/jeggings, but they were cute.

    My mom has bought a few of her handbags at TJMAXX.
    Yeah I do wonder if she's as ditzy as she's made out to be (I never saw her reality show), because she seems to be a pretty savvy businesswoman to me. She certainly has her fingers in a lot of pies.

    Also I really hate how the media went after her for gaining some weight during her pregnancies.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I confess...

    It's 10 PM and I had a ton of calories left, even after dinner, because I didn't have much of an appetite today. I decided to have something desserty, but we only had vanilla ice cream in the freezer. Plain vanilla isn't really worth the calories to me, although it's nice... So then I had an idea: I got 10 grams of peanut butter, and spread it in a thin layer over the walls of a tiny ice cream bowl, then served the ice cream on top of it. Then, with each bite, I scraped a little peanut butter off the wall of the bowl. Mmmmm, so good.

    And then, I STILL had a ton of calories left, so I made a mock peanut butter milkshake. That was so good too.

    ...I really love peanut butter. :sweat_smile:
    I'm the weirdo whose favourite flavour of ice cream is vanilla.

    I love vanilla too. Although, now that I've discovered Ben & Jerry's Half Baked, I would say that's my new fave.

    If you like peanut butter they also have a Peanut Butter Half Baked that is good.

    *Runs out to find this*

    Wait for me.

    Would I be universally despised if I admitted that I don't like Ben & Jerry's? I tried one of their flavors just because everyone seems to rave about them (I paid 15 dollars for it, people!!), and it was honestly pretty disappointing. :-/

    My favorite brand of ice cream is London Dairy. I love pretty much ALL of their flavours. Mmmmm.

    What flavour did you try?

    Susie, do you have Talenti in Saudi Arabia?

    Sadly, no. *sniffle* Although, considering the price of Ben & Jerry's here, Talenti might be way beyond my budget even if it was. :-/

    Boo! Have you ever tried to make your own? I still can't believe you have to pay $15.00 for ice cream. I wish we could mail you guys some:(.

    At least I have my beloved London Dairy! It is a little expensive, but more like 5 dollars than 15. :) We do have some local brands, but they taste kind of cheap, and the imported stuff like Ben & Jerry's, Haagen Daz (sp?), Fregento, Skinny Cow, Breyers, and others are really out of this world expensive.

    But that's okay, because London Dairy is amazing. And they have a Speculoos biscuit flavor. Mmmmm. <3

    Yeah I wouldn't pay much for Breyers since most of their ice cream is a frozen dairy dessert & not the real stuff.

    You can't go wrong with cookie butter ice cream:D. Do you guys get Jif products over there? If so you need to get the Hazelnut spreads if you get them there. So good.

    We do, but I haven't tried it. I try to buy local stuff as much as humanly possible, because you don't even want to know how much American and U.K. imported products cost. :-/ Saudi Arabia has quite a large range of local products, thankfully, so it's not hard to do. The only imported product I splurge on regularly is Wisconsin cheddar cheese. Worth every penny.

    I heart you

    Good cheese is always worth it! ;)
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    @Tubbs216 you know the thread hero moniker might stck. I always look forward to your captions!
    Only if I get to wear a cool costume. With a cape. There has to be a cape.

    And it has to be pink because, you know, on Wednesdays we wear pink!
    Do we?
    Edit: Ah, got it. Took me a minute!

    I totally wore pink today. :smiley:

    Dangit, I wore red. But I looked freaking fantastic, if I do say so myself. :p

    Red is just a really dark pink and I bet you DID look freaking fantastic!

  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Can I just say how awesome this thread has become?

    Yes, it started out about trash bags, peanut butter, and hot chocolate powder, but it has evolved into a community within the MFP community where people actually CARE and SUPPORT one another through stupid decisions, horrible situations, and hilarious escapades.

    You all rock. And if I wasn't super lazy, I would finally get around to friend requesting the rest of the regular posters.

    Super great.

    I think it's become the thread motto, and I love it. <3

    Someone should change the picture in the group to the Super Great shark. It's currently... Sunflowers? Is that thing actually changeable or is it always like that?


    I think this shark got the memo already about faces being great for protein.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    My confession is I have stretch marks literally ALL over my body. I have them on my boobs, stomach, thighs, and all over my back. Never pregnant, just formerly morbidly obese. I know stretch marks are normal but when they cover the majority of your body, it's a little overwhelming to accept that. I never took care of myself/my body as a teenager and unfortunately I can't do anything about the damage that has been done. What a great wish it would be to be able to go back in time and have a second chance with your body. I wish I knew then what I know now...but what can ya do? I am only 22 and I feel as if my body is just ruined. I don't feel comfortable in my own skin, it's honestly a very sad situation. You only get one body, and I messed mine up, there's no turning back really. As you can tell I have a lot of regrets. I also deal with loose skin but that's a whole other story on it's own. Hopefully at some point in my life I will feel better about my body and learn to accept it as who I am, but that hasn't happened yet.

    Unfortunately, this is me as well. I do have some hope that the stretch marks will fade away and the skin will tighten up, because I'm only twenty. Twenty two isn't much older, so why give up hope? :)

    SusieQ, I had no idea you were only 20!!! (Sorry if the 'only' sounds condescending, not intended. I am literally twice your age ;) ) Have you been married very long?

    As I told nonoelmo, much earlier in the thread--most people are shocked to hear it, because I'm an old soul. :) I've been married for almost exactly one and a half years now, since we got married at the very end of December. (December 23rd, 2013) I had just turned 19 at the time, and I'll be 21 in October of this year. :)

    Confession: I'm hungry. And thirsty. And it didn't exactly help that I accidentally dropped a hot can of Coke while squatting in front of the kitchen cabinet and sprayed myself in the face with it.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    My confession is I have stretch marks literally ALL over my body. I have them on my boobs, stomach, thighs, and all over my back. Never pregnant, just formerly morbidly obese. I know stretch marks are normal but when they cover the majority of your body, it's a little overwhelming to accept that. I never took care of myself/my body as a teenager and unfortunately I can't do anything about the damage that has been done. What a great wish it would be to be able to go back in time and have a second chance with your body. I wish I knew then what I know now...but what can ya do? I am only 22 and I feel as if my body is just ruined. I don't feel comfortable in my own skin, it's honestly a very sad situation. You only get one body, and I messed mine up, there's no turning back really. As you can tell I have a lot of regrets. I also deal with loose skin but that's a whole other story on it's own. Hopefully at some point in my life I will feel better about my body and learn to accept it as who I am, but that hasn't happened yet.

    Unfortunately, this is me as well. I do have some hope that the stretch marks will fade away and the skin will tighten up, because I'm only twenty. Twenty two isn't much older, so why give up hope? :)

    SusieQ, I had no idea you were only 20!!! (Sorry if the 'only' sounds condescending, not intended. I am literally twice your age ;) ) Have you been married very long?

    I guess she was from the 1994 in her handle...are you turning the big 2-1 this year?!

    That I am, in October. Although it's not really a big thing for me, since 21 is usually only a big date because people are legal drinkers then. :) Although I DO become eligible to apply for a free government-issued piece of land, the right of every Omani citizen, when I turn 21. ;)
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    My confession is I have stretch marks literally ALL over my body. I have them on my boobs, stomach, thighs, and all over my back. Never pregnant, just formerly morbidly obese. I know stretch marks are normal but when they cover the majority of your body, it's a little overwhelming to accept that. I never took care of myself/my body as a teenager and unfortunately I can't do anything about the damage that has been done. What a great wish it would be to be able to go back in time and have a second chance with your body. I wish I knew then what I know now...but what can ya do? I am only 22 and I feel as if my body is just ruined. I don't feel comfortable in my own skin, it's honestly a very sad situation. You only get one body, and I messed mine up, there's no turning back really. As you can tell I have a lot of regrets. I also deal with loose skin but that's a whole other story on it's own. Hopefully at some point in my life I will feel better about my body and learn to accept it as who I am, but that hasn't happened yet.

    Unfortunately, this is me as well. I do have some hope that the stretch marks will fade away and the skin will tighten up, because I'm only twenty. Twenty two isn't much older, so why give up hope? :)

    SusieQ, I had no idea you were only 20!!! (Sorry if the 'only' sounds condescending, not intended. I am literally twice your age ;) ) Have you been married very long?

    I guess she was from the 1994 in her handle...are you turning the big 2-1 this year?!

    Duh. Hmmmm, it's interesting that I'm paid to detect stuff and I missed that big clue. I'm a dork.

    But we love you any way. Maybe you need to change your username to say notsoquiksylver296. :wink:

  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    edited June 2015
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    My confession is I have stretch marks literally ALL over my body. I have them on my boobs, stomach, thighs, and all over my back. Never pregnant, just formerly morbidly obese. I know stretch marks are normal but when they cover the majority of your body, it's a little overwhelming to accept that. I never took care of myself/my body as a teenager and unfortunately I can't do anything about the damage that has been done. What a great wish it would be to be able to go back in time and have a second chance with your body. I wish I knew then what I know now...but what can ya do? I am only 22 and I feel as if my body is just ruined. I don't feel comfortable in my own skin, it's honestly a very sad situation. You only get one body, and I messed mine up, there's no turning back really. As you can tell I have a lot of regrets. I also deal with loose skin but that's a whole other story on it's own. Hopefully at some point in my life I will feel better about my body and learn to accept it as who I am, but that hasn't happened yet.

    Unfortunately, this is me as well. I do have some hope that the stretch marks will fade away and the skin will tighten up, because I'm only twenty. Twenty two isn't much older, so why give up hope? :)

    SusieQ, I had no idea you were only 20!!! (Sorry if the 'only' sounds condescending, not intended. I am literally twice your age ;) ) Have you been married very long?

    I guess she was from the 1994 in her handle...are you turning the big 2-1 this year?!

    Duh. Hmmmm, it's interesting that I'm paid to detect stuff and I missed that big clue. I'm a dork.

    But we love you any way. Maybe you need to change your username to say notsoquiksylver296. :wink:

    *sniggers* I'm totally not laughing AT you @quiksylver296... I'm laughing WITH you! Oh, you're not laughing? Oops. My bad.

    Confession: I always read your username as "Sylvester" because of the sylver part. "Syl-" just automatically turns into "Sylvester" in my brain.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    My confession is I have stretch marks literally ALL over my body. I have them on my boobs, stomach, thighs, and all over my back. Never pregnant, just formerly morbidly obese. I know stretch marks are normal but when they cover the majority of your body, it's a little overwhelming to accept that. I never took care of myself/my body as a teenager and unfortunately I can't do anything about the damage that has been done. What a great wish it would be to be able to go back in time and have a second chance with your body. I wish I knew then what I know now...but what can ya do? I am only 22 and I feel as if my body is just ruined. I don't feel comfortable in my own skin, it's honestly a very sad situation. You only get one body, and I messed mine up, there's no turning back really. As you can tell I have a lot of regrets. I also deal with loose skin but that's a whole other story on it's own. Hopefully at some point in my life I will feel better about my body and learn to accept it as who I am, but that hasn't happened yet.

    Unfortunately, this is me as well. I do have some hope that the stretch marks will fade away and the skin will tighten up, because I'm only twenty. Twenty two isn't much older, so why give up hope? :)

    SusieQ, I had no idea you were only 20!!! (Sorry if the 'only' sounds condescending, not intended. I am literally twice your age ;) ) Have you been married very long?

    I guess she was from the 1994 in her handle...are you turning the big 2-1 this year?!

    Duh. Hmmmm, it's interesting that I'm paid to detect stuff and I missed that big clue. I'm a dork.

    But we love you any way. Maybe you need to change your username to say notsoquiksylver296. :wink:

    Bwahahaha! I'd blame a lack of coffee this morning, but since I haven't noticed for MONTHS I don't think that will work out very well.