

  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Keep on climbing that mountain, baby steps at a time. Sending all good wishes for your mum's surgery today. Have you taken your pill today? If not, go and do it now... Right now... Good. (((HUGS)))

    Thank you everyone for supportive messages.

    I have taken my tablets today and yesterday.

    @MoHousdon I love the idea that this is a village. I'm imagining us all in little English country cottages, nattering over the garden fence and on the village green

    Good for you!

    I would love that! As long as I can eat cookies and have tea. I would make an EXCELLENT English person/woman. Plus, I do a pretty good English accent.

    I may have been doing one in my head just then. :blush:

    Here, you have biscuits and tea. Cookies are 'merican

    Alright, biscuits, then. :smile:

    Biscuits always brings hard cookies to my mind, like Oreos or Digestives. Not that I have anything against them, but I want soft, chewy, gooey COOKIES! :o Or you know what? Gimme a scone. With butter.

    I miss scones. Never been able to enjoy one since my Grandma passed away. She made the best and always made a special batch for me without raisins. I hate raisins!!

    I make them with chocolate chips! And top them with seedless strawberry jam and real whipped cream!! Oh, its been too long!!

    I can expect some when?

    Um, when you coming to Ontario??

    Well only one province separates us

    Oh, nice!
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @Glinda1971 I did, but it doesn't count as an insomnia victory when the sun is already up! :p I woke up about an hour ago, so I only have 5.5 hours of fasting left.

    I would sleep through the fasting period everyday B)

    That's actually an interesting thought.

    @Susieq_1994, is it still dawn to dusk for people who work overnights, and get to sleep during daylight hours? (Do people even work nights there? ;))
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    My confession is I have stretch marks literally ALL over my body. I have them on my boobs, stomach, thighs, and all over my back. Never pregnant, just formerly morbidly obese. I know stretch marks are normal but when they cover the majority of your body, it's a little overwhelming to accept that. I never took care of myself/my body as a teenager and unfortunately I can't do anything about the damage that has been done. What a great wish it would be to be able to go back in time and have a second chance with your body. I wish I knew then what I know now...but what can ya do? I am only 22 and I feel as if my body is just ruined. I don't feel comfortable in my own skin, it's honestly a very sad situation. You only get one body, and I messed mine up, there's no turning back really. As you can tell I have a lot of regrets. I also deal with loose skin but that's a whole other story on it's own. Hopefully at some point in my life I will feel better about my body and learn to accept it as who I am, but that hasn't happened yet.

    Unfortunately, this is me as well. I do have some hope that the stretch marks will fade away and the skin will tighten up, because I'm only twenty. Twenty two isn't much older, so why give up hope? :)

    SusieQ, I had no idea you were only 20!!! (Sorry if the 'only' sounds condescending, not intended. I am literally twice your age ;) ) Have you been married very long?

    I guess she was from the 1994 in her handle...are you turning the big 2-1 this year?!

    Duh. Hmmmm, it's interesting that I'm paid to detect stuff and I missed that big clue. I'm a dork.

    But we love you any way. Maybe you need to change your username to say notsoquiksylver296. :wink:

    AHAHAHA sorry @quiksylver296 not laughing at you but you can't help but giggle at that response!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Caitwn wrote: »
    In the interest of staying on track on this thread...

    Confession: I have gained 16 pounds since I started this job in November. Granted it's a desk job, and I came from a fairly active job where I was on my feet a lot. This morning I was down two pounds from my current highest weight. However, my MFP weight is still lower than where I am currently, so I can't log the loss. And that makes me a little sad. :'(

    I have also been working SL 5X5s since November. I'm starting to feel strong! Last night I did 190 lbs on my squat, tried for 75 pounds on my OHP (but couldn't finish all my reps on the last set), and 215 on my deadlift. Lost my grip on the last deadlift. I think I need some deadlifting gloves to help my grip. I am going to be trying 120 pounds on my bench press tomorrow night, and 105 on my rows. I <3 lifting!

    Does your workplace have standing desks available? Sometimes all you need to do is ask for one.

    And WOW, that is fantastic work on your lifting! I love it when women lift. Strong is so beautiful!

    I so wish we had standing desks! My cousin's work has 4 desks attached to treadmills and you can request to use them for the day. SO JEALOUS
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    In the interest of staying on track on this thread...

    Confession: I have gained 16 pounds since I started this job in November. Granted it's a desk job, and I came from a fairly active job where I was on my feet a lot. This morning I was down two pounds from my current highest weight. However, my MFP weight is still lower than where I am currently, so I can't log the loss. And that makes me a little sad. :'(

    I have also been working SL 5X5s since November. I'm starting to feel strong! Last night I did 190 lbs on my squat, tried for 75 pounds on my OHP (but couldn't finish all my reps on the last set), and 215 on my deadlift. Lost my grip on the last deadlift. I think I need some deadlifting gloves to help my grip. I am going to be trying 120 pounds on my bench press tomorrow night, and 105 on my rows. I <3 lifting!

    Who cares about 16 measly pounds when you can squat 190 lbs., deadlift 215, and bench 120?! I am jealous because I have never squatted using weights (I'm scared I will injure myself) and I haven't bench pressed since I was in high school and I could barely do the bar. Don't focus on the weight you've gained, focus on the all the lifting PR's you've smashed. I'm proud of you and I think you're super great!

  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    Im having a bit of a friending spree, so if I missed you I'm really sorry, but please feel free to add me, if you like that sorta thing. If you don't, I won't be offended if you decline

    I am about to do the same thing! :)
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    We decided to have a little White Trash Date Night last night and went to Red Lobster. My husband and I both worked at the Olive Garden when we were nineteen or so, and occasionally we get cravings for those stupid cheese biscuits that cannot be denied (a souvenir of the illicit parking-lot trades we used to do with the RL servers: bags of breadsticks for bags of biscuits.)

    I can't believe we still eat that garbage once a year, but it was kind of fun anyway. It feels like returning to 1995 every time you walk inside. And every drink on the drink menu is sweet and slushy. And everything comes frozen out of a bag and then fried. It's so bizarre! But the less said about the clientele, the better (because, uh, no judgement....but wow. I mean, I get that it's a terrible restaurant and all, but are your cartoon-themed pyjamas really the appropriate sartorial choice for being out in public? They look great with your trucker hat and stained, white-with-no-bra tank top though...)

    Bizarro-world, man.
  • kellypence
    kellypence Posts: 123 Member
    kellypence wrote: »
    So, actual confession instead of potty talk.

    I don't like people. I mean, really. And that is just my brain's excuse for what is essentially a cross between being a true introvert and a social anxiety disorder. Anyway, my husband's old group of friends (ie, he hasn't seen any of them in the 10 years we've been together) is getting together on Sat for a "goodbye party" for one of them who's moving and tracked him down and invited us to the party. I don't wanna go (said in a pouty/whiny voice). My husband wants to go to an outdoor movie Sat night (which isn't my thing...see introvert/social anxiety above), and then Sun (Father's day) we're going to the track for a big get together with a group of friends (see introvert status). Next Fri we're going to my family's for a week to help my parents with the house (I love my family best for short visits, or from a distance). So last night I told him all this, and pretty much laid it on him....if it's really important to you, I'll go, but these reasons are why I'd rather not. I feel a little guilty, 'cause he's an extrovert and actually likes hanging out with people, but not really.

    Maybe pick one or two of the activities instead of all of them. Would he feel comfortable going to the "goodbye party" by himself?

    I asked him that, he said that really the only reason he wants to go is to introduce us. (I think to show that he sort of grew up and stopped doing the stupid things he was doing and "turned out okay") So if we don't go he doesn't want to go. Which means to me that he really doesn't want to go too much. So I asked him to sleep on it and figure out if he would be upset to not go, and in that case we'll go (and go happily, I'm not b**chy like that).
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    Hello from page 914, yall are CHATTY lately! Lol
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    2 confessions for today: 1) Bulk Barn is Evil. I have no will power (stupid gummy frogs)

    2) hubby asked me to iron his shorts. This time, however, the iron was too hot for the synthetic material and I kinda, slighly melted a tiny hole in them. I am not saying a word until he irons them. Then I can blame the hole on him :wink:

    Bulk Barn is so evil!!

    My SO always wants to go there cuz it is the only place we can buy MSG, but then I always end up buying my favorite Aussie style red licorice.....SO good it is amazing.....I do come home and divide it into 50g portions (although I eat one or two while doing it, lol). Also do the same with nuts.....26g portions as soon as we buy them....
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    MissLaaber wrote: »
    Hello from page 914, yall are CHATTY lately! Lol
    The Page 1000 party will be EPIC!
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    2 confessions for today: 1) Bulk Barn is Evil. I have no will power (stupid gummy frogs)

    2) hubby asked me to iron his shorts. This time, however, the iron was too hot for the synthetic material and I kinda, slighly melted a tiny hole in them. I am not saying a word until he irons them. Then I can blame the hole on him :wink:

    Bulk Barn is so evil!!

    My SO always wants to go there cuz it is the only place we can buy MSG, but then I always end up buying my favorite Aussie style red licorice.....SO good it is amazing.....I do come home and divide it into 50g portions (although I eat one or two while doing it, lol). Also do the same with nuts.....26g portions as soon as we buy them....
    Is that a good thing? :# What do you do with it?
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    @Caitwn That was adorable! Thank you. ;)
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Confession: I ate nearly 4000 calories yesterday. Mostly in bread and cookies. Ugh.

    Anyhow, it's prayer time and the fast has started--I'm off to pray and then maybe get some sleep (I hope).

    @ndj1979 True and true, but that's okay. We don't mind being wrong when it feels so right. :smiley: Although there are quite a lot of confessions in these 959 pages, if you care to browse for them.

    eh - my confession - not sure how this would be helpful to newbies as it appears to be a collection of gifs, notes on tv series, and other things, while I am sure are fun to discuss, I fail to see their utility to someone new to weight loss.

    I think it's here in the General section because a lot of people feel free to ask questions in here that often get blasted into dumpster fire threads under normal circumstances. A bit like the restaurant-related questions you mentioned in that post of yours... The forums are a scary place for newbies. The "No judgment" in the topic line seems to attract a lot of them, actually.

    What you see right now isn't what the thread is like all the time--it's actually evolving constantly since it's so active. Since a lot of us have been here from the beginning, we do often just chit chat all together, but confessions and questions still pour in a lot.
    Agreed. And since this is a really supportive, safe zone, I honestly think a lot of people have been helped back from the verge of falling off the wagon by discussing their struggles here. Or had a helping hand back on when they have fallen. To be honest, I don't really care where this thread is, as long as it doesn't get nuked.

    Same here, which is why I do kind of wonder why everyone jumps on the posters who dare to ask why it's in this particular section. Wouldn't it make more sense to explain all that before telling them to go away? :D

    I don't understand why others are so offended by this thread? Apparently many more people than we knew or thought lurk and read every so often.

    any other thread that was as off topic as this one would of been locked down by page 15….

    just saying..

    so the special status is interesting.

    Good point... Maybe we're all special snowflakes. ;)

    Actually, I think the mods like the positivity and support that this thread continually generates, and since confessions still do pile in daily (and we don't judge them! Most of the time.), we're somewhat on topic. It would be pretty dumb to pull this thread when it's going so well--not that they don't lock down threads for dumb reasons pretty often.

    there is plenty of support in the main forums, it just is not sugar coated.

    I'd agree there is support in the main forums but the reality is not everyone is as thick skinned as you or I. This thread keeps the people (who would throw the towel in the bucket because they didn't like the deliverance on the main forums) coming back and maybe learning more about weight loss. May be a bit slower but better late than never.

    I don't see how you need thick skin for someone to tell you that a detox is a bad idea, or that a calorie deficit is needed for weight loss.

    If you are just going to coddle people then they are never going to learn about real nutrition and how to have long term sustainable success.

    On the other hand, if you get yelled at and made fun of because you asked a dumb question, why would anyone stay here and give it an honest try? Rather, if you have a safe place to ask those questions and not get ridiculed, you are going to keep trucking along. Yeah, it might not be speedy. Hell, I've been trying to lose my last 18 (out of 44 pounds) for the last six months. There has been a lot of stuff I have gone through related to stress, medical conditions requiring surgery, etc. Most people understand CICO but life gets in the way and some people who are new, and even those that have lost their way a bit, may need the support to understand that it is okay to have a "bad" meal or a bad day, or even a bad shark week (sorry to those who hate that expression). For these people, it is reassuring that there is a stable and supportive group who have all been through this and will be there for them when they get back on track. I don't think this type of support would be considered "coddling". It is not like we are saying to everyone "it's okay, go have another box of pop tarts". Rather, we would say, at 200 calories, go have a single pop tart and get that craving out of your system, log it, and move on.

    I started a thread about protein powder when I first discovered the forums and was told I didn't even understand my own question. I got a few helpful responses but I was basically attacked. I've never felt that in here.

    In short, I LOVE it here and plan on staying as long as I can.

    Same thing happened to me.

    I asked a question about how the forums worked, and was attacked and nobody ever actually answered my question. (It was about some of them being locked).

    I plan on staying here as long as its going as well.
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    Hello all,

    I've been lurking since page 1... wasn't planning to post was just enjoying the confessions. Then the thread went on, and on, and on, and I never felt it was the right opportunity to post anything. Just wanted to say that there are probably lots of us who enjoy this thread, who empathise, who find it interesting, who laugh and cry along with everyone else, and might not post a lot but thoroughly enjoyed it, and hopefully will continue to do so.

    My confession (I feel the need to contribute at least once) is that I skipped breakfast today so I could go for a waffle and ice-cream for lunch and I also have a take-away curry for dinner tonight. I use CICO when it suits me!

    I am in maintenance at the moment as I have started NROLFW and am enjoying eating all the foods now, but this is the first time I've had ice-cream for lunch and I have no regrets!

    Quality first contribution!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    So I just realized that a few pairs of the shorts I bought today look a bit like pajamas. I'm wondering if I accidentally bought pajamas, but I doubt it as they were amongst all the other clothes and away from the pajama section :neutral:

    I don't think anyone at the resort is going to care anyway... people are going to be walking around in bathing suits all the time (count me out-too self conscious).

    But this says something for my fashion sense!!

    I admit, I laughed out loud when I read this. I've noticed that some of the non denim shorts do resemble pajamas. My daughter owns a pair. I'm sure you'll look adorable pajamas or not.
    Thanks! At least I'll be comfortable ;)

    I have to get up at 4 so I can get to the airport and board my plane at 6:15 :neutral: Not looking forward to getting up that early, but at least I'll be in paradise soon, eh? (I'm hoping my tub won't have mold like some reviewers are saying it will!)

    But I'll miss this thread while I'm gone!

    OH!! I hope you have a great time! We will miss you too!!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @Glinda1971 I did, but it doesn't count as an insomnia victory when the sun is already up! :p I woke up about an hour ago, so I only have 5.5 hours of fasting left.

    I would sleep through the fasting period everyday B)

    That's actually an interesting thought.

    @Susieq_1994, is it still dawn to dusk for people who work overnights, and get to sleep during daylight hours? (Do people even work nights there? ;))

    Yes, it's dawn to dusk no matter what or when you sleep--And if you work at night and have to sleep during the day, there isn't any fault on you. Although in Islam, it is preferred to work daytime hours if you can, because in the Quran it states that night is for rest and day is for waking. However, it can't be avoided that some jobs do have to be done at night, and there isn't any fault on the people who have to do that kind of work--someone has to do it! (Like security work, for example. You can't just leave everything unguarded at night so people can all sleep at night! ;))

    Yes, people work nights here. :) We have 24 hours restaurants, grocery stores, and security jobs.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    2 confessions for today: 1) Bulk Barn is Evil. I have no will power (stupid gummy frogs)

    2) hubby asked me to iron his shorts. This time, however, the iron was too hot for the synthetic material and I kinda, slighly melted a tiny hole in them. I am not saying a word until he irons them. Then I can blame the hole on him :wink:

    Bulk Barn is so evil!!

    My SO always wants to go there cuz it is the only place we can buy MSG, but then I always end up buying my favorite Aussie style red licorice.....SO good it is amazing.....I do come home and divide it into 50g portions (although I eat one or two while doing it, lol). Also do the same with nuts.....26g portions as soon as we buy them....

    Australian licorice is my absolute favorite! We're taking a trip to our local candy/nut shop to get some snacks for our trip and I plan on buying at least 1 bag of this along with some trail mix, dried fruit, and maybe a few dark chocolate covered things. But definitely the Aussie licorice for sure!

  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Ok, major confession here. I found this bedding set and bought it - ex-display $80 instead of $240. I love it (YES IT'S JESSICA SIMPSON I DON'T CARE), but it's in the spare room closet hidden from my husband. I bought it for the camper that we don't own yet, that he doesn't want yet (really only because the timing's not right and he's too busy to care) but that I'm desperate for. Is that bad? I'm such a brat.

    I have a Jessica Simpson coat. It's really cute, olive green pea coat. But something about it being from the Jessica Simpson line does make me feel a little embarrassed for some reason. :D

    I felt a little embarrassed wearing her jeans/jeggings, but they were cute.

    My mom has bought a few of her handbags at TJMAXX.
    Yeah I do wonder if she's as ditzy as she's made out to be (I never saw her reality show), because she seems to be a pretty savvy businesswoman to me. She certainly has her fingers in a lot of pies.

    Also I really hate how the media went after her for gaining some weight during her pregnancies.

    I could see her being a little ditzy, but I bet a lot of it was scripted.

    Wasn't her one comment about Chicken Of The Sea being tuna & not chicken & she was shocked?

    That's the one thing I feel bad about celebrities for is the constant scrutinization of their bodies & weight gain=fat & weight loss=anorexic.

    The two that stick out to me especially are Jennifer Love Hewitt a few years ago & Tracey Gold explaining how Growing Pains would constantly add fat comments about her character/herself into the show.

    Jennifer may have gained a bit of weight whenever those bad bathing suit pictures were shot, but she clearly wasn't huge at all in Ghost Whisperer. I wish I could've stole a lot of her wardrobe from that show.

    I confess that I used to love Ghost Whisperer & so many episodes made me cry. I hated the whole Jim/Sam storyline & wished they would've either just killed Jim off completely or killed off someone else.
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    edited June 2015
    I just added a bunch of you and am 110% sure I missed folks, since I just open new tabs for profiles as posts come up. So, if you didn't post (or possibly get quoted) in the last 10 pages or so, I didn't get you. Ha!

    ETA: Possibly also if you did. Things start to blend. ;)