

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Too. many. posts. OMG you guys.

    Confession - glad my husband took care of cleaning the bathroom this morning after my son puked all over. I can do poop and blood but I just can't do puke.

    I apologize if anyone was eating.
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    I like being friends with the people from this thread.

    Because I know nobody will put their judgy pants on when they see my diary. ;)
  • Sweet_Heresy
    Sweet_Heresy Posts: 411 Member
    Confession: I have a tattoo on my wrist that comes from an almost 20 year old video game (Tomb Raider 2, anyone?). I love it, I just hate having to explain to people that its from a game...cause they look at me like I'm an idiot. So I usually just make something up.

    Confession 2: So many people have assumed over the years that I'm gay, that it legitimately surprises me when somebody assumes I'm straight. Lol (Confession 3, jokes on everyone cause I'm bisexual).
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    edited June 2015
    MoHousdon wrote: »

    tl;dr: I hurt myself working out, stepdaughter's supposed to talk to husband Saturday, and I may be getting a new ring. :smiley:


    ETA: not the hurting yourself part; the other stuff!
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    In the interest of staying on track on this thread...

    Confession: I have gained 16 pounds since I started this job in November. Granted it's a desk job, and I came from a fairly active job where I was on my feet a lot. This morning I was down two pounds from my current highest weight. However, my MFP weight is still lower than where I am currently, so I can't log the loss. And that makes me a little sad. :'(

    I have also been working SL 5X5s since November. I'm starting to feel strong! Last night I did 190 lbs on my squat, tried for 75 pounds on my OHP (but couldn't finish all my reps on the last set), and 215 on my deadlift. Lost my grip on the last deadlift. I think I need some deadlifting gloves to help my grip. I am going to be trying 120 pounds on my bench press tomorrow night, and 105 on my rows. I <3 lifting!

    I am just getting started with SL 5x5 and so far I love it. I can't wait to get myself to the numbers you are lifting. I am getting to a point where I am more challeged by the weight and I really like it.
  • catruledquilter
    catruledquilter Posts: 48 Member
    I've had days when my sweet tooth got the best of cream, soda, anything chocolate. I was on vacation for 2 weeks visiting my sister-in-law who lives about 5 hours away. She has many dietary restrictions due to health issues. I don't agree with some of them based on things I've researched but I keep my mouth shut. At any rate, I did the cooking and I didn't gain any weight! Didn't lose any but didn't gain...that is a major victory for me. We did indulge in sweets!

    Like others on this thread, I've done the 1/2 container of ice cream, the hot chocolate powder when I was desperate for chocolate (and it was too hot for hot chocolate), and many other "naughty" food indulgences. I also tend to get on binges where my diet is not even remotely balanced. I am going to the dinner theater on Saturday night and will indulge guilt free. I go every couple of months (have season tickets) and eat what I want. On 01 July, I am starting a 30 day "reset" concentrates on good protein, healthy fats, nutrient dense veggies, certain fruits, nuts & some seeds...for the 30 days, all grains, dairy, sweets, and certain starchy veggies are eliminated. The idea is to get any potential residual effects out of your system caused by even a slight sensitivity to foods considered potential problems. Then you introduce one item at a time (item not food group) to see how you do. There may be foods you've eaten forever that you have a mild reaction to without even realizing it. You go 48-72 hours between each food re-introduced. Any that cause you to feel less than stellar go back off the menu. In the end, you have an eating plan that is optimal for you as an individual. I know the first week won't be easy since I love, love, love milk. I figure by the end of the first week, the worst of the cravings will disappear. I just have to focus on the long term goal. It may sound a bit extreme but I'm tired of being stuck where I am. It's worth a try and I hope to learn something about myself.
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    @susieq_82 (I think that is the right Susie) You are amazing. That hummus is the best hummus. I made it tonight. YUM. Thank you

    Nope, not that old! 1994 is my birth year. ;) I'm so glad you loved it as much as I do! You're very welcome. Did you use the 40g of tahina like I do because I'm stingy with my calories or 55g?

    aaye yae yae my daughter is not "that" much younger than you... :wink:

    Well, I have a kid that is 11 years OLDER than Susie!
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    We decided to have a little White Trash Date Night last night and went to Red Lobster. My husband and I both worked at the Olive Garden when we were nineteen or so, and occasionally we get cravings for those stupid cheese biscuits that cannot be denied (a souvenir of the illicit parking-lot trades we used to do with the RL servers: bags of breadsticks for bags of biscuits.)

    I can't believe we still eat that garbage once a year, but it was kind of fun anyway. It feels like returning to 1995 every time you walk inside. And every drink on the drink menu is sweet and slushy. And everything comes frozen out of a bag and then fried. It's so bizarre! But the less said about the clientele, the better (because, uh, no judgement....but wow. I mean, I get that it's a terrible restaurant and all, but are your cartoon-themed pyjamas really the appropriate sartorial choice for being out in public? They look great with your trucker hat and stained, white-with-no-bra tank top though...)

    Bizarro-world, man.

    Sound to me like the Wal-Mart of restaurants :p

    What's funny to me is that the Red Lobster restaurant is considered a really upscale, super fancy restaurant here. We went there ONE time, just to try it, and spent almost 150 USD on our dinner. O.o If that's low-class, I can't afford to be high class!

    That IS funny. Here they have a real reputation as, like....hillbilly fine dining. A lot of jokes get made because of the whole "People of Walmart" vibe. When we worked at the Olive Garden we could be pretty cruel about it in the kitchen, which I feel kinda bad about...but then when we now go to eat Cheddar Bay biscuits and deep-fried coconut shrimp and see people changing their babies on the table and saying things like "Gross, it smells like fish or something in here!" or yelling at the servers to bring them another Budweiser, we remember why we made so much fun back in the day as we glopped premade alfredo sauce out of a 10 gallon bucket onto everything.

    But they are definitely not expensive here, husband got something hilariously called the "Admiral's Feast" last night that came with a starter salad, lobster, crab legs, shrimp, and two sides and it was like $30 and one of the most expensive things on the menu. For comparison, where we live, a steak at a mid-priced chain (not a fine-dining kind of place but not bottom of the barrel) can easily run that same price or up to about $40, and a burger at a sit-down, inexpensive diner kind of place will often be around $15.

    It's just a weird, anachronistic kind of place, at least here, a weird holdout from the 90s with gross carpet and vaguely sticky menus.
  • Coastalpath
    Coastalpath Posts: 46 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »

    Welcome! I love it when long-time lurkers appear! Sounds like you have CICO figured out. Am jealous of your curry.
    Also, I spent many happy summer days at Hayling Island as a child - what a lovely place to live!

    Thank you for the welcome :smile:

    How lovely that you know Hayling Island - what a small world! I moved here a year ago but sadly will not be staying put as I rent at the moment but am looking to buy a little house and the prices are too high. I am looking 20 minutes up the road where there is no sea, but least I can still drive to Hayling for my beach fix.

  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    SusieQ Thank you for the update. I agree with their point to a point - Not everything is perfectly cut and dry and my guess is there has been consideration and potentially discussion on where this thread belongs that has not been (nor does it need to be) shared with any of us.

    I'm probably not going to be around for 4 - 5 days although I may have time to check in on Saturday. I hope everyone has a nice weekend!

    We'll miss you. Hope you enjoy your weekend as well. How's your daughter doing?

    Thank you and Bueller :wink:

    I'm off to a nice trip with SO, a mini vacation to Chicago and Madison. Thank you for asking. Daughter is so-so today. Overall she is much better, just last night we butted heads a little bit. She and I are both very articulate so we can debate a long time. Nutritionist gave us what I feel is wacky advice (i.e. drink less water -- Really?!? she runs and it is HOT here. She does not drink too much water that I've noticed, and if the nutritionist has listened to what my daughter said then she would see that there is virtually no chance that the water is causing the issues. The only other advice was some super expensive supplements. I'm going to do some research of the medical journals and talk to daughter's doctor because at this point I don't see any continued benefit from this nutritionist and I do see some potential for harm. However, diligent research scientist that I am, I will go in once I've educated myself with the latest medical journal studies on such things as they apply to teen girls - and I will also look into the funding of the study and the reputation of the authors of the study. Yeah, I get that way when I want information.)

    I hope all are well. I am mentally offering support and encouragement to those who need it, laughing with the funnies, and overall loving this group, just need to focus a lot on work today so I won't be able to reply anywhere near as often as I'd like. :smile:
  • ohgeeque
    ohgeeque Posts: 224 Member
    And so it begins... My dad and step-mother are taking me out for a birthday dinner tonight. I have started logging what I suspect I will be eating. Fried chicken. This place has the best fried chicken but the calories are off the charts. I have been doing really well for the past 70 day, not once over maintenance. I really don't want to blow it this weekend just because it is my birthday. I just don't see how I'll be able to resist.

    I am seriously considering telling them I am too sick to go.
  • Coastalpath
    Coastalpath Posts: 46 Member

    Thanks for your input! And about the ice cream... That's awesome! I hope I can get to that point someday. I also hope you'll stick around. :)

    Thank you for welcoming me :smile: I had a waffle and ice cream and it was enormous. I skipped out on most of the waffle to favour the vanilla ice cream, it's sort of a gelato kind. I never used to be able to stop when I was full, and sometimes still can't, but having it as a meal instead of a snack seemed to allow me to do so today so that makes today a good day!

    As an aside: I've been really enjoying the different words (UK/USA/Canada) etc and learning a lot of new ones...!

  • ohgeeque
    ohgeeque Posts: 224 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    I like being friends with the people from this thread.

    Because I know nobody will put their judgy pants on when they see my diary. ;)
    My judgy pants don't fit me any more. thanks in large part to the great people on this thread.
  • Edwardshar
    Edwardshar Posts: 271 Member
    I am totally judging everyone on this post! :)
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    Confession: I stayed up later than my husband last night because I needed to exercise. I had planned to go in and snuggle with him after, but when I got there the cat was in my spot and I ended up cuddling the cat instead while reading my book. Wife fail.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Fitness related confession: I attempted to do my HIIT workout last night, and by attempt, I mean, I made 2 rather pathetic rounds skipping some exercises as to not injure myself further. I think I actually DID injure myself further. My ankle was really swollen last night and my leg was really sore. I really hate that I got hurt so close to my vacation and I can't do a proper workout because of it.

    Non-fitness related confession: My husband FINALLY messaged his daughter (actually, she messaged him after my request yesterday [small victory?]) and she is coming by Saturday because he told her he wants to talk to her in person. I am glad he finally did this and I hope he doesn't chicken out and lays down the law with her. I'm not sure if I will be present or not because I told my daughter I'd take her Father's Day shopping Saturday and I also have an eye appointment to get my trial contacts checked. A part of me wants to be there to support him, but a part of me knows me, and fears I might say something I'll regret. Not sure which part of me will win yet. Positive thoughts are appreciated.

    On a related note, when I got home last night, I noticed her cat has managed to tear about a 4" hole in my carpet in the doorway of the room she's staying in. I was so irate that I started screaming at this stupid cat and telling her I hate her and she's got to leave. She didn't understand what I was saying and I am sure she didn't care because she proceeded to tear at the carpet once the door was closed again.

    Unrelated but relevant to something I mentioned yesterday: I asked my husband about whether or not we're going to exchange anniversary presents and he said he thought we'd just do some shopping for each other while we're down there. I am on board with this idea especially since I already have an idea of what I want to buy him. He also mentioned that what he wanted to get me we couldn't afford but could make payments on it. I told him I didn't want any more payments and he said not even for a ring?! I love that man!

    Sorry so long, but I had a lot to say.

    tl;dr: I hurt myself working out, stepdaughter's supposed to talk to husband Saturday, and I may be getting a new ring. :smiley:

    Excited for you with the new ring (possibly)!! Sorry the cat is such a hellian. Good thoughts for you husband and his daughter for their upcoming talk, I hope things can be resolved.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    SusieQ Thank you for the update. I agree with their point to a point - Not everything is perfectly cut and dry and my guess is there has been consideration and potentially discussion on where this thread belongs that has not been (nor does it need to be) shared with any of us.

    I'm probably not going to be around for 4 - 5 days although I may have time to check in on Saturday. I hope everyone has a nice weekend!

    We'll miss you. Hope you enjoy your weekend as well. How's your daughter doing?

    Thank you and Bueller :wink:

    I'm off to a nice trip with SO, a mini vacation to Chicago and Madison. Thank you for asking. Daughter is so-so today. Overall she is much better, just last night we butted heads a little bit. She and I are both very articulate so we can debate a long time. Nutritionist gave us what I feel is wacky advice (i.e. drink less water -- Really?!? she runs and it is HOT here. She does not drink too much water that I've noticed, and if the nutritionist has listened to what my daughter said then she would see that there is virtually no chance that the water is causing the issues. The only other advice was some super expensive supplements. I'm going to do some research of the medical journals and talk to daughter's doctor because at this point I don't see any continued benefit from this nutritionist and I do see some potential for harm. However, diligent research scientist that I am, I will go in once I've educated myself with the latest medical journal studies on such things as they apply to teen girls - and I will also look into the funding of the study and the reputation of the authors of the study. Yeah, I get that way when I want information.)

    I hope all are well. I am mentally offering support and encouragement to those who need it, laughing with the funnies, and overall loving this group, just need to focus a lot on work today so I won't be able to reply anywhere near as often as I'd like. :smile:

    Yay I love that!! Have a great time with the SO!!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    ohgeeque wrote: »
    And so it begins... My dad and step-mother are taking me out for a birthday dinner tonight. I have started logging what I suspect I will be eating. Fried chicken. This place has the best fried chicken but the calories are off the charts. I have been doing really well for the past 70 day, not once over maintenance. I really don't want to blow it this weekend just because it is my birthday. I just don't see how I'll be able to resist.

    I am seriously considering telling them I am too sick to go.

    Don't do that! Just go and enjoy yourself, it's your birthday!! Get back on the wagon tomorrow! :) Happy Birthday!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Hello all,

    I've been lurking since page 1... wasn't planning to post was just enjoying the confessions. Then the thread went on, and on, and on, and I never felt it was the right opportunity to post anything. Just wanted to say that there are probably lots of us who enjoy this thread, who empathise, who find it interesting, who laugh and cry along with everyone else, and might not post a lot but thoroughly enjoyed it, and hopefully will continue to do so.

    My confession (I feel the need to contribute at least once) is that I skipped breakfast today so I could go for a waffle and ice-cream for lunch and I also have a take-away curry for dinner tonight. I use CICO when it suits me!

    I am in maintenance at the moment as I have started NROLFW and am enjoying eating all the foods now, but this is the first time I've had ice-cream for lunch and I have no regrets!

    No regrets! Often on the weekends, I don't eat breakfast because I know I'll eat a high calorie dinner and have cocktails. Welcome to the thread!
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Oh, I am such a bad mother! My son is in the middle of diploma exams - I checked the calendar a dozen times and wrote down that his last two exams are on Monday. Got a call from the school at 9.34 saying that he should be in an exam right now and that they'd let him in if he got there by 10.00. I hauled him out of bed and thrust the car keys in his hand. He should be able to get there on time. I'm shaking. How could I have messed up so badly? :'(