

  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @Glinda1971 I did, but it doesn't count as an insomnia victory when the sun is already up! :p I woke up about an hour ago, so I only have 5.5 hours of fasting left.

    I would sleep through the fasting period everyday B)

    That's actually an interesting thought.

    @Susieq_1994, is it still dawn to dusk for people who work overnights, and get to sleep during daylight hours? (Do people even work nights there? ;))

    Yes, it's dawn to dusk no matter what or when you sleep--And if you work at night and have to sleep during the day, there isn't any fault on you. Although in Islam, it is preferred to work daytime hours if you can, because in the Quran it states that night is for rest and day is for waking. However, it can't be avoided that some jobs do have to be done at night, and there isn't any fault on the people who have to do that kind of work--someone has to do it! (Like security work, for example. You can't just leave everything unguarded at night so people can all sleep at night! ;))

    Yes, people work nights here. :) We have 24 hours restaurants, grocery stores, and security jobs.

    I think that work be a pretty sweet deal for those 30 days. Not so much the rest of the year. I absolutely DESPISED working nights.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    We decided to have a little White Trash Date Night last night and went to Red Lobster. My husband and I both worked at the Olive Garden when we were nineteen or so, and occasionally we get cravings for those stupid cheese biscuits that cannot be denied (a souvenir of the illicit parking-lot trades we used to do with the RL servers: bags of breadsticks for bags of biscuits.)

    I can't believe we still eat that garbage once a year, but it was kind of fun anyway. It feels like returning to 1995 every time you walk inside. And every drink on the drink menu is sweet and slushy. And everything comes frozen out of a bag and then fried. It's so bizarre! But the less said about the clientele, the better (because, uh, no judgement....but wow. I mean, I get that it's a terrible restaurant and all, but are your cartoon-themed pyjamas really the appropriate sartorial choice for being out in public? They look great with your trucker hat and stained, white-with-no-bra tank top though...)

    Bizarro-world, man.

    Sound to me like the Wal-Mart of restaurants :p
  • robinso5
    robinso5 Posts: 310 Member
    festerw wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Confession - I'm completely procrastinating on filling the dishwasher.

    The wife and I both hate doing that, we will use every dish in the house before loading it. If I had unlimited funds the first thing I would do is hire someone to load the dishwasher.

    I would pay someone to sweep and mop my home every week I loathe doing that!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I just got up and am on page no idea yet what people are talking about on the next few pages, but I am saddened and sickened by the shooting in NC this morning. What a horrific crime.....

    Also, my daughter is sick, again....this is literally the third time since she has been home for summer break....I have dodged that bullet twice but I am starting to get nervous.....when I get sick, I get REALLY sick because it makes my blood sugar all out of whack as well....

    I have lots of extra hours coming up at work because we are short handed suddenly.....I am sad about this because my free time is so precious to me, but I cannot be the only one to not help out, UGH. I even have to work half a shift this Sunday......SUNDAY!! :|

    One more thing, I have 100% learned my lesson about how my sleep schedule affects my eating.....I have been going to bed on time all week, and eating has been fine.....last night I stayed up really late talking to my daughter, and I ate all the sugar in the, note to self to get my *kitten* to bed! I thought this before, but this week really confirmed it...I didnt even realize it was happening until it was over.....I did not log it.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    We decided to have a little White Trash Date Night last night and went to Red Lobster. My husband and I both worked at the Olive Garden when we were nineteen or so, and occasionally we get cravings for those stupid cheese biscuits that cannot be denied (a souvenir of the illicit parking-lot trades we used to do with the RL servers: bags of breadsticks for bags of biscuits.)

    I can't believe we still eat that garbage once a year, but it was kind of fun anyway. It feels like returning to 1995 every time you walk inside. And every drink on the drink menu is sweet and slushy. And everything comes frozen out of a bag and then fried. It's so bizarre! But the less said about the clientele, the better (because, uh, no judgement....but wow. I mean, I get that it's a terrible restaurant and all, but are your cartoon-themed pyjamas really the appropriate sartorial choice for being out in public? They look great with your trucker hat and stained, white-with-no-bra tank top though...)

    Bizarro-world, man.

    Sound to me like the Wal-Mart of restaurants :p

    What's funny to me is that the Red Lobster restaurant is considered a really upscale, super fancy restaurant here. We went there ONE time, just to try it, and spent almost 150 USD on our dinner. O.o If that's low-class, I can't afford to be high class!
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I can't remember who shared it, but I sent my colleague the thing about procrastination. Since then we've been discussing the dark playground and instant gratification monkeys over lync. And now, instead of the paper about plutonium contaminated materials I should be reading, I am reading that, even though I've read it before. SMH
    That sounds like heavy reading.
    (Did I make a good science joke? Did I?!)

    My confession is that this is my field and I still had to use google to check. But yes - you did make a science funny :smile:
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Sorry guys, I don't have time to catch up at the moment, I'm driving down to Devon to see my mum and collect my nephew.

    Just wanted to check in and say I've taken my medication this morning.

    @girldownsouth i saw your message - I will reply when I get home, thank you x

    Glad to hear it, and happy to see you check in and let us know how you are....
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I like to think we have some Jedi mind tricks going on, so the Mods don't see us.

    Newbie threads like this will usually roll pretty large because they are good and supportive, for the most part, and that equals revenue - at 29k+ posts you all do well for ad impressions. All good to help keep things "free" for users.

    The defense mechanism is standard too since a small group usually vest a lot of time and likes things to stay as they are (usually this would be only one of a few threads they contribute in) - even for innocuous comments. The 'conform or get out' meme bears that out.


  • catruledquilter
    catruledquilter Posts: 48 Member
    I just got up and am on page no idea yet what people are talking about on the next few pages, but I am saddened and sickened by the shooting in NC this morning. What a horrific crime.....

    Also, my daughter is sick, again....this is literally the third time since she has been home for summer break....I have dodged that bullet twice but I am starting to get nervous.....when I get sick, I get REALLY sick because it makes my blood sugar all out of whack as well....

    I have lots of extra hours coming up at work because we are short handed suddenly.....I am sad about this because my free time is so precious to me, but I cannot be the only one to not help out, UGH. I even have to work half a shift this Sunday......SUNDAY!! :|

    One more thing, I have 100% learned my lesson about how my sleep schedule affects my eating.....I have been going to bed on time all week, and eating has been fine.....last night I stayed up really late talking to my daughter, and I ate all the sugar in the, note to self to get my *kitten* to bed! I thought this before, but this week really confirmed it...I didnt even realize it was happening until it was over.....I did not log it.

    Thoughts and prayers are coming your way! That's just too much stress! I hope you don't end up sick!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    I just can't keep up. Despite checking in on this thread every day, I'm still 30 pages behind!

    Had a bit of a nightmare with my GP recently. Told them 5 weeks ago I was pregnant. They don't give out the number for the midwife (midwife-led care is standard in the UK, you only see an OB if there's something wrong) and said, she'll call you. And it's my first, so I don't have any phone numbers from last time. Well she didn't call. 10 weeks in and no contact whatsoever. So I ring my GP, who says, we don't know, we just forward on the info, it's nothing to do with us, call back if you've not heard anything by week 12. Week 12?! For those who don't know, you're supposed to have a booking in appointment with the midwife anytime from week 8 onwards, and a dating scan at 12, so I was a bit antsy about this. Plus the fact they wouldn't even give me a contact number was pissing me off. Way to keep me in the dark and make me feel like my concerns are of no value.

    Anyway, I decided to be proactive. Rang my local hospital and got through to the maternity ward as it's the only pathway I could think to find an NHS midwife. They were wonderful and a bit appalled on my behalf as they had no record of me. This was 6pm on Tuesday. By 10am on Wednesday they'd rung me back and said, would you like your booking in app at lunchtime? It lasts 1-2 hours so I was pleased they fit me in so quickly. Apparently I'm considered urgent since I'm further along than usual. It was nice to feel vindicated. In defense of the NHS, I should highlight the midwife and student midwife I saw were great. Pleasant, warm, understanding and very professional. Sorted out my next few appointments as they said leaving me in the dark about my own care was doing me no favours (damn straight!). Anyway, I get my first scan in a couple of weeks, so that's pretty exciting!

    Tldr: Proper annoyed with my GP. Love the NHS midwives, they're ace.

    Also for the Americans, NHS is national health service. You get some choice for example if there are two hospitals local to you, but you don't choose a midwife or choose a doctor like you do in the States. Hardly anyone I know uses a private midwife, it's just not common here unless you're seriously rich.

    WOW, I would be giving that GP a piece of my mind! It is one thing to have something slip through the cracks, it is another to not check on it.....glad you got through!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I can barely eat rice as rice, I do not understand eating it as dessert when there are so many better things out there!!

    Big Brother people - I just saw a clip of Audrey (transgender houseguest) being interviewed by Jeff Schroeder.....I do not know why they keep using him to do interviews and stuff for that show....he is a jerk....ugh

    Julie just got choked up talking about said house guest saying that she hopes fans watch with an open heart and an open mind and learn something about a community they might not know about <3

    I haven't watched any of the interviews...but what makes you say that Jeff is a jerk? I've always thought he was a sweet, silly, fun guy. I loved both him and Jordan.

    He is a homophobe, so that right off the bat makes me look at him sideways.

    Also, I do not find he treats Jordan all that well, and that is only what I am seeing on TV, I do not even want to know what is happening behind closed doors!

  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    KrisiAnnH wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »

    Confession for this evening; my parents called me earlier to let me know they're having the family dog put down soon. My natural reaction when upset is usually to curl up under a duvet and eat lots of sugary comfort food, but I'm trying to resist. I know it's only a dog, and in comparison to what a lot of you all are going through it seems really trivial, but it still sucks. Our dog is the first 'proper' pet I've had (aside from goldfish and pet rats when I was really young), and I grew up with her. Still, at least she's lived to the ripe old age of 15!

    It's definitely not "just a dog"...but a family member and a friend. Putting our 15.5 year old dog down last summer was seriously the hardest thing ever...but it had to be done. He was at the point where he couldn't live/breathe outside of an oxygen chamber. I think about him every single day and still "say goodnight" to him every night when I go to bed. I just try to remember the absolutely awesome 15 years I got to spend with him! <3

    Edit: I somehow messed that up with the quoting..[/quote]

    Awh that's a lovely story, that's actually made me feel a lot better, thank you :) She's able to eat and walk on her own, but I think the deciding factor was this weekend when she couldnt get up off the kitchen floor on her own, and my mum and I had to lift her up. She was fine once she was on her feet but still... At least I live close enough that I can pop back and see her before she goes, I'm just a bit worried that me getting upset may upset her, dogs have a tendency to pick up on these things. [/quote]

    NOT just a dog....those are family members! I guess you missed how upset I was over my rodent, I cried for days!

    I am actually sending a thank you card out to my vet today......
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Ok, major confession here. I found this bedding set and bought it - ex-display $80 instead of $240. I love it (YES IT'S JESSICA SIMPSON I DON'T CARE), but it's in the spare room closet hidden from my husband. I bought it for the camper that we don't own yet, that he doesn't want yet (really only because the timing's not right and he's too busy to care) but that I'm desperate for. Is that bad? I'm such a brat.

    I have a Jessica Simpson coat. It's really cute, olive green pea coat. But something about it being from the Jessica Simpson line does make me feel a little embarrassed for some reason. :D

    I felt a little embarrassed wearing her jeans/jeggings, but they were cute.

    My mom has bought a few of her handbags at TJMAXX.

    I have some of her shoes and one of her purses. They're super great ;)
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I have had three friend requests from people on this thread this morning.

    Thanks guys!!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    @chaelaz...I don't think anyone was defensive- more like @tubbs216 was having some fun and being funny posting gifs and memes, she's actually quite hilarious. I honestly didn't see defensiveness so much as people asking why you came into the thread and said what you said. Questioning motives isn't being defensive IMO.
  • ohgeeque
    ohgeeque Posts: 224 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    Can I just say how awesome this thread has become?

    Yes, it started out about trash bags, peanut butter, and hot chocolate powder, but it has evolved into a community within the MFP community where people actually CARE and SUPPORT one another through stupid decisions, horrible situations, and hilarious escapades.

    You all rock. And if I wasn't super lazy, I would finally get around to friend requesting the rest of the regular posters.

    Super great.

    Speaking of stupid decisions, I confess that when I was 20 (way back in 1989...YIKES), I was living on my own for the first time. Cut all my rocker hair off & was bummed how fat I looked.

    I then went on a crash diet that consisted of the following:

    Breakfast: Can of Diet Coke
    Morning Snack: Can of Diet Coke
    Lunch: Turkey sandwich (2 pieces of bread, 1 slice of deli turkey, 1 slice of deli swiss, mustard)
    Afternoon Snack: Can of Diet Coke
    Workout: 45-60 minutes on a cheap-*kitten* rowing machine I had in my apartment
    Dinner: 6 pack of Bud Light tall boys

    I was a chubby 210 lbs when I started, and a thin 165 after 4 months. From there I started weight training.

    I'd get slaughtered for suggesting this in 2015, but....I lived to tell the tale

    Edited to add: Just did the MFP calculator:

    1100 in
    497 out
    BMR: 1,985
    Daily Deficit: 1,382

    that's about 3 lbs per week - the maths add up!
    Back (way back) in my early 20's I took Dexatrim every day. I painted every room in my house, landscaped my yard and chased a toddler while I lost weight. I don't think I slept at all. I might have eaten something, once, but I'm not sure.

    It was the 80's, don't judge. :)

    They have long since taken that Dextatrim off the market. It was nice to get sooooooo much done but I don't think I'd do that again anyway.

    The advantage of being young is the general ability to bounce back from short term bad choices.

  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Ok, major confession here. I found this bedding set and bought it - ex-display $80 instead of $240. I love it (YES IT'S JESSICA SIMPSON I DON'T CARE), but it's in the spare room closet hidden from my husband. I bought it for the camper that we don't own yet, that he doesn't want yet (really only because the timing's not right and he's too busy to care) but that I'm desperate for. Is that bad? I'm such a brat.

    I have a Jessica Simpson coat. It's really cute, olive green pea coat. But something about it being from the Jessica Simpson line does make me feel a little embarrassed for some reason. :D

    I felt a little embarrassed wearing her jeans/jeggings, but they were cute.

    My mom has bought a few of her handbags at TJMAXX.

    I have some of her shoes and one of her purses. They're super great ;)

    Again- no shame in purchasing any of her merchandise, my mother does too and she's 54! I love her clothes, bags, and shoes :)
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Fitness related confession: I attempted to do my HIIT workout last night, and by attempt, I mean, I made 2 rather pathetic rounds skipping some exercises as to not injure myself further. I think I actually DID injure myself further. My ankle was really swollen last night and my leg was really sore. I really hate that I got hurt so close to my vacation and I can't do a proper workout because of it.

    Non-fitness related confession: My husband FINALLY messaged his daughter (actually, she messaged him after my request yesterday [small victory?]) and she is coming by Saturday because he told her he wants to talk to her in person. I am glad he finally did this and I hope he doesn't chicken out and lays down the law with her. I'm not sure if I will be present or not because I told my daughter I'd take her Father's Day shopping Saturday and I also have an eye appointment to get my trial contacts checked. A part of me wants to be there to support him, but a part of me knows me, and fears I might say something I'll regret. Not sure which part of me will win yet. Positive thoughts are appreciated.

    On a related note, when I got home last night, I noticed her cat has managed to tear about a 4" hole in my carpet in the doorway of the room she's staying in. I was so irate that I started screaming at this stupid cat and telling her I hate her and she's got to leave. She didn't understand what I was saying and I am sure she didn't care because she proceeded to tear at the carpet once the door was closed again.

    Unrelated but relevant to something I mentioned yesterday: I asked my husband about whether or not we're going to exchange anniversary presents and he said he thought we'd just do some shopping for each other while we're down there. I am on board with this idea especially since I already have an idea of what I want to buy him. He also mentioned that what he wanted to get me we couldn't afford but could make payments on it. I told him I didn't want any more payments and he said not even for a ring?! I love that man!

    Sorry so long, but I had a lot to say.

    tl;dr: I hurt myself working out, stepdaughter's supposed to talk to husband Saturday, and I may be getting a new ring. :smiley:

  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I can barely eat rice as rice, I do not understand eating it as dessert when there are so many better things out there!!

    Big Brother people - I just saw a clip of Audrey (transgender houseguest) being interviewed by Jeff Schroeder.....I do not know why they keep using him to do interviews and stuff for that show....he is a jerk....ugh

    Julie just got choked up talking about said house guest saying that she hopes fans watch with an open heart and an open mind and learn something about a community they might not know about <3

    I haven't watched any of the interviews...but what makes you say that Jeff is a jerk? I've always thought he was a sweet, silly, fun guy. I loved both him and Jordan.

    As did I. I loved watching Jordan on Amazing Race, I just wish that she made it further. Never could stand Rachel.

    I could not stand Rachel, ugh.

    Did you not find that Jeff treated Jordan pretty poorly during AR?