

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I just saw a Buzzfeed Food recipe video on Facebook that has me drooling. It is a graham cracker crust stuffed with Pillsbury sugar cookie dough topped with M & M's, mini Reese's cups, and broken up Twix bars...baked until cookie dough is ready. Put some vanilla ice cream on that and seriously, OMG!

    I think this would be too much for me. It would be too rich. I'd be nauseous.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I was feeling inspired by @pofoster21 so I went looking for a run to do. I'm nowhere near ready to do a half-anything but I found a 5K in the fall that allows dogs. Anything I can include my dog in makes me happy :smile: I'm never motivated to do any proper training when I do runs on my own, but I will have to do some this time to make sure my dog is prepared.

    Yay! There are even walks and runs for people with dogs. And ones where you can dress up as fun things. They aren't all 'serious' runs! Go for it!

    I am doing a 5K on July 25 that's called Dashing Divas (it was supposed to be a fun thing to do with coworkers, but I'm the only one that signed up). From my understanding people can wear tiaras & feather boas and you get a sparkly pink finisher's medal. I'm not sure I'm going to dress up at all, but I am excited about the medal!

    My sister ran a 5k with her Black Lab Maggie & they were the first to cross the finish line & Maggie got her own medal:).

    Aww! Yay for Maggie!! (and your sister)

  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    So, hubby has seen his daughter 3 times since last September and guess what? Baby momma was a no-show at the court ordered meeting point again today. I give up. She turned the son against us, we haven't seen him since March 2014.
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    Will my stupid body WAKE UP? Argh. I keep dozing off... all it takes sometimes if for me to blink my eyes and my body goes ''Oh goody, time to sleep?'' I need to start taking my B12 again.

    In school, starting around 6th grade, I had trouble with falling asleep in class. I didn't want to and struggled like mad to stay awake. It was embarrassing waking up (sometimes with a jolt) and having people stare at me, especially since I am a sleep talker and wondered if I had said something aloud :lol: . Some people try to fall asleep in class and don't care, but I was trying to be a good student :(

    EDIT: Come to think of it, I don't think I've beeen eating much iron lately.

    In high school we had silent reading at the beginning of second period. I love reading, but sitting still in that much quiet killed me every time, and I was out like a light. Luckily, my teacher for that period was the best teacher ever, and he looked the other way until reading time was over.

    Definitely get your vitamins, it makes a huge difference when you're deficient!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    So, hubby has seen his daughter 3 times since last September and guess what? Baby momma was a no-show at the court ordered meeting point again today. I give up. She turned the son against us, we haven't seen him since March 2014.

    I'm sorry to hear it. :( Divorces can get so nasty and some exes hold the worst grudges. My mother once knew a woman who was similar to your husband's ex--the husband wasn't a bad person, but she hated him because they were divorced and refused to let him see his children at all. It's just a horrible situation for everyone involved, honestly. I'm sure it must upset your husband. :(
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    So, hubby has seen his daughter 3 times since last September and guess what? Baby momma was a no-show at the court ordered meeting point again today. I give up. She turned the son against us, we haven't seen him since March 2014.

    I'm sorry for you and hubby and the kids. Situation sounds like something floating in a toilet.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    So, hubby has seen his daughter 3 times since last September and guess what? Baby momma was a no-show at the court ordered meeting point again today. I give up. She turned the son against us, we haven't seen him since March 2014.

    Can he file for custody or equitable visitation? How old is his son?
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    All of you who posted honestly are wicked, it's people like you who are actually going to identify your mountains to climb rather than burying your heads in any kid of laurels and suffer beneath, making you the most likely people to beat them. That's a hell of a thing.

    I couldn't have biscuits in the house. SO had to give up buying them in support because even if they were hidden I'd find them. Dam it, I'd smell them out and one or two was never enough. They're literally my cryptonite. It actually got to the point once where I knew that it took three quarters of a specific pack to drink a cup of tea by ONLY dunking biscuits. I had to ween off of them, and ever since, and we're talking about a year ago, I'm still a little too drawn to them to be comfortable!
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Yay for @MoHousdon!!!
    Oh no @AngryViking1970, take those meds and get better soon!!!
    I love Lurky McLurkerson! Ha!
    Yes @kellyjellybellyjelly, peanut butter and powdered sugar is EXACTLY like the inside of a Reese's! Its dangerous!

    Also- I am in the jeans, tshirts, and tank tops group. I don't dress up unless I have to...which is like, almost never. :)

    I love dressing up. And dressing down. I pretty much run the gamut. :)
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    @AngryViking1970 Please take care of you. It can be a big challenge. I hope it is a quick healing for you!! hugs
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    So, I don't know if anyone remembers my crazy bug bite rash on my leg or not. I had been to immediate care a couple of times and had taken a course of Keflex but it never got any better. It got super bad over this past weekend so I went to my regular doc on Monday and she drew some blood to test. I just got back from there with a Lyme disease diagnosis and a month's supply of doxycycline as my parting gift. Woo! That's what I get for living in the woods, I guess. LOL

    Oh I am sorry about this. I have known people and horses who have had it really bad. Make sure you are very aggressive in treating it. Good luck!
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    So, hubby has seen his daughter 3 times since last September and guess what? Baby momma was a no-show at the court ordered meeting point again today. I give up. She turned the son against us, we haven't seen him since March 2014.

    Can he file for custody or equitable visitation? How old is his son?

    The son is 16.

    We fought and fought in court, have spent a TON of money on our lawyer. That's how we came up with the court ordered schedule and meeting place we have (we moved 200 miles away from them, so the visiting times are not as frequent as before), which she continues to ignore anyway. She's in contempt of court, but it would be several thousand more dollars to go back and forth in court to get her cited for it and then she still wouldn't show up for the meeting times, and we'd be back at square one. She thinks she is above the law, apparently, and I'm tired of fighting it. The daughter decided last month not to come and went to New Mexico to visit her grandparents instead. We could have seen her another weekend, but weren't given the option. I'm tired of fighting this, but I'll do whatever he wants to do...
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    How do we get @Italian_Buju to come back?! Also, where has Lois been? @m1xm0d3 thanks for holding it down for the fellas. Glad to see you stuck around.

    @ASG_21 nice to put a user name with @susieqshusband. Welcome, Lurky Lurkerson.
    She's around - busy in the group!

    Lois seems to have disappeared, along with a few other regulars, unfortunately.

    Yup, I keep wondering where Lois got to. A lot of people seem to have given up on our thread, sadly.

    I know! I think it became overwhelming for them. Which is sad...I think this is the best thread and can't be bothered to go elsewhere. I always eventually catch up. I will check out the bat cave this weekend there seems to be a lot of posts in there now. I check the Fitbit for my motivation daily. And usually the random pictures. I hope we never implode I do think of you guys as friends now. I don't want to lose this ecosystem we have built.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    Cheesecake, Brownies, Cookies, Pie, Cake, Donuts these are all very important words in my language! I am so craving sweets right now, but I am trying to be strong and save some calories today since we have a family reunion tomorrow - where all the foods will be eaten.

    I'm with you @bkhamill ! My husband scheduled us to meet a friend of his for happy hour tonight. I'm thinking I'll skip the alcohol and have a slice of pie or something instead. (I don't like drinking calories....they add up too quickly and are never nearly as satisfying as a delicious dessert that fits into my daily calories!)
    I'm with you. Slice of something delicious + a couple of diet Cokes > a few drinks.

    I love my wine. However wine often leads to eating cheesecake. So not good for the diet. I am doing much better on not drinking thanks to you guys and my daily commitments. So...thanks!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    GUYSGUYSGUYS!!!! After almost 2 weeks, I'm FINALLY CAUGHT UP ON THIS THREAD!!! I'm happier about this than you can possibly imagine. Members of the batcave know why.

    I still have not gotten around to posting any vacation pictures (anywhere) but I'm hoping to get to that soon. I have to airplane window shots that are really cool and I can't wait for you all to see them, and the beach we went to was just beautiful. I also have some pics of Mr. Mo and I that I plan on sharing in the random pictures thread in the batcave. I missed you all so incredibly much and I'm glad to be back.

    Woo hoo! Congrats!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Everyone was chatty last night while Iwas dropping half a plate of Greek food down my jeans leg and thinking at least it was Greek dressing and neither peanut butter not chocolate that went down my left thigh. LOL. I was seriously pissed that I dropped half of a $13 plate of food though.

    Today, I am tempting fate. I ordered a chili-cheese baked potato for lunch even though I am wearing white pants and a black and white top.

    Hehehe! Good luck tempting fate :)

    I win!!! No chili or.cheese on my clothes!!!

    You realize, of course, that you'll now spill something like.... coffee/tea/water on your pants juuuuust as you're thinking the threat has passed.... :wink:
    My husband once spilled half of his tea all down his white shirt on the way to work, and then when he got there, realised he'd put on non-matching shoes - it was dark when he was going out the door, and he just grabbed two black shoes, not checking to see if they were a pair. He said people looked at him strangely all day. You think?!

    I remember when I was in Elementary school I had to wear my babysitter's shoes to school since I somehow forgot to put some on before leaving the house. She was probably 50-60 at the time & maybe a size 9-10 & I am sure it looked like I was wearing clown shoes.

    I've been nearly leaving the house in my slippers most days for the past few weeks. So far I've only ever gotten as far as the car before I realise (I usually only take one step out the front door) so it's not too bad. It feels as though it's only a matter of time before I drive to work in my slippers though.

    I've totally done this...had to turn around and go home to change.

    I totally keep a pair of black pumps at my desk and have worn my waterproof hiking sandals to the office everyday this week. No shame.

    I just counted, and I have 11 pairs of shoes under my desk in my office, not counting the running shoes I came to work in. I think it's a really common thing to do in less-than-ideal climates like mine (where I have to wear Sorel boots to work half the year if I don't want to freeze to death) so definitely no shame!

    I walk 20-30 minutes to work every day depending on traffic lights and I am NOT doing it in heels, even in summer.

    I wish I lived in a place where I could walk to work. Although, I'm always late so I take the parking lot closest to my suite in the building. I really should park at the end of the parking lot on the other side of the building and walk from there.

    I started doing this yesterday (I have a "spot" 3 stalls away from the main entrance that I usually park in) in hope of getting my step count up and just to increase my movement throughout the day. I had 4 people today and 1 person today, ask me I'm parking out there. My office neighbor was a dick about it and asked if I'm trying to work on my tan. Jerk.

    Even with all that extra walking, and shopping last night with my best girl, and I still barely hit 5000 steps. How in the world are you people hitting 12000 plus a day?!

    I know I have mentioned this before but I started parking in the farthest corner of the visitor parking lot when I started taking steps in October. That adds 2000 steps there and back. Then I make 3 trips to the cafeteria each day. Now I have started deliberately leaving things in the car so I have to walk out to the parking lot again. It all helps.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Thanks for all the anniversary wishes and me showing off my flowers. I will probably be out of touch for a couple of days, but I will try and log in long enough to keep my streak going!!!

    Still haven't gotten back to the flowers but have a wonderful time!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    @xLoveLikeWinterx Congrats on getting into the MS program!! Your classes actually sound interesting. I am interested in learning how to program/code but not sure how to go about that what with the monstrosity of student loan debt I already have with my MS in Educational Leadership. Hee hee I want to LEARN ALL THE THINGS. Actually, I do. I love school, especially grad school. If I could manage to take classes about all the things I'm interested in forever, I would do that and never have a boring "real" job.

    THIS is so me! I love to learn. And going to school. Maybe not my dissertation at the moment. ..
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    I found my new favorite dessert last night. Something awesome enough to keep the Talenti troll away. I've had the blueberry ones before and they are awesome but I loooove me some cold lemon flavor.

    @ 80 cals a bar I'm sold. I ate 3 last night!

    I was momentarily jealous until I realized we have these:


    and these:


    The vanilla ones are decent but the caramel ones are truly awesome.

    Those are SO GOOD. I hate shopping at Superstore but I do like a lot of the PC products (and the points! I've gotten almost $400 in free groceries since that program started.) But the one closest to me is often like shopping in Soviet Russia with empty shelves and stuff and there's always groups of men trying to pick up women at the grocery store there, it is kind of bizarre. I was getting live lobster there a couple months ago and an Italian guy sincerely tried to invite himself home with me while I was standing in front of the tank. Just, like...inner-city weirdos, I guess, because my friends who shop there too seem to all have the same issues. It's the one thing I miss about living in suburbia, because my old Superstore was clean, stocked, and full of nice housewives in salwar kameez who were polite with their carts and didn't let their children run screaming up and down the aisles.

    I, like Susie, enjoy grocery shopping, so it's a total buzzkill to do it at such a frustrating store.
    Haha! My local Superstore is well-stocked and pretty civilized - nobody has ever tried to pick me up there! Although there is an odd smell around the meat department which makes me prefer buying my meat elsewhere.

    My nearby one is in a pretty shady area just outside the downtown proper, so it's...just not ideal. Sad stuff like homeless people buying mouthwash and that kind of thing too, but the lobster story is at least funny so I stick with that when I'm complaining about the place, usually.
    peleroja wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Everyone was chatty last night while Iwas dropping half a plate of Greek food down my jeans leg and thinking at least it was Greek dressing and neither peanut butter not chocolate that went down my left thigh. LOL. I was seriously pissed that I dropped half of a $13 plate of food though.

    Today, I am tempting fate. I ordered a chili-cheese baked potato for lunch even though I am wearing white pants and a black and white top.

    Hehehe! Good luck tempting fate :)

    I win!!! No chili or.cheese on my clothes!!!

    You realize, of course, that you'll now spill something like.... coffee/tea/water on your pants juuuuust as you're thinking the threat has passed.... :wink:
    My husband once spilled half of his tea all down his white shirt on the way to work, and then when he got there, realised he'd put on non-matching shoes - it was dark when he was going out the door, and he just grabbed two black shoes, not checking to see if they were a pair. He said people looked at him strangely all day. You think?!

    I remember when I was in Elementary school I had to wear my babysitter's shoes to school since I somehow forgot to put some on before leaving the house. She was probably 50-60 at the time & maybe a size 9-10 & I am sure it looked like I was wearing clown shoes.

    I've been nearly leaving the house in my slippers most days for the past few weeks. So far I've only ever gotten as far as the car before I realise (I usually only take one step out the front door) so it's not too bad. It feels as though it's only a matter of time before I drive to work in my slippers though.

    I've totally done this...had to turn around and go home to change.

    I totally keep a pair of black pumps at my desk and have worn my waterproof hiking sandals to the office everyday this week. No shame.

    I just counted, and I have 11 pairs of shoes under my desk in my office, not counting the running shoes I came to work in. I think it's a really common thing to do in less-than-ideal climates like mine (where I have to wear Sorel boots to work half the year if I don't want to freeze to death) so definitely no shame!

    I walk 20-30 minutes to work every day depending on traffic lights and I am NOT doing it in heels, even in summer.

    I wish I lived in a place where I could walk to work. Although, I'm always late so I take the parking lot closest to my suite in the building. I really should park at the end of the parking lot on the other side of the building and walk from there.

    Being able to walk is nice, but sometimes I'd like to have an excuse to drive when it's forty below, haha. But parking in my office tower is $50/day if you don't have a monthly pass (which is...similarly obscene) so I only do it when I have to bring something large home and can expense it.

    $50 A DAY? That is more than Manhattan! That is NUTS!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    pootle1972 wrote: »
    I totally wee in the shower.

    I am sure we have all done that a time or two... :D

    I can honestly say I have never peed in a shower/pool/ocean. I will admit that I've tried, but my body just won't let it happen lol.

    Me neither. I remember having major surgery when I was 19 and the first night I was given a bedpan to pee in... even though my bladder was close to bursting, it took a LOT of effort to pee while sitting in bed.

    Aaaaand... four days later, I'm finally caught up!

    Yay for being caught up! In triathlon people go to the bathroom in their wetsuit and on the bike. While under extreme duress I can go in my wetsuit now (but not while swimming) I refuse to go on the bike (I think that is beyond disgusting and since I am not fast I see no reason not to stop at a portapotty on course). They even go while way could I do that.

    People just pee all over themselves?! That is nasty. :s
    Not just pee. Have you not seen the photos? Google 'runner's diarrhea'.
    *Not for the squeamish.

    Is that from all the protein bars with extra fiber?! If that is a side effect of running, I'm glad I don't do it.

    This happens a lot in marathons. People get so exhausted their muscles just give out. I have seen it it is nasty. I always feel bad for people when this happens. Luckily I rarely have to"go" running. And before longer races I make sure I take care of this. ;)
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I was feeling inspired by @pofoster21 so I went looking for a run to do. I'm nowhere near ready to do a half-anything but I found a 5K in the fall that allows dogs. Anything I can include my dog in makes me happy :smile: I'm never motivated to do any proper training when I do runs on my own, but I will have to do some this time to make sure my dog is prepared.

    Yay! There are even walks and runs for people with dogs. And ones where you can dress up as fun things. They aren't all 'serious' runs! Go for it!

    I am doing a 5K on July 25 that's called Dashing Divas (it was supposed to be a fun thing to do with coworkers, but I'm the only one that signed up). From my understanding people can wear tiaras & feather boas and you get a sparkly pink finisher's medal. I'm not sure I'm going to dress up at all, but I am excited about the medal!

    I remember you talking about this. Recruit some friends! Where do you live? Is it driveable for me? (I have a secret plot to get you all running can you tell? )