

  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    oriel67 wrote: »
    I am afraid that when I lose my weight, I will feel ugly and hate the extra skin so much, that I will gain the weight back :(

    I don't know how much you want to lose, but you might find you don't have much loose skin or that if you do, you won't really care. My arms are nicely toned (thanks to our very own in-thread arm workout series), but I have crazy bingo wings and I couldn't care less. I let my freak flags fly in tank tops and short sleeved shirts!

    What I'm trying to say is that I would rather have the loose skin than the extra 135lbs I was carrying.

    Wait, are bingo wings loose skin? I have them, but there's so much fat in them I didn't consider it to be loose skin. And they're slowly shrinking.

    AngryViking and I agree lol. I have them (although I call them batwings) due to losing almost 170 lb (I'm now -166 lbs from my highest). I was super self conscious up until about 6 mos ago. Now I don't care. If it's 90 degrees out, I'm wearing a sleeveless shirt and people can deal. It's better than weighing 294. If anything, I look at it as "I lost a whole person's worth of weight, screw you" if I see someone staring.

    Right on, sister!
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Noelv1976 wrote: »
    Spent over $100 on groceries, went to Taco Bell right afterwards.

    I used to do this every time I went to the grocery store. It took junking my car to break me of that habit! I haven't picked it up again, knock on wood.

    Confession: We do go out to eat right after (or before depending on how we feel) grocery shopping. :flushed:

    We usually do too. Who wants to shop hungry, or cook when you've just spent all that time shopping?! Not me.

    We went shopping this week while I was hungry... I bought all the foods! At one point the mancreature looked at me and was like seriously!?

    Sidenote: did y'all know there is oreos yogurt?! My inner fat kid nearly died with excitement when I saw them and then my mind was like NO YOU CANNOT HAS!

    We make the WORST food choices when we shop hungry. We try really hard not to do any kind of grocery shopping before we eat.

    Last night, we had to go to Target to get a baby shower gift for a shower tomorrow. I was fine with that because I was under the impression we were going to eat directly after (I only had a quest bar for lunch and then some cottage cheese for a snack, so I was pretty hungry) so no big deal. Mr. Mo takes FOREVER picking stuff of the registry and I was getting properly irritated with him. We finally choose what to get and head out. Instead of going to eat, he pulls into Lowe's parking lot. I was really annoyed at this point, and throw a little temper tantrum and say, "I knew we should have eaten first!" and slammed the car door. He just stared at me in total disbelieve.

    I'm like the Incredible Hulk in a way, except, it's you wouldn't like me when I'm hangry, instead of angry.

  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    oriel67 wrote: »
    I am afraid that when I lose my weight, I will feel ugly and hate the extra skin so much, that I will gain the weight back :(

    I don't know how much you want to lose, but you might find you don't have much loose skin or that if you do, you won't really care. My arms are nicely toned (thanks to our very own in-thread arm workout series), but I have crazy bingo wings and I couldn't care less. I let my freak flags fly in tank tops and short sleeved shirts!

    What I'm trying to say is that I would rather have the loose skin than the extra 135lbs I was carrying.

    Wait, are bingo wings loose skin? I have them, but there's so much fat in them I didn't consider it to be loose skin. And they're slowly shrinking.

    AngryViking and I agree lol. I have them (although I call them batwings) due to losing almost 170 lb (I'm now -166 lbs from my highest). I was super self conscious up until about 6 mos ago. Now I don't care. If it's 90 degrees out, I'm wearing a sleeveless shirt and people can deal. It's better than weighing 294. If anything, I look at it as "I lost a whole person's worth of weight, screw you" if I see someone staring.

    Awesome! I hope I can be like this as well.
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    If we're still doing confessions, here's mine for the day, then I should REALLY try and get some work done.

    I came to work with my pants unzipped today. I didn't realize this until AFTER I got to my office and called Mr. Mo and looked down to see that my barn door had been left open. I'm not sure if anyone else noticed, or not, but I'm sure glad I did before the day went on any further.

    Must have been a day for this I came in today with my shirt on backwards lol

    Hahaha! How long did it take you to notice?

    As soon as I walked in one of my co-workers told me lol. Good thing she is my person and if anyone gets that reference we can be best friends, Sorry for stealing your line @MoHousdon ;)

    i'm still mourning derek....
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    1 scoop salted caramel (car-ml) ice cream
    1 scoop lemon ice box pie ice cream
    2 glasses chardonnay

    It's what's for dinner!

    Sounds delicious :)
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    @Italian_Buju -minimum wage nationally in the U.S. is $7.25/hr. States and localities can set it higher if they like. I know, for instance, it's $15/hr in Seattle, but not all of the state of Washington.

    If the minimum wage here in TN were raised to 15/hr, I would get a raise and so would most of my coworkers who do not have masters' degrees, except for the nurses. (I have a bachelors.) however, if you think bachelors degree nurses who are making $20/hr vs CNAs who make $10 or people who make $8.75 to transport patients and deliver food and clean rooms are going to stand for not getting a raise if those people do, then you don't know human nature. It's not that all nurses look down on them (some do - I don't like them); it's that they've put years into their education and training and feel that it brings the hospitals and medical practices more skill. And if the bottom gets a raise and so does everyone else to be fair, then how do we contain costs to the patient?

    It's a problem, but there are no magic wand solutions.

    The problem, is not what you make vs what someone else makes. The problem is that you have CEO's making 8 BILLION dollars a year, while their employees cannot afford food!

    I so agree with this ^. No one needs that amount of money.

    However, I also agree with the other side (please don't hate me-I really like you :) ). I have a bachelor's degree and it put me into a lot of debt. $500 a month goes to debt for my degree alone (it used to be $680 but I did pay one loan off). So, the way I see it is why did I bother going to school if I'm not going to make more than what minimum wage is going to be anyway? I would have been way better off not going at all. I'd have more money than I do now.

    I will also not say anything else on this because I don't want this thread to crash. :)

    But why is that the fault of the person that makes minimum wage??

    I am sorry, but everyone of you that posted about this, all I can see is "I am mad that the person that makes my coffee/cleans my toilet when I stay at a hotel/makes my sandwich at subway, is able to feed their kids, pay their rent and have heat all winter" And quite frankly, it makes me sick to my stomach.

    Some of those people work 40-60 hours a week, doing hard laborious jobs, and you guys do not think they work hard enough to make a living wage?

    Minimum wage has gone up quite a few times in the last few years where I live, and while it does not affect me personally, I am glad the woman that makes my tea every morning on my way to work, might be able to buy something nice for her kid and still pay her phone bill in the same month. And it disgusts me that some people would rather see people like that struggle and not be able to eat every day, because they did not have the same opportunity to go to school that you did. Not everyone is born on the same playing field and gets the same chances, but everyone is human and deserves the same dignity and a living wage.

    Okay so nobody here ever said we think anyone is beneath us. Not once and not at all. And no one said we would like to see people to continue to struggle. You're right it's not their fault, but it's my fault that my dad worked his butt off so I could get a good education? No it's not. We're not saying that anyone is below anyone or they don't deserve to make money when they work hard, so please quit saying that.

    It's not a bad thing to disagree with people and have different point of views but your posts come across a bit mean to me.

    Well your whole POV on this subject comes off very mean to me. So, your dad worked his butt off so you could go to school. What about the ones that do not have a dad to do that?

    That is what I mean about opportunity. If you are lucky enough to be able to go to school, awesome, good for you, but that does not make the people that did not get that same chance worth any less.

    And while you might not have come right out and said they are beneath you, you certainly think they do not work as hard as you do, which is totally wrong. You came right out and said that, or agreed with it anyway (I do not quite recall).

    As far as the bolded, what exactly are you saying then? The deserve to make money, just not enough to actually live off?

    So you believe that everyone should have the same income no matter what their job? I don't think I should be penalized for having parents who worked hard so I could go to school. There are TONS of people who don't have parents to send them to school who get scholarships and loans and put themselves through school. It's possible if you want it bad enough. I was lucky and my parents helped me but I'm still paying off school loans from college too.

    I think college should not be so outrageously expensive. Unfortunately for me, I do have a good salary. My reward? I get to pay $25,000 per year out of pocket for my daughter's college education.

    Everybody should have the opportunity to pursue higher education if they wish, without coming out of school with a massive debt. If they decide not to go to school, they should still be able to afford to live.

    Should everybody have the exact same salary? No, of course not. I don't remember seeing anybody suggesting that. But, everybody should have the opportunity to make a living wage.

    I'm not trying to argue- but I think the point that some of us are wondering about is why go to school if people who don't are just going to make the same amount? Why are you shelling out so much money for your daughter to go to school if people who don't will make the same amount? That's all. I don't look down on people, I'm grateful for all that I have, I have the potential to make more but I want to help people and I'm a social worker. I always tip close to 50% as myself and my siblings have waited tables. It's hard work. I'm just genuinely curious about why go to school if you aren't trying to make a better life.

    Because the world needs doctors and lawyers and social workers, and some people have a passion for that. But the world also needs people to make sandwiches and clean houses and servers, and some people, actually have a passion for that too.

    I agree we need all those things. I think my point was if they're going to increase minimum wage to match what I'm currently making, it'd be nice to make more as well. That's all. I can respect everyone trying to make a living, it's what makes the world go round.

    Then that should be your argument, that you are under paid, not that minimum wage should not go up.

    Definitely. And I think that's what @levan11 & @FroggyBug were possibly trying to convey as well. Who knows. All I know is I like and respect you and I don't want to fight with anyone, makes me sad :(

    But that is not what you guys were saying. Not one of you said, that those minimum wage workers definitely need more money. You being underpaid, is not even related. Those are two totally different arguments. And as far as the poster that started this, here is a direct quote from that OP:

    "I guess I can always start looking for a fast food job as the minimum wage for fast food workers just got increased to $15 in New York. I get that people need a living wage but to me this is just ridiculous"

    This is NOT the same argument as "It upsets me that I am underpaid in my field". That first post was ignorant, and I do not deal with ignorant very well.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    I am SO tired. I was staying up last night watching some cringey compilation videos. Cringey as in it hurts to watch them because you feel so bad for the people in the video (why was I doing it to myself?). I had to take several breaks and in the end I felt like I died a little bit inside. One dude sent his wife away on vacation for a week so he could surprise her with a brand new AMAZING kitchen that he spent $60,000 on. First thing she says? "I hate that color." UNREAL. Instead of commenting on the two stoves she always wanted, she got mad at him for not changing a LIGHTBULB of all things. He worked to make her happy all week and the only things she could do were insult him and nitpick. That video was less cringey and more infuriating.

    I don't know why I'm saying all this..... guess the video really stuck with me? :lol: Kindness is important!

    Omg, I saw this video...I could NOT believe her reaction!!!

    I seriously wanted to slap her when I watched that. I'm telling you, if my hubby sent me off on a vacation AND dropped that much money to give me my dream kitchen, I'd be thanking him profusely, not nitpicking and complaining! Some people just can't be made happy though...

    I felt like that video was staged. I saw it a long time ago, it seemed very fake, almost like they were reading their lines. Also, I wouldn't want my hubby redoing my kitchen without my involvement. Maybe that makes me a horrible person, but I want to choose the colors and whatnot together, not take whatever he picks out.
    Good point, actually! And that doesn't make you horrible at all. It probably is staged, but it had an effect on me. He did say he was building her dream kitchen, and I'm guessing she knew that was what he would be doing while she was away. However, she must have given him some ideas as to what her dream kitchen would like, so I can see why she would be a bit upset if she told him "I want my kitchen to be bright blue with polka dot floors" and came back to something completely different (HIS dream kitchen?). I can see how that might make her feel like she wasn't being listened to.

    My boyfriend said that we don't know their full stories, and that's true enough,so I guess it's better to withhold judgement. I still think that kitchen looks great though. Seriously, two stoves and an ice machine and you can't feel some sort of happiness over it? Especially if you went on vacation for a full week and didn't have to do any work :tongue:

    ... Then again, that's just me. I might feel bad if my boyfriend decided to just redo the entire apartment without getting my say in the matter, actually. But if he presented it all excited and wanting me to be happy with it, I would find it a sweet gesture.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    I have to say that I'm amused right now. I'm taking my niece and nephew to yard sales tomorrow and one of the ones we are going to is advertised as being Super Great!

    But will it live up to its name?!

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    @Dnarules, I'm so sorry. Losing a pet is hard but I think it's a hundred times harder when you have kids who loved him or her too.

    @raelynnsmama52512, I'll be thinking good thoughts for your family, both the housing thing and for your little girl. You are one tough cookie!

    @quiksylver296, the triceps thing is awesome. I've been trying for months and I don't think I'm making much headway but they look so good on fit people so I'm not giving up.

    On the cheese subject, in our fridge right now we have:

    A hunk of parmesan
    A hunk of asiago
    Jalapeno cheddar
    Herb and garlic cheddar
    Extra old chedder (sensing a pattern? The blocks were on sale at the grocery store a couple weeks ago)
    Light goat cheese
    Bocconcini pearls
    And six pounds of shredded pizza mozzarella in the freezer (again, there was a sale...)

    I would also like to use this post to complain, because last night we went to the travel health clinic for our vaccinations and got totally pincushioned, so today I'm $664 poorer, have a fever of 103F, and can barely lift my arms (and I've got a pretty impressive swollen lump on my right tricep from the Yellow Fever one.) At least my insurance will reimburse the money, but I feel siiiiiiiiiick and whiny.

    Edited to add: oh, woe is me, I have to put up with some minor discomfort because I get to go on an exotic vacation, however will I cope?....I've got some major first-world problems today.

    I need this cheese in my life, preferably in my mouth.

    This made me chuckle.

    You can probably buy it, it's just Cracker Barrel (Kraft) brand so it's likely everywhere (and it's good!). And cheap too. Husband loves it.

    It will be mine, oh yes, it will be mine.

  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    @lilaclovebird I went ahead and posted a picture of a couple of the ferrets we are sponsoring (as well as a pic of me eek) in the picture thread in the batcave.
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Dnarules wrote: »
    Woke up to find our dog had died in the middle of the night. She was 11 years old. And we have no idea why it happened.

    One of my kids is devastated. The other doesn't even know yet, and I have to tell her soon.

    I am so sorry for your loss :(
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    If we're still doing confessions, here's mine for the day, then I should REALLY try and get some work done.

    I came to work with my pants unzipped today. I didn't realize this until AFTER I got to my office and called Mr. Mo and looked down to see that my barn door had been left open. I'm not sure if anyone else noticed, or not, but I'm sure glad I did before the day went on any further.

    i once went through an entire job interview with my zipper down. :s
    needless to say i was not offered the position...

    That's why they SHOULD have hired you. :D

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    I was down 2 lbs. this morning. I celebrated by eating a donut. I call that winning.
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I was down 2 lbs. this morning. I celebrated by eating a donut. I call that winning.

    That is what you call a win/win
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    Dnarules wrote: »
    Woke up to find our dog had died in the middle of the night. She was 11 years old. And we have no idea why it happened.

    One of my kids is devastated. The other doesn't even know yet, and I have to tell her soon.

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I would be heartbroken
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    levan11 wrote: »
    I'd also like to point out that it DOES affect me. That money doesn't come from thin air. Everybody will be paying for it in the form of higher prices for pretty much everything. If I am also not getting a raise, that is a double hit to me. Buttttt this is the last I will say on this matter. Zipping my lips, promise! :|

    My mouth is hanging so far open that it might just fall off my face!

    Do you not think the prices of things raise during minimum wage freezes? Do you not think it affects those hard working people?

    I am literally floored......

    I don't care if I get hate for this, but this is one of the reasons so much of the world has such a poor image of Americans and how they think and behave.......

    My sister is American, and is a very high up in a very big company and makes a disgusting amount of money, I would be shocked to hear her say something like this.

    FWIW, I'm American and I 1000% agree with @Italian_Buju on this.

    I find it absolutely ridiculous that we would begrudge somebody making $15/hr when they don't have any problem at all with the CEO of same company making $5,000+/hr. Seriously?

    And, a degreed nurse only makes $20/hr? I did not know that. That boggles my mind. For the amount of money that health care costs, where is all the money going??

    I know people who work as unskilled labor in a warehouse who make $26/hr, non-union, in a state with a reasonable cost of living. Why on earth would they make more than a nurse? Oh, right, because the company is willing to pay up to get employees that will stay.

    Thank you for saying something......I was starting to think nobody had any common sense around here, or that those that do were too shy to speak up and say so.

    I'm sorry, but I have to say it...

    I think some of us are maybe not interested in arguing or reading arguments, is all. Could we maybe take this somewhere else now if you guys want to keep discussing it?

    Ditto - just in case this is still going on (I'm a few pages back). I study politics and love a good debate, but I really don't want this thread to implode. (cue off-key singing) Can you feel the love tonight(this morning)....
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I was down 2 lbs. this morning. I celebrated by eating a donut. I call that winning.

    That is what you call a win/win

    I'm up 1 lb today since last week. I celebrated by having a kolache and a donut. :s
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Except for crayon and coupon (q-pon), I pronounce each of those words interchangeably. I guess it depends on my mood or something.

    I also randomly bust out with a fake British accent. :)

    Doesn't every non-British person? I assume British people will bust out fake American or Canadian accents too.

    I would think that is how Hugh Laurie got the role of House. Frequent random practice.

    Whenever he was on a late night show my jaw dropped whenever I realized he was actually from England.

    My sister was the one who said "You gotta watch this interview with Hugh Laurie!" I was like okay whatever... I went to sit in the chair as she hit play and I missed and fell on the floor! :lol:
    Like, REALLY?! He's from ENGLAND?! :astonished:

    Go back and watch Friends episode "The One With Ross's Wedding Pt. 2. He's sitting next to Rachel on the plane. He has his accent.

    OMG, I thought about that exact same thing when someone mentioned Hugh Laurie
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Confession: I have been wearing lots of sleeveless shirts to the office this summer and I constantly find myself feeling myself up...on my triceps, that is. I have triceps I can feel!!!

    Same. Except, I don't wear sleeveless tops to the office, but pretty much everywhere else. I love having muscles! It's better than having boobs, in my opinion.

    Ha! Yes, but I hate buying new bras...I hate shopping in general but bras and jeans are by far the worst.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    @Italian_Buju -minimum wage nationally in the U.S. is $7.25/hr. States and localities can set it higher if they like. I know, for instance, it's $15/hr in Seattle, but not all of the state of Washington.

    If the minimum wage here in TN were raised to 15/hr, I would get a raise and so would most of my coworkers who do not have masters' degrees, except for the nurses. (I have a bachelors.) however, if you think bachelors degree nurses who are making $20/hr vs CNAs who make $10 or people who make $8.75 to transport patients and deliver food and clean rooms are going to stand for not getting a raise if those people do, then you don't know human nature. It's not that all nurses look down on them (some do - I don't like them); it's that they've put years into their education and training and feel that it brings the hospitals and medical practices more skill. And if the bottom gets a raise and so does everyone else to be fair, then how do we contain costs to the patient?

    It's a problem, but there are no magic wand solutions.

    The problem, is not what you make vs what someone else makes. The problem is that you have CEO's making 8 BILLION dollars a year, while their employees cannot afford food!

    I so agree with this ^. No one needs that amount of money.

    However, I also agree with the other side (please don't hate me-I really like you :) ). I have a bachelor's degree and it put me into a lot of debt. $500 a month goes to debt for my degree alone (it used to be $680 but I did pay one loan off). So, the way I see it is why did I bother going to school if I'm not going to make more than what minimum wage is going to be anyway? I would have been way better off not going at all. I'd have more money than I do now.

    I will also not say anything else on this because I don't want this thread to crash. :)

    But why is that the fault of the person that makes minimum wage??

    I am sorry, but everyone of you that posted about this, all I can see is "I am mad that the person that makes my coffee/cleans my toilet when I stay at a hotel/makes my sandwich at subway, is able to feed their kids, pay their rent and have heat all winter" And quite frankly, it makes me sick to my stomach.

    Some of those people work 40-60 hours a week, doing hard laborious jobs, and you guys do not think they work hard enough to make a living wage?

    Minimum wage has gone up quite a few times in the last few years where I live, and while it does not affect me personally, I am glad the woman that makes my tea every morning on my way to work, might be able to buy something nice for her kid and still pay her phone bill in the same month. And it disgusts me that some people would rather see people like that struggle and not be able to eat every day, because they did not have the same opportunity to go to school that you did. Not everyone is born on the same playing field and gets the same chances, but everyone is human and deserves the same dignity and a living wage.

    Okay so nobody here ever said we think anyone is beneath us. Not once and not at all. And no one said we would like to see people to continue to struggle. You're right it's not their fault, but it's my fault that my dad worked his butt off so I could get a good education? No it's not. We're not saying that anyone is below anyone or they don't deserve to make money when they work hard, so please quit saying that.

    It's not a bad thing to disagree with people and have different point of views but your posts come across a bit mean to me.

    Well your whole POV on this subject comes off very mean to me. So, your dad worked his butt off so you could go to school. What about the ones that do not have a dad to do that?

    That is what I mean about opportunity. If you are lucky enough to be able to go to school, awesome, good for you, but that does not make the people that did not get that same chance worth any less.

    And while you might not have come right out and said they are beneath you, you certainly think they do not work as hard as you do, which is totally wrong. You came right out and said that, or agreed with it anyway (I do not quite recall).

    As far as the bolded, what exactly are you saying then? The deserve to make money, just not enough to actually live off?

    So you believe that everyone should have the same income no matter what their job? I don't think I should be penalized for having parents who worked hard so I could go to school. There are TONS of people who don't have parents to send them to school who get scholarships and loans and put themselves through school. It's possible if you want it bad enough. I was lucky and my parents helped me but I'm still paying off school loans from college too.

    I think college should not be so outrageously expensive. Unfortunately for me, I do have a good salary. My reward? I get to pay $25,000 per year out of pocket for my daughter's college education.

    Everybody should have the opportunity to pursue higher education if they wish, without coming out of school with a massive debt. If they decide not to go to school, they should still be able to afford to live.

    Should everybody have the exact same salary? No, of course not. I don't remember seeing anybody suggesting that. But, everybody should have the opportunity to make a living wage.

    I'm not trying to argue- but I think the point that some of us are wondering about is why go to school if people who don't are just going to make the same amount? Why are you shelling out so much money for your daughter to go to school if people who don't will make the same amount? That's all. I don't look down on people, I'm grateful for all that I have, I have the potential to make more but I want to help people and I'm a social worker. I always tip close to 50% as myself and my siblings have waited tables. It's hard work. I'm just genuinely curious about why go to school if you aren't trying to make a better life.

    Because she has a passion for history. That's why I believe that a college education shouldn't be so outrageously expensive. Will she make her fortune with an education in history? Probably not. But, will she be moving forward with a field that she loves? Yep. That makes it worth it to me.