

  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    I am already over calories for the day and haven't even had dinner. (Who knew Lennys Subs cookies were 350 calories each?!)

    After work, I rode my bicycle for a fast, hot ride (almost an hour), then only had 1 slice of pizza for dinner (at a volunteer training meeting). I still had enough calories left for ice cream before bed!
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    quoted instead of edited. *face palm*

    We've all done that AT LEAST once(or five times...).

    At least you didn't fall off the treadmill?

    Sorry @pofoster21 I had to poke a little fun. Hopefully the fall was mostly injury free.

    OH and Sgt. Sexy Pants was in a motorcycle accident on the way to work today! :scream:

    He ran his bike into a guard rail. He's dirty but okay. :lol:
    The motorcycle however.....uhm... Well let's just say he can't afford to take me on ANY dates for a while. :lol:

    And OF COURSE he wouldn't tell me about it until the night's shift is almost over :grumble:

    I am glad St. Sexy Pants is okay. He is blessed.

    Two of my brothers wrecked the same motorcycle last summer and though the bike was fine the first time, the brother who bounced 200 Ft down the guard rail was in my trauma center for 8 days with four ribs remaining intact and a punctured lung. That was Memorial Day. On Independence Day, my oldest brother borrowed the bike because his was in the shop. A deer jumped the guardrail and the bike the deer and my brother skidded 200 yards down the interstate. Dead deer. Bike in pieces. Brother in my trauma center on a vent with collapsed lung, three broken ribs but only a crack in his pelvis because he lifts and his muscles held everything in place. (that's really why I lift now, it saved his life) I told bother #3 that if he got on his motorcycle on Labor Day weekend, I would break his ribs myself.


    Wow! So sorry to hear about the accidents, but I am glad your brothers are doing better! Do you think brother number #3 will listen?
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Thank you everyone for the cheers.

    These are the two sets I got:


    Satisfies my jewellery needs while being practical.

    Are these fitbit covers?

    Yes. For my flex.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    I committed to baking a PannuKakku (Finnish dessert like a custardy French toast served with jam) for daycare's cultural potluck on Friday. I love it. I will have to resist the urge to faceplant in it. I love desserts that aren't super sweet (I will almost always pick a lime/citrus/nut something or other over caramel bc I'm weird like that) but I don't usually eat desserts (which is weird for a baker, I know). I eat like 1/2 a Hershey's mini and I'm good lol. I'll actually eat 2 tbsp. of homemade nut butter (I make mine without sugar) before a brownie.

    Are you Finnish?

    I ask because the SO is and Finn pancakes are often a supper meal at our home. He's never mentioned or produced that dessert, however... surprising, considering his sweet tooth.

    He's a total Finn food snob, lol. He sneers at the fundraiser Pulla I occasionally buy, saying it's nowhere as good as his mum's.

    DH is lol... He's from the UP of Michigan (which has the highest concentration of Finns outside of Finland). My Pulla is decent but nothing compared to his grandmother's. He misses her food a ton (she's been dead about 5? years). I can make some stuff and I wish I knew the language but other than a few sentences, I don't.

    I'm Irish (one side grandparents off the boat, the other side, one was off the boat) and a trace Serbian. I make a mean soda bread ;)

    SO's mum was off the boat, Dad's side had been here a few generations. I'm off the boat (well, it was plane) Scottish.

    I should mention that he may sneer at the inferior Pulla, but still manages to put aside his principles and gobble it up.

    I don't attempt any Finn dishes, that's his department. But I make killer stovies.

    I hate stovies!!

    I'm a scots girl born and bred - from the borders.

    Aberdonian here.
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Yay!! Hit my 30 lb down goal. Time for some new pretty wristbands for my flex.

    I love you guys for keeping me on track!

    Woohoo, that's a great milestone achievement!

    I've actually been considering one of the Tory Burch double-wrap bracelets for "dressy" occasions, although the price is ridiculous. I tend to just wear my filthy old flex band because I've had it on for so long I just forget it's there, it's like part of my arm now.

    @ythannah those bracelets are gorgeous & I would assume most people would think it's just a regular bracelet.

    I was thinking if I get to goal again 147-153 I might buy one of her flats or a wallet; however, I have heard mixed reviews on her shoes.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    I have already mentioned my love of Tory Burch but feel the need to do so again...I LOVE TORY BURCH <3
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Yay! Hi @Susieq_1994!!!!!! :smiley:

    Hello. :blush: It's been a while.

    It's good to hear from you. You've been missed :)

    This! I smiled when I saw your first post. :smiley:

  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I have already mentioned my love of Tory Burch but feel the need to do so again...I LOVE TORY BURCH <3

    Lol, I'd never heard of her until fitbit started promoting her first set of flex bracelets.
    ythannah wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    I committed to baking a PannuKakku (Finnish dessert like a custardy French toast served with jam) for daycare's cultural potluck on Friday. I love it. I will have to resist the urge to faceplant in it. I love desserts that aren't super sweet (I will almost always pick a lime/citrus/nut something or other over caramel bc I'm weird like that) but I don't usually eat desserts (which is weird for a baker, I know). I eat like 1/2 a Hershey's mini and I'm good lol. I'll actually eat 2 tbsp. of homemade nut butter (I make mine without sugar) before a brownie.

    Are you Finnish?

    I ask because the SO is and Finn pancakes are often a supper meal at our home. He's never mentioned or produced that dessert, however... surprising, considering his sweet tooth.

    He's a total Finn food snob, lol. He sneers at the fundraiser Pulla I occasionally buy, saying it's nowhere as good as his mum's.

    DH is lol... He's from the UP of Michigan (which has the highest concentration of Finns outside of Finland). My Pulla is decent but nothing compared to his grandmother's. He misses her food a ton (she's been dead about 5? years). I can make some stuff and I wish I knew the language but other than a few sentences, I don't.

    I'm Irish (one side grandparents off the boat, the other side, one was off the boat) and a trace Serbian. I make a mean soda bread ;)

    SO's mum was off the boat, Dad's side had been here a few generations. I'm off the boat (well, it was plane) Scottish.

    I should mention that he may sneer at the inferior Pulla, but still manages to put aside his principles and gobble it up.

    I don't attempt any Finn dishes, that's his department. But I make killer stovies.

    I hate stovies!!

    I'm a scots girl born and bred - from the borders.

    Aberdonian here.
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Yay!! Hit my 30 lb down goal. Time for some new pretty wristbands for my flex.

    I love you guys for keeping me on track!

    Woohoo, that's a great milestone achievement!

    I've actually been considering one of the Tory Burch double-wrap bracelets for "dressy" occasions, although the price is ridiculous. I tend to just wear my filthy old flex band because I've had it on for so long I just forget it's there, it's like part of my arm now.

    @ythannah those bracelets are gorgeous & I would assume most people would think it's just a regular bracelet.

    I was thinking if I get to goal again 147-153 I might buy one of her flats or a wallet; however, I have heard mixed reviews on her shoes.

    I want the rose gold one... but I don't $175 want it...

    And never mind "if" you get to goal again, that's "WHEN" you get to goal! So you might as well start browsing now.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I had a dream last night that I started SL 5x5. I was at the Y and I was completely lost on what to do and what machine to use and NO ONE would help me, they all just continued doing their thing even though I looked like a lost child hiding the clothes rack.

    This is my fear. I will get up the courage to start and will be totally lost and no one will help me, so I just take myself back to the cardio stuff because it's easy and I have yet to hurt myself on it.

    I have anxiety over this. :(

    You can ask me or quiksylver! (Or Lois - I think that's what she is doing too). Have you looked at the app yet?

    Very briefly. I watched the video for workout A but haven't gotten around to watching workout B yet. I am planning on starting next week, so I will watch B sometime this weekend or something. My plan is to supplement my HIIT with the SL 5x5 so I will do it on Tuesday and Thursday and maybe Saturday. I don't know yet, because I haven't checked out the program yet.

    Any help you ladies could offer, would be tremendously helpful and greatly appreciated.

    Don't mind me listening in on your advice. I have every intention of starting Stronglifts at some point.

    eta: spelling, oy

    We may need to start an SL 5x5 thread in the batcave since so many of us are either doing it or going to start doing it. I'm pretty excited about seeing what my body can not only look like, but also, what my body can DO. My goal is more Ronda Rousey and less DLB. B)

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    @Italian_Buju on the cookies, it probably would be a little easier to use Pilsbury but I've never bought store bought cookie dough in my life, honestly, and it only takes a minute to mix anyway. Plus I don't think it'd ever stay good in the fridge long enough to use an entire package as I only have a cookie once a month or so, probably.

    On the long hair at the gym thing, it baffles me too. My hair is somewhere between bra-band and waist-length and I need it in a ponytail at least, with a headband to keep it totally off my face. And I am NOT cute when I work out anyway as my face turns so red it's almost purple when I run. Strangers ask if I'm okay. I'm fine and I don't even feel super winded or anything, but I look on the brink of collapse, lol.

    @FluffySandwich, you should check out the conservation efforts for rhinos going on at game parks in both eastern and southern Africa, it is astounding and really gives me hope. There are wardens who are literally rhino bodyguards who even stay with them all night, every night, to keep them safe from poachers. It's really incredible and the men who do it are just the best examples of humanity doing things right for the Earth. White rhinos might not be saved, I know, but there are others and there are a lot of people out there doing everything they can for them.

    This! I went for a 8 mile run and a cute old man told me to stop and have some water... I was like thanks but I'm fine.... I kinda get jealous of anyone who looks like a goddess after working out, I'm a giant ball of sweaty, red grossness lol

    Me too and I have this huge vein in my forehead. If I'm not a sweaty veiny mess, then I didn't do it right.

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I had a dream last night that I started SL 5x5. I was at the Y and I was completely lost on what to do and what machine to use and NO ONE would help me, they all just continued doing their thing even though I looked like a lost child hiding the clothes rack.

    This is my fear. I will get up the courage to start and will be totally lost and no one will help me, so I just take myself back to the cardio stuff because it's easy and I have yet to hurt myself on it.

    I have anxiety over this. :(

    Awwww I'm sorry you feel this way. :( Makes me wish I lived nearby to take you. <3

    I would REALLY love that! I don't think Mr. Mo would be okay with me moving to England just so I'll have a lifting partner. :wink:

    Oh :disappointed: Ok. No even for a couple of months until you get the swing of it?

    Unfortunately, no. He's quite selfish like that.

  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    So, finally heard back from the director today. She and the psychologist are coming to the house tomorrow at 10:30 to see Raelynn. This whole process just seems weird, but I guess that's what they do.

    My guess would be they can get a better idea of her needs in her 'natural' environment. I hope you get the help you need!
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Does anyone have any sites that they would recommend that would show good form videos for lifting?

    Good videos, do what to do and what NOT to do, common issues and common pains and where you are going wrong. I lived by this website.
    I had it on my phone and if something didn't feel right I referred to the website.


    Thanks for the link going to go check it out now.

    Also wanted to say to all the women who lift that post in here you're AWESOME!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Yay! Hi @Susieq_1994!!!!!! :smiley:

    Hello. :blush: It's been a while.

    It's good to hear from you. You've been missed :)

    Thank you. :) I wasn't too sure if many people noticed that I wasn't around--I know a few did, because they PMed me.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    SUSIE! Welcome back! I'll give the picture posting a shot. Thanks!

    Your efforts to make the thread a safe place for me are a major reason for why I came back--couldn't let all of it go to waste, after all, could I? :)
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    @Glinda1971 congrats! I'm so excited for you!

    @Susieq_1994 welcome back! Hope you are doing well! Also I came to the realization today that there is a gourmet donut shop down the street named Susie Q's, please tell me you make donuts too! Lol

    Ha, that's funny. :p Nope, unfortunately fried desserts are not something I'm at all talented in--I've never made a donut in my life. That might actually be a fortunate thing, though.... ;)
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Yay! Hi @Susieq_1994!!!!!! :smiley:

    Hello. :blush: It's been a while.

    It's good to hear from you. You've been missed :)

    Thank you. :) I wasn't too sure if many people noticed that I wasn't around--I know a few did, because they PMed me.

    Even if some of us don't mention it, it's definitely noticeable when you're not around :(
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Yay! Hi @Susieq_1994!!!!!! :smiley:

    Hello. :blush: It's been a while.

    It's good to hear from you. You've been missed :)

    Thank you. :) I wasn't too sure if many people noticed that I wasn't around--I know a few did, because they PMed me.

    Even if some of us don't mention it, it's definitely noticeable when you're not around :(

    Yep :) I assumed you were avoiding the storm though...and I don't blame you, as I was pretty seriously considering bailing at that point too...but no worries, glad to see you back!
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Yay! Hi @Susieq_1994!!!!!! :smiley:

    Hello. :blush: It's been a while.

    It's good to hear from you. You've been missed :)

    Thank you. :) I wasn't too sure if many people noticed that I wasn't around--I know a few did, because they PMed me.

    Yes, dear one, we missed you very much!! I need to add you to my friends list!
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    I just inhaled a Lamar's donut while walking around my the dark. I do not regret this decision in the least.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    @WestCoastJo82 Can you tell me the name of the lifting program you do? I'm at work with the overly zealous interwebs filter, so I probably can't look it up here. But can you tell me the basic lifts you do? We have a power rack at home and I'm wondering if the lifts are ones I could manage at home.

    ETA: Strong Lifts? Is that it?
    Yes! Strong lifts 5x5 is the name of the program. If you have a power rack at home you are completely set! (And I'm insanely jealous of you and @ythannah). SL is just two workouts that you alternate - three lifts per workout, 5 sets of 5 reps (except deadlift, that's only one set). A is squat, bench, row and B is squat, overhead press, deadlift. Ideal programming is three times a week, but I only do twice a week sometimes and I'm still steadily progressing. If you download the free app it tells you when and how much to up your weight (which is everytime unless you fail) and will tell you to decrease weight if you fail too many times in a row. Also has a nifty timer built in to make sure you're resting enough between sets.

    Perfect! Thanks for the info! I think I'd like to try that out after I finish up with the last 10-12 lbs I wanted to lose. I've never done a dead lift and am irrationally worried about hurting my back somehow... heh... I think I'll watch some videos re: form and such... or just ask Mr. Jenni, cuz he know that stuff. Maybe it can be something we do together!

    Don't be afraid! Form videos are your friends, as is starting slow with low weight to get your form correct before you could hurt yourself, and definitely include Mr. Jenni!
    I am the clutziest person around, I'm lifting weights many would consider heavy now, and if I can get here damage free, I promise, you can too!
    Also, no need to wait (for the last few pounds) to start lifting unless you want to. You can get newbie lifter bonus points even in a deficit. You might not progress as quickly as you could eating at maintenance but you can still get strength gains. I circuit trained all through my weight loss and definitely got stronger.

    I agree with everything said here. And the bolded is me all over, I'm one of those people who would fall backwards off the treadmill, which is why I run in the park on the grass instead. lol
    And you definitely shouldn't wait, so many times I've read on the success stories that they wish they had started it sooner, so I started when I was 215lbs. :smile:

    I'm 2 weeks in on a weights routine (with trainer and horrendeous DOMS) at 213lbs

    The DOMS die down after a couple of weeks. Just keep going at it, make sure you drink plenty of water and try to fit in a protein shake. I found a low cal on in Holland & Barrett

    87Kcal a serving and the cookies and cream one tastes AMAZING as long as you don't use warm water. Then it's not so good.

    and Edit because YAY! Go you for doing weights! I'm so proud of you! <3

    do protein shakes help? Do you mix the powder with water? or milk?

    Uh that's the big debate. I kinda feel like it does, but now I'm on low-carb I can't hit the protein macro without it, I just can't eat that much, it's easier to chug a protein shake. I started having protein shakes because I just felt like I wasn't recovering well enough. By Friday I wasn't lifting as well as I did on Monday and just felt fatigued. But if you feel great without it then by all means skip the protein shake and have an egg or something, it's just as good.

    Which ever one you prefer. When I'm in the office I just use water but on the weekends after me and the SO come back from a run I make us one with milk and ice in the blender so it's more of a milkshake.

    Oh and the one I linked comes in single serving sachets in the shop if you don't want to commit to a tub right away. I think it comes in Strawberry, Chocolate, Banana, Cookies & Cream and natural so you can try each flavour and see how you feel about it before paying £40 for a tub.

    You should try at Quest bar, lol, soon I am gonna be their spokesperson at this rate, :p

    BTW @MoHousdon Peanut Butter and Jelly was -good- but not one of my faves so far

    Todays is Cinnamon Roll