

  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Yay!! Hit my 30 lb down goal. Time for some new pretty wristbands for my flex.

    I love you guys for keeping me on track!

    Congratulations! That's super great!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I had a dream last night that I started SL 5x5. I was at the Y and I was completely lost on what to do and what machine to use and NO ONE would help me, they all just continued doing their thing even though I looked like a lost child hiding the clothes rack.

    This is my fear. I will get up the courage to start and will be totally lost and no one will help me, so I just take myself back to the cardio stuff because it's easy and I have yet to hurt myself on it.

    I have anxiety over this. :(

    I had anxieties about it. So I've hired a trainer to show me how to use the equipment and give me a programme. Then he can bugger off and i'll go it alone for a few weeks, and then bring him back for adjustments.

    I love the way you speak
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Yay!! Hit my 30 lb down goal. Time for some new pretty wristbands for my flex.

    I love you guys for keeping me on track!

    YOU ARE SUPER GREAT!!! Way to go!!!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    Confession: there is a teenage girl at my gym whom I would love to tell that if she feels the need to workout with her hair down and wear false eyelashes in order to impress her beau, then it may be time for a new beau. And if she is doing that to impress someone else at the gym, then she definitely needs a new a beau. Either way, I wish she would either make an effort at getting stronger or stay out of my way while I make an effort at getting stronger.

    I suppose if I wore false eyelashes, I might leave them on until I got home, but there is no way under the sun that I would try to lift with my hair falling fashionably in my eyes. And leaning on the squat rack isn't exercise.

    My hair and make up turns into a sweaty mess at the gym! And I only have on makeup if I come from work! !

    I confess I judge women running with their long hair down. I cannot stand to have any part of my hair touching my skin. And if I have makeup on I look like a raccoon when done.

    THIS!!! I have to run with my hair back completely and then I wrap my pony tail into a bun and wrap it a couple times because not only do I hate having it in my face but I can't stand running and my pony tail going all over the place.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    I committed to baking a PannuKakku (Finnish dessert like a custardy French toast served with jam) for daycare's cultural potluck on Friday. I love it. I will have to resist the urge to faceplant in it. I love desserts that aren't super sweet (I will almost always pick a lime/citrus/nut something or other over caramel bc I'm weird like that) but I don't usually eat desserts (which is weird for a baker, I know). I eat like 1/2 a Hershey's mini and I'm good lol. I'll actually eat 2 tbsp. of homemade nut butter (I make mine without sugar) before a brownie.

    Are you Finnish?

    I ask because the SO is and Finn pancakes are often a supper meal at our home. He's never mentioned or produced that dessert, however... surprising, considering his sweet tooth.

    He's a total Finn food snob, lol. He sneers at the fundraiser Pulla I occasionally buy, saying it's nowhere as good as his mum's.

    DH is lol... He's from the UP of Michigan (which has the highest concentration of Finns outside of Finland). My Pulla is decent but nothing compared to his grandmother's. He misses her food a ton (she's been dead about 5? years). I can make some stuff and I wish I knew the language but other than a few sentences, I don't.

    I'm Irish (one side grandparents off the boat, the other side, one was off the boat) and a trace Serbian. I make a mean soda bread ;)

    SO's mum was off the boat, Dad's side had been here a few generations. I'm off the boat (well, it was plane) Scottish.

    I should mention that he may sneer at the inferior Pulla, but still manages to put aside his principles and gobble it up.

    I don't attempt any Finn dishes, that's his department. But I make killer stovies.

    I hate stovies!!

    I'm a scots girl born and bred - from the borders.

    Aberdonian here.
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Yay!! Hit my 30 lb down goal. Time for some new pretty wristbands for my flex.

    I love you guys for keeping me on track!

    Woohoo, that's a great milestone achievement!

    I've actually been considering one of the Tory Burch double-wrap bracelets for "dressy" occasions, although the price is ridiculous. I tend to just wear my filthy old flex band because I've had it on for so long I just forget it's there, it's like part of my arm now.
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Update : At The Lion King! I admit I am way more excited than my family. Sigh. I think they will be happy once we have seen it. For $179 a piece I am a bit disappointed in these seats.

    The show was amazing. I loved it. My niece and nephew enjoyed it I think. Tip admit to being a bit disappointed in their overall reaction to both being in the city and the show. I would have been overjoyed at their age. They were kind of like...whatever.
    can you take me instead next time? :laugh:

    I'd probably annoy other guests with my excitement for a trip like that.

    I'm glad it seems you're enjoying yourself!

  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I forgot to share my latest NSV with you.

    I went to a baby shower Saturday, and there was homemade cupcakes, veggies and dip, nuts, chocolate covered pretzel sticks, watermelon, pistachio salad, and candy. I filled 2 small plates with veggies and little bit of dip, 1 pretzel, watermelon, mixed nuts, (just a few) 4 buttermints, (which I shared with Mr. Mo) and a small scoop of pistachio salad. I totally skipped the cupcakes!!! I didn't even feel like I was missing out because everyone that ate one, had blue lips and tongue.

    Nice! What is pistachio salad? Sounds yummy.

    Instant pistachio pudding mix is combined with whipped topping, miniature marshmallows, crushed pineapple, and nuts. This particular salad had a few too many marshmallows for me. I'm sure everyone makes theirs different, but this one was pretty good and not super heavy.

    I thought we were the only people who made that! My mom makes it every Christmas. She calls it "snow salad". LOL

    Marshmallows, pudding and whipped cream - yep, salad.

    Yea my sister makes that too. I love it. She also makes one with cherry pie filling (it may be the picture below) and that is super tasty too!

    My grandma made it at Thanksgiving. She called it Watergate Salad.

    Speaking of cherry pie filling - has anyone tried the dessert where you substitute all the liquid ingredients in chocolate cake with a can of cherry pie filling? This is relevant to my interests.

    If this is a thing, I need it in my life mouth PDQ.

    You can mix most cake mixes with pumpkin (or pureed beans if you're into protein - black beans are actually kind of awesome in brownies because the texture is very dense and fudgey), so I would imagine something pectin-y like cherry pie filling would probably work fine too (heck, there's an old Weight Watchers "recipe" where you mix diet pop with cake mix and it still works.)

    I'm not a big cherry fan (I do like fresh ones, but not so much in stuff usually) so I haven't tried it, but I've definitely done some lazy baking with pumpkin and bean and it's totally edible.

    Just stop with the so-easy-even-Ythannah-will-make-it dessert ideas... now I want Pistachio Salad and Cherry Fluff Dessert Salad and pumpkin/black bean mix cake. Stop. Now.


    If you can manage to keep it to a reasonable portion, the black bean brownies etc are actually pretty doable and have passable macros for most people, if you care - I used to make them on 1200/day all the time and eat them for breakfast, haha. Depends on the mix you buy, obviously, but still.

    Mix the pumpkin one with spice cake or similar.

    I am normally a pretty big baking snob with everything from scratch and best-quality and all that nonsense, but it goes out the window if I just want to eat something sweet and not share it with anyone. I'm also the queen of making myself one single cookie. Just one. In the toaster oven.

    Are you throwing pureed black beans into a chocolate cake mix or a brownie mix? And what kind of quantity?

    I don't actually have "macros" as such, I just try to hit 90 grams of protein a day. The rest is dictated more by IBS than anything else. Says the woman currently eating leftover Duncan Hines frosting out of the tub... with an ice cream bar stick.

    Maybe I should save some for my healthy, protein-packed brownies?

    Just reading this gave me goosebumps! I CANNOT stand touching any kind of unfinished wood....I sadly cannot enjoy any kind of Popsicle or ice cream on a stick :/

    Ohh, sorry it affected you so strongly!

    I can't stand the taste of them. I wish they didn't come at the end of the bar, that kind of spoils it. Probably why I mostly stick to drumstick-type cones. But this was a PC Blue Menu kefir bar... love kefir.

    The other taste that bothers me is the metallic taste from metal water bottles. I prefer plastic, even if it leeches all kinds of evil chemicals into my water.

    Glass water bottles for me. I LOVE glass ones.

    I'd do glass ones other than the fact that I'm usually bringing a water bottle outdoors when I do yard work, most of which takes place in the area where the dogs are, and I'm absolutely terrified of breakage.

    I even have one of the fancy infuser type glass bottles (it was a gift)... never been used.

    Oh, and my go-to plastic bottle is a big 32 oz one so I waste less time running indoors for refills. I don't think they make glass bottles that size.
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    Confession: there is a teenage girl at my gym whom I would love to tell that if she feels the need to workout with her hair down and wear false eyelashes in order to impress her beau, then it may be time for a new beau. And if she is doing that to impress someone else at the gym, then she definitely needs a new a beau. Either way, I wish she would either make an effort at getting stronger or stay out of my way while I make an effort at getting stronger.

    I suppose if I wore false eyelashes, I might leave them on until I got home, but there is no way under the sun that I would try to lift with my hair falling fashionably in my eyes. And leaning on the squat rack isn't exercise.

    My hair and make up turns into a sweaty mess at the gym! And I only have on makeup if I come from work! !

    I confess I judge women running with their long hair down. I cannot stand to have any part of my hair touching my skin. And if I have makeup on I look like a raccoon when done.

    Oh, my hair MUST be pulled up!
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Does anyone have any sites that they would recommend that would show good form videos for lifting?

    Good videos, do what to do and what NOT to do, common issues and common pains and where you are going wrong. I lived by this website.
    I had it on my phone and if something didn't feel right I referred to the website.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    I signed up for another season of kickball. It starts this week. It is not "really" exercise but it gets me out and moving around every Friday night. I originally signed up for it thinking I'd make some friends but the crowd that does it is not really my friend age/type/etc. but it IS a friendly and welcoming crowd and nice people so I keep doing it to stay out of my comfort zone and carve out some social time.

    Confession, I'm wishy washy about it because I want to do it but I don't want to do it. So I did it.
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Yay!! Hit my 30 lb down goal. Time for some new pretty wristbands for my flex.

    I love you guys for keeping me on track!

    Congratulations! That's super great!

    This this this. Yay for Glinda! That's so awesome!

    I'm 3.4 lb away from -50 lbs (HOLY COW!) but my reward is my plastics consults lol... I may also get some new running shoes.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    Wow, you all have been talkative overnight!!
    @lilaclovebird - glad SSP is ok after his accident. You deserve to be excited over the losses!! You earned every one.
    Loving all the lifting talk too. I have a two station stack weight set I need to get out of my garage. If I can get that gone, hubby told me we can get the power rack I want to replace it with. I love my StrongLifts and want the equipment to get me as far as I can go.
    When working out, I wash my face and pull up the hair. It is too hot in Texas and your face will melt off.
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    edited July 2015
    Thank you everyone for the cheers.

    These are the two sets I got:


    Satisfies my jewellery needs while being practical.
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Yay!! Hit my 30 lb down goal. Time for some new pretty wristbands for my flex.

    I love you guys for keeping me on track!

    awesome!! :)
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    Confession: there is a teenage girl at my gym whom I would love to tell that if she feels the need to workout with her hair down and wear false eyelashes in order to impress her beau, then it may be time for a new beau. And if she is doing that to impress someone else at the gym, then she definitely needs a new a beau. Either way, I wish she would either make an effort at getting stronger or stay out of my way while I make an effort at getting stronger.

    I suppose if I wore false eyelashes, I might leave them on until I got home, but there is no way under the sun that I would try to lift with my hair falling fashionably in my eyes. And leaning on the squat rack isn't exercise.

    My hair and make up turns into a sweaty mess at the gym! And I only have on makeup if I come from work! !

    I confess I judge women running with their long hair down. I cannot stand to have any part of my hair touching my skin. And if I have makeup on I look like a raccoon when done.

    Oh, my hair MUST be pulled up!

    Same. I don't understand why anyone would have it down? Unless it's at an in between length where it won't stay up?
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    quoted instead of edited. *face palm*

    We've all done that AT LEAST once(or five times...).

    At least you didn't fall off the treadmill?

    Sorry @pofoster21 I had to poke a little fun. Hopefully the fall was mostly injury free.

    OH and Sgt. Sexy Pants was in a motorcycle accident on the way to work today! :scream:

    He ran his bike into a guard rail. He's dirty but okay. :lol:
    The motorcycle however.....uhm... Well let's just say he can't afford to take me on ANY dates for a while. :lol:

    And OF COURSE he wouldn't tell me about it until the night's shift is almost over :grumble:

    omg! that must have been terrifying for you to find out about!!
    so glad he's ok!!
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    quoted instead of edited. *face palm*

    We've all done that AT LEAST once(or five times...).

    At least you didn't fall off the treadmill?

    Sorry @pofoster21 I had to poke a little fun. Hopefully the fall was mostly injury free.

    OH and Sgt. Sexy Pants was in a motorcycle accident on the way to work today! :scream:

    He ran his bike into a guard rail. He's dirty but okay. :lol:
    The motorcycle however.....uhm... Well let's just say he can't afford to take me on ANY dates for a while. :lol:

    And OF COURSE he wouldn't tell me about it until the night's shift is almost over :grumble:

    omg! that must have been terrifying for you to find out about!!
    so glad he's ok!!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I suck at posting whoops!!

    I take it you're posting from your phone. I HATE posting from my phone and I still haven't figured out how to upload pictures so I have to email them to myself and then share them from my computer. It's for sure a pain in my heiny.

    That's what I do too!

    I upload them from my phone to my computer then post them. Hence my often delayed picture postings.

    Feem Lite is free to download and use on both Windows and Android. It basically uses your home wireless network to transfer files--it's very convenient and I love it. It also automatically gives your devices quirky names when it detects them--my tabs are called Green Rhino and Brown Elephant. :p
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    Yay! Hi @Susieq_1994!!!!!! :smiley:
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    edited July 2015
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I forgot to share my latest NSV with you.

    I went to a baby shower Saturday, and there was homemade cupcakes, veggies and dip, nuts, chocolate covered pretzel sticks, watermelon, pistachio salad, and candy. I filled 2 small plates with veggies and little bit of dip, 1 pretzel, watermelon, mixed nuts, (just a few) 4 buttermints, (which I shared with Mr. Mo) and a small scoop of pistachio salad. I totally skipped the cupcakes!!! I didn't even feel like I was missing out because everyone that ate one, had blue lips and tongue.

    Nice! What is pistachio salad? Sounds yummy.

    Instant pistachio pudding mix is combined with whipped topping, miniature marshmallows, crushed pineapple, and nuts. This particular salad had a few too many marshmallows for me. I'm sure everyone makes theirs different, but this one was pretty good and not super heavy.

    I thought we were the only people who made that! My mom makes it every Christmas. She calls it "snow salad". LOL

    Marshmallows, pudding and whipped cream - yep, salad.

    Yea my sister makes that too. I love it. She also makes one with cherry pie filling (it may be the picture below) and that is super tasty too!

    My grandma made it at Thanksgiving. She called it Watergate Salad.

    Speaking of cherry pie filling - has anyone tried the dessert where you substitute all the liquid ingredients in chocolate cake with a can of cherry pie filling? This is relevant to my interests.

    If this is a thing, I need it in my life mouth PDQ.

    You can mix most cake mixes with pumpkin (or pureed beans if you're into protein - black beans are actually kind of awesome in brownies because the texture is very dense and fudgey), so I would imagine something pectin-y like cherry pie filling would probably work fine too (heck, there's an old Weight Watchers "recipe" where you mix diet pop with cake mix and it still works.)

    I'm not a big cherry fan (I do like fresh ones, but not so much in stuff usually) so I haven't tried it, but I've definitely done some lazy baking with pumpkin and bean and it's totally edible.

    Just stop with the so-easy-even-Ythannah-will-make-it dessert ideas... now I want Pistachio Salad and Cherry Fluff Dessert Salad and pumpkin/black bean mix cake. Stop. Now.


    If you can manage to keep it to a reasonable portion, the black bean brownies etc are actually pretty doable and have passable macros for most people, if you care - I used to make them on 1200/day all the time and eat them for breakfast, haha. Depends on the mix you buy, obviously, but still.

    Mix the pumpkin one with spice cake or similar.

    I am normally a pretty big baking snob with everything from scratch and best-quality and all that nonsense, but it goes out the window if I just want to eat something sweet and not share it with anyone. I'm also the queen of making myself one single cookie. Just one. In the toaster oven.

    Are you throwing pureed black beans into a chocolate cake mix or a brownie mix? And what kind of quantity?

    I don't actually have "macros" as such, I just try to hit 90 grams of protein a day. The rest is dictated more by IBS than anything else. Says the woman currently eating leftover Duncan Hines frosting out of the tub... with an ice cream bar stick.

    Maybe I should save some for my healthy, protein-packed brownies?

    Just reading this gave me goosebumps! I CANNOT stand touching any kind of unfinished wood....I sadly cannot enjoy any kind of Popsicle or ice cream on a stick :/

    Ohh, sorry it affected you so strongly!

    I can't stand the taste of them. I wish they didn't come at the end of the bar, that kind of spoils it. Probably why I mostly stick to drumstick-type cones. But this was a PC Blue Menu kefir bar... love kefir.

    The other taste that bothers me is the metallic taste from metal water bottles. I prefer plastic, even if it leeches all kinds of evil chemicals into my water.

    Glass water bottles for me. I LOVE glass ones.

    I'd break them in a day. I can't have glass ANYTHING in my house, and I don't even have pets or children! ;)