

  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So I know I've been away from this thread because I can't keep up... But I got to get this out of my chest.

    One of my kids' friends' mom asked me for a playdate at the waterpark today a couple days ago. I wasn't thinking and said yes... and I got my period yesterday.

    I don't do tampons, but I have a menstrual cup.. which I've never managed to use properly but figured I'd give it another shot... 30 minutes later, I'm scratched, raw, and couldn't get the thing to open. I HATE MY BODY. I can't workout as much as I'd like because my calves are giving out on me, I'm always so hungry before my period that I end up undoing one or two weeks of deficit, and now I can't even do this for my kids.

    Still going but we won't be able to do the things they like the most because I can't go far in the water, obviously. I'm in tears. So frustrated.

    I am so sorry. I totally get this frustration and am grateful my 18 year old likes to take my 9 year old to the water park.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    I'm still catching up from the weekend...

    First, a confession. Another stupid thing that is making me really stressed out is getting everyone coordinated on going to concerts Friday and Saturday this week. I have two people going on Friday with us and then four going with us Saturday. Trying to get everyone their tickets and making sure they are able to meet with us etc is getting me stressed out. I will probably never try to do this again. :) I have bad anxiety right now and it's over kind of a stupid thing... Hopefully everything goes well both days. I ate a lot this weekend and then figured out this is probably why.

    For counseling, we have a guy counselor which shouldn't matter but it's making me nervous too. I hope that he is good and can see my point of view too and help us out. Geeze, I'm nuts but for some reason I'm nervous that he will take my boyfriend's side and think it's no big deal. Like I said, anxiety. He will probably be professional and do a good job but for some reason I automatically thing-guy=will take boyfriend's side.
    Ugh, sometimes I hate being me because of the way my brain works.

    At least I have half of Thursday and Friday off this week.
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Okay so what's Marmite?

    Sounds like a product for pest control. :mask:
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    @Francl27 - I hope you find a way to enjoy the day, even though it will be rough. I know I have bad days during the cycle where all I want to do is stay home and sit in the shower, it's so bad.

    I get so witchy with a B during my PMS. I'm lucky that I don't get many cramps, but I definitely get hangry.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Haha when I showed SO the list he was like well we'll cross off half the things on that list but I have no idea what a chocolate frog is (he must be the only person I know who hasn't read Harry Potter!) So I had to explain to him that Harry Potter things were mixed into that list, it was hilarious :)

    I have never read or watched any Harry Potter, and have no desire to! Actually, are those not kids books/movies?
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Good choices were not made at lunch today. At least it has potassium. :/

    I think you made a good choice. I really like those kind!

    My morning didn't start so good either. I ordered Starbucks and they made the first drink wrong so they gave it to me. So instead of one Starbucks drink, I had two today. :( So double the calories. (I wanted an iced caramel macchiato but they made a hot one first with a bunch of caramel in it).

    Also, just as an FYI-I got our first relationship counseling session scheduled for Aug 13 (it was the soonest that our schedules would allow). Crossing fingers!

    good luck sweetie, i wish you the best!
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    @Francl27 - I hope you find a way to enjoy the day, even though it will be rough. I know I have bad days during the cycle where all I want to do is stay home and sit in the shower, it's so bad.

    I get so witchy with a B during my PMS. I'm lucky that I don't get many cramps, but I definitely get hangry.

    Yeah I just get quiet and withdrawn otherwise I know the hangry will come out.
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    @LBuehrle8 Ok, you're off to the UK very soon. Here's your food list! Some Harry Potter related, some just British stuff that you have to try. In no particular order. (And to the Brits: Yes, I know that nobody in the UK eats like this really! Some of these are just things I miss and enjoy when we visit. Feel free to add to Laura's list!)

    Treacle Tart
    Bangers & Mash
    Cream cake from a bakery
    Curry from a proper curry house (ideally at 11pm after the pub closes)
    Sherbert lemons
    Bacon sandwich
    'Full English' breakfast
    Cornish pasty
    Chocolate Frog
    Spotted Dick & custard
    Pork pie
    Cream Tea
    Fish and chips (ideally eaten with fingers on a beach)
    Sunday roast (pubs are good if nobody wants to cook)
    Toad In The Hole
    More curry

    What is a chocolate frog? and what is butterbeer? I assure you those are not regular British things! Are they more a regional thing Tubbs?


    So things that don't really exist then :expressionless:
    Well, they do now!

    Can you buy them in tesco?
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    No time to read and catch up right now, but here are some pics of the new grandbaby, Lily Kay!

    Beautiful! I thought of you on vacation and was wondering if she had made an appearance yet!

  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    I'm back from vacation, and it's time to get back to logging and exercising after an almost three week hiatus! I tried to make good decisions when possible but didn't stress about it and enjoyed family and friends and drinks and food! Super excited that I am at the same weight today that I was before my vacations!!! Back to life, back to reality...
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    edited August 2015
    Morning Patricia :)

    I'm having some early morning cuddles with Charlie while he watches Madagascar.

    It's Mr Smartie, Mrs smartie, and i's anniversary today. They drove down on Friday night to surprise me. Got the fright of my life when I heard my front door opening at 1am.

    We took Charlie, and my 9 year old niece to the zoo yesterday and had a lovely day in the sunshine.

    Lazy day plans today and I have a table booked at a restaurant in Uxbridge for tonight. We start a new year together today. We've got a lot of work to do to repair our relationships, but half the battle is that we each want to.

    My weight is the same for the fourth week running and I confess I am seriously PO!

    Seriously glad to hear this! I've missed at least 100 pages so not sure what all went on, but glad you guys are doing better!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Haha when I showed SO the list he was like well we'll cross off half the things on that list but I have no idea what a chocolate frog is (he must be the only person I know who hasn't read Harry Potter!) So I had to explain to him that Harry Potter things were mixed into that list, it was hilarious :)

    He's not the only one who hasn't read it.. *raises hand*
    And yeah, what is Marmite?
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So I know I've been away from this thread because I can't keep up... But I got to get this out of my chest.

    One of my kids' friends' mom asked me for a playdate at the waterpark today a couple days ago. I wasn't thinking and said yes... and I got my period yesterday.

    I don't do tampons, but I have a menstrual cup.. which I've never managed to use properly but figured I'd give it another shot... 30 minutes later, I'm scratched, raw, and couldn't get the thing to open. I HATE MY BODY. I can't workout as much as I'd like because my calves are giving out on me, I'm always so hungry before my period that I end up undoing one or two weeks of deficit, and now I can't even do this for my kids.

    Still going but we won't be able to do the things they like the most because I can't go far in the water, obviously. I'm in tears. So frustrated.

    I am so sorry. I totally get this frustration and am grateful my 18 year old likes to take my 9 year old to the water park.

    @francl27 I am sorry you are frustrated and having a hard time. The menstrual cup changed my world for me. I am sorry it didn't behave for you today. HUGS.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    I'm back from vacation, and it's time to get back to logging and exercising after an almost three week hiatus! I tried to make good decisions when possible but didn't stress about it and enjoyed family and friends and drinks and food! Super excited that I am at the same weight today that I was before my vacations!!! Back to life, back to reality...

    Welcome back!
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Haha when I showed SO the list he was like well we'll cross off half the things on that list but I have no idea what a chocolate frog is (he must be the only person I know who hasn't read Harry Potter!) So I had to explain to him that Harry Potter things were mixed into that list, it was hilarious :)

    I have never read or watched any Harry Potter, and have no desire to! Actually, are those not kids books/movies?

    They are kids books/movies but have a decent story to them for sheer escapism value. Quite a few adults (me included) enjoy them.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So I know I've been away from this thread because I can't keep up... But I got to get this out of my chest.

    One of my kids' friends' mom asked me for a playdate at the waterpark today a couple days ago. I wasn't thinking and said yes... and I got my period yesterday.

    I don't do tampons, but I have a menstrual cup.. which I've never managed to use properly but figured I'd give it another shot... 30 minutes later, I'm scratched, raw, and couldn't get the thing to open. I HATE MY BODY. I can't workout as much as I'd like because my calves are giving out on me, I'm always so hungry before my period that I end up undoing one or two weeks of deficit, and now I can't even do this for my kids.

    Still going but we won't be able to do the things they like the most because I can't go far in the water, obviously. I'm in tears. So frustrated.

    Ohhhh, that sucks! First day of mine I would crawl into bed and sleep for 15 hours once the workday was over.

    Hope you manage to have fun anyway... and glad you came back to the thread for a vent!
    I did do a bunch of cooking ahead this past weekend- made Scotch eggs, roasted sweet potato and Sirloin salad, Machado/Avocado/Eggs, Czech meatballs and Almond Butter sauce, Gluten Free/Dairy Free/Soy Free Almond Butter Chia Cake, more Pannukakku with homemade salted caramel sauce and Banana Flan, and a batch of Fire Roasted Poblano and Tomatillo Sauce.

    Wow, it's like the culinary United Nations at your house this weekend!

    @kellienw335 welcome back! Glad your vacation was such a success!
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    I'm still catching up from the weekend...

    First, a confession. Another stupid thing that is making me really stressed out is getting everyone coordinated on going to concerts Friday and Saturday this week. I have two people going on Friday with us and then four going with us Saturday. Trying to get everyone their tickets and making sure they are able to meet with us etc is getting me stressed out. I will probably never try to do this again. :) I have bad anxiety right now and it's over kind of a stupid thing... Hopefully everything goes well both days. I ate a lot this weekend and then figured out this is probably why.

    For counseling, we have a guy counselor which shouldn't matter but it's making me nervous too. I hope that he is good and can see my point of view too and help us out. Geeze, I'm nuts but for some reason I'm nervous that he will take my boyfriend's side and think it's no big deal. Like I said, anxiety. He will probably be professional and do a good job but for some reason I automatically thing-guy=will take boyfriend's side.
    Ugh, sometimes I hate being me because of the way my brain works.

    At least I have half of Thursday and Friday off this week.

    If counselor is any good there is nothing to worry about. If counselor is not good fire him and get a different one. Many hugs and please take care of you.
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    saraherren wrote: »
    My sweet dog passed away this morning and I couldn't be any more miserable.

    i am so terribly sorry to hear this. thoughts are with you sweetie <3
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    I am known at work for making really good cakes, usually from scratch. Today one of the guys is leaving to take a job out of state, so they asked me to make him a German chocolate cake. I made it- box mix, can of frosting. Everyone is raving about how good it is. I don't know whether I should be flattered or disappointed.

    ETA: Yay me, I can follow directions!

    German Choc cake is the one I'm the most tempted to do this with. I never make anything out of a box (My kitchen would have to be on fire first lol) but German Choc Cake from scratch tastes almost exactly like a box mix. If anything, scratch made is less sweet and mild chocolate flavor. The cake is a cinch to make, but the frosting is a PITA. Making the caramel base and throwing in the pecans and stirring til your arms hate you on extremely low heat drives me nuts... My mom asks for a GC Cake every year for her birthday and I do it but every year I swear I'm substituting Duncan Hines...Then no matter how cold/cooled off the cake is, even if you do a crumb coat, frosting it is HARD.

    This is the mix I used:

    It is delicious! It has a separate packet of coconut pecan mix to add in before baking. It is super moist! I baked it in a 9 x 13 pan and frosted it with whatever brand of coconut pecan frosting I grabbed first. (Betty Crocker, I think?)
    Edit: because spelling is hard.

    Would I be driven out of the thread if I admitted that I'd most likely HATE German Chocolate cake? I hate nuts in everything (they can only be eaten alone, unless we're talking nut butter), and I really hate coconut in desserts--and in everything else. I can only eat it plain and fresh.
    German chocolate cake has a special place in my heart. My dad used to buy one for everyone on their birthday, thinking it was our favorite cake. The truth is it wasn't the favorite cake of any of us... except for my dad. I think he convinced himself everyone loved it as much as him. Now it always makes me think about him <3

    I also do like German chocolate cake, and I'm not a big cake person. I love coconut!

    Apparently I loved licorice allsorts as a kid. I have no independent recollection of this.

    My father buys me a HUGE tin of them every Christmas as a result.

    I don't much care for them any more. Next tin is going to the office for the vultures to devour.

    When I was just discovering alcohol and getting smashed with my mates on a regular basis (I'm British, it's what we do) I was somewhat fond of a very strong shot called Aftershock, especially the red cinnamon flavour one. This stuff clears your sinuses and blows your brains out. Paired with me being a total lightweight, it's not something I did often. My dad somehow cottoned on to the fact I quite like the stuff though. When I was about 20 (and drinking like a grown up instead of a teenager) we were out for a family dinner and he buys me a shot of red aftershock to go with dinner. Umm, thanks Papa? Not quite going to compliment the fish course, is it? I saved it till after and downed it in one (the only way to enjoy these things) anyway. I don't drink at all nowadays, but if I did, I bet he'd still buy me red aftershock.

    I drank Aftershock quite a bit in my early 20s too. I don't even know if they make it anymore!
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    No time to read and catch up right now, but here are some pics of the new grandbaby, Lily Kay!

    she is absolutely precious!!