

  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    It's a long weekend here so I am going hiking! We're driving the 3.5 hrs to the mountains just for a 5 hour hike but I convinced my husband it was worth it to prep for Peru. He gets another half hour to sleep before I wake him up because I am excited and I want to goooooooo!
  • longandpink
    longandpink Posts: 77 Member
    I have bipolar and only go out the house when i need to. Hence eating crap and the weight gain.. no more rubbish eating anymore.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    No time to read and catch up right now, but here are some pics of the new grandbaby, Lily Kay!

    Cute name and cute baby. :) Congrats!
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    edited August 2015
    For those who want to know, This is why I am mad at Sgt. Sexy Pants:

    He sent me a text about how he was talking to another coworker

    "She's talking about how she and her father hate the Chinese because they bombed Pearl Harbor."

    I was stunned into silence. I finally responded with
    "I don't even have words..."

    He said: "Are you trying to figure out how that is wrong?"

    I said: "Seriously?! You think I'm THAT dumb?! The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor!"

    He said: "Well now that you googled it."

    All in all, not REALLY anything to be mad about but I gave him a big piece of my mind about how I have not one but TWO parents who served in the United States Armed Forces and my Grandfathers fought in WW2 so of COURSE I would know who bombed Pearl Harbor.

    I bond with my father watching all kinds of war documentaries and I just can't believe he... I really just. UGH!

    I can't believe he thinks so little of me and I'm wondering if I will get past it or not.

    Any tips are welcome. I did send him a text saying I didn't know he thought so little of my intellect and that he really hurt my feelings. I have gotten nothing back. :disappointed:

    So, this strikes me as him teasing without realizing that you are dead tired and can't take it. If I mentioned it again, which I probably wouldn't if he didn't, ask him to choose his teasing times better. No one socializes well after 14 straight days of work and those we love often take the worst of it.

    But I know where you're coming from because my family has military roots back to at least the Civil War. That brother against brother thing totally happened in my family. Some kid in my high school said to me, "your mother wears combat boots." my brother rolled laughing when I said, "She did and they fit me. If you have a problem with it, I can wear them tomorrow to kick your (tush) or I can just do it now, whichever." (curse word changed for the thread) My dad is a Korean and Vietnam Wars vet and has a bronze star with valor. He won't talk about why. He is disabled because of Agent Orange. My mom has a brother on Utah beach on one on Omaha beach. My 2nd & 3rd brothers are decorated combat veterans. My second son is in Jr. ROTC will join the Air Force after school. It's not a subject I would easily be teased about either. The blood, sweat and tears of OUR families water the Tree of Liberty and I am proud of that because someone has to do it. Thank your parents for me.

    That hit me right in the feels.

  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    Confession, I don't log any of my exercise until I am done for the entire day because I don't want people liking my short commute in to work or my 20 minute walk to CVS on work break. And I like seeing the big calorie burn appear when I do.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Confession: I LOVE burgers. I cannot RESIST a burger if it is offered. Officer Austin offered a Jack in the Box Ultimate Cheeseburger and I ate it. All 860 calories. Smurfed up my WHOLE day. It wasn't that great.

    Confession: I regretted that burger a half mile into my run/jog/walk this morning. Now my tummy is SO angry at me.

    Confession: I may never eat a low quality burger ever again. Even if it's free!

    Oh and I TOTALLY RAN this morning. Well more like interval training, but it's SOMETHING! :smiley:

    I had a McD's burger and fries at the airport on Saturday. My tummy was very angry with me too!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Okay so what's Marmite?

    Sounds like a product for pest control. :mask:

    Haha that's what it sounded like to me too!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Haha when I showed SO the list he was like well we'll cross off half the things on that list but I have no idea what a chocolate frog is (he must be the only person I know who hasn't read Harry Potter!) So I had to explain to him that Harry Potter things were mixed into that list, it was hilarious :)

    I have never read or watched any Harry Potter, and have no desire to! Actually, are those not kids books/movies?

    No they're for everyone! They're SO good!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    I'm still catching up from the weekend...

    First, a confession. Another stupid thing that is making me really stressed out is getting everyone coordinated on going to concerts Friday and Saturday this week. I have two people going on Friday with us and then four going with us Saturday. Trying to get everyone their tickets and making sure they are able to meet with us etc is getting me stressed out. I will probably never try to do this again. :) I have bad anxiety right now and it's over kind of a stupid thing... Hopefully everything goes well both days. I ate a lot this weekend and then figured out this is probably why.

    For counseling, we have a guy counselor which shouldn't matter but it's making me nervous too. I hope that he is good and can see my point of view too and help us out. Geeze, I'm nuts but for some reason I'm nervous that he will take my boyfriend's side and think it's no big deal. Like I said, anxiety. He will probably be professional and do a good job but for some reason I automatically thing-guy=will take boyfriend's side.
    Ugh, sometimes I hate being me because of the way my brain works.

    At least I have half of Thursday and Friday off this week.

    Don't worry, if you end up not comfortable with him there are many other counselor's out there! Even if he's professional and all that if you still don't like him you can find another. I'm rooting for you guys! <3

    Yay for short work weeks!!!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    I'm back from vacation, and it's time to get back to logging and exercising after an almost three week hiatus! I tried to make good decisions when possible but didn't stress about it and enjoyed family and friends and drinks and food! Super excited that I am at the same weight today that I was before my vacations!!! Back to life, back to reality...

    Yay you're back!! We missed you!!! Hope your trip was awesome!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    I confess it always baffles me when someone brings up that I am left handed as it is some rare disease. Any other lefties here?

    right here!!
    the "omg, you're left handed?!?!" has gotten a bit old.
    as has the "wow, i never knew you were left handed!"
    ummm....because it doesn't really matter, perhaps?

    But it's so cool!!! You're unique!!
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    Morning Patricia :)

    I'm having some early morning cuddles with Charlie while he watches Madagascar.

    It's Mr Smartie, Mrs smartie, and i's anniversary today. They drove down on Friday night to surprise me. Got the fright of my life when I heard my front door opening at 1am.

    We took Charlie, and my 9 year old niece to the zoo yesterday and had a lovely day in the sunshine.

    Lazy day plans today and I have a table booked at a restaurant in Uxbridge for tonight. We start a new year together today. We've got a lot of work to do to repair our relationships, but half the battle is that we each want to.

    My weight is the same for the fourth week running and I confess I am seriously PO!

    Happy anniversary. I hope things went okay for you all. I REALLY hope you are able to work it out. As you said, you have a good first step since you all care about each other. I hope for the best for you!
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Okay so what's Marmite?

    Only the best thing ever.

    Seriously though, you only need a tiny bit as it's strong. You spread it on your buttery toast. Also lovely on cheddar cheese. We forgot to tell my French cousins about how you only need a tiny bit, and they spread it on their bread like Nutella. No wonder they didn't enjoy it!
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    saraherren wrote: »
    My sweet dog passed away this morning and I couldn't be any more miserable

    I'm so very sorry for your loss! I know the feeling all too well. :cry:
    Were there warning signs or was it sudden? How old was she? She's adorable, by the way.

    @saraherren I'm so sorry about your sweet girl. She was absolutely adorable.

  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member


    One little pot will last you a year. YUM.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Welcome back @Tubbs216 and @girldownsouth

    Buhler - what is the countdown? Have SOOOO much fun!

    I leave on Friday woo hoo!! Thank you!!

    Wow, that is really soon. How exciting. Hope you have a blast!
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Okay, I deleted my last post, but I'm going to reword it here, it's regarding the DLB comments.

    It bothers me that people are being encouraged to be more body positive, and not body shame people who are overweight, but people who are super fit are still picked apart. I get it, I don't want to look like DLB either, but I don't think it's right to say she looks manly or scary. It's still body shaming. Just because she's muscular/fit doesn't make it okay. People wouldn't post things like that about an obese person, or they'd be torn apart!

    I hope that makes sense. I know it's judgment free and I think you are all super great, but I just had to put my $0.02 in.

    I wondered what your 'deleted' meant. Good point. I don't care for that look. I don't care for the anorexic look either. Both are too extreme. But totally get your point. And won't do it again and luckily, its within the hour, so I'll go delete it! :)

    That's totally fine. Everyone's "ideal" varies of course. :smile:

    It may have been mentioned already way back, but there's a double standard on body acceptance. You (general you) can't put down or say anything bad about an overweight person, but skinny people are told to "eat a hamburger" or accused of being anorexic when they're not. For some reason it's more acceptable to make remarks to a skinny person. I'm not sure why. I can only imagine the types of comments women like DLB must get, and while they might be used to it, I know I wouldn't want to hear unnecessary negative comments about my body.

    ETA: Now I'm stressed about these posts. I am not trying to stir anything up so I hope nobody takes offence to me stating my opinion.

    I've heard it all my life, from my mother's "Men like women better who are pleasingly plump" to my coworker's "You look too skinny to live" to another coworker's "So.... *kitten* happens to skinny people too, eh?" when she overheard me talking to someone else about my lymphedema, like it was a trade-off for not being overweight.

    I don't care for that DLB woman's body either... not sure how much of the look can be attributed to prepping and flexing and posing and possibly even a little graphic enhancement, however... but I don't have a hope of ever achieving that physique either, it's just not in my genes. Maybe if it was remotely possible I'd try for it, who knows? Everyone's goals and ideals are different.

    This is more like what I can realistically aim for:


    I can appreciate that.

    I takeaway 3 things from this image:
    1. She's nicely tan. I'm quite jealous as I'm like a nicely darker version of fluorescent.
    2. I want her pants.
    3. My hair NEVER looks that nice when I workout. Heck, my hair rarely looks that nice period. EVER.

    My body type is such that this is about all I could aspire to, too (assuming skin removal to even SEE the abs). I mostly want her pants and hair.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    No time to read and catch up right now, but here are some pics of the new grandbaby, Lily Kay!

    She's SO CUTE!!! She looks like such a little person in that last one. Congrats!

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Except for crayon and coupon (q-pon), I pronounce each of those words interchangeably. I guess it depends on my mood or something.

    I also randomly bust out with a fake British accent. :)

    Doesn't every non-British person? I assume British people will bust out fake American or Canadian accents too.

    Ya, I sometimes like to talk aboat things in a fake Canadian accent eh.

    ETA: @MoHousdon if I do an American accent it's normally southern and involves using y'all at the end of everything and replacing the letter E with I sounds.

    Example? Also, the first bit made me chuckle. That's pretty much how I imagined it would be. :smiley:

  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    Marmite and Vegemite both sound painful to eat. lol