
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    This is why I have to have a list with me in the grocery store. If I don't have something to limit me somewhat, I will just roam the store and toss in whatever sounds good at the time.

    I've saved a lot of money since meal planning and writing a list before I go food shopping. Almost halved the amount I spend, and now we throw out hardly any food that has gone off because we eat to a (semi-)plan.

    High five! Are you doing the weekly meal planning or doing the planning for each meal per day?

    I pinned a lot of recipes yesterday on Pinterest & will try to go through them today & tomorrow.

    I sit down on Sunday morning and plan for the week, then go food shopping with a list and Danny (Danny picks out food he wants when he doesn't want what I want). This week went a bit wonky from when I was feeling a unwell. but mostly it goes ok.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    Me and another coworker have declared war on each other. Any prank ideas are welcomed :naughty:

    Did you tape the receiver button of her phone down yet?
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    This is why I have to have a list with me in the grocery store. If I don't have something to limit me somewhat, I will just roam the store and toss in whatever sounds good at the time.

    I've saved a lot of money since meal planning and writing a list before I go food shopping. Almost halved the amount I spend, and now we throw out hardly any food that has gone off because we eat to a (semi-)plan.

    High five! Are you doing the weekly meal planning or doing the planning for each meal per day?

    I pinned a lot of recipes yesterday on Pinterest & will try to go through them today & tomorrow.

    I sit down on Sunday morning and plan for the week, then go food shopping with a list and Danny (Danny picks out food he wants when he doesn't want what I want). This week went a bit wonky from when I was feeling a unwell. but mostly it goes ok.

    Oh this is great! Good job!
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    This is why I have to have a list with me in the grocery store. If I don't have something to limit me somewhat, I will just roam the store and toss in whatever sounds good at the time.

    I've saved a lot of money since meal planning and writing a list before I go food shopping. Almost halved the amount I spend, and now we throw out hardly any food that has gone off because we eat to a (semi-)plan.

    I started doing the online ordering at Walmart. You get to pick a time to pick it up and they have it ready for you. No impulse buys! My grocery bill has dropped by at least 50%!

    I looked into that, but Danny is a bit fussy, so I prefer him to pick what he wants, so he can't complain when he doesn't want it. Which hasn't happened yet, so it must be a good thing. :)
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    My boss just scheduled a conference call at 11:30, meaning I will likely miss my yoga class at 12:00. I am seriously angry about this! Don't mess with my yoga, people! >:)

    I am a nicer person if I don't miss yoga. Hope you isn't have to miss it
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    Confession: I have a new found obsession for swig sugar cookies :love: I feel like I'm like a sugar cookie connoisseur hahaha they're my favorite type of cookie! Swig cookies are more cakey and less sweet than my first love of Great Harvest sugar cookies which are bigger, firmer, and a ****ton more calories! Don't get me wrong I'll still eat both without a hesitation lol just wanted to put that out there! :lol:

    Up until this Valentine's Day I would not have thought to kindly about sugar cookies.
    Someone at work brought some in that were fantastic. It was all I could do to stay away from the break room
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    Confession: I ate Ben and Jerry's The Tonight Dough AND candy cane Hershey's kisses (stashed those babies away at Christmas) Saturday night after my meet. Neither one seemed to taste as good as they used to! Nooooooooo! I don't want to be one of those people that are all "sweets don't even taste good to me anymore." The Blue Bunny Cherrific Cheesecake ice cream is still awesome, so there's that.

    Honestly back when I could still eat The Tonight Dough it wasn't as good as half baked. Good news for your micro spread I guess though on the positive side!

    P.S. Have you tried carrot cake kisses? I have heard good stuff!

    I tried Half-Baked when the store was out of The Tonight Dough. I am (or was?) definitely Team Tonight Dough.

    I've never tried the Tonight Dough but I always see it. I did pick up 2 boxes of the new handheld pints that they came out with. The reeses and the cookie dough. I haven't tried them yet but I couldn't pass them up...they were calling to me and I'm not even a huge ice cream person just a horrible impulse buyer I guess haha!

    Dude you & I both! I could have a cabinet/freezer full of junk food & then go shopping for regular groceries & see a new shiny junk food & it's all over.

    Example: Duncan Hines has new mug cakes (four to a pack) & I picked up two boxes of different flavors at Wal-Mart.

    Mug cake?! On the look out. I have so many snacks and candy! I think it's like a security blanket, I just need it there. I have candy in the freezer from months and months ago but when I want a treat I'll just go out and buy something haha!

    Same! Sometimes I hate working in retail, because it's inevitable that I'll see something new in my store & have to buy it.

    Ya that would be tough! My go to for an every night dessert was the chocolate chocolate donuts from 711...250 cals and 190 sodium and I can always fit those in. Now I may have to start hitting up swig 293 for a sugar cookie and 185 sodium I believe.

    I don't know why I torture myself looking at food all the time but I can't help it lol. I'm so excited for tonight's dinner. Making homemade breakfast burritos. red potatoes, bell peppers, mushrooms, eggs, onions, bacon, salsa, and sour cream wrapped up in a 90 cal G/F (I think they're vegan too) tortilla. I'm not G/F or vegan but they're good and only 90 cals each so I'm all for it!

    Those sound good. Are you going to make extra to put in the freezer for later?
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member

    This will probably be huge but I'm a hardcore cheer mom and this is my baby at a competition a few weeks ago! :heart: Yes it is huge but I don't know how to change that soooo.... :lol:

    She is beautiful! From what I can see she takes after you.
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    I confess I got up at 12:30 am to work on my dissertation. It is now 2:30 am and I have checked facebook, watched some videos on Trump's congressional speech (no comments) and now am checking in here. Sigh. I better get to work.

    I do that an awful lot. It starts out as "I'll just spend a minute... " and the whole time is gone in a blink of the eye.
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    I confess I got up at 12:30 am to work on my dissertation. It is now 2:30 am and I have checked facebook, watched some videos on Trump's congressional speech (no comments) and now am checking in here. Sigh. I better get to work.

    Woot! Revised prospectus and quarter plan submitted! If only I can keep up the momentum.

    I'll be rooting you on!
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    I hope you all are having a good Friday. I had to pop in to work for a couple of hours today, then off to have more fun!! Thanks for the birthday wishes. I had a good day yesterday, but very tiring!
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    This tickled my funny bone this morning! :D


    Now that's funny
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    Laurie6578 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Am I still in 2000?!

    Edit to say YES! I am!

    @MsFlabULess That is a huge achievement that you have read the whole thing! I'm pretty sure I skipped a load of posts when we were posting thick and fast. Part of me actually wants to re-read to see what we were talking about now.

    Quik you are freaking amazing, if it helps, you would get first place if you were against us! Although, Victoria is pretty close competition. I just started from the beginning today, so I have a looooooong ways to go.

    It was pretty interesting lol. I could relate to a lot of stuff ya'll were talking about and there were tons of things I wanted to comment on but they were like a billion years old and I HAD to finish before I commented. I didn't want to be a bingo square :wink:

    Confession: I'm so tired of the freaking snow!!! I wish I could find a job where I could work from home all winter and only have to go to the office the other 3 months. It snowed again today...we get a little taste of spring and mother nature pulls it away! I've been sick of snow since the first snowflake fell. I need to move somewhere tropical!

    Amen! I'm your next door neighbor - Idaho.

    What part of Idaho are you in? I go up there a lot during fire season and other work related stuff.

    Work in Boise, commute in.

    I think that's only like 6 or so hours from me. I used to go to twin all the time. I've only stopped in Boise to eat, last time I was there I was in McCall at the smoke jumper base.

    I went to college in Twin. Was just there last Wednesday for work. :p

    If I end up in Idaho this year for any wild fires I'll be sure to let you know!

    We had MAD wildfires year before last in the Twin Falls (Magic Valley) area, burned up so much of our forests...right now everyone is covered in 5 feet of water. Damn, can't catch a break..

    I hope you are not having mud slides with that rain. So sorry
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    Anyone else dragging *kitten* today? No? Just me? Oh okayy..........>.>

    Yes and today too.
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    Me and another coworker have declared war on each other. Any prank ideas are welcomed :naughty:





    Carmel onions! What a first bite.
    The exploding cake is hilarious but wouldn't it spray frosting every where?
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    I hope you all are having a good Friday. I had to pop in to work for a couple of hours today, then off to have more fun!! Thanks for the birthday wishes. I had a good day yesterday, but very tiring!

    Happy Birthday.
    What are you planning for your fun?
  • MsFlabULess
    MsFlabULess Posts: 224 Member
    raymax4 wrote: »
    OMG! So here comes the creeper post! I was late to the party...majorly a year! I could not jump in and post until I read the ENTIRE thread...yes the ENTIRE THING :neutral: !!! Start to finish! I just finished right now. Creeper fact #2 I feel like I know all of you haha! I could probably tell you 90% of everyone's names and write up an about me (weird I know). I was going to go back and quote the trash bag thing just cause but decided against it even though I used to wear a sauna suit...just the top...the first time I attempted to lose weight. So less with the creepy and more with the confessions! I'm not a binge eater I'm more of a grazer, I like to look and recipes and food menus all the time...yes I know weird, I have finished all of something without even realizing it until I go to put down the fork and put it away and its gone! Sweets are my weakness! Cookies, cakes, donuts you name it! Lets see....I've hidden in closets to eat snacks so I wouldn't have to share with my kids, I've cried over food on several occasions. That's all I can think of for now sooooo...ya hi I'm Taylor!! :smiley:

    I'm a grazer too. Just a little bite adds up when you keep coming back and saying it again.

    Thanks for the welcome!
  • MsFlabULess
    MsFlabULess Posts: 224 Member
    edited March 2017
    Me and another coworker have declared war on each other. Any prank ideas are welcomed :naughty:

    I will DEFINITELY do the mouse one! So perf hahah!
  • MsFlabULess
    MsFlabULess Posts: 224 Member
    solieco1 wrote: »
    I "accidentally" spilled tea on my fries recently so I wouldn't eat them at a business lunch. I had to make them gross to avoid them. I tasted one with ketchup anyway.

    Hahaha that is AWESOME!