

  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    How do I explain to a nice older woman in the waiting area with me it's not ok to play your iPad in public without headphones?

    Say you have sensitive hearing or you have a migraine & the noises aren't helping.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Bry_Lander wrote: »
    Bry_Lander wrote: »
    A guy at work was telling me how he waited for a shuttle for an hour for a 3/4 mile trip to his hotel, and then how he was using the elevator to go down 2 floors, and I judged him...

    How much luggage did he have? Definitely judging the elevator down two floors though.

    The shuttle was to and from a casino, so no luggage. For the elevator ride, it was just him carrying a notebook. Yes, of course, anyone could be disabled, but that wasn't my impression. That is why I shared this observation in this forum, as to not get judged for being judgmental ;)

    Ok with that explanation I confess to judging the guy too. We weren't judging you, merely asking for more information. :)

    This. :)
    I work with two women that I judge every single workday for not being able to walk from the elevator to their desk without stopping. If they didn't both have diabetes and eat powdered donuts or candy bars daily, I wouldn't. But I cannot understand knowing that your eating habits are badly affecting your health and refusing to change them. It's such a fixable problem.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    How do I explain to a nice older woman in the waiting area with me it's not ok to play your iPad in public without headphones?

    I don't know. At our hospitals, we have signs that say "A quiet space is a healing space. Please use ear buds in waiting areas." There are some that say "please speak softly" and "please do not raise volume on TVs" after that too.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Confession- my 10-year-old nephew is spending the night tonight with my son. I'm going to hide out in my hot tub with an adult beverage (that I logged and made fit my macros).
  • Ralphone
    Ralphone Posts: 1,854 Member
    P s I ran 3 miles before hand .
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    edited April 2017
    Holy crap is this guy for real? His voice is amazing! For those of you in England is Tom Bleasby a huge star over there? This is what the radio needs nowadays. I somehow happened upon this performance on the Smule karaoke app then had to Google him since I realized he had released a single.

    The lady in the video is also talented, but the guy's voice blew me away.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Ralphone wrote: »
    I just ate stuffed pizza for dinner and a Nutella Pizza for dessert. I logged them too. Lol it was good.

    Sounds amazing!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Ralphone wrote: »
    P s I ran 3 miles before hand .

    Pay for play?
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Good thing I'm not celebrating Lent... I just had 6 Bluebird chocolates and 5 Dove hearts. Off to log it. :/

    My eating is out of control...

    I'm not sure "celebrating" is the word for Lent, but I appreciate the sentiment. I have kept Lent for all of my adult life and this is the first year I have really wanted the thing I gave up. I have a candy problem when I am stressed.

    I am dying to watch movies, if that helps any. I don't even remember the last time I went so long without a movie! I always crave what I gave up....if I do, it was not much of a sacrifice, right?

    I always want it, so I spoke badly, but I never seriously consider having it and this year I am. It's a combination of stress about my job and lack of sleep due to working overtime to reduce the stress at my job. I keep hearing this tempting little voice, "chocolate would wake you up." it is not true. Only sleeping 7 hours a night helps, but I'm feeling weak with 11 days left.

  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I'm a nut for Diet Pepsi, almost on the level of Mo's obsesh with Dr. Pepper. So whenever I read "DP", I think Diet Pepsi. As it should be. ;)

    I miss soda
    I used to love Dr Pepper and Root Beer
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I confess that I am afraid to ask Taylor about myself because I don't remember what all I have confessed here. :wink:


    I will say, Taylor, that is quite an impressive recall you have!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Happy birthday, POF!!!

    Get better, lil Andrew.

    Morning, all. Deep into trial prep for next week. Busy freaking days. Ugh.

    Thank you! Cool on trial prep. Can we get some shots of you in court??? Looking all official and officer like?

    Not sure the judge would be cool with that.

    "Your Honor, can we take a recess so I can get a good selfie?" :D

    Get someone to secretly take it. :) With you on the witness stand and everything.

    I always find it weird Americans can film court cases. Our court illustrators aren't even allowed to draw in there, they just take notes then produce the images later. I suspect doing anything in secret would get you expelled or even charged with contempt of court. Thankfully I've never come close enough to the system to know such things for sure!

    I agree with the weird thing! We aren't allowed to film it either, however reporters etc are allowed in the room.

    The judge actually has to decide on a case-by-case basis (oh, the pun!) whether s/he will allow cameras in the courtroom. They are actually NOT allowed unless the judge decides to allow them. The media petitions the judge, requesting access.

    That was one of the relatively big issues in the OJ Simpson trial.

    On the subject who all thinks that he's guilty?

    On an ID channel show they mentioned that his son could have been involved (I had no idea he had an older son & thought they meant his younger son Justin).

    I feel he's guilty in that he either did it himself, had his older son kill them, or he hired a hitman (and in that scenario he would still be guilty).

    I thought for a long time he was innocent.....but now it is quite clear he is guilty.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Happy birthday, POF!!!

    Get better, lil Andrew.

    Morning, all. Deep into trial prep for next week. Busy freaking days. Ugh.

    Thank you! Cool on trial prep. Can we get some shots of you in court??? Looking all official and officer like?

    Not sure the judge would be cool with that.

    "Your Honor, can we take a recess so I can get a good selfie?" :D

    Get someone to secretly take it. :) With you on the witness stand and everything.

    I always find it weird Americans can film court cases. Our court illustrators aren't even allowed to draw in there, they just take notes then produce the images later. I suspect doing anything in secret would get you expelled or even charged with contempt of court. Thankfully I've never come close enough to the system to know such things for sure!

    I agree with the weird thing! We aren't allowed to film it either, however reporters etc are allowed in the room.

    The judge actually has to decide on a case-by-case basis (oh, the pun!) whether s/he will allow cameras in the courtroom. They are actually NOT allowed unless the judge decides to allow them. The media petitions the judge, requesting access.

    That was one of the relatively big issues in the OJ Simpson trial.

    On the subject who all thinks that he's guilty?

    On an ID channel show they mentioned that his son could have been involved (I had no idea he had an older son & thought they meant his younger son Justin).

    I feel he's guilty in that he either did it himself, had his older son kill them, or he hired a hitman (and in that scenario he would still be guilty).

    He totally did it. We just examined some of his interviews in my interview and interrogation class a couple of weeks ago. Classic domestic abuse behavior.

    Plus I just remembered that he wrote a book If I Did It. Most normal people who didn't commit a crime wouldn't write a book if they had done it.

    I read that :|
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Confession - I kicked a guy out of the squat rack last night at the gym.

    My justification - he was on the incline bench...doing DUMBBELL presses. In the squat rack. :/ So, I asked him to move. He can do that anywhere. I cannot squat anywhere - you gotta be in the squat rack for that!!!

    Then I knocked out two sets of NINE pull-ups. Just to show him who the big dog in the gym really is. :D (I also did a set of 7 and a set of 6.)

    Bully. :wink:
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    OMG! So here comes the creeper post! I was late to the party...majorly a year! I could not jump in and post until I read the ENTIRE thread...yes the ENTIRE THING :neutral: !!! Start to finish! I just finished right now. Creeper fact #2 I feel like I know all of you haha! I could probably tell you 90% of everyone's names and write up an about me (weird I know). I was going to go back and quote the trash bag thing just cause but decided against it even though I used to wear a sauna suit...just the top...the first time I attempted to lose weight. So less with the creepy and more with the confessions! I'm not a binge eater I'm more of a grazer, I like to look and recipes and food menus all the time...yes I know weird, I have finished all of something without even realizing it until I go to put down the fork and put it away and its gone! Sweets are my weakness! Cookies, cakes, donuts you name it! Lets see....I've hidden in closets to eat snacks so I wouldn't have to share with my kids, I've cried over food on several occasions. That's all I can think of for now sooooo...ya hi I'm Taylor!! :smiley:

    Hi, Taylor!!! I'd be very interested to hear your write up about me.

    I've hidden in my closet eating cookies so I wouldn't have to share. I've also cried over food more times than I can count. :neutral:

    Well I know that you loooove friends, your daughter's name is Rachael, you went on a ....I think late.... honeymoon to FL, you live in KS (I have family in KS my mom is from there), you were afraid to start SL but once you started you fell in love...your hubby too, you like bacon cheeseburgers as much as I do, the feature you like most about yourself is your butt! That's all I can think of right now haha :neutral: told ya!

    Well done.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    OMG! So here comes the creeper post! I was late to the party...majorly a year! I could not jump in and post until I read the ENTIRE thread...yes the ENTIRE THING :neutral: !!! Start to finish! I just finished right now. Creeper fact #2 I feel like I know all of you haha! I could probably tell you 90% of everyone's names and write up an about me (weird I know). I was going to go back and quote the trash bag thing just cause but decided against it even though I used to wear a sauna suit...just the top...the first time I attempted to lose weight. So less with the creepy and more with the confessions! I'm not a binge eater I'm more of a grazer, I like to look and recipes and food menus all the time...yes I know weird, I have finished all of something without even realizing it until I go to put down the fork and put it away and its gone! Sweets are my weakness! Cookies, cakes, donuts you name it! Lets see....I've hidden in closets to eat snacks so I wouldn't have to share with my kids, I've cried over food on several occasions. That's all I can think of for now sooooo...ya hi I'm Taylor!! :smiley:

    Hi, Taylor!!! I'd be very interested to hear your write up about me.

    I've hidden in my closet eating cookies so I wouldn't have to share. I've also cried over food more times than I can count. :neutral:

    Well I know that you loooove friends, your daughter's name is Rachel, you went on a ....I think late.... honeymoon to FL, you live in KS (I have family in KS my mom is from there), you were afraid to start SL but once you started you fell in love...your hubby too, you like bacon cheeseburgers as much as I do, the feature you like most about yourself is your butt! That's all I can think of right now haha :neutral: told ya!

    Not bad, but how did you forget her love of Dr. Pepper?

    And sunsets. Other than those little things, I think she nailed it. Although, I'm finding I like my shoulders/arms a lot more lately. I'm so thankful that tank top season is soon approaching.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    I'm a nut for Diet Pepsi, almost on the level of Mo's obsesh with Dr. Pepper. So whenever I read "DP", I think Diet Pepsi. As it should be. ;)

    That's funny! I DO love me some Dr. Pepper. I drank a lot of it last week. Don't believe me, check my diary. :grimace:
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    OMG! So here comes the creeper post! I was late to the party...majorly a year! I could not jump in and post until I read the ENTIRE thread...yes the ENTIRE THING :neutral: !!! Start to finish! I just finished right now. Creeper fact #2 I feel like I know all of you haha! I could probably tell you 90% of everyone's names and write up an about me (weird I know). I was going to go back and quote the trash bag thing just cause but decided against it even though I used to wear a sauna suit...just the top...the first time I attempted to lose weight. So less with the creepy and more with the confessions! I'm not a binge eater I'm more of a grazer, I like to look and recipes and food menus all the time...yes I know weird, I have finished all of something without even realizing it until I go to put down the fork and put it away and its gone! Sweets are my weakness! Cookies, cakes, donuts you name it! Lets see....I've hidden in closets to eat snacks so I wouldn't have to share with my kids, I've cried over food on several occasions. That's all I can think of for now sooooo...ya hi I'm Taylor!! :smiley:

    Hi, Taylor!!! I'd be very interested to hear your write up about me.

    I've hidden in my closet eating cookies so I wouldn't have to share. I've also cried over food more times than I can count. :neutral:

    Well I know that you loooove friends, your daughter's name is Rachel, you went on a ....I think late.... honeymoon to FL, you live in KS (I have family in KS my mom is from there), you were afraid to start SL but once you started you fell in love...your hubby too, you like bacon cheeseburgers as much as I do, the feature you like most about yourself is your butt! That's all I can think of right now haha :neutral: told ya!

    Whoa, that's crazy! @MoHousdon look how well she got you covered! (She forgot Dr. Pepper though.)

    Awesome job, @MsFlabULess! ;) What would you write about me? :p

    Ya'll are right I did forget Dr. Pepper haha! Susie I know that you hate when people spell your name Suzie and that you love to grocery shop. You love to bake and are a sweets addict like me! You don't like cuss words, you were working hard to lose weight to get a fit bit, I don't remember the name of your disorder but when you get a flare up you can't walk and mostly bed ridden, Your birthday is October, and you had the cutest little kitty before you got married. That's all I remember for now lol.

    I'm going to be know as the creepy stalker lady of the group sigh...

    Oooh, do me! Do me!

    That's what she said!!!