
  • ScarletShopaholic
    ScarletShopaholic Posts: 169 Member
    samgamgee wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    paulaviki wrote: »
    My confession today is that I chew the skin around my nails on my fingers, when I'm not chewing them I pick them. It looks gross and it hurts but I can't stop doing it. I'm nearly 33 and have been doing it since I was about 11. Every now and again I stop it but then I always start up again. Nasty habit! :(

    I do this too. My fingers look a mess, but I haven't been able to stop. I don't bite my nails as much as I used to, but I still pick at the skin. I've been doing it for as long as I can remember and it gets worse if I'm anxious or stressed. I'm embarrassed to let people see my hands.

    And it doesn't help that I live in a dry climate so my skin is always rough (I try to use lotion, but it's not enough).

    i peel layers of skin off of the bottoms of my feet and heels. sometimes i rip off too much, hit raw flesh then end up with a slight limp for a few days while it heals....

    I did the peely foot skin thing once, ended up with way more than a slight limp for 3 days - it was weeks before it stopped hurting but then I am a big wuss :)

    It sucks so much! My heeled boots mess* my feet up (I'd usually swear there but can't remember if we're allowed to here!) and they're rougher than they've ever been, I got a foot scrub from Lush but it isn't hardcore enough.

    My confession: just had a row with my OH cos earlier he was teasing me, holding food away from me and saying I couldn't have it - he was just playing around (immature sense of humour in general) but that's a massive trigger for my ex -ED thoughts, and he knows that. He claims he forgot that deliberately and gleefully withholding food from me, in order to tease me, is a trigger. My brain just goes 'nope, that's wise, you're a fat cow, you don't deserve to eat' and my appetite shuts down. I've been doing well recently but this has brought up old stuff.

    My boyfriend thinks he's 'helping' when he tells me I shouldn't eat something because he knows I'm trying to lose weight. Thing is if he says don't I am so eating it plus more just to show him that I do what I want when I want. Then I get annoyed with myself because I really want to lose weight! I confess I am such brat sometimes.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,747 Member
    Confession: I bought a 2+ lbs hunk of prosciutto today because some Target employee accidentally labeled it as frozen turkey breast. It was 1.89$/lb. For freaking PROSCIUTTO!!! I am not the least bit sorry for taking advantage of it, either.
  • ethim
    ethim Posts: 134 Member
    One time at the gym a group of firemen came in to work out...I was like a freakin giselle on the treadmill but was secretly dying.

    This made me laugh - sadly I've never seen a "handsome" fireman...
  • ethim
    ethim Posts: 134 Member
    tiona83 wrote: »
    mziegler01 wrote: »
    I confess that I changed my calorie goal a couple of days ago from losing 2lbs per week to losing 1lb per week and I feel so much better! Those extra like 400 calories to play around with make me feel full and I'm less likely to go over my goal. Plus most days I stay within my 2lb goal anyways, but now I never see red and that feels awesome.

    I also confess that I feel awful about my life right now in almost every aspect except my relationship with my husband and my weight loss...and I'm all right with that. Everyone around me also seems to have their life falling apart on a regular basis and I'm super thankful to have my support rock always there for me. Reading this thread and the silly little posts from my friends on here and seeing their accomplishments every day makes me so much more cheery than going on facebook ever does. <3

    I hate the red numbers. I have my calorie goal set to "maintain". I figure if I'm under that every day, I'll lose. Maybe it won't be as fast, but I won't get frustrated as easily sigh those red numbers.

    Yeah why don't they have orange numbers to allow us to know to "yield" our eating. Big fat read is so depressing even if it's only a red 3.

    This is a fab idea :)
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    ethim wrote: »
    tiona83 wrote: »
    mziegler01 wrote: »
    I confess that I changed my calorie goal a couple of days ago from losing 2lbs per week to losing 1lb per week and I feel so much better! Those extra like 400 calories to play around with make me feel full and I'm less likely to go over my goal. Plus most days I stay within my 2lb goal anyways, but now I never see red and that feels awesome.

    I also confess that I feel awful about my life right now in almost every aspect except my relationship with my husband and my weight loss...and I'm all right with that. Everyone around me also seems to have their life falling apart on a regular basis and I'm super thankful to have my support rock always there for me. Reading this thread and the silly little posts from my friends on here and seeing their accomplishments every day makes me so much more cheery than going on facebook ever does. <3

    I hate the red numbers. I have my calorie goal set to "maintain". I figure if I'm under that every day, I'll lose. Maybe it won't be as fast, but I won't get frustrated as easily sigh those red numbers.

    Yeah why don't they have orange numbers to allow us to know to "yield" our eating. Big fat read is so depressing even if it's only a red 3.

    This is a fab idea :)

    Yeah, yellow numbers until maintenance would be nice.
  • ethim
    ethim Posts: 134 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    I ran my first 10K on Sunday and posted a not too shabby 1:30:22 time. confession: I was so happy when it was done that I cried!

  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    edited April 2015
    A little verbal warning.
    Green: "You're doing wonderful!"
    Yellow: "Whoa nelly, slow down!"
    Red: "Put the fork down fat-ss!"
  • ethim
    ethim Posts: 134 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    I had a breakfast burrito from Santiago's this morning. I fit it into my cals for the day & it was SO AWESOME.

    When my nemesis (co-worker who won't shut up about how I eat) saw it, she was all "Well well well, that sure doesn't look like it's on your diet!"

    So, rather than explain how CICO works for the 20th time, I lied & said "Well, it's a no-carb tortilla, made with egg beaters, those aren't potatoes, they're parsnips, and it's fat-free cheese. Want a bite?"

    She made a face & walked away

    I like the way you dealt with that - made me chuckle.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I confess I love trying to figure out if people are female or male on this thread. When the avatar is ambiguous I tend to think male (Unless it's a cat then I think female) until I figure it out from their posts.

    99% of the time they are female. We need more guys on here!

    Hopefully my toothpick is unambiguous. Bad enough on me, I'd hate to be a male with that arm.

    I gotta ask: Did you think male or female for the alpaca?

    The alpaca was totally female. And I kind of miss it!

    I kind of miss it too!

    I do have a confession. I am failing abysmally at meeting my protein goal. My target is a mere 90 grams a day, yet despite getting 45 grams at supper (currently sitting in my stomach like a rock, blah) I'm only at 76 for the day. Yesterday was much the same, think I was in the 70s.

    Worse, I've custom set my target at 90 grams/day but MFP bumps it up to an even more unachievable amount once I log my exercise. I'd be happy with 90, and even if I manage to throw a yogurt in there later, that'll only get me another 8.

    It's things like this that make me think I suck at being a grown-up sometimes.

    Secret keto protein weapon - pork rinds. I've only found one brand that I can stand to eat as-is, but ground up into breadcrumbs and used to make chicken nuggets or meatballs, you can't taste them, they work just like regular breadcrumbs, and you add a quick 20g of protien.
  • ethim
    ethim Posts: 134 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    I have a confession. I fancy the pants off of one of the personal trainers at my gym. He can deadlift and squat like a beast. I imagine his butt is as firm as a ripe peach.

    A firm ripe peach butt is a thing of beauty and should be savored. ;)

    It's beginning to be the reason I spend so much time there.

    Anything to help with fitness ;)
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I don't know why you all gotta hate on @tincanonastring like that.

    (I am, of course, absolutely kidding. Hoping the alert gets him to come back - we miss you Mr. Onastring!)
    Wow, I confess that I'm a retard. I've always been reading it like Tin Canon A String, not Tin Can On a String.

    What an Idiot. I'm gonna go put my head in a hole now.

    Well, let's make it a party... 'cause I initially race-read "CountessKitteh" as "CountessKeith" -- which immediately brought to mind the ongoing discussion about 'gender reveal parties' (!).

    < looking for the nearest rock to crawl under... >

    It took me a while to figure it out too (tincanonastring). So are you going to fess up to what your name means? I admit to being fascinated. And given your clearly intelligent brain it means something... If only to you...

    You never tied two cans together with a string to make a "telephone" when you were a kid? That's what I think of when I see his username.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,370 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I confess I love trying to figure out if people are female or male on this thread. When the avatar is ambiguous I tend to think male (Unless it's a cat then I think female) until I figure it out from their posts.

    99% of the time they are female. We need more guys on here!

    Hopefully my toothpick is unambiguous. Bad enough on me, I'd hate to be a male with that arm.

    I gotta ask: Did you think male or female for the alpaca?

    The alpaca was totally female. And I kind of miss it!

    I kind of miss it too!

    I do have a confession. I am failing abysmally at meeting my protein goal. My target is a mere 90 grams a day, yet despite getting 45 grams at supper (currently sitting in my stomach like a rock, blah) I'm only at 76 for the day. Yesterday was much the same, think I was in the 70s.

    Worse, I've custom set my target at 90 grams/day but MFP bumps it up to an even more unachievable amount once I log my exercise. I'd be happy with 90, and even if I manage to throw a yogurt in there later, that'll only get me another 8.

    It's things like this that make me think I suck at being a grown-up sometimes.

    Secret keto protein weapon - pork rinds. I've only found one brand that I can stand to eat as-is, but ground up into breadcrumbs and used to make chicken nuggets or meatballs, you can't taste them, they work just like regular breadcrumbs, and you add a quick 20g of protien.

    That just might be a plan! I don't eat meat but it's not an ethical thing, it's a weird squeamish psychological thing, so meat that doesn't resemble meat will work. And pork rinds turned into breadcrumbs will definitely not resemble meat... I would never have thought of that one.

    Thank you!!
  • TinyRaccoon19
    TinyRaccoon19 Posts: 31 Member
    Screw accuracy. I don't want to underestimate my energy intake or over estimate my energy output so I choose whatever food option has the highest amount of energy and when I exercise I record a lower intensity than I felt I actually did or I'll take 5-10 minutes off my workout time. I'm losing weight so far so I'll keep doing it. (I don't have kitchen scales yet.)

    I sometimes record that I've lost weight when I haven't because it guilts me into trying harder and I soon get down to the weight I've recorded.
  • ethim
    ethim Posts: 134 Member
    Talkradio wrote: »
    If I tried to jog with my beagle I'd probably (definitely) fall down almost immediately. He likes to stop and smell every. little. thing. so the first interesting stink would bring him to a dead stop.

    Sometimes I feel guilty that I don't take my dog with me on my runs, but then I remember how ADD she is. She loves running, but I'm afraid of hurting her... She'll be at full gallop and then stop dead to sniff something. I don't want to jerk on her neck by accident :(

    Ha! My dog now refuses to run with me on the leash because I jerked her neck once too often when she stopped to smell the pee-mail. But we have a trail nearby where dogs can be off leash and she happily runs with me there. Since I got pregnant she stays running right by my heels, almost like she's guarding me. I love that dumb dog.

    That seriously made me awww - and I am not a cutsey person.
  • Talkradio
    Talkradio Posts: 388 Member
    I have a friend visiting this weekend, and I'm pretty sure I'm not going to weigh anything while she's here. It isn't a shame thing, but more out of consideration for her former ED. She doesn't even know I've been losing weight.

    I'm a very rigorous measurer (except for my weekly nachos), so this is kind of a big deal for me. Even when I gleefully blow my calorie goals, I still weigh everything. I'm a little afraid I'm going to just go nuts and eat all the things.
  • Talkradio
    Talkradio Posts: 388 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    I also dislike baby showers. Where you all sit there and ohh and ahh over clothes that will just be puked on anyhow. :/
    ps I have no kids, shocker right? :smiley:

    Next time try paying more attention to the politics behind it, you'll have more fun. The baby shower isn't about the baby, so much as it's a competition between grandmothers to see who can outdo the other. Bonus if you have a competitive aunt-to-be or two in the mix. Who spent the most, who got the best reaction to their gift, who didn't show/left early/got there late. If the grandma's don't like each other, or one or both doesn't like the other one's kid, you can play passive-aggressive comment bingo. If there are step-grandma's involved, it may be even more entertaining, especially if the step-grandma is the more responsible or involved than the bio grandma.


    I never had a baby shower. I guess to be fair, we adopted our twins, and we had no match or anything and pretty much got a call saying 'congratulations, you have twins'. So my husband's coworkers gave us $100 and my brother in law gave us a couple clothes. I had no friends to throw a shower anyway, but still, I did feel a bit cheated from the experience (don't get me wrong, I actually don't really like the idea of baby showers and the silly games but it's the principle of the thing).

    And while we were waiting for a match and I was starting to buy things when I found a good deal, the only comment we got was 'are you not getting ahead of yourselves?'. I mean yeah, we waited 2 years, but it was nice to have the stuff ready (even though it turned out it would have been easier to wait as I had a useless single stroller and had to buy another crib anyway). But the whole 'welcoming the baby' thing was pretty much robbed from us.

    Cliff notes - I might be jealous of women who get a baby shower.

    This is how I feel about not having had a wedding. I didn't have a beautiful wedding dress, no flower girl, ring bearer, bridesmaids, no groom in a tux, and saddest of all...NO CAKE!!! My husband was going to try and put together a renewal ceremony for our 15th (June 30th of this year) but I just don't think there's going to time. And now that we're going to be grandparents, I can't really justify spending that money on those things.

    Edited to add: I just really want to eat cake and wear a pretty dress.

    I had a wedding--I HATED it. And I didn't get any of my own cake *sniffle* :'( In fact, I didn't get any of my own wedding food, except the cold leftovers when all the guests were gone. -_-

    That's terribly sad!

    My husband and I didn't save any of our cake to freeze for our first anniversary. We took the top layer home and ate it piece by piece for the next week. No regrets!
  • Talkradio
    Talkradio Posts: 388 Member
    brisloth wrote: »
    I've started eating less than 600 calories a day to speed up my loss. My TDEE is only like 1600 right now, so 1200 is going to get me pretty much nowhere. I'm actually pretty *kitten* proud of myself for how much self restraint I can show.

    Please understand that this is not judgment, but I hope you know that what you are doing is very bad for your health. Please don't go down this road.

  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    mziegler01 wrote: »
    tiona83 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    vmlabute wrote: »
    I wear the same jeans over and over until they get dirty...then I have to wash them

    I can't imagine. After one or two wears, my jeans are too loose to wear. I wash every piece of clothing, every time I wear it unless I only wore it for a couple of hours. Workout gear, I wash every time. I do re-use my towels, though.

    This has become my issue right now. I used to go a week or so wearing the same jeans.

    I've always wished I could re-wear the same jeans but I can't stand the wrinkles behind the knees and at the thighs that jeans get frome when you wear them. I'm a wash after every time I wear kind of gal :)

    I don't mind the wrinkles, but I have the lycra issue BZAH10 mentioned. I can size down in a waist but not my thighs, so if I don't wash my jeans more often they slip down when I sit. I hate over washing because make the jeans lose color sooner (I wear dark jeans).

    Wash your jeans wrong side out. It helps the colour last longer. I sometimes wash a bunch of faded clothes with a pack of dye to darken them.
    I know you might still be loosing weight.... But getting them altered by a seamstress will help with the falling down issue you are having.
    Edited: forgot to say I have big thighs too and have trouble with the waist fitting if I get them big enough for my thighs.

    I hear that on the big thighs. I have to wear pants two sizes too big for my waist to fit my thighs. People are always asking if I've lost more weight than I have simply because my pants gape at the waist and make me look like a weight loss add...nope, just thighs too big. XD

    I have the opposite problem. All my weight is around my middle so I need to have pants with a bigger waist (currently 14) but pants are baggy around the butt and thighs. Makes me look like I am wearing old lady pants!

  • ethim
    ethim Posts: 134 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    paulaviki wrote: »
    My confession today is that I chew the skin around my nails on my fingers, when I'm not chewing them I pick them. It looks gross and it hurts but I can't stop doing it. I'm nearly 33 and have been doing it since I was about 11. Every now and again I stop it but then I always start up again. Nasty habit! :(

    I do this too. My fingers look a mess, but I haven't been able to stop. I don't bite my nails as much as I used to, but I still pick at the skin. I've been doing it for as long as I can remember and it gets worse if I'm anxious or stressed. I'm embarrassed to let people see my hands.

    And it doesn't help that I live in a dry climate so my skin is always rough (I try to use lotion, but it's not enough).

    i peel layers of skin off of the bottoms of my feet and heels. sometimes i rip off too much, hit raw flesh then end up with a slight limp for a few days while it heals....

    Oh, thank god. I'm not the only's like you know better, but just can't help yourself.

    You are not the only one x_x
  • ethim
    ethim Posts: 134 Member
    edited April 2015
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I confess I love trying to figure out if people are female or male on this thread. When the avatar is ambiguous I tend to think male (Unless it's a cat then I think female) until I figure it out from their posts.

    99% of the time they are female. We need more guys on here!

    Hopefully my toothpick is unambiguous. Bad enough on me, I'd hate to be a male with that arm.

    I gotta ask: Did you think male or female for the alpaca?

    The alpaca was totally female. And I kind of miss it!

    Me too - not that you shoulder/arm isn't impressive, they are!