

  • 23susu23
    23susu23 Posts: 68 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    While you guys are fighting over all the red and green gummies and starburst, can I have the black jelly beans, pls?

    I will fight you for those, my friend! Sometimes I can find a whole bag of black ones!
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I am allowing other people too much influence over my actions, and not paying enough attention to what I want and as such, my diet/healthy living lifestyle and exercise is suffering.

    But you realize it and can put a stop to it! Don't let others make you feel guilty for it, either! You take control of your life for YOU. Putting yourself first and others second is not selfish. You can do it!
    thats tough when its your parents or close friends that just never seem to understand. They then make it out so that you are the bad guy.
  • shannonbun
    shannonbun Posts: 168 Member
    mziegler01 wrote: »
    Woo! Go us with our 400 pages. I confess that my feet hurt so bad and I was so tired when I got home from work and I still had like 700 calories left I pulled out a bag of chips and counted out servings logging them as I ate and ended up with 300 calories under my goal. Not my proudest moment: "13, 14, 15...*logs 160 calories*...."1, 2, 3...", but still not as bad as I used to be if I'd had a rough day at work. ^_^

    haha I do that when I've got a lot left over. I input a bunch of different servings first so I can set my limit, but seriously, the other night I was counting out servings of Dots with every one that went into my mouth.
  • shannonbun
    shannonbun Posts: 168 Member
    I cut myself accidentally shaving- just a tiny nick, but it stung a little and bled and I had a moment of wanting to do it again on purpose. I know I won't, that's it's just an echo, but it was strange to feel it again.

    On a different note, I sort of wish I had Resting *kitten* Face, or Resting Impassive Face, or something. Instead I have Resting Despair Face, which prompts complete strangers to try to cheer me up all the time.

    It's weird that after you stop, it's still always there in the back of your mind. I used to in early high school (terrible coping with PTSD stuff) and still, when things get horrible, it pops back into mind. It's weird. Addictions are like that, I suppose, no matter what they are. It definitely is strange to experience it again. Proud of you for stopping and rationalizing it all through!
  • ohgeeque
    ohgeeque Posts: 224 Member
    Confession - Sometimes I pretend I had a bad day so my husband will rub my feet.
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    Great thread everyone! Now that I've caught up to the current posts I can finally post myself. Just getting to this point feels like I've smashed out a huge essay or similar. Like I've done the research required to participate or something.

    I confess I cannot stand listening to people eat. It takes me from calm to mad in 10 excruciating seconds.

    I confess that I have little interest in, nor affection for animals. Despite quite liking my cat, I glaze over with boredom when i see or hear anything animal related. I fake interest when it is unavoidable. Of course i believe they should all be fed and cared for properly and protected but beyond that, well it's just not very interesting to me.

    I confess now that I've admitted to that it may only be a matter of time before someone alludes to this being one of the common traits of a sociopath or psychopath. i guess it's a chance I'll have to take ☺

    I also have no interest in animals. I am not saying I don't care about them...if you are abusing them, you deserve the same treatment, but since I am not an animal lover, I feel like it would be irresponsible for me to own one. I am allergic to cats, and though I grew up with dogs (and loved them), I do not like it when my friends' animals touch me. "I don't want you to touch me and I don't want to be your friend. Go slobber on someone who loves you!"

    Yes! I walked into a gym Tuesday and a dog came up to the gym! He had that look like he wanted to be petted. I walked around him. People looked at me like I had two heads. I don't like other people's dogs. I am mildly allergic and can break out in hives. (I feed my own dog high-end food which helps with my allergies.)
    I can't stand other people's dogs. So gross. My coworker bright in her full size great Dane to the office and everyone oohed and awed as he slobbered over everything! The only dog I was somewhat attached to was the one my ex gave me. I had him for about a year and when we broke up, my parents took him in. Then he was adopted by my aunt on a farm where he is now. I don't really miss him. I will always be a cat person.
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    If I tried to jog with my beagle I'd probably (definitely) fall down almost immediately. He likes to stop and smell every. little. thing. so the first interesting stink would bring him to a dead stop.

    When we lived in our old condo, my husband suggested that i take my cat for a walk down the hallway to check the mail. 20 min later he pops his head out the door to see we've made it 10 feet. The cat had no concept of "going for a walk" and would take 2 steps. Sit and look around. Lick himself. Go 5 steps in the opposite direction and repeat.

  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    I agree with the thing about addictions always being in the back of your mind. I thought I was "cured" from bulimia and haven't binged and purged in years. However, now that I've started to lose weight again the thoughts have returned. Whenever I mess up and eat something that brings me over calories, the thought comes to the front of my mind. I have not done it yet and I don't intend to, but it's bizarre... I thought I'd never have these feelings again! :(
  • qn4bx9pzg8aifd
    qn4bx9pzg8aifd Posts: 258 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I don't know why you all gotta hate on @tincanonastring like that.

    (I am, of course, absolutely kidding. Hoping the alert gets him to come back - we miss you Mr. Onastring!)
    Wow, I confess that I'm a retard. I've always been reading it like Tin Canon A String, not Tin Can On a String.

    What an Idiot. I'm gonna go put my head in a hole now.

    Well, let's make it a party... 'cause I initially race-read "CountessKitteh" as "CountessKeith" -- which immediately brought to mind the ongoing discussion about 'gender reveal parties' (!).

    < looking for the nearest rock to crawl under... >

    It took me a while to figure it out too (tincanonastring). So are you going to fess up to what your name means? I admit to being fascinated. And given your clearly intelligent brain it means something... If only to you...

    My humble apologies for inadvertently not yet responding to the inquiring-minds-wanna-know 'request-for-information/clarification/explanation/wth-IS-that?!' gentle 'lines of inquiry' from you and BZAH10... for 'The Mystery of the Funky UserName' (next up, in the Nancy Drew oeuvre ;) )... I initially wondered about keeping any explanation/clarification to 'just a few lines', or otherwise such that it occupied a 'stick-of-cheese'-sized piece of 'screen real estate', when displayed... and without feeling as though I was doing so 'with a gun to my head' (as if some sort of 'invisible lawman' was going to 'monitor the process', in order to ensure that 'forced constriction' took place (such that the Presumed Laws of Preferential Posting were 'followed'))... whereas what I *wanted* to do, was to respond with whatever playfully conveyed explanation felt natural to have 'spill out of me' (in a manner of speaking) -- and that's what I'm giving 'free rein', here...

    Let the Proceedings begin...! ;)

    "The Court calls qn4bx9pzg8aifd to the Stand..."

    "Please tell the Court what the origin of your username is..."

    > "Well... it involves alphanumeric characters which were typed in sequence..."

    "Your Honor, permission to treat the witness as 'hostile'... and a wisea*s... the witness's testimony is critical to these proceedings, and further delay is unwarranted, cannot be condoned, and should be considered grounds for Contempt..."

    "I repeat... please tell the Court what the origin of your username is..."

    > "Well... I've always wanted to learn how to play piano..."

    "Relevance, Your Honor...?"

    "Counselor, are you directing a Relevance Objection 'at' your Witness? That's now how this works!"

    > "...if I may be allowed to continue...?"

    (...nodded-head -based authorization granted...)

    > "I've always wanted to learn to play piano... and as it turns out, when I went to create a username on MFP, I spontaneously decided -- and in conjunction with a playful impulse -- to pretend I knew how to play some sort of complicated piano piece, and involving a piano whose keys happened to exist in a special 4-row configuration/layout... and thus... and in order to 'capture' the character string in question... I type-piano-'played' my stunningly brief 'song', and then wrote down the 'notes', on a seemingly-foreign-to-the-modern-era object known as a piece of paper... all while noting that the finger movements associated with my 'type-playing' resembled more of a court stenographer's form of 'typing', and that one might think I were a Vulcan trying to repeatedly re-establish and ultimately 'find' the 'right' 'finger positioning' for actioning a Vulcan MindMeld, albeit with/'for' a computer..."

    "Do you know how ridiculous that sounds...?"

    > "Yes, Counselor, I do..."

    "It looks like an encryption sequence... or as though someone's fingers weren't positioned 'correctly' on 'home row'... you're telling me that it's the result of fake piano playing...?"

    > "I am... and believe me when I say that I'm as embarrassed by the reality as you are stupified by it..."


    "And with that... Court is Adjourned..."

  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    edited April 2015
    I don't get a lot of things when it comes to having a baby, then again, I don't have kids. When I got married, I never had a shower, we had everything we needed. I have no desire for a baby shower when the time comes, I don't want anyone to feel obligated to by me anything. As for the gender reveal parties, IMHO I think they are dumb and if you think about it, the terminology is wrong. Technically, it is a sex reveal as you know what sex the child will be. The gender comes later when the child will identify with either male or female behaviors. When the time comes for me to have a kid, the sex reveal will happen at the hospital in the delivery room.

    I also dislike the idea of push gifts. I heard this term about a year ago during a conversation between colleagues. Why should a father to be have to buy an expensive gift for the mother to be. The baby alone is the gift (not a new car or expensive piece of jewelry)

    *edited for spelling
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    If I tried to jog with my beagle I'd probably (definitely) fall down almost immediately. He likes to stop and smell every. little. thing. so the first interesting stink would bring him to a dead stop.

    When we lived in our old condo, my husband suggested that i take my cat for a walk down the hallway to check the mail. 20 min later he pops his head out the door to see we've made it 10 feet. The cat had no concept of "going for a walk" and would take 2 steps. Sit and look around. Lick himself. Go 5 steps in the opposite direction and repeat.

    I have never taken any cat I've had for a walk, but it was all too easy to imagine this happening. I admit I just snort laughed my head off and I am still occasionally giggling about this.
  • qn4bx9pzg8aifd
    qn4bx9pzg8aifd Posts: 258 Member
    mziegler01 wrote: »
    Woo! Go us with our 400 pages.

    And it's kind of mindblowing to think that over 100 of those pages are from 3 of my posts...!

    (jk) :smile: (lol) <--- hey, look! my smiley is wearing giant hoop earrings! ;)
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    If I tried to jog with my beagle I'd probably (definitely) fall down almost immediately. He likes to stop and smell every. little. thing. so the first interesting stink would bring him to a dead stop.

    When we lived in our old condo, my husband suggested that i take my cat for a walk down the hallway to check the mail. 20 min later he pops his head out the door to see we've made it 10 feet. The cat had no concept of "going for a walk" and would take 2 steps. Sit and look around. Lick himself. Go 5 steps in the opposite direction and repeat.

    I have never taken any cat I've had for a walk, but it was all too easy to imagine this happening. I admit I just snort laughed my head off and I am still occasionally giggling about this.

    I just did the same thing to your response:)
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I don't get a lot of things when it comes to having a baby, then again, I don't have kids. When I got married, I never had a shower, we had everything we needed. I have no desire for a baby shower when the time comes, I don't want anyone to feel obligated to by me anything. As for the gender reveal parties, IMHO I think they are dumb and if you think about it, the terminology is wrong. Technically, it is a sex reveal as you know what sex the child will be. The gender comes later when the child will identify with either male or female behaviors. When the Tim comes for me to have a kid, the sex reveal will happen at the hospital in the delivery room.

    I also dislike the idea of push gifts. I heard this term about a year ago during a conversation between colleagues. Why should a father to be have to buy an expensive gift for the mother to be. The baby alone is the gift (not a new car or expensive piece of jewelry)

    I think I love you!
  • proverbs2410
    proverbs2410 Posts: 18 Member
    I was craving something sweet the other night but had absolutely nothing in the house that would satisfy me except some hot chocolate. So I ate two spoonfuls of the powder. Two spoonfuls. Of the powder.

    Lol! Totally something I would do!
  • qn4bx9pzg8aifd
    qn4bx9pzg8aifd Posts: 258 Member
    If I tried to jog with my beagle I'd probably (definitely) fall down almost immediately. He likes to stop and smell every. little. thing. so the first interesting stink would bring him to a dead stop.
    When we lived in our old condo, my husband suggested that i take my cat for a walk down the hallway to check the mail. 20 min later he pops his head out the door to see we've made it 10 feet. The cat had no concept of "going for a walk" and would take 2 steps. Sit and look around. Lick himself. Go 5 steps in the opposite direction and repeat.

    This triggered flashbacks in my mind to the 'polar opposite' behavior of a sibling's dog, when said dog was a (new, very young, and very tiny) puppy, and she'd zoom-zoom-zoom! all over the place... and then when taken outside (while still a wee thing, and so new to the world), she did the same kind of skitter-skatter-esque 'running all over the place', and practically 'jump-flying' (as though it was one of the first times (oh, yeah, that's right -- it *was* ;P ) she'd 'discovered' the outdoors (and had perhaps 'missed the memo' that she wasn't a squirrel ;) )... and it was so comically delightful to see this little being go 'buzzing' all around... and she'd zoom over to a tree, and you could 'swear' you'd 'heard' her 'think-say', "you're HERE! you're HERE! you're WONDERFUL! what ARE you?!!!", and then 'voomp!' -- she was 'off to the races', and had bolted to 'anywhere and everywhere' in the yard, seemingly thrilled to be exploring the environment... ;)

    (...yeah, it took a while for the 'chill gene' in her to 'go into production', so to speak... :) )
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I don't know why you all gotta hate on @tincanonastring like that.

    (I am, of course, absolutely kidding. Hoping the alert gets him to come back - we miss you Mr. Onastring!)
    Wow, I confess that I'm a retard. I've always been reading it like Tin Canon A String, not Tin Can On a String.

    What an Idiot. I'm gonna go put my head in a hole now.

    Well, let's make it a party... 'cause I initially race-read "CountessKitteh" as "CountessKeith" -- which immediately brought to mind the ongoing discussion about 'gender reveal parties' (!).

    < looking for the nearest rock to crawl under... >

    It took me a while to figure it out too (tincanonastring). So are you going to fess up to what your name means? I admit to being fascinated. And given your clearly intelligent brain it means something... If only to you...

    My humble apologies for inadvertently not yet responding to the inquiring-minds-wanna-know 'request-for-information/clarification/explanation/wth-IS-that?!' gentle 'lines of inquiry' from you and BZAH10... for 'The Mystery of the Funky UserName' (next up, in the Nancy Drew oeuvre ;) )... I initially wondered about keeping any explanation/clarification to 'just a few lines', or otherwise such that it occupied a 'stick-of-cheese'-sized piece of 'screen real estate', when displayed... and without feeling as though I was doing so 'with a gun to my head' (as if some sort of 'invisible lawman' was going to 'monitor the process', in order to ensure that 'forced constriction' took place (such that the Presumed Laws of Preferential Posting were 'followed'))... whereas what I *wanted* to do, was to respond with whatever playfully conveyed explanation felt natural to have 'spill out of me' (in a manner of speaking) -- and that's what I'm giving 'free rein', here...

    Let the Proceedings begin...! ;)

    "The Court calls qn4bx9pzg8aifd to the Stand..."

    "Please tell the Court what the origin of your username is..."

    > "Well... it involves alphanumeric characters which were typed in sequence..."

    "Your Honor, permission to treat the witness as 'hostile'... and a wisea*s... the witness's testimony is critical to these proceedings, and further delay is unwarranted, cannot be condoned, and should be considered grounds for Contempt..."

    "I repeat... please tell the Court what the origin of your username is..."

    > "Well... I've always wanted to learn how to play piano..."

    "Relevance, Your Honor...?"

    "Counselor, are you directing a Relevance Objection 'at' your Witness? That's now how this works!"

    > "...if I may be allowed to continue...?"

    (...nodded-head -based authorization granted...)

    > "I've always wanted to learn to play piano... and as it turns out, when I went to create a username on MFP, I spontaneously decided -- and in conjunction with a playful impulse -- to pretend I knew how to play some sort of complicated piano piece, and involving a piano whose keys happened to exist in a special 4-row configuration/layout... and thus... and in order to 'capture' the character string in question... I type-piano-'played' my stunningly brief 'song', and then wrote down the 'notes', on a seemingly-foreign-to-the-modern-era object known as a piece of paper... all while noting that the finger movements associated with my 'type-playing' resembled more of a court stenographer's form of 'typing', and that one might think I were a Vulcan trying to repeatedly re-establish and ultimately 'find' the 'right' 'finger positioning' for actioning a Vulcan MindMeld, albeit with/'for' a computer..."

    "Do you know how ridiculous that sounds...?"

    > "Yes, Counselor, I do..."

    "It looks like an encryption sequence... or as though someone's fingers weren't positioned 'correctly' on 'home row'... you're telling me that it's the result of fake piano playing...?"

    > "I am... and believe me when I say that I'm as embarrassed by the reality as you are stupified by it..."


    "And with that... Court is Adjourned..."


    Works for me! Thanks for the explanation.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    edited April 2015
    If I tried to jog with my beagle I'd probably (definitely) fall down almost immediately. He likes to stop and smell every. little. thing. so the first interesting stink would bring him to a dead stop.

    When we lived in our old condo, my husband suggested that i take my cat for a walk down the hallway to check the mail. 20 min later he pops his head out the door to see we've made it 10 feet. The cat had no concept of "going for a walk" and would take 2 steps. Sit and look around. Lick himself. Go 5 steps in the opposite direction and repeat.

    I tried this with the first cat I had. She was always trying to get outside so I thought I would take her for a walk. Bought a harness and a leash. I carried her outside and set her on the ground and gently tried to walk. We didn't move. She planted herself and refused to budge. She was totally confused by this leash concept. After a few minutes I picked her back up and carried her back inside never to try again. Harness and leash went in a drawer until I eventually threw them out.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I don't know why you all gotta hate on @tincanonastring like that.

    (I am, of course, absolutely kidding. Hoping the alert gets him to come back - we miss you Mr. Onastring!)
    Wow, I confess that I'm a retard. I've always been reading it like Tin Canon A String, not Tin Can On a String.

    What an Idiot. I'm gonna go put my head in a hole now.

    Well, let's make it a party... 'cause I initially race-read "CountessKitteh" as "CountessKeith" -- which immediately brought to mind the ongoing discussion about 'gender reveal parties' (!).

    < looking for the nearest rock to crawl under... >

    It took me a while to figure it out too (tincanonastring). So are you going to fess up to what your name means? I admit to being fascinated. And given your clearly intelligent brain it means something... If only to you...

    You never tied two cans together with a string to make a "telephone" when you were a kid? That's what I think of when I see his username.

    I wasn't parsing his name correctly. I didn't "see" it at first as tin can on a string. Then one day it just hit me and I got it. :smile:
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »

    ...have I mentioned that I'm a 45 years old?

    Can't play it, what is it and should I be excited as well? :)

    The new Star Wars teaser!

    Hell yes I'm excited! But I have this unnerving feeling it's going to go all Hunger Games on us...