

  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Uuugh. Cheesecake? Dang it! Of all weaknesses..... I dare not post photos of this awesome red velvet cream cheese crinkle cookies recipe. I've been trying to resist making it again. (last time was not long after christmas)

    If it's any consolation, that's keto cheesecake, which means it's only 400 calories for 1/4 of a cake (granted 325 of them are fat)

    Unlike mine, full of it all, that's pretty nice... I'll work it in. Riding 18'ish miles to work and back means I am usually way under anyways. Point me in the right direction?
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    hors-d'oeuvres or appetizers

    Bacon wrapped around jalapeños stuffed with cheese.
    Bacon wrapped around dates.
    Bacon wrapped around chicken coated with brown sugar.
    Bacon stuffed mushrooms with goat cheese.

    Bacon crumbled in German potato salad.

    Confession - I'm thinking about bacon.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    edited May 2015
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    hors-d'oeuvres or appetizers

    Bacon wrapped around jalapeños stuffed with cheese.
    Bacon wrapped around dates.
    Bacon wrapped around chicken coated with brown sugar.
    Bacon stuffed mushrooms with goat cheese.

    Bacon crumbled in German potato salad.

    Confession - I'm thinking about bacon.

    Dinner the other night.

    Confession - I'm sad we're out of jalepenos
  • margfish
    margfish Posts: 41 Member
    I've been feeling super snacky the past two days. I managed to keep it in check yesterday (lots of tiny snacks, still met goal), but today after dinner my husband left me alone to do some work upstairs, and boom - 1500 calories in 20 min: leftover Cadbury egg, stack of graham crackers, a couple bowls of cereal, a couple 100 calorie bags of baked chips and even the dang protein balls I made earlier for breakfast tomorrow. Who does that?? I'm so mad. When will I learn that it's okay to eat over goal when I'm hungry so I don't do things like this? :s
  • bbontheb
    bbontheb Posts: 718 Member
    You know the largest pyrex mixing bowls? Like the big one? I'm eating a "bowl" full of popped corn and butter with salt right now. I ate well all day to splurge and munch while watching a show, lol. The fact that 3 other people should be eating it with me (due to the size...) is um, why I'm here to confess tonight.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Here. I made brownies. Let's all get along...and eat brownies....with ice cold milk....MMMMMmmmmmmm!


    in for brownies. And ice cream?

    We could make brownie sundaes.... (They need a drooling emoji)
    That settles it I'm getting Dairy Queen tonight! Thanks everyone!
    I had myself a cotton candy Blizzard today. :yum:

    With any luck I'll be having one of those within the next couple of days... heading to the US tomorrow.

    Hurray for America! Haha

    Hurray for a greater variety of "junk food" ;) Actually, I'm supposed to be saving money because the house needs reshingling, so it's a good thing I'm looking forward to low-price spending.
    all this talk about DQ, I'm taking a trip to the mall to buy a new board game and DQ is right around the corner from the store I'll be at. I wouldn't DQ to think I didn't like them anymore now would i?

    I may compensate for your absence over the next few days...

    Where are you traveling from?

    Northern Ontario. Heading to the Minneapolis area.

    Wow that is far from me! Safe travels!
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member

    bbontheb wrote: »
    You know the largest pyrex mixing bowls? Like the big one? I'm eating a "bowl" full of popped corn and butter with salt right now. I ate well all day to splurge and munch while watching a show, lol. The fact that 3 other people should be eating it with me (due to the size...) is um, why I'm here to confess tonight.

    :flushed: I made banana pudding, complete with vanilla wafers, and I portioned out four beautiful bowl fulls for my family. But there are only three of us here. Well, I went to serve it for dessert and there just happened to be, conveniently, only three perfectly portioned desserts...where I promptly ate my portioned share. And I didn't log ANY of it. :laugh:
  • clover157
    clover157 Posts: 23 Member
    Here. I made brownies. Let's all get along...and eat brownies....with ice cold milk....MMMMMmmmmmmm!


  • Ameengyrl
    Ameengyrl Posts: 127 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    My best friend in high school was Canadian, and she used to get really mad at me aboot saying "Canadian Bacon" instead of ham. She also tried to make me eat ketchup chips. This has been a brief message about what I know about Canadian food.

    haha. You don't have ketchup chips?

    I have never even heard of ketchup chips until today.

    The fact that Canada actually has products other countries don't blows my mind.

    I've never been in Canada (I live near Chicago)... We were supposed to go to Niagara Falls this month, but canceled it due to family issues. I was mostly excited because I've interacted with so many Canadians on this thread!

    That's part of the reason I'm excited for my trip to Arizona in a few weeks. (Okay, mostly it's the food I'm excited about lol).

    Speaking of, as I have never been to Arizona, is there anyone here that can recommend things to do/see? I am going to be in Maricopa, so anything that's within a few hours drive would be great.

    I lived in Tucson for 3 years as a kid. The Desert Museum is pretty cool. You should also go to Eegees and don't eat the food, but get one of their frozen fruit drinks. The best part of Arizona in my opinion is that they don't have many tall buildings (or trees) so their light pollution is nil. You can see the stars so much better down there. Def do that. Also, prepare to feel like you are going to die from the heat. It hits you like a wall.

    I am worried about this, as I don't handle heat very well. Hmm, I guess I'd better go shopping since I think I only own one pair of shorts... maybe two.

    Actually, it's a dry heat, so it is very livable. That kind of heat in a humid climate is what will kill you! My oldest son went to college in AZ and will be teaching there this fall and my youngest son and my dad go twice a year to Phoenix for the NASCAR races. All of them say the heat there doesn't bother them and they are all the types to have the AC on full-blast during the summer at home. I can attest to it as well. It's not nearly as bad as you think! I think Vegas is worse.

    I don't think Vegas is that bad, either, but I'm always cold. We flew in from Vegas to Chicago in the summer, and it was in the 100's when we left, in the 70's when we landed in the middle of the night, but it felt 10x's worse in Chicago than it did in Vegas.

    Yep, that's how I am, too. I can handle the AZ and CO heat just fine. Went to a June wedding in NC several years ago and was miserable! Yucko. I think it's the heavy air. I'm used to high altitude.

    Arizona and Las Vegas can both be 'hot havens' in August, depending (especially if/when in Arizona during its monsoon season)... but Chicago -- holy crap, Chicago -- Chicago in the summer (and whether a hot day in June, July, or August) involves heat being trapped between tall buildings, and when combined with humidity, is the most suffocating, exhausting, and miserable heat I've ever experienced in my life -- and I've experienced over 108-degrees-F days in Arizona (and it wasn't "dry" heat), as well as incredibly hot and humid/muggy/air-so-thick-it's-hard-to-breathe days in the Midwest that took a high-90s-F day into an extremely uncomfortable form of 105+_F heat index... but a hot and humid day spent trying to exist outside for more than 5 minutes, while making one's way from one place to another, amidst Chicago's packed-to-the-gills buildings, was the most strenuous and physically 'trying', felt-like-I-was-going-to-pass-out form of difficulty-existing-outdoors heat I've *ever* experienced... (and I thought I'd experienced "heat" before)... now, when I hear about news reports of heat-related deaths in Chicago, it not only makes sense to me, and seems to constitute a perpetually-every-summer tragic reality... but in some ways, it surprises me that the numbers aren't higher...

    From a wiki page for the 1995 Chicago heat wave --
    The 1995 Chicago heat wave was a heat wave which led to approximately 750 heat-related deaths in Chicago over a period of five days. Most of the victims of the heat wave were elderly poor residents of the inner city, who could not afford air conditioning and did not open windows or sleep outside for fear of crime. The heat wave also heavily impacted the wider Midwestern region, with additional deaths in both St. Louis, Missouri and Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

    The temperatures soared to record highs in July with the hottest weather occurring from July 12 to July 16. The high of 106 °F on July 13 was the second warmest July temperature (warmest being 110 °F set on July 23, 1934) since records began at Chicago Midway International Airport in 1928. Nighttime low temperatures were unusually high [...]. Record humidity levels also accompanied the hot weather. The heat index reached 119 °F at O'Hare Airport, and 125 °F at Midway Airport.

    I remember that heat wave, and can recall leaving work on one of those days, at lunch, and practically being 'assaulted' by the air -- it was like walking into 'scalding' air, and trying to walk through and breathe air that was 'thick', 'heavy', and 'felt like a blanket'... however, I *cannot* fathom how unimaginably worse, and off-the-charts awful (and *dangerous*) those days would have been in Chicago. And in addition to the deaths, there had to have been a large number of folks who experienced non-fatal negative consequences as a result of the extreme heat and humidity in Chicago... I don't know that I could ever live there, given how treacherous the heat-and-humidity gets in the summer...

    Lol. This is soooo extra. I live in Chicago, have for over 25 yrs... It's May and 50 degrees. We barely even get above 85... It's hot and humid but it's really not that bad lol. The cold/cool days farrrr outweigh the hot ones. We didn't use our AC once last summer. Ceiling fans and open windows.
  • HereWeGoAgain7
    HereWeGoAgain7 Posts: 163 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I had a whoosh this morning but I don't believe it's true even though I weighed myself the exact same way I always do. IF the scale is correct, which, there's just no way, I way less NOW, than I did when I got pregnant with my daughter 14 years ago! How is that possible?!

    Confession: My husband is on this site and using it faithfully, but he's SO lazy when it comes to logging his food. He just basically picks the first thing in the list that is somewhat remotely close to what he is eating/has eaten. It makes me furious that he's so lazy about it. He's still losing weight and I think that's what I'm most irritated by. Sometimes, I'm not a very good wife. :(

    First part - AWESOME! Second part - totally understandable. My husband will go to the gym religiously, but won't track what he eats AT ALL! It frustrates me to no end. I just leave it alone. He'll have to figure it out for himself. But inside, I seethe.

    THANKS!!! <3

    I guess as long as he's losing, that's really all that matters. Also, I wish my husband wanted to go to the gym, but he has ZERO interest in that. Right now, he definitely has the "dad bod". Which is such a ridiculous trend. I would prefer he had a body like Jax Teller, but I love him squishy bits and all.

    So, I had to go find Jax Teller...


    Not bad, but he is not this...

    images_zpsf2072e8d.jpg eye candy first thing in the morning.
  • HereWeGoAgain7
    HereWeGoAgain7 Posts: 163 Member
    Confession: While I love my husband to death, he is growing much closer to death by stealing all the tasty food off of my plate. Seriously, leave my cheese alone in the salad. If you want more cheese, than I will get up and put more in your salad. But I have carefully measured mine for calories and am not willing to share.

    I hate when people do that! I don't care if people eat my food since I'll share anything (well maybe not my favorite ice creams haha), but don't take my food after I weighed it out meticulously on my food scale.

    The only people that can get away with that is my nieces & nephews & usually they want to steal my chips. I swear they're little human garbage disposals. I can't complain since they'll devour ice cream flavors I didn't like or chip flavors I found were disgusting (Pringles Holiday Flavors I am looking at you)!

    Depending on the ages of the kids, I am fine with them doing it because they don't know better. My husband on the other hand watches me do all of my measuring, eats his portion, and then steals the best parts of my meal. With a smile and a "I'm saving you from yourself."
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    Confession: I had Chipotle today for first time ever, and... eh. Was fine, nothing to write home about.

    Chipotle had problems with their pork supplier in February. I bought 100 cases of the pork for work and it's freakin awesome product to work with. It really takes the flavor of however you prepare it.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    yukaputz wrote: »
    My custody battle really heated up in the last 4 weeks and I put on 6 lbs from coldstone creamery's pb&c milkshakes and too much mayo on everything but...yesterday I was awarded 5050 custody after 1.5 years of fighting for my twin daughters. I actually feel like I can breath better today... my tears of joy have dried, my praise to God for seeing me through this is still ringing... and for no reason I'm back to logging today able to make better choices for food. I don't feel the urge to glutton myself at all.

    Glad you are able to get back on track and get a custody agreement that (hopefully) works for you. You sound like a stress eater to me, which I'm sure a lot of people can relate to!
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I keep trying to reply to someone on my wall, but it's not letting me! My writing appears all grey and it won't let me enter it. Has something been changed? :confounded:

    I ate a really, really big poutine last night along with about ten cups of water because it was so salty, and I definitely felt sick afterwards. I still feel full and I haven't eaten yet today... and I don't expect to be hungry anytime soon. But bubble tea still sounds pretty good! :tongue:

    Also, I'm not sure what has gotten into me... I usually hate clothes shopping, but lately I've been frequenting online stores with major excitement. I just added AdoreMe to a slowly growing list of websites I've been eyeing (along with ModCloth and Boutique1861). I'm changing!!!

    I'm wearing a shirt from ModCloth right now! :)

    Love the new kitty!

    Thanks! That's my baby girl. :)
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    I consider "water" anything that is water based- mio, sparkling water, any of the 0 cal drinks (such as vitamin water)- that way I get my "water intake" in for the day. HOWEVER, coffee and alcohol does NOT count.

    There was once a thread about this - that may or may not have been started by our own AOJ - that imploded with people freaking out over what counted as water. It was hilarious.

    Since I log everything that isn't JUST water (flavored, etc), I use my trackers for just plain water. It's more out of curiosity than anything else.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    Just to throw this out there, I've actually dropped 2 pant sizes! I'm now able to COMFORTABLY fit into a 14, when I've been a 16-17 since having my kid....nearly 3 years ago..

    I've been stalking Pinterest looking at work outfits because I want to be able to rock some new ones by January, dammit!

    Oh, kiddo's birthday party is next Saturday, (all the foods will be eaten that day) and we're heading to the beach that Sunday for her birthday trip. I'm not sure if I'm ready to venture out swimsuit shopping, even though I need a new one....

    Woo Hoo!!!
    Well, thank you! :smile:
    I really want to lose this weight by January so one of my coworkers will stop talking about it. The words "you'd be a pretty girl if you'd lose some of that weight" were spoken and they've stuck with me ever since.....

    Congrats on your weight loss. But unfortunately I don't think it will matter how much weight you lose, your co-worker will still be rude!
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Here. I made brownies. Let's all get along...and eat brownies....with ice cold milk....MMMMMmmmmmmm!


    in for brownies. And ice cream?

    We could make brownie sundaes.... (They need a drooling emoji)
    That settles it I'm getting Dairy Queen tonight! Thanks everyone!
    I had myself a cotton candy Blizzard today. :yum:

    With any luck I'll be having one of those within the next couple of days... heading to the US tomorrow.

    Hurray for America! Haha

    Hurray for a greater variety of "junk food" ;) Actually, I'm supposed to be saving money because the house needs reshingling, so it's a good thing I'm looking forward to low-price spending.
    all this talk about DQ, I'm taking a trip to the mall to buy a new board game and DQ is right around the corner from the store I'll be at. I wouldn't DQ to think I didn't like them anymore now would i?

    I may compensate for your absence over the next few days...

    Where are you traveling from?

    Northern Ontario. Heading to the Minneapolis area.

    @ythannah I think you may be close to me. I'm in Thunder Bay.
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    And I confess that I'm going to eat all the things tonight in honour of 9 weeks in and almost 18 lbs gone.

    Deep fried mushrooms are definitely on the agenda.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I ruin songs for my teenage daughter. I sign along in a nasal voice when I feel the song is whiny. I ask too many questions about the meaning of the song or point out how sexist (or whatever it may be) the lyrics are of a particular song. I know he is talented but I change the station when I hear one popular Grammy winning singer whining about someone not being faithful. I don't mean to ruin songs for my daughter, it just happens when I point out something she stops liking the song.

    For example the GDFR song that sounds like it has an oboe in it. Then it does not quite sound like and oboe but a sax. Then I go back and forth pondering what musical instrument is making that sound. It drives her nuts. But, we have a lot of similar musical tastes so when she broke her ipod and I gave her mine she didn't complain. :)

    Then I think about songs I like and I could be called hypocritical. My kids knew the lyrics and sang along to Violent Femmes Blister in the Sun (for example, there are others) in early elementary school.

    Confession #2
    In general I don't like violent movies but I find Grosse Point Blank hilarious.

    I over-analyse song lyrics to the point of hating them. There was an admittedly crap song by a boyband over here a couple of summers ago called 'she walks like Rihanna' and it basically explained that this girl was rubbish at everything, but at least she could strut and was hot. Everyone at work would listen to it and it would wind me up so much. I kept hearing the message, 'young girls, don't worry about putting any effort into anything or developing any talents, you're hot so you'll be fine.'
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member

    I've stopped logging on MFP. In my defense:

    a) I still log in my paper diary. I keep a note of what I eat and what I weighed this week, although I don't always tot it up. So I'm not utterly clueless and in denial.

    b) I'm trying to accept that I will be needing to gain some weight in the relatively near future, and MFP is very much 'weight loss aid' in my mind (I know it doesn't have to be) so I just don't want to see the numbers creeping up online, as though that makes it more real than just in my paper diary.

    c) I'm knackered all the time and can't be bothered!

    Of course I'm still finding the time to check out this thread. Priorities people, priorities!