30 by Labor Day



  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    I am in on this I am doing Insanity right now wk2 day 12 and I am hoping to be at my goal by Labor day so this will be a great help!!
  • my2loves04and06
    So what's the verdict? Are you supposed to eat back the calories you burned from exercise? I would assume so since MFP adds the burned calories back into your total calorie count for the day, but there's so much varying info out there that I'm just not sure.

    On a positive note, today was the first day I've ever come close to eating my total calories for the day! Although I went over on protein (is that a big deal?), I'm still proud of myself. I've never been a breakfast eater, so for me to eat breakfast daily is an accomplishment in itself.

    Any one else have some accomplishments this week?
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    So what's the verdict? Are you supposed to eat back the calories you burned from exercise? I would assume so since MFP adds the burned calories back into your total calorie count for the day, but there's so much varying info out there that I'm just not sure.

    On a positive note, today was the first day I've ever come close to eating my total calories for the day! Although I went over on protein (is that a big deal?), I'm still proud of myself. I've never been a breakfast eater, so for me to eat breakfast daily is an accomplishment in itself.

    Any one else have some accomplishments this week?

    Yes. You're supposed to eat them back because MFP already has you set at a deficit of calories. You should lose weight even if you don't exercise going by MFP's calculations for you.

    But here's a link to a more thorough explanation of this!

  • my2loves04and06

    That was a great link. Very informative. Thanks for sharing it!
  • need_to_lose
    I'm totally in. I would love to lose 30 lbs. by then.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    So how is everyone doing so far?

    I've been working my butt off with workouts!! And I'm proud to say that here the past few days I've been doing good with staying under my calories!! I've had some super-bad cravings since it's TOM, but the worst is over now. Oh and I've drank almost 3 gallons of water in the past 3 days. If I will just keep this up I should make the 30 by Labor Day!! :bigsmile: But I would be ecstatic to be around 170 by my birthday (October 3). Anything lower than that would be amazing and also a wonderful birthday present!

    Do yall think we should have weekly challenges or weigh ins?
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    I think that is a great idea just let me know what you decide and I am in!!
  • andi93
    andi93 Posts: 13
    I'm definitely in! I'd like to be 30 down by then, too. For exercise, I have turbo jam videos I do 6 days a week- the 45 minute cardio party video kicks my butt every time but in a great way :)! On Mondays I go to Zumba classes and I must say, if you like feelin sexy and dancing to awesome music, try a class- SO AWESOME! if i had 5 bucks to contribute to zumba every day, i would just drop turbo jam and do zumba...but i dont...lol. Sometimes I switch it up and hop onto the treadmill instead of Turbo. I don't have a gym membership or anything, though. good luck to everyone with this goal- i hope we all make it! :P
  • my2loves04and06
    Since I've fallen off this bandwagon more times than I can count, I'm just trying to be consistent with my water and changing my eating habits. So far so good with both! I started the 30 Day Shred last weekend and I've only had to take 1 day off (between days 3 and 4) because my quads were so sore. Today will be L1D8. I'm scared to move on to L2 on Wednesday!

    I'm game for weekly weigh-ins and challenges. That being said, I'm so new to this whole thing I'd rather someone else take charge. Just call me a follower! :glasses:
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I know one group I was in would have the weigh ins weekly and whoever had the highest percentage of weight lost for the week would pick a challenge for the entire group. That worked good, but it put a lot of work on one person to calculate the %s and do the results weekly... and sometimes the challenges weren't challenging to everyone.. lol

    So I was thinking we could all officially weigh in tomorrow since tomorrow marks 12 weeks til Labor Day! And we can all pick a personal challenge that is more fitting to our individual needs for the week and tell the group about it. Maybe we can get ideas from others from what they want to do for that week and help push each other to reach our goals!

    I hate to have a weigh in on Monday, but it will help me be more accountable for the weekend (I'm sure I'm not the only one in that same boat)! That's when the trouble starts anyway.. I've GOT to get a handle on it.

    I know my weigh in ain't gonna be pretty tomorrow. All the bad eating from the previous week(s) is still with me. And.. I'm going to suck it up and change my ticker back to whatever the scale says tomorrow. If it's water weight then it will drop fast, but if I really gained it, then it's time to face it and move on!

    I'm feeling really confident about being a part of this group and us all reaching our goals together - we can do it! :bigsmile:

    Oh and if anyone has any other ideas about what we should do or if you want to do it differently don't be shy! I'm just throwing ideas out there. :flowerforyou:
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    I am definitely up for the weigh ins being on Mondays because that is my normal day for weighing in to hold me accountable for the weekends so whoever wants to get started I think we all should come in and post your current weight in the morning and I will be responsible for determining everyones weight loss percentage each Monday!!

    I think we all should come to the thread and post atleast 3x a week to let us know your progress. On every monday we should post the following:

    Beginning weight
    Last week weight
    current weight

    This will help me keep your weekly and overall percentage figured for the next 12 weeks!!

    As for the challenges if everyone can tell what is there current workout schedule than that will give us all an idea where everyone is and that way we can come up with something challenging enough for everyone

    I think each week should be a food and exercise challenge.....What do you all think?
    I like the idea about having the winner each week set the challenge but it has to be challenge worthy for all involved.

    Main things we need to strive for over the next 12 weeks should be atleast 8 glasses of water or another way to do it is take your weight and divide it by 2 and that is the amount of ounces you should get a day and you can take that number and divide by 8 to get the amount of cups that is per day for ex if you weigh 160/2=80 80/8=10cups of water per day

    Strive for 5 fruits and/or veggies a day!!
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    i like to join this challenge. i need more challenges to help me get back into the groove. i have 30 lbs. to lose and then i've met my goal. i've had lots of ups and downs in my weight lose. mondays is okay for me. i'm two other ones too. fridays and saturdays. i do brazil butt lift, jillian michaels, turbo jam, p90x, and others. i also do other workouts too on machines and walk. i use the pushmower to mow grass with.
  • livingnlove
    I'm in....
  • my2loves04and06
    Are we starting today?

    SW 228 (I started last week)
    CW 223.4

    My goals this week are to contibue my good eating/drinking habits and my daily 30 DS workout, but I want to add in 1 or two bike rides.
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    I thought we were!!

    SW- 162.6 this is the closest I have been to being out of the 160's in the last 3mnths I have been back and forth but not out in all this time so first mini goal is to be in the 150's by the end of June!!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    OKay.. I got on the scale this morning to see that I've put on 9.8 pounds since the end of April! Not trying to excuse myself (well maybe a little..) but I've had a lot going on in the past month and it's been making me crazy! But putting on almost 10 pounds is so easy to do. Losing it takes much more and even though I am really upset with myself for doing that, all I can do is focus forward now and fix it. What's done is done.

    I WILL NOT let myself slip back to where I was. It took a lot of HARD work and sweat to get here and I'm not about to let it all go again.

    So now everything is honest even though my ticker doesn't look as good as it did yesterday.. but if it didn't reflect the truth then it was no good anyway! It's just going to get better from here! :smile:

    LD starting weight: 200.4

    I've decided my personal challenge this week is to be sure and stay under my calories each day. If I stay under I get a rest day Sunday, but if I go over I have to burn the accumulated "over" calories for the week times 2!
  • UltimateLover
    UltimateLover Posts: 306 Member
    SW: 175

    My goals for this week are to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day and to start walking more (especially since i've joined the SWaT challenge).
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Are we starting today?

    SW 228 (I started last week)
    CW 223.4

    Awesome job you are well on your way!!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    OKay.. I got on the scale this morning to see that I've put on 9.8 pounds since the end of April! Not trying to excuse myself (well maybe a little..) but I've had a lot going on in the past month and it's been making me crazy! But putting on almost 10 pounds is so easy to do. Losing it takes much more and even though I am really upset with myself for doing that, all I can do is focus forward now and fix it. What's done is done.

    I WILL NOT let myself slip back to where I was. It took a lot of HARD work and sweat to get here and I'm not about to let it all go again.

    So now everything is honest even though my ticker doesn't look as good as it did yesterday.. but if it didn't reflect the truth then it was no good anyway! It's just going to get better from here! :smile:

    LD starting weight: 200.4

    I've decided my personal challenge this week is to be sure and stay under my calories each day. If I stay under I get a rest day Sunday, but if I go over I have to burn the accumulated "over" calories for the week times 2!

    Today is a new day we can do this I have been having some stressful times these last 3mnths also and I have gained and lost the same weight over and over but it's time to put that behind us and focus on us so let's get back to that!!!

    I love your plan if you go over your calories but I will love it even more to know your relaxing on Sunday!!!:happy:
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    So far we have the following starting weights:

    my2loves04and06 - 223.4
    Maneyes - 175
    Blondie925 - 200.4
    Cnbethea - 162.6