30 by Labor Day



  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    What are your ULTIMATE goals once you reach a healthier you?

    For me, I want to run a 5K. No sweat to some (or many?) of you, but I abslolutely hate running. Not the running itself, but the feeling out of breath, hurting knees, etc. And my other goal, I want to wear a bikini and be able to like the way I look while wear it in pictures. Not a takini, a bikini. Just once. I've never ever been able to wear one. It's a silly stupid thing, but it's me.

    My goals are a lot like yours. I would love to run a 5K! And I've always wanted to wear a bikini but haven't been able to. I'm 21.. this is when I'm supposed to love my body! I'm getting there though. Two years ago I didn't have a waist line.. it was all like round flab. But my waist started showing pretty good about 10-15 pounds ago. And I'm ok with my arms and legs... but they still need some improvement. My biggest problem is my belly! I can't wait to see what I'll look like when I do reach my goals.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    All the best guys...looks like you have a fantastic group here! I would love to give this ago! but not too sure when labour day is? lol
    I'm guessing maybe you're from England? :happy: Mainly because of the spelling of labor/labour. Then again maybe I'm way off! :laugh: Just wondering....:smile:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    What are your ULTIMATE goals once you reach a healthier you?

    I'd like to do an Olympic distance triathlon (1k swim, 40k bike, 10k run). I've done over each of those events/distances seperately, but have never done all 3 together and definitely need to brush up on the running and swimming. There is a local one in August, but I think I may need to find one in the fall or maybe just next summer. Also, I'd like to do a Century ride (100 mile bike ride). That last one should be do-able by the end of summer. :smile:
  • fast72
    fast72 Posts: 7
    If it's not too late, I would love to join! I just joined on this website last week, and I love it! As of yesterday, my current weight is 179.6. I would love to be at 145 or less. I like to exercise and make time for it, but I have a desk job and tend to eat big portions of food (as well as gasp, beer!!) This looks like a very motivational group!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Good luck all, I'd join, but I'm already in a Labor Day challenge, Best of Luck to you all!!! <3
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Okay small success: today was my grandmother's 95th birthday (yes, my parents had me late in life lol) and there was all kinds of good food. But I stayed within my calories AND only had a small piece of cake! Usually special occasions are my way of making an excuse to eat what I want. But not today. I planned out my calories before I left and stuck to it. Actually, I even ate less than I logged!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Okay small success: today was my grandmother's 95th birthday (yes, my parents had me late in life lol) and there was all kinds of good food. But I stayed within my calories AND only had a small piece of cake! Usually special occasions are my way of making an excuse to eat what I want. But not today. I planned out my calories before I left and stuck to it. Actually, I even ate less than I logged!

    Awwwww Happy Birthday to your grandmothe that is wonderful!!! Great job staying under your calories and planning ahead that is awesome!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    If it's not too late, I would love to join! I just joined on this website last week, and I love it! As of yesterday, my current weight is 179.6. I would love to be at 145 or less. I like to exercise and make time for it, but I have a desk job and tend to eat big portions of food (as well as gasp, beer!!) This looks like a very motivational group!

    Welcome to the group!!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Update on weights!!

    my2loves04and06 - 223.4
    Maneyes - 175
    Blondie925 - 200.4
    Cnbethea - 162.6
    Porterbaby38 - 226.6
    smile121 - 265
    H_R_Wilson - 198.8 for now
    PoshTaush - 225.5
    Skywalker - 169
    fast72 - 179.6
  • twoes
    twoes Posts: 30
    My goal is 28 by 8/28, which is my friend's wedding. I'm right on track so far!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    My goal is 28 by 8/28, which is my friend's wedding. I'm right on track so far!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    That's wonderful keep up the great work!!! Are you in the wedding?
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Wow I don't know why I self sabotage myself I have a great week and weigh then go and blow it are you serious whew I failed at my plan of keeping the rest of the week clean let me try this one more time Wed-Sun will be good that's a promise to myself I deserve better than this!! This was why I was scared to weigh and look because I get happy and think I am suppose to celebrate with food!!

    Time for a new thought process!!
  • UltimateLover
    UltimateLover Posts: 306 Member
    My ultimate goal for all of this: is to love myself more and have a lot more energy. I know that right now, I can be a little bit of a depressant with how I feel about myself.

    I am really hoping to have the body that I've always wished to have and I hope that I can feel comfortable enough to wear a bikini. I want to love exercise again and be able to keep up with everyone that is on my team.
  • smile121
    smile121 Posts: 22
    Good morning everyone!

    Wanted to check in and say that yesterday was really hard for me. I stayed ended up going over my calories by about 150... and i didn't excercise... one good thing about yesterday was that I logged everything I ate , and I usually forget something or leave something out. So one small success : )

    Are weigh ins on Mondays?
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    yes on mondays. will i did a terrible thing late last night, i was good all day, so late last night i was hungry so i had some gronola mix and a fat free cookie. i wasn't going to weight myself so i end up doing it and boom the scale went up, i was so upset. so what i'm going have to do is not eat again after 7:00 i've done it befor nd i can do it again. plus i'm just going just weigh myself on mondays and fridays. even though i have a challenge on saturdays too, i'll just use fridays for my saturdays. i'm just getting to upset with my self. i have two bikinis and a bathing suit and i still feel not so ready in them. i only had 25 more lbs to lose now i have to try to lose what i gain and plus the 25lbs. :mad: :angry: :grumble:
  • smile121
    smile121 Posts: 22
    yes on mondays. will i did a terrible thing late last night, i was good all day, so late last night i was hungry so i had some gronola mix and a fat free cookie. i wasn't going to weight myself so i end up doing it and boom the scale went up, i was so upset. so what i'm going have to do is not eat again after 7:00 i've done it befor nd i can do it again. plus i'm just going just weigh myself on mondays and fridays. even though i have a challenge on saturdays too, i'll just use fridays for my saturdays. i'm just getting to upset with my self. i have two bikinis and a bathing suit and i still feel not so ready in them. i only had 25 more lbs to lose now i have to try to lose what i gain and plus the 25lbs. :mad: :angry: :grumble:

    You are not alone! I do this all the time. I am going to try to do the same thing, and not eat after 8 pm. It is just so hard cause you get hungry and start to think, Oh no big deal, i will just eat one cookie, or one chip... well for me one = one hundred! lol. Just stick with it and you will be in that bikini in no time!
  • my2loves04and06
    Wanted to check in and say that yesterday was really hard for me. I stayed ended up going over my calories by about 150... and i didn't excercise...

    We're you shadowing me yesterday? I didn't plan my meals, I didn't exercise, and I went over my calories by 156ish! Today's a new day and I'm back on track. :)

    Oh, and yes, weigh-in on Mondays!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Today is going great I am totally back on track today!!!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Today is going great I am totally back on track today!!!

    That's great! So far so good for me as well. :happy:
  • twoes
    twoes Posts: 30
    My goal is 28 by 8/28, which is my friend's wedding. I'm right on track so far!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    That's wonderful keep up the great work!!! Are you in the wedding?

    Nope, just an observer, but I want to get a sweet dress :smile: