30 by Labor Day



  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    labor day: 168.8lbs.
    goal: 140lbs or 135lbs.

    i just like to be able to workout everyday no matter what each day brings. i'm actually starting over. i've had almost a month of frustration. no more back tothe nitty gritty.
  • OpenHeaven
    OpenHeaven Posts: 275 Member
    I'm in!!!!

    Exercise - I usually try to get in a nice walk (I really like to run intervals as well, but don't always) and then I come home and do a DVD...Just completed day 29 level 3 of the 30 day shred!!!!! I am thinking about trying the c25k thing, but haven't looked into it yet! I leave for a two-week vacation in 5 days and will have the program loaded and ready to go on my iPod before I leave (or maybe I will do it while at the airport?? VERY VERY busy this week!!! LOL!!!) and I will be bringing a DVD or two to help me stay on track!!!!

    Blessings to everyone!!!! Let's get the weight off this summer!!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    So far we have the following starting weights:

    my2loves04and06 - 223.4
    Maneyes - 175
    Blondie925 - 200.4
    Cnbethea - 162.6
    Porterbaby38 - 226.6
  • smile121
    smile121 Posts: 22
    I would like to join this challenge...

    sw - 265

    I am psyched!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    So far we have the following starting weights:

    my2loves04and06 - 223.4
    Maneyes - 175
    Blondie925 - 200.4
    Cnbethea - 162.6
    Porterbaby38 - 226.6
    smile121 - 265
  • smile121
    smile121 Posts: 22
    Yay! I have been looking for a challenge to participate in.

    My goal for this week is to not eat any take out, drink more water and excercise 4x.

    I do zumba on mondays and spin class on saturdays... so that is 2 days that I have to work out on my own... lets see if i can hack it. lol

    I think my biggest challenge with losing weight is FOOD! i love it and I love eating!! It is a form of entertainment, and it is a comfort. I haven't been keeping track of all of my calories in the past 2 or 3 weeks and I have not lost any weight! This challenge came at the right time for me. I have 2 weddings to go to this fall and i really want to wear a cute dress and not a tent! I am looking for all the support I can get, so thank you all in advance!! Good luck to everyone!!!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Is it too late to join? I would love to be in! 30 pounds would be amazing!!! Plus..if you notice my personal goals this lines up perfectly!! Oh yeah...starting and current weight is in my signature!
  • TruSunshine
    TruSunshine Posts: 178
    I'm in!!
    SW: 210
    CW:198.8 (when I checked on 5/25) I'm actually weighing tomorrow so i"ll update this post then :flowerforyou:
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    So far we have the following starting weights:

    my2loves04and06 - 223.4
    Maneyes - 175
    Blondie925 - 200.4
    Cnbethea - 162.6
    Porterbaby38 - 226.6
    smile121 - 265
    H_R_Wilson - 198.8 for now:happy:
    PoshTaush - 225.5

    We are growing and it is so exciting I think having this support through the summer will be great for all of us. The person with the highest weightloss percentage each week will chose the challenge for the next week and it should be a food and workout challenge and hard enough for all involved so it mean we may have to come out of our comfort zone to meet everyones fitness level which will be great "Pain is weakness leaving the body", so a great challenge will be good. This week I think we should maybe tell a little about ourselves to get to know each other better what are you weakness and what do you need the most support and accountability with? Also for food logging everyday if you bite it log it!! Let's all put our heads together and make this the best 12 week challenge ever I am so ready to do this and get the most weight off possible!!
  • UltimateLover
    UltimateLover Posts: 306 Member
    My name is Katie.

    I'm 22 from Ontario, Canada. I am currently a university student who is working on a co-op term. I have been overweight for most of my life and now I'd like a change.

    I really enjoy playing ultimate frizbee so I'm hoping that it will help get me into track with losing weight and getting used to exercising again.
  • my2loves04and06
    I'm Trace, and I currently live in Northern Illinois, but we're in the process of moving to South Carolina (my husband has already been there for 6 weeks). I'm a 29 yr old FT working mom to 2 children (ages 3 and 5). I joined MFP in Feb '10 and worked it religiously for about 2 weeks, until we went on a mini vacation. I never came back until the beginning of this month. I currently started back here at my highest non-pg weight ever: 228. I've tried a few of the fad diets out there: Atkins, South Beach, etc. I even paid to lose 50 lbs upfront to LA Weight Loss. Epic FAIL. And I lost out on my $300 I already paid, too. I've been overweight most of my life, like Katie. After high school I starved myself like crazy and was at my all time low of 155 (which I still thought was fat!). After I met my husband and we married, my weight just kept climbing. My husband is very supporive of my weight loss verbally (although he doesn't think I need to lose), however his actions are the complete opposite (buying us fast food, ice cream/chips at home, etc).

    Anywho, now that I've rambled (I'm known for that!)....I've committed myself to making the change and STICKING with it this time.
  • smile121
    smile121 Posts: 22
    Let me start by saying I am really excited about this challenge and meeting all of you guys and finding out that maybe i am not the only one that is obsessed with food... or maybe I am : )

    My name is Renee, i am single and I live in Boston. I have not always been overweight it actually started to creep up in my teenage years, then I lost it all and gained it back plus more... but in the past 5 years I have put on a whopping 85 pounds! and let me tell you it is the biggest challenge of my life to try to take it off. Like you Trace, I have done all kinds of fad diets (that worked for a short time) south beach atkins, weight watchers, everything... but as soon as I stop the diet I gain the weight. Food has been my best friend for a long time. we have a love/hate relationship... I am really hoping to kick my bad habits and maybe, just maybe feel good about myself again. I really need this. Thanks for listening to my rambling... and I can't wait to hear all of your stories too : )
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    My name is Charmaine I am married with 4 kids 13, 11, 10 ans soon to be 7. I am also obsessed with food so Renee your not alone:happy: As a kid I grew up the skinny kid developing late and being teased because of it my 13 yr old daughter going through the same thing in school :cry: I keep telling her mommy was the same way sorry you have been cursed at the same time I am happy the boys not interested:laugh: !! I wont tell her that and my 11yr old is total opposite ugggghhh and boy crazy go figure I couldn't be totally lucky. Well back to me weight became an issue for me about 5yrs ago and I can't even blame it on post pregnancy I think it was more so getting comfortable in life not working out and eating whatever I wanted until I saw a pic of me and my hubby at a water park and it's been a work in progress every since. My highest weight was 186 we moved to CA and I was on a mission again like Trace and Renee trying every fad diet, joined a gym, did a biggest loser challenge with a group of people while all in CA I got down to 149 and then it was time to move back to Virginia where my hubby family have cookouts and big family dinners all yr around:mad: I bought clothes last Mother's day as a way to stay focus and continue to my goal and then last summer happen by the end of the summer last yr I was back up to 170 and by Thanksgiving I had hit 181 again and that's when I decided to turn things back around and so here I am trying to get into those clothes by labor day and reach my goal once and for all so thanks for letting me be apart of this group this is just what I need to make it through another food fill summer!!:flowerforyou:

    I am a rambler as well!!!:tongue:
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Here goes!

    I'm Lisa. I'm 21, live in north Georgia. I have a boyfriend that I've been with for almost 5 years and we have a 1 1/2 year old cocker spaniel named Teddy (He is my child for now:smile:). I've always had a weight problem since I was younger. I remember once in the 5th grade I weighed 172. It was so embarrassing. I just never knew how to eat healthy or what to do. I was really shy growing up (still can be at times) and often got picked on for my weight which made it even worse. Fast forward to high school and for some reason getting my drivers license is what encouraged me to lose weight (that and boys lol). I lost over 30 pounds (went from 215-220 to 176). Hanging out with my friends and enjoying the freedom I wasn't used to and eating out all the time caused me to gain from the 170s to 190s. Then when I started dating my boyfriend, I finished myself off by gaining up to 245. Let me tell you I was mean and miserable at that weight. It's like I didn't even realize I had gained so much. My boyfriend was nice and never said a word, but I remember when I saw the first picture of how big I was. I was beyond shocked. I remember shopping and picking up clothes that I thought would fit by looking at them.. no I couldn't even put them on, much less wear them!

    So in March of 2008 I decided that I'd absolutely had enough and started trying to lose weight. I had a college class (native flora) and we had to go on little hiking trips a few times a week. I remember huffing and puffing on the hills and not being able to walk up stairs without getting super-winded. 18-19 year olds aren't supposed to feel like that! I knew I despirately had to change. I bought a HRM and a few DVDs and I've been going ever since! It's taken me a while, and I've had many many slip-ups. But I'm determined! I now love working out and how it makes me feel. (Thank goodness).

    But my biggest weakness is food. I LOVE FOOD! I'm one of those people who if I could eat whatever I wanted I'd work out 3 hours a day just to be able to enjoy eating. But I know that diet is 80% of losing weight.. so it's something I have to work on. When I'm alone, I'm fine. I can eat healthy and my appetite isn't too bad. But get me around people (which I'm usually around others) and geting clean goes out the window. Everyone loves to keep junk in the house. It's such a battle. However, I will win this war! We all will!

    (If you can't tell, I'm also a rambler.. I can't help it!)

    I'm glad this group seems to be taking off and sounds like it's gonna be a great one!
  • smile121
    smile121 Posts: 22
    Well I am glad to see I am not the only one that LOVES FOOD! I am also glad to see that I am not this only talker : )


    This is going to be a great challenge!!
  • my2loves04and06
    Lisa - How far from Greenville, SC are you? That's where we're moving to. I know Atlanta is only about 2.5 hrs from there.

    Just got in from a bike ride. 8 miles while pulling the bike trailer PLUS my 32 lb son (692 cals burned). I feel like a whooped puppy! I did treat myself to a vanilla cone from McD's with the kids. I figured I could spare the few calories/carbs. I'm never going to be able to eat what I burned today. I still have my 30 DS workout to complete, which is another 267 cals. How bad is it if I can't eat back all the calories I've burned in a day?
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    hi my name is karen. before i moved to illinois in 2008. before i got with the man i'm with now, i was big my whole life. i'm 39 years old. we have little min pin. named bud. before this new life, i was living in ohio, that's where my family is. to tell you the truth i wasn't happy with my life in ohio. i had a few terrible relationships. i just didn't love my life. but now i'm very happy and losing weight. i just want to be healthy and be able to go places and stare at with eyes popping and mouth dropping. i just want to be and feel hot sexy and looking healthy.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Lisa - How far from Greenville, SC are you? That's where we're moving to. I know Atlanta is only about 2.5 hrs from there.

    According to mapquest, it's right at 3 hours from here and about 150 miles. Atlanta seems like it's way south from here.. cause I live about 80 miles north of there - right at the TN and NC lines. :smile:
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Lisa - How far from Greenville, SC are you? That's where we're moving to. I know Atlanta is only about 2.5 hrs from there.

    Just got in from a bike ride. 8 miles while pulling the bike trailer PLUS my 32 lb son (692 cals burned). I feel like a whooped puppy! I did treat myself to a vanilla cone from McD's with the kids. I figured I could spare the few calories/carbs. I'm never going to be able to eat what I burned today. I still have my 30 DS workout to complete, which is another 267 cals. How bad is it if I can't eat back all the calories I've burned in a day?
    Awesome workout!! Iseem to have a problem with the eating back all the calories stuff I mean I understand the whole theaory behind it my body just don't respond to it like that even when I did P90X I didn't eat the 2500cal a day that it required nor did I do it with Insanity and I still lost weight I can easily eat those calories eating bad foods I just can't eating healthy. So after all the rambling I think you should eat your calories to be safe and not hit that wall!!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I'm Beck... checking in...
    Starting weight 215
    Last week 169
    Today 169

    My goal for this week is to put in 125 miles on my bike :happy:
    Good luck, everyone!! Have a great week!! :drinker: