

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    morning ladies~
    busy busy today.. the chain saws are buzzing outside and DH is sanding and spackleing in the kitchen,
    I went and fed my DFIL , he was trying to get out of bed at 6 this morning to get his car, so they got him up and dressed..
    he ate well.. and now I am home trying to assemble a grocery list and food to make and freeze.. for when the kitchen is totally torn apart..
    Stuff that the DH will eat..
    there is dust everywhere which I will have to clean once he is done.. DH has asthma but it doesnt flair up alot as an adult.. I have him wearing a mask while he sands,I dont need him keeling over on me :o

    I have Chester on my lap between the sanding and the chain saw's he is a nervous wreck,, at least he isnt shaking
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Heather: It's so difficult to keep a secret like that. Well done and great planning by DDIL. I'm sure that in your house no-one will ever go hungry :smile:

    Kim: The spinach lasagna was a big hit! Not exactly low cal but teamed with a salad wasn't too bad. I might try to make a zucchini lasagna next time (replacing the noodles with zucchini) should be lower in calories. I did fewer layers so that reduced the calorie count and used lower fat cheeses.

    TNToni: Whew...I'm tired just looking at your schedule :wink: Congrats on the job at the Y!

    Lillian: Hope you feel better soon...and we need a rain dance too! "Yippee yippee ki-yi ooni, Yippee yippee ki-yi ooni ki-yi-yi yippee ki-yi-yay,ki-yi-yi yippee ki-yi-yay, a woo a woonie keechie." The rain dance song my cousin and I used to do when we were young. :laugh:

    Katla: Sorry that the riding lesson was so tough. I think talking to the teacher about the saddle situation is a great go-forward plan.

    Well dinner went very well last night. Everyone LOVED the lasagna and the greek salad. I could not believe how much work it was to do everything. I think overall I spent 6 hours in the kitchen and I was busy all the time. I was exhausted by the time the company arrived. We had a lovely visit and then played cards, wizard and marbles, what a lovely time and definitely one for the memory pages.

    On the agenda for today...rest and then maybe some yard work.

    Thought for the day: Life is very interesting... in the end, some of your greatest pains, become your greatest strengths. - Drew Barrymore

  • MMinMD
    MMinMD Posts: 53 Member
    Finally caught up reading posts. Phew!
    Happy beautiful May day to everyone!

    My son is traveling to Sydney, AUS tomorrow (from home here in DC) to see his GF who is doing a semester abroad over there. We are exciting and doing final packing and planning today. 5 am start to get him to Dulles for a 9 am flight (we live an hour south of DC, Dulles is on the other side).

    We’ll grill something yummy on the charcoal grill tonite (my son is really getting good at smoking meat) and probably go out in the boat or float with some drinks on our creek before dinner.

    I’m doing OK on my May goals:
    • Make that scale move: 3 pounds so far in May
    o Burn more calories, averaging 2500 cal burn, and 2100 cal intake. Could do better! Just 100 more cal burned and 200 less intake would gain me another 0.5 lb/week.
    o Fitbit: 10,000 steps, 10 flights of stairs, 30 active min every day: Averaging 7k steps per day, 30 active minutes, and 7 flights of stairs
    • Be happy and positive! Meh.
    • Get some quick and healthy dinners into my cooking rotation. Could do better here. Loving cold bean and corn salads now that it’s warm.
    • Stop that mindless eating when tired and PO’d. Doing better. Except beer.

    I tried buckwheat cereal for bfast this am. It sorta tastes like quinoa. I don’t love it. I’m a big fan or hot breakfast cereals with eggs or cottage cheese, or chicken sausage (Applegate) + some hot sauce all mixed up for bfast. Lots of fiber & protein for ~300 cal. Then I do a fruit for mid-am snack.

    Mary/Fancy – good luck with the move! We’ve been in our rural place 20 years and I have a very hard time imagining moving.

    JoanMichelle – ah the lake! We love our summer lake vacations in Ontario. Hope you are having a great time. WRT weight loss in the first week… I always lose a lot at first. I think I’m just clearing out my system/gut. After the first week, I’ve been carefully watching my weight loss vs net calories to see where I am. My calories in from MFP – calories out from my fit bit has been a VERY accurate predictor of weight loss over the last 2 months. Once I get a bit more light and fit I will switch to a heart rate monitor. Right now most of my exercise is walking, but one goal is to switch to some more sweaty work sometime this summer.

    Sharon – “DH is bored, depressed and critical.” I’m with ya. For now I’m hoping that a thinner me will be a happier me, and a happier us. Argh. Frustrating.
    Joyce- do you have a walk-in clinic so you can get some antibiotics this weekend, and not wait for Tues? Our family practice docs are so overwhelmed they rarely give same day appts any more, and everyone just gives up and goes to the walk-in places for basic stuff. Oh and good luck with the DH. It’s hard for them (or anyone) to see how difficult it is for others when they are so negative about their health. I guess the rationale is that they are the sick ones, so they get to be that way. Tough spot, sorry.

    Lesley – good luck with the BFFM! Looks like a good program, I’ve been looking at it.

    Terri – oh I need that shirt!

    Toni – Congrats on the job!

    Lisa – lovely quilts. I used to do some of that. I need to figure out what crafty/artsy thing(s) I want to do now that kids are out of the house. Been putzing with water color, but while I’m still working, I can really only manage to concentrate on one other thing and for the next year or two that’s gonna be weight loss/exercise.

    Get well sickies, welcome back vacationers, have fun with visitors!
    You all are a great inspiration to me, thanks again!

    Today’s reason to lose weight: SCUBA trip this winter!
    I’ve spent decades diving at this weight, but its harder and harder to move around with a 50 lb weight belt. I worry about climbing back in boats with my bad knee.

    Cindy in SoMD

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,714 Member
    morning peep poop peeps!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie: I LOVE the galloping horse. Learning is a challenge and I am generally having a grand time, although not today. No more back strain if I can avoid it and that should be relatively easy to accomplish. I have the “if it hurts don’t do it or figure out a way to do it right” point of view.

    Sharon: Going to the doctor would make sense if I seriously hurt myself but this is not that serious. Avoiding getting hurt makes more sense in my situation.

    Lisa: You and your DH are very creative.

    Cindy in So MD: I’ve found that being happy is a separate goal from losing weight, and it requires effort on my part. No one is happy every minute, but it is possible to do things that give happiness a better chance. Being healthier is one of those things. Doing things you love to do, spending time with people whose company you enjoy, noticing the simple pleasures like watching birds, sitting in the sunshine, & spending time in pleasurable hobbies are also good happiness strategies.

    We have plans to rendezvous with sailing friends this weekend at a favorite destination that isn’t too far away, but today is COLD and neither DH or I is willing to deal with the cold. We’ll go tomorrow if the warmer weather that is predicted shows up. I’ve had enough rest and Advil that my aches and pains from the riding lesson are easing considerably.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol. Accomplished but here as a reminder.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.


  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,223 Member
    Happy Saturday morning folks! I think the whole weekend is going to be a bust, weather-wise. It’s sprinkling now, and rain is predicted for an entire week! I really wanted to get the elliptical bikes out for a ride, so we’ll have to wait and see if there’s a clear spot.

    DD#2 is off going to multiple graduation parties. So she’ll be gone all day, then work tonight. She’s going to ask about picking up more hours during the summer. She needs to come up with about another $3000 for room and board. It’s amazing to me…she is just DONE with high school. It came so fast after dreaming about it for so long!!!

    Carol: hugs for mom

    Vicki: hope you enjoy your family visit! AND your weekend off!

    Toni: I’m thinking the techniques and machines are better now re mammograms. Mine are always squished flat but where I go now, there has never been any discomfort. Glad you got the job!

    Kim: I’m with you on that client!

    Carol: OWWWWWW

    Sylvia: isn’t that doggy greeting just the best?

    Lillian: hope you feel better soon! I’ll be thinking about all of you near the fire.

    DrKatie: good job on meeting your goals!

    Mary: the necklace sounds beautiful!

    Katla: the mental image! Don’t fall now! Have a great time with the sailing club!

    Joyce: isn’t that great to see these kids grow up? I hope you get over your sinus infection soon.

    Sharon: I’m so sorry to hear of all the goings on in your family! I hope the counseling helps! Is there a reason DH is bored and depressed, or has he had depression before?

    Cynthia: hope you are feeling better!

    Barbie: good for you to put aside your fears and get to that dentist. I plan to be the only old lady in the nursing home without cavities…at 56 I still have never had one.

    Janet: ***bending over*** for that swift kick!!!

    Heather: (((hugs))) for you and your lovely friends who are ill

    Lisa: thanks for sharing the wonderful pics!

    Cindy: great motivation! Where will you be diving?

    Well ladies I’m off to get a few things accomplished. Lots of tributes and activities for the fallen officer; her funeral is Tuesday. I’d like to get to some of them plus something for Memorial Day itself. Our local police dept is collecting diapers for the infant. Yesterday we were all supposed to wear blue; it was awesome to be in a literal sea of blue at work and on the streets.

    Take care all, Meg from drizzly Omaha!
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Happy Saturday! Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend.
  • ma5y
    ma5y Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks so much for the very warm welcome. I can tell this is an incredibly supportive and affirming group. My goal for May is to resume exercising. I'll list more concrete goals for June. Thanks.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello out there! It's been a great morning here, in spite of the rain. I got almost 11 hours of sleep last night and felt LOTS better this morning. I weighed myself, even though I can feel I still have a little bloating, and I am 2 pounds LESS than the day I left for Spain! Hooray!

    Last night I made a "stovetop pizza" from a recipe I saw on facebook. It was really easy to do and wasn't bad except that it burned a little on the bottom. The recipe didn't say how high to have the burner. I might do it again someday. Hubby liked it, but he likes burnt bread. I used turkey pepperoni and low fat cheese.

    I got two ENORMOUS cantelopes at the store yesterday. The first one was incredibly sweet! The second one is a little greener, so it should last till after we finish of the first one. I love cantelope!

    We went to swim laps at the pool this morning and I discovered something amazing. I sink! In the fat old days, I could float standing up, with my shoulders entirely sticking out of the water. That was at over 300 pounds. Today, I sunk up to my eyebrows. At 170 pounds. It'll be interesting to see how much of me sticks out of the water when I get to my goal weight. I may need a snorkel.

    The kiln is loaded full of things from the birtday party that was held in my studio the day before I left. It should be finished tomorrow, then I can glaze it all and get rid of it. I hate to owe things to people, so I'd like to get it finished and returned to them as soon as possible. I especially hate to make kids wait.

    Meg, what a nice tribute, for everyone to wear blue. It still just breaks my heart to think about it. I was once a young female cop with a baby, so it tugs at my heart something awful. Is there a fund set up somewhere for the family? I'll google it and see if I can find it.

    Well, I've got to go. We are going to the lake tonight. Have a great Saturday!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,356 Member
    Good evening everyone!

    I have read everyone and my thoughts are truly with you, but I am just toooooo tired to comment. :flowerforyou:

    Kids in bed - they have been a dream. :D Hope the night goes well. I ache all over and I am exhausted. :)
    DS knew nothing, even when they arrived at the hotel he said "Oh, this is the hotel we've talked about going to. Is the bathroom supplier next door then?" Fantastic!

    By 9.30 we had made and decorated dinosaur biscuits and had water play in the sink. The day ahead seemed long, but it passed like a dream. What fab kids. DS and DDIL are back at 11.30 tomorrow morning annd are staying the night. That was not in my original plan, but I am gearing up for chicken and spinach curry.

    Love you all. My very best wishes to those who are suffering.

    Heather UK
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Good day all,

    Skipped my water class this morning and slept in. The a fellow who helps us around the house came to do some cleaning and yard work. He is such a good help. He worked in the warehouse of my husband's previous company and has been helping us off and on for about 15 years. He calls us his other momma and daddy.

    Heather - sounds like the surprise weekend has been great. I'm sure you are going to be tired but it is all worth it. I am sorry about your friend's cancer.

    Meg - It is exciting to have that daughter graduated. Where is she going to college?

    Lisa - enjoyed seeing your hall tree/sewing center. The purse is darling! You are very creative.

    Cynthia -Hope you get well soon. I live in Nashville.

    Pip - You burn so many calories with your exercising? How many calories do you eat in a day?

    Sylvia - so glad to hear you got a good night's rest and the scales are "smiling" at you. All those steps payed off!

    Allison - Remind me - Is Chester your cat? Mine hides under the beds if anyone even thinks about coming in the door for a visit. Don't know if she would survive a remodel.

    Mary - hope everything is moving along smoothly for your relocation to the new house. We need to downsize and get in a one level home but the thought of doing so overwhelms me.

    Cindy - SCUBA trip sounds like a good motivator.

    Prayers for those who are sick and extra stressed.

    I'm going to be a couch potato this afternoon and evening. I'll walk some during commercials but I think I'll rest up today!

    Love y'all!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,714 Member
    stats for the day:
    rowing machine- 15min, 88aw, 2842meters/1.77mi = 99c
    fog- 35.52min, 5 incline, alternate speed 5.0-5.5 every other song, 11.34ap, 5k = 328c
    step- 25min, alternate, very fast, medium speed = 176c
    stretch, etc- 18min = 40c
    total cal 643
  • barbaraedmo
    barbaraedmo Posts: 14 Member
    Hi I'm new to this thread,
    I need to kick start me healthy life style, I'm 51 at the end of the month, I'm going to become a Nanna, daughter due on the 29th and I'm waiting for an outcome on a redundancy meeting. So I really feel the need for the support from women of a similar age.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat!Been busy cooking .Hubby works today and mon,so made some food for a couple days.
    Another great day out.
    hugs jane
  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    Just hanging out resting up today because these weeks are super busy. Looking ahead, my DS has prom and graduation, my DD has annual dance recital and we go to Las Vegas in July for dance Nationals. In August we'll drop DS at college for his freshmen year!

    My niece arrived in Thiland and is doing fine. She's started her teaching position and likes the kids and is enjoying the sight seeing. My sister and BIL have had time to adjust and are doing much better. The world is so different now
  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    Sending hugs to all and prayers for good health.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Toni- Chester is our Shih-tzu.. they just now finished cutting the tree's down from 8 this morning, tomorrow is cleaning up the mess,,
    these guys must be exsausted.... they stopped for lunch but thats it..
    going over my list and then will get up super early and grocery shop
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,714 Member
    Tngran- I do my best not to eat the calories I burn. To maintain, I am at 1430 cal. daily. If I eat some of the calories that I do burn I don't stress cuz I know I will burn the next day anyway
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good evening! I had planned to do lots of housework today so that the house would be all clean when I got back next Saturday, then reality set in. The boy child will be living here for four days by himself after I leave, so why bother?!

    He and his dad spent most of the day looking for a truck to buy. So far, they've not found anything he can negotiate in his price range. They are going to try again on Monday. Andrew will take me to the airport then continue car shopping with his dad. (His dad lives in the same city as the airport.) He will be gone to his job when I get back.

    I went for a walk this morning and was reminded why morning exercise does not work for me. I am stiff and uncoordinated (more so than usual) until mid afternoon. I would love to ride the bike again, but my pelvic joints/sit bones/lady bits are still sore from the seat. I'm also growing a spectacular bruise on my left hip. Evidently I rolled on it or caught it with handlebars. Still not sore like I thought I would be.

    Instead of cleaning today, I packed. Everything is ready to go except those things I have to use between now and leaving, like makeup, hairbrush, etc. And, I rested! This past week was a rough one for getting two weeks of work done on one.

    I've read everything but don't remember enough to resond individually. I do pay attention to what you write, though!

    Carol in NC
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Sunday and the HIGH cals yesterday were GOOD
    Woke to frost but have done Jeannette's cardio Dance for 256 cals.
    Stan is cooking Sunday brunch and cals today are GOOD 1545. Rack of lamb and roast veg for dinner.
    We are going for a drive and walk with Blaize
    I have LOST 2 Kgs by actually keeping to my plan, weigh/BF%/Tape officially tomorrow
    Lesley in Tasmania