

  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hello everyone -

    I got the job at the Y. I'll work every Sunday 12:15 - 5:15 and every other Sat. (not sure of the shift hours for that day). I know most people don't want the weekend hours but for me it is perfect. Hubby always works and my kids are usually too darn busy to spend weekend time with me. DS works from home so I can catch them on week day afternoons except for Tues. and Fri.

    I think I have finished my Y Safari. Burned nearly 1/2 tank of gas on my adventure. Here is the plan:
    M - 7:00am water class; T- 8:30am water class, 10:30am senior strength; W - 10:30am yoga stretch @ church Y;
    Th - 7:00am - yoga stretch, 8:30 regular and deep water (30/30); F - 7:00am water class, 9:15am senior strength.
    Every other Sat - 8:30 water

    I will still have my TOPS and study group on Mondays. I hope to help with a summer lunch program for school neighborhood kiddos twice a week.

    Busy will be best for me!

    Plan to work in the yard and garage tomorrow.

    Toni in Tennessee on one of the most perfect late spring days ever!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Sorry gang. I'm feeling a little puny tonight and am going to bed early. I think the jet lag has finally caught me and is kicking my butt. Have a great evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    21,000 steps
    three hours of dog walking in beautiful spring weather
    over an hour on the exercise bike
    taught a two hour line dance class
    front and side planks

    smiley-happy110.gif Toni in TN, congrats on getting the job you wanted that fits your needs and your schedule....I love your positive, grateful attitude about your life

    smiley-cool05.gif Kim, your walking tours in San Francisco sound like so much fun, but your friend's eating plan would make me crazy

    smiley-bounce013.gif Terri in Milwaukee, your planks sound great.....I'll think I'll take a break now and try some for myself......front is easier for me than side.

    smiley-sleep012.gif Early to bed tonight to be up extra early in the morning for dog walking followed by grocery shopping before it gets too busy in town.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif

    Resolutions for May (with week three comments)
    *walk at least 15,000 steps a day (every day but two, but kept the average high)
    *strength training twice a week (still floundering on this one)
    *act the way I want to feel (this is what made my trip go so well)
    *work in the yard 30 minutes three times a week (several days but not three times a week)
    *write the two letters I've been putting off for too long (finished and sent one of them)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 11.20min, 15.6amph, 2.9mi = 91c
    ski machine- 35min, 15-16resist., 3-5incl, 2.25mi = 252c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.22min, 13amph, 1.3mi = 56c
    ride dome 2 hm- 16.48min, 9.6amph, 2.6mi = 149c
    total cal 548
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Thank you everyone for the get well wishes. I am covered today with a prickly rash - I always get it when I have a fever. So I stayed inside today and can't believe it - I didn't eat everything in sight. Missed a nice day in the sun , though, +27 degrees Celsius. Drank lots of water....

    The forest fire near us - according to the news tonight - is 10 sq kilometers and is being monitored. Which really means they are just letting it burn. My brother is the Fire Chief in town and they were called out yesterday when started and they were told to stand down because they couldn't get to the fire. there are no roads to get to it. It is in the forest near where there was clear cutting a couple years ago. The tree planter people were up there so hope they got out all right.

    To all the U.S. people. Enjoy the Memorial Day Weekend. Hug a soldier and say thank you.

    To my Western Canadian friends - please do a rain dance. We are soooooo dry.

    Great big hugs to all

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • ma5y
    ma5y Posts: 47 Member
    Hi. I am joining at the end of May. Hope to see this thread continuing into June. I look forward to losing weight with the rest of you. My goals this week are simple: resume exercising constantly.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Toni – Congrats!!!! What a busy schedule!

    Lesley – I need you at my house to be my house angel

    So I had to share! I read. I read a lot. So at any time I am reading for one of my two book clubs, and one serious non-fiction work, and one or more pleasure items (books and magazines). The non-fiction always is a slow go, I read a bit, sometimes looking up words, researching concepts… well the book for the last few months has been The Extreme Life of the Sea by Palumbi, it is interesting and well written, and they take chunks of serious issues about the sea and make it very readable, so this section is about reproduction within clownfish and this is a bit of a long quote, but had me laughing out loud…

    “The 2003 Disney film Finding Nemo formally canonized the anemone dweller’s adorability. The eponymous clownfish vanishes from his home anemone, forcing his widowed father to take off after him. Finding Nemo get many things right – the anxiety of leaving home and the obnoxious yelping of seagulls- but it punts away the most fascinating aspect of clownfish. As sequential hermaphrodites, they lead unique home lives. All are born male, with the ability to change sex. Like a wild card, it’s only good once: once males turn into females, they can’t turn back into males. The film supposes a lifelong romance for Nemo’s parents, but genuine clownfish live only as part of larger groups. A handful of fish share each anemone, all beginning their lives as immature males. The largest and most dominant male turns into a female; the next-largest develops functioning testes. She lays eggs, he fertilizes them. The others bide their time, defending the anemone and the family’s precious eggs. One of the mated pair will eventually die, to be swiftly replaced by someone down the ladder.

    If the matriarch dies, the fertile male who was #2 now takes her place as #1, metamorphosing into a female himself. A simple hierarchy of size and strength determines the family’s whole structure, conflicting with the acceptable social norms for children’s movies. Finding Nemo painted a simple picture for more than just the sake of simplicity; a real clownfish father who lost his mate would not develop a psychologically complex of grieving and overprotection. He would simply become Nemo’s new mother, Nemo (the only other fish remaining in the anemone) would rapidly develop mature gonads. He would become his own father while his father became his mother, and they would raise little incestuous Nemos together without a drip of sentimentality. In retrospect, the producers at Disney probably made the right call. “

    Loved the last line “”Disney ..made the right call” LOL, now you truly know how twisted I am.

    smiles Kim in N. Cal
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    ma5y wrote: »
    Hi. I am joining at the end of May. Hope to see this thread continuing into June. I look forward to losing weight with the rest of you. My goals this week are simple: resume exercising constantly.
    :) Welcome, I hope you keep coming back and join the conversation....this thread has continued month after month for years, so we'll be starting a new thread in June

    B) Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Lillian-I like your two-year rule a lot better!

    Karla- I really hope we are able to downsize. My husband is a little reluctant. We have our poppy to wear. It is very important to honor our troops.

    Janet-I know what you mean about staying home when events are going on in the neighborhood. We live in tourist area ourselves. At least we know the back way sometimes.

    Terri - good job on the planks. Those are hard to hold. Hope your knee feels better.

    Heather-so sorry to hear about your friends. When it hits so close to home we do feel our mortality. (((Hugs)))

    Carol glad that it's just a war wound. It's nice that you plan out what you're doing on your trip. Especially with food. Its easier to stay on track.

    Heather- hope you pull it off without a hitch! Your DS will be surprised.

    Kim - I love your goal of planning a fun activity each week. It has gotten me thinking of doing that.

    TNToni - congratulations on getting the job! I would think that it would be a very fun place to work.

    Lillian - take care! We will hope for rain.

    We had a very busy day today.
    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    i was on the train yesterday and had my MS bike jersey on. well, today, there was a 30 something guy that saw me yesterday that asked me, " i meant to ask you if you had MS " i forgot that i wore the jersey and he reminded me. come to find out he has MS. i told him then we are riding for you! that made me feel good. he is 31 and takes a shot every day but right now has no symptoms. pretty cool.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Dreamwriter, thanks for the info. I wish it would help my husband though. He still hasn't had his lab work done that was ordered about 2 weeks ago. I'm sure it has to be sent out so I don't know if the office will have the results when we next see them. Right now he said he is not taking any expensive drug or clinical trial. He said if it kills him then so be it. His father had that attitude after he developed cancer and he died fairly quickly, he just gave up. He also said he may go the same way our next door neighbor did, shoot himself in the head while his wife was sleeping in the next room. I know he is depressed but to a person who is depressed they don't always see it. He has rationalized it that this is the correct way. I don't think he understands that when he goes off of the cortisone, eventually he will go back to the numerous stools a day. He takes Simethecone for his gas and that ahs made it better. But I can't get him to understand that the Simethecone is only hiding the symptom, the cause is still there. Men.

    Mary in Milwaukee, I always liked to have my husband at work whenever I had a yard sale. There were a lot of things that went back in the house when he was around.

    Janet, glad to know I have some one close 'looking' after my nephew when he is down there. His Mom has a sister that lives down your way and she and my nephew, even though they love us dearly, think our side of the family is a little cooky and they love to see her side of the family. My nephew would love to move to Myrtle Beach but they financially can't right now. But since a lot of kids find work in the place they go to school he may stay there. With pharmacy, they do do clinical work in a local hospital so that gets them a lead into a place of employment.

    Kim, I used to read the regular forums here and I would read these posts that people eat anything they want, as long as they exercise the right amount of calories off. I tried to say that not all calories are the same and they were well on their way to open heart surgery if all they ate was the pizza and ice cream they said they were eating. But there was no arguing with these buff looking guys so I jsut decided to stay away from the other forums and find a permanent home. That's how I found you guys.

    Ma5y, Oh yes, we will be here in June. I think we have been here several years.

    Kim, N. Car. That article takes the fun out of watching Finding Nemo.

    Maybe our mammograms, well your mammograms, because the breast tissue isn't as dense anymore. I know the last one I had said there wasn't any breast tissue left in mine!!!!

    I have a sinus infection and it's Friday and my doctor won't be in until Monday, nope Tuesday. I have the most massive headache. The bright light here hurts my eyes so much but if I make it dim, the straining hurts them also. So I will just say night night.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Janet: If I have my boots on, the jeans stay out from under my feet but if I’m barefoot I have to roll them up several inches. They were comfortable to ride in.

    Carey: The Leonard Nimoy quotation is wonderful. Your Shepherd’s Pie recipe sounds delicious. You've shared two things that I appreciate!

    Kim: I’m happy to hear that your customer paid for all of the shirts. I’m so glad you told the story of finding Nemo. It will never be the same for me again, and I like it so much better now that I know the real biology! :bigsmile:

    Leslie: It is wonderful that you and your friend are working on fitness together and can encourage one another.

    Carol: I hope you heal quickly. Those injuries look painful.

    Lilymay: I’m sorry to hear about the fire in your area. I hope they contain it soon.

    Sylvia: Welcome home! I laughed out loud at your taxi driver story and then read it to DH. He loved it, too.

    Heather: I’m sorry you have two friends who are suffering from advanced cancer, and at the same time, so grateful that you are cancer free. Thanks for your kind words about my riding lesson.

    Ma5y: There will be a new thread for our conversation in June. You’ll be able to find a link to it at the bottom of this thread.

    My riding lesson did not go well today and I came home with a very sore back. It took some thought on my part, but now I understand the problem. Last week’s lesson was wonderful. The horse was saddled and warmed up when I got there. Today I had to groom and saddle the horse myself. Grooming is not a problem for me but the saddle is too heavy for me to lift onto the horse’s back without hurting MY back. It took me a while to sort out the situation. I’ll need to talk to my teacher before the next lesson. She has one saddle I can lift comfortably. I’ll ask her to bring it or saddle the horse for me.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol. Accomplished but here as a reminder.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Lillian - So sorry that you are under the weather. Get well soon. I am not sure that I will have any tomatoes. DH decided he wanted to grow tomatoes from seed that he got from some online Patriot group. the tomatoes are just popping through. I have planters out front in my perennial bed and all over my deck. Hoping to get it power washed this weekend. The yard is overtaken by all DH's "treasures"

    Katla - Pharmaceuticals would require admitting a problem and seeing a doctor. Going out on a limb and saying "That probably ain't going to happen.

    Carol in NC. - Enjoy your trip. I love discovering museums and art galleries.

    Toni in Tennessee - Yeah for your Y job!!!

    A lot of pruning the last few days. Also a lot of plant buying and repotting. Loving it all.
    DH and I at each other's throats. ODG, I just want peace and happiness.
    Had a long talk with DS but he is still confused. It is so hard for me but I let him know that I will love him no matter the final decision.
    Good thoughts to all of you.
    Good night
    -Sharon in Lethbridge.
  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Read all the posts but can't respond individually. Got to get on the road for a Board of Director's Meeting. My new boss is being presented today. (Actual vote in a month-then it will be official) also 17th wedding anniversary. After the meeting DH and I will be off to the Baptist Camp in Ocean Park Maine until Tuesday. I will try to check in when Or if I can get a signal.

    Naiomi2015 in 46F and sunny Massachusetts
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    275983z3hg595ih6.gif Katla, I admire your persistence and diligence in your riding lessons. Learning something new and continuing to improve require a lot of hard work and that's exactly what you are doing.

    :) Lillian, I hope you feel better soon.

    <3 Sharon, congrats to you for continuing to take care of yourself in the wake of your DH's depression and not so great behaviour....you didn't cause it and you can't cure it, but you can work to assure that you don't get dragged down by it.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif This morning, again, I am grateful for my simple life and my loving family.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi guys, after some speculation that I might have whooping cough :o , apparently it's bronchitis. I have AB and something to suppress the cough, since it's not productive. Was warned I might get sleepy. Can't wait for that; haven't had any decent sleep for several nights.

    Toni, congrats on the job! If you don't mind me asking: where are you in TN? Feel free not to answer if you'd rather not.

    Katla: you could buy riding boot socks (usually they're argyle) and wear them over your pants. Lots of people do that.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Sharon - ((((hugs)))) Go to the nearest Greenhouse and buy a couple nice big tomato plants. His tomato plants will be for late fall eating. Gardening is therapeutic as long as the DH's of the world leave us alone. My farmer DH has his opinion on how a garden should be planted and I have mine. He gives his opinion and then leaves and I plant whatever I want. When it comes up and flourishes (which it always does) I say "Well lookie there, it sure did well !!)

    Yes everyone - I sure hope I feel better today. So far, up at 5 a.m. because I was coughing. Sue hope it doesn't turn into Bronchitis.... I have had that once already this year! Read the news.... and now I am visiting here. Then off to check Facebook.

    Oh and drinking coffee.... Love my coffee....

    Have a good day everyone,

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited May 2015
    Dipping into the posts like a hummingbird, here and there…

    – hope your injuries heal quickly, and you really enjoy Dallas. We’ll be there the 4th and 5th for my favorite niece’s graduation. Well, quite a bit up the road, in Allen. Hope everything’s not underwater!

    Katla – I admire your dedication to the sailing club and the riding, hope the sore back doesn’t slow you down.

    Lillian – hope the fires stay away from you and yours, please keep us posted.

    Heather in the UK – Glad you are clear of cancer for eight years as well! Hope that continues, and so sorry about your friends.

    Toni in TN – Congrats on the Y job! Busy is also best for me.

    Ma5y – we look forward to seeing more of you in June.

    Joyce – so hope the headache is better today…

    Cynthia - take care of that bronchitis! I haven't had it (knock on wood) since I quit smoking some years back. Used to get it every year. Horrible feeling, not being able to get a breath, or to sleep, for the coughing. My sympathies, and hope you feel better soon.


    The quilt is jamming right along, the panel pieces are deconstructed, reframed ready to be quilted separately, then assembled. You can see the pieces hung up in the picture below. Still mulling the free-motion quilting over in my head. I tend to design as I go along.

    Speaking of design, my husband and I also started a media company this spring, called LCH Media (the LCH is for Lisa and Corey Hannon) to accommodate my book ISBNs and our designs. We design furniture, and I do quite a bit of other design and creation work on the needlework side. I’ve designed some one-of-a-kind handbags, quilted, reversible, washable things, and we’ve designed and built most of the furniture in our house that isn’t upholstered. Bed, entertainment center, coffee table, end tables, that kind of thing. Plus a 12-foot long hall tree that I’m now using for my sewing center, as you can see in the picture below.

    We originally built the hall tree for the first house they put us into, which had almost no closets—it held a dozen coats, and as many hats, plus all the shoes/boots underneath. When they moved us into the manager’s house at Thanksgiving, we didn’t need it, but it was perfect for when I took over the dining room for my sewing room. I use all the space underneath for storage, and the back to hang up stuff (obvs.)

    The handbag also pictured below is one of the ones I designed—my husband’s boss happened to walk in when I was halfway through building it and bought it before it was even finished as a Christmas gift for his wife. Need to get that design nailed down and drawn out, and make a few more. Won’t be that stained-glass pattern again, there are hundreds and hundreds of tiny squares in that one handbag, but in a simpler, basic bag.

    No plans for the long weekend... just a quick (45 minutes each way, but you get used to it) grocery run into town today, and then quilting, exercising, reading, writing for the rest of the weekend.

    Ahhhhhh... love this life.

    Lisa H in West Texas

    Ever tried? Ever failed? No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. – Samuel Beckett



  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning ladies! Very busy day today. Just parking my spot.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota