Absence Before Marriage



  • Cajoke123
    Cajoke123 Posts: 54
    I can't believe I posted that under deeluvly's post.

    Pre marital sex is not a sin, except in the mind of religious nutters.

    Delete her posts first, please.

    Just so you know, everyone has a religion, so you might want to specify that "religious nutters" part unless you are including yourself in that category.
  • MaydayParadeGirl
    MaydayParadeGirl Posts: 190 Member
    I can't believe I posted that under deeluvly's post.

    Pre marital sex is not a sin, except in the mind of religious nutters.

    Delete her posts first, please.

    Just so you know, everyone has a religion, so you might want to specify that "religious nutters" part unless you are including yourself in that category.

    Not everyone has a religion my sister doesn't...
  • Lovdiamnd
    Lovdiamnd Posts: 624 Member
    I can't believe I posted that under deeluvly's post.

    Pre marital sex is not a sin, except in the mind of religious nutters.

    Delete her posts first, please.

    Just so you know, everyone has a religion, so you might want to specify that "religious nutters" part unless you are including yourself in that category.

    Just because you are religious doesn't make you a nut.
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    I think people should talk about this more often. I thought it was okay because everybody said it was okay. I thought it was normal to have sex before marriage. I think everyone should always be reminded that it's a sin or else they will forget.

    You are aware that this isn't a "christian nation", right?

    Are you from Australia, too? haha

    I wish.....actually, you guys have really scary spiders there, so maybe not. lol.

    The spiders are nothing, it is the snakes you need to worry about.
  • Cajoke123
    Cajoke123 Posts: 54
    I can't believe I posted that under deeluvly's post.

    Pre marital sex is not a sin, except in the mind of religious nutters.

    Delete her posts first, please.

    Just so you know, everyone has a religion, so you might want to specify that "religious nutters" part unless you are including yourself in that category.

    Not everyone has a religion my sister doesn't...

    Well if you think of a religion as following, living for, and obeying something (which most people do) then she does. If she doesn't have a deity she follows, she follows, lives for, and obeys herself, which is setting herself up as a God. So, thus, she does believe in one although she doesn't realize it! Kinda funny isn't it?
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    I can't believe I posted that under deeluvly's post.

    Pre marital sex is not a sin, except in the mind of religious nutters.

    Delete her posts first, please.

    Just so you know, everyone has a religion, so you might want to specify that "religious nutters" part unless you are including yourself in that category.

    I do not think pre marital sex is a sin, therefore I am not a religious nutter.
  • traceytwink
    traceytwink Posts: 538 Member
    I need to test drive the car before I buy it.
    I'm with you there, it might look like a great car but a crap drive but that's my opinion you go with how you want to roll everyone is different that's what makes the world go round ????
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I don't like atheists. And they don't like me. Leave it at that.

    So yeah.. I shouldn't have compared it to stealing. Stealing is less of a sin, IMHO.

    Wow......I never said I didn't like you, but your attitude doesn't make you look like a very likeable person. Isn't it a sin to judge others in your religion? I guess you only pick and choose what to obey in your bible.
  • MaydayParadeGirl
    MaydayParadeGirl Posts: 190 Member
    I don't like atheists. And they don't like me. Leave it at that.

    So yeah.. I shouldn't have compared it to stealing. Stealing is less of a sin, IMHO.

    I was totally all about thinking that you were just expressing yourself and you should have just toned it down and been more polite about it until this. Stealing is a crime punishable by law...you used to get your hand cut off for that ****....Pretty sure that's a bit more serious. Like if someone came into your house and took your kids, that's still technically stealing although the law calls it something different, do you really think that's less of a sin? You'd really rather let that person get off with a slap on the wrist? Because the bible doesn't talk about kidnapping which would make taking a child...stealing a child...
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    I don't like atheists. And they don't like me. Leave it at that.

    So yeah.. I shouldn't have compared it to stealing. Stealing is less of a sin, IMHO.

    Thank god you aren't your God, then. He doesn't have grades of sins,
  • Cajoke123
    Cajoke123 Posts: 54
    I don't like atheists. And they don't like me. Leave it at that.

    So yeah.. I shouldn't have compared it to stealing. Stealing is less of a sin, IMHO.

    HAHA you're great LOL
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    I think if more people thought like the OP and a few others my paycheck would be bigger each week. Go ahead and attack me, I can take it.
  • bio01979
    bio01979 Posts: 313
    Everyone. Okay so when you have kids encourage them to have sex before marriage. Good for you. at least youre "cool". Go away.


    actually no. When I have kids I will encourage them to not do it until they are ready, whether that is before or after marriage is their personal choice. I WILL however make sure they are properly educated to ensure they practice safe sex when they decide to have sex
  • MaydayParadeGirl
    MaydayParadeGirl Posts: 190 Member
    I can't believe I posted that under deeluvly's post.

    Pre marital sex is not a sin, except in the mind of religious nutters.

    Delete her posts first, please.

    Just so you know, everyone has a religion, so you might want to specify that "religious nutters" part unless you are including yourself in that category.

    Not everyone has a religion my sister doesn't...

    Well if you think of a religion as following, living for, and obeying something (which most people do) then she does. If she doesn't have a deity she follows, she follows, lives for, and obeys herself, which is setting herself up as a God. So, thus, she does believe in one although she doesn't realize it! Kinda funny isn't it?

    Never really thought of it that way...thanks for that actually.
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    I think people should talk about this more often. I thought it was okay because everybody said it was okay. I thought it was normal to have sex before marriage. I think everyone should always be reminded that it's a sin or else they will forget.

    This is totally hypocritical of you, having done it yourself and now passing judgement on others. Doesn't the bible say something against that too?

    I think the saying is "let he who is without sin throw the first stone".........or is it "judged not lest ye be judged"? Then again, some christians pick and choose what parts of their "rulebook" to follow and forget the rest.

    "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."

    Matthew 7:3-5 I thought you could appreciate that quote. I use it often when I see people passing judgement which is not theirs to pass.
  • Cajoke123
    Cajoke123 Posts: 54
    I don't like atheists. And they don't like me. Leave it at that.

    So yeah.. I shouldn't have compared it to stealing. Stealing is less of a sin, IMHO.

    Thank god you aren't your God, then. He doesn't have grades of sins,

    There is actually a debate about this. True the Christian God's punishment for all sin was death, no matter how small it is, but I do think that there are different levels. For example I think that mass-murdering millions of people is a worse sin then speeding. They originally had the same punishment, but I don't think they are on the same level. There are a couple verses to this effect in the Bible in Matthew.
  • Cajoke123
    Cajoke123 Posts: 54
    I can't believe I posted that under deeluvly's post.

    Pre marital sex is not a sin, except in the mind of religious nutters.

    Delete her posts first, please.

    Just so you know, everyone has a religion, so you might want to specify that "religious nutters" part unless you are including yourself in that category.

    Not everyone has a religion my sister doesn't...

    Well if you think of a religion as following, living for, and obeying something (which most people do) then she does. If she doesn't have a deity she follows, she follows, lives for, and obeys herself, which is setting herself up as a God. So, thus, she does believe in one although she doesn't realize it! Kinda funny isn't it?

    Never really thought of it that way...thanks for that actually.

    No prob I like thinking about stuff like that :P
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    I don't like atheists. And they don't like me. Leave it at that.

    So yeah.. I shouldn't have compared it to stealing. Stealing is less of a sin, IMHO.

    That's fascinating. Where do you rank the rest of the commandments in comparison? I always figured the big man's top 10 were for sure the top 10.
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    I don't like atheists. And they don't like me. Leave it at that.

    So yeah.. I shouldn't have compared it to stealing. Stealing is less of a sin, IMHO.

    Thank god you aren't your God, then. He doesn't have grades of sins,

    There is actually a debate about this. True the Christian God's punishment for all sin was death, no matter how small it is, but I do think that there are different levels. For example I think that mass-murdering millions of people is a worse sin then speeding. They originally had the same punishment, but I don't think they are on the same level. There are a couple verses to this effect in the Bible in Matthew.

    Is that right? So, how would we go about equating shagging next-door's younger son against, say, nicking some Mentos when
    I picked up Dad's newspaper?
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Saying, "Waiting until marriage is a quality I value because it aligns with my religious believes" is different from saying, "everyone should wait because premarital sex is a sin."

    Not really. It says exactly the same. They both express someone's belief and opinion of someone.

    I udnerstand and adhere to the adege that it is not what you say, but how you say it. I also understand not everyone needs to articulate things in politaclly correct ways. Unless they serve in governement. Then they have to learn to generalize and avoid making a point while talking and using lots of clique words.

    But again, I can believe premarital sex is a sin, i can be guilty of that sin, and I can express that opinion. But I am still not bad, judgemental, nor hypocritical. So says my farting rainbow unicorn, someone so elloquently paganized.

    Personally, I LOVE sex.