Over 200 New year New Me Part 23



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Thanks everyone :) This is one of the great things about this group... usually at this point my brain is trying to convince me that we "can't can't can't can't". But now I actually feel GOOD about my 1.6 :)

    Julie - have a great time this weekend and next week!

    In regards to the EFX incident... I've got one for you: Yoga class. Downward dog. Cue COMPLETE EMBARRASSMENT. :) Needless to say, I had to find another class to go to (thankfully, that class was in Ohio so I don't have to worry about seeing that instructor anymore)

    <3 Teresa

    :laugh: :laugh: I needed a chuckle this morning! And you should be proud of your 1.6. That's my loss on a GOOD week! Hopefully once I get started again my body is ready to burn some fat!!!

    elmox-You rock!!! You are just blowing through those numbers girl! Have a great weekend. Enjoy yourself!

    So I had a complete blonde moment this morning. I will start by saying I grew up in a small suburb north of Dallas. I didn't venture out to Dallas much. Very little. Well my roommate and I moved to North Dallas back in August. Not really familiar with this area. I was taking my dog to a new groomers this morning a co worker referred me to and I was leaving, I got lost. Yep. I got LOST!! Couldn't figure out where I was to get to work. Thank goodness for GPS!! DUH JESSICA!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Thanks everyone :) This is one of the great things about this group... usually at this point my brain is trying to convince me that we "can't can't can't can't". But now I actually feel GOOD about my 1.6 :)

    Julie - have a great time this weekend and next week!

    In regards to the EFX incident... I've got one for you: Yoga class. Downward dog. Cue COMPLETE EMBARRASSMENT. :) Needless to say, I had to find another class to go to (thankfully, that class was in Ohio so I don't have to worry about seeing that instructor anymore)

    <3 Teresa

    :laugh: :laugh: I needed a chuckle this morning! And you should be proud of your 1.6. That's my loss on a GOOD week! Hopefully once I get started again my body is ready to burn some fat!!!

    elmox-You rock!!! You are just blowing through those numbers girl! Have a great weekend. Enjoy yourself!

    So I had a complete blonde moment this morning. I will start by saying I grew up in a small suburb north of Dallas. I didn't venture out to Dallas much. Very little. Well my roommate and I moved to North Dallas back in August. Not really familiar with this area. I was taking my dog to a new groomers this morning a co worker referred me to and I was leaving, I got lost. Yep. I got LOST!! Couldn't figure out where I was to get to work. Thank goodness for GPS!! DUH JESSICA!!

    Jess - Don't feel bad..I was born in Irving and grew up there, but today anywhere but Irving or where i Live now i totally get lost...don't even get me going downtown...i can never freaking find may way around and usally get lost :sad:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Yay! Great losses this week!

    Julie- CONGRATS! I hope you have a fantastic day today!!! HAPPY WEDDING! :drinker: :love:

    Jess- I guess I have lots of blonde moments cause I get lost going down my own street, I swear direction is just not my thing. I got a GPS for christmas and still get lost...go figure! lol....usually I tune the lady telling me where to go out and keep going and I pass the place Im supposed to turn :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ...you get good at tuning out when you have kids :tongue:

    Not weighing in until I restart monday but the scale is lower today. I find that my mind is rejecting a lot of the foods Ive eaten this week. I "wanted" to make bad choices but the thought of eating that crap made me sick so I didnt eat it. Weird and exciting at the same time! I hope to someday really really hate all things that are bad for me, this is a good start :flowerforyou:

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    ildebbie......-2.5 = 0.91%
    tstout...........-1.6 = 0.67%
    Jessica...........0 = 0%
    Littlespy......-2.4 = 1.21%
    Meokk............+1 = 0%
    Elmox..........-4.2 = 2.2%

    Off camping... see you all next week around tues or wed!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Congrats to the biggest losers so far: LItdeb, tstout, litspy, Elmox, and Cogilr…Job well done!!!

    Litspy/Julie: Have lots of fun on your honeymoon…Scott (I think that’s his name) is a lucky guy! And your ring looks gorgeous!

    Ann: Do not feel bad about the junk food. The good thing is you acknowledged it and moving towards the right direction. I know you can do this. Every single day is a struggle for me too; especially since my children are mostly home, (Monday will be there last day of school).

    Blue: I am one that has that incident while on the elliptical or treadmill, not sure why, maybe because I am somewhat relaxed and it slips..LOL
    You always make me giggle..Love ya girl!

    Cogirl: have fun camping!

    I hope I got everyone sorry if I didn’t. I have not had a good night sleep in three days…son is still sick and I think I have what he has…I am so tired and weak…I didn’t exercise yesterday because I felt really tired and wanted to sleep instead of exercise…

    ildebbie......-2.5 = 0.91%
    tstout...........-1.6 = 0.67%
    Jessica...........0 = 0%
    Littlespy......-2.4 = 1.21%
    Meokk............+1 = 0%
    Elmox..........-4.2 = 2.2%
    Pos_me.........0 = 0%
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-I am TERRIBLE with directions as well. I can get around in my hometown cause it's so small but that's about it. Moving to Dallas really screwed with me! Glad to hear you are getting your groove back!

    POS Me-Hope you get to feeling better. Don't you dare workout, rest! Only cause I said so! :tongue:

    Co Girl-We will miss you! Have a blasty blast!!

    Has anybody had Tofu? Is it any good?
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Wowza... huge losses elmox and cogirl...WTG

    Hi NEw people, Tstout, anyone else?
    There is NO WAY I can read back through the last 2 weeks of posts. Did I miss anything big ?????
    Dying for juicy gossip.

    So I spent most of the past 2 weeks in the French countryside with loads of straight men...FUN!!
    I work in an industry that is dominated by women and gay men so all that testosterone was a big change for me.
    Even though I am happily engaged, it was fun to have all these young, cute guys flirting with me. I guess I must be looking a little bit hot. The best part was that they all kept asking me what I was studying in College :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: LOVE THAT!!!! I left college 13 years ago !!!!!:bigsmile:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Is anybody else on here soccer crazy?!?!?!?
    I can't get enough, USA should have just won that last game but I have to root for England at least while we are in the same group.

    Can't wait for the England/Algeria game this afternoon.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Is anybody else on here soccer crazy?!?!?!?
    I can't get enough, USA should have just won that last game but I have to root for England at least while we are in the same group.

    Can't wait for the England/Algeria game this afternoon.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I honestly having been following it aside from everybody posting about it on facebook. Glad to see you back for a few days though! Male attention is always fun! :tongue:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Is anybody else on here soccer crazy?!?!?!?
    I can't get enough, USA should have just won that last game but I have to root for England at least while we are in the same group.

    Can't wait for the England/Algeria game this afternoon.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I honestly having been following it aside from everybody posting about it on facebook. Glad to see you back for a few days though! Male attention is always fun! :tongue:

    speaking of....... you were dating when I left. Did anything come of that????:bigsmile:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Cris I feel the same way about my bad food choices I have made these past few weeks.So far today I have made good food choices and I plan on sticking to it.Thanks girls for setting me straight always!! I know that even when I mess up I can fix it.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Is anybody else on here soccer crazy?!?!?!?
    I can't get enough, USA should have just won that last game but I have to root for England at least while we are in the same group.

    Can't wait for the England/Algeria game this afternoon.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I honestly having been following it aside from everybody posting about it on facebook. Glad to see you back for a few days though! Male attention is always fun! :tongue:

    speaking of....... you were dating when I left. Did anything come of that????:bigsmile:

    Who knows!? :laugh: Apparentley I'm too "busy" and scare people off. I feel my dedication to working out intimdates people. And I'm not going to let a boy stand in my way. So..:laugh: The one that I was interested in that was okay with my "busy" schedule seemed to of fallen off the face of the Earth. We were texting Saturday night about plans on Sunday. The last text I received from him was what his plans were Sunday and haven't heard from him since. What can I say? I attract the weird ones!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I am soo ready for 4:30 to roll around...I am soo ready for this weekend to get started!!!!!

    I am soo excited 2 more weeks then I get to go to the beach for a "mini" vacation....i can't wait...now if i can just get these 4 lbs off before then it will be great...would love to hit 50 before I go. Good thing my sister and brother in law don't eat bad, they eat very healthy (she lost probalby like 60 lbs a few years back) and she knows we are trying too so i don't think a lot of tempations.

    Serena is very excited about going to the beach, they never have been...wish it wasn't the gulf and a pretier ocean but maybe another time.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    meook- I missed you!!! I still appreciate a little male attention even if I am engaged too...:laugh: :laugh: no one has hit on me since he put that big ole rock on my finger though :explode: :grumble: hehe jk...not mad, but I'd still like to get hit on sheesh...as far as what you missed...hmmm I went through a lot...fell off he wagon hard plan on getting back on track monday...

    awestfall- I know we can do this, we are back at it, let's do it!

    World Cup- I was born and raised in Brasil...I was 8 when I moved to the USA but I never developed that soccer craze...its huge in Brasil and I'll be cheering for them...a win is a big deal for the country economically and seeing as my family is still there I'd love it if things became slightly better for them financially :heart:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Is anybody else on here soccer crazy?!?!?!?
    I can't get enough, USA should have just won that last game but I have to root for England at least while we are in the same group.

    Can't wait for the England/Algeria game this afternoon.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I honestly having been following it aside from everybody posting about it on facebook. Glad to see you back for a few days though! Male attention is always fun! :tongue:

    speaking of....... you were dating when I left. Did anything come of that????:bigsmile:

    Who knows!? :laugh: Apparentley I'm too "busy" and scare people off. I feel my dedication to working out intimdates people. And I'm not going to let a boy stand in my way. So..:laugh: The one that I was interested in that was okay with my "busy" schedule seemed to of fallen off the face of the Earth. We were texting Saturday night about plans on Sunday. The last text I received from him was what his plans were Sunday and haven't heard from him since. What can I say? I attract the weird ones!

    forget the guy then, you deserve BETTER !!!!!!! If you feel like a trip to France I know a few carpenters who would love to dance with you :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    meook- I missed you!!! I still appreciate a little male attention even if I am engaged too...:laugh: :laugh: no one has hit on me since he put that big ole rock on my finger though :explode: :grumble: hehe jk...not mad, but I'd still like to get hit on sheesh...as far as what you missed...hmmm I went through a lot...fell off he wagon hard plan on getting back on track monday...

    awestfall- I know we can do this, we are back at it, let's do it!

    World Cup- I was born and raised in Brasil...I was 8 when I moved to the USA but I never developed that soccer craze...its huge in Brasil and I'll be cheering for them...a win is a big deal for the country economically and seeing as my family is still there I'd love it if things became slightly better for them financially :heart:

    Hey Cris, missed you too. Sorry about your troubles. I take it you are doing better now ?? Glad you are back with us anyway, to me it's like you never left :heart: :heart: :heart: The group would not be the same without you.
    I moved here when I was 14 but I definitely have the soccer bug.
    Go Brasil !!!!!! I would much rather they win than Argentina, :laugh: :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Haha...thanks Meokk! I would definitely be down for that! I'm all about traveling new places!

    So I was watching TV last night, I watch way too much lately. Can't wait till I can workout. Have I mentioned that!?

    ANYWAYS! I saw a commerical for the Nordic Trac that has Jillian Michaels as a personal trainer programed in the treadmil some how. I'm sorry but I think it looks so neat! It has all these different features. I want one!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Is anybody else on here soccer crazy?!?!?!?
    I can't get enough, USA should have just won that last game but I have to root for England at least while we are in the same group.

    Can't wait for the England/Algeria game this afternoon.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    AGREED! Benefit of working from home! (Also can be a disadvantage to my work that needs to be done). That disallowed goal against the US was complete bollocks! We totally should have one that game

    Also! I just bought a Farmer's Market Salad from Starbucks and all of it INCLUDING dressing it's only 230 calories! WOO! AND! I just zipped and buttoned a pair of jeans that haven't fit me in a veerrrry long time. They aren't quite public ready (darned super low cut jeans...) but! I was able to put them on sans jumping around for 20 minutes and praying the zipper would hold.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    meook- I missed you!!! I still appreciate a little male attention even if I am engaged too...:laugh: :laugh: no one has hit on me since he put that big ole rock on my finger though :explode: :grumble: hehe jk...not mad, but I'd still like to get hit on sheesh...as far as what you missed...hmmm I went through a lot...fell off he wagon hard plan on getting back on track monday...

    awestfall- I know we can do this, we are back at it, let's do it!

    World Cup- I was born and raised in Brasil...I was 8 when I moved to the USA but I never developed that soccer craze...its huge in Brasil and I'll be cheering for them...a win is a big deal for the country economically and seeing as my family is still there I'd love it if things became slightly better for them financially :heart:
    Yes Cris we can do this and we are!! I am holding myself accountable again for everything I eat,drink and exercise too.Hopefully I will have lost the 10 pounds that I have seemed to gain in the course of 2 weeks before I go to the beach around the 4th of July.I must stay focused I know I can get some of it off before I go to the beach on July 3rd and then I hope to lose some while I am there so I can be somewhat close to my goal of being under 200 before my 30th birthday.I want this so bad!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    but! I was able to put them on sans jumping around for 20 minutes and praying the zipper would hold.

    :drinker: :drinker: HOORAY!!! I LOVE WHEN YOU GET TO THAT POINT!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Although jumping into tight jeans and wiggling around for 20 mins IS good excercise :laugh: :wink:
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