Over 200 New year New Me Part 23



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    raider-Look at you go you busy girl you! Let me know how those planting flowers work out for you. I bet it will be beautiful!! Congrats on finally seeing the scale move. Even if it's a small number it's awesome to see.

    awestfall-YAY for not overeating yesterday! Hope it carried through the evening as well for you!

    POS Me-Weeding and working out? Are you feeling better? I hope so!

    Cris-Your "tipsy" posts make me giggle! Glad to see you around girl.

    Blue-Yay for only being 1 pound up from last Friday! That's great news!!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Jess - Love the new pic! Your skirt looks great!

    This morning I go t on the scale just for grins and I actually got to 262! Which would be a 1.5 lb loss from yesterday! The scale actually showed a glipse of 261.5. I can't believe it. I did do a lot work yesterday but I was not good with food by any means. Hopefully I don't screw it up today. It is my brother's birthday and we are going to Mexican and Toy Story 3.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - Love the skirt!!!!

    Feeling good this morning, did lift class then 25 min on elitpical, now showered and got dressed, pulled some capris out that i ahdn't worn (actually i don't remember wearing these before), they fit and comfy...nice going out and wearing something besides stretchy pants :smile:

    going to soccer tots, then out to fathers day lunch, and then to the waterpark.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Round 2....not yet but soon :devil:

    Hey only have 2 days til back on track Monday :tongue:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Hooray, I was able to log in! HUBBY connected my laptop to the internets via his phone so I could check in while he's in the shower. We ended up getting married at about 10pm last night. We started the paperwork in a Mexican restaurant and finished it sitting next to the marina. :laugh:

    I've had so much fun & we've gotten so much exercise today. There are bike paths EVERYWHERE on the island so we biked miles and miles. We also walked a couple miles on the beach. Then we biked to a bakery where I got the most humongous piece of tira misu I've ever seen. Holy cow. Then we walked to a coffee shop & I got a latte to go with my tira misu. There were so many sugary drinks available there and all I kept thinking was "Oh, I can't do all that sweet at the same time." :huh: That's an unfamiliar thought for me. :laugh: Too much sweet? :noway: I'm eating whatever I want but the thing is that we're getting so much exercise and I'm so accustomed to rational portion sizes I don't think I'm even going to gain any weight. Hooray!

    I'm going to go get ready for pirate mini-golf now. :laugh:
    Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    :heart: :heart: :heart: Congratulations, Mrs. Spy!!!:heart::heart: :heart:

    I feel really good today. I think I may be getting close to the 3's, but I did not weigh so as not to jinx it. LOL Which is twisted, because how will I ever know if I am in the 3's if I don't weigh? LOL :noway:

    I had mexican for dinner with some friends and stayed within calorie range for the first time! I asked for celery as soon as they brought the chips. Yes, I ate about 10 chips, too, but it could have been WAY worse. I even avoided the pitcher of margaritas! Had a Dos Equis draught instead. Mmm I love their lager. Now the sodium was over, that is for sure. Off to water drinking for me! :drinker:

    check in:
    calories: OK - sodium too high
    water: going on 100 oz.
    exercise: Old Bessie for 40 mins, arm work, pilates in bed
    proud: I enjoyed myself at mexican (my weakest food group - LOL, food group for me!) and I stayed within calories! This is huge for me.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - Congrats on getting hithched!!! Sounds like you are having lots of fun.

    Well today is the first time in several weeks i have gone over my calories...and i did it big time. Over 1300 including my exercise cals :grumble: :grumble: I ate soo much crap including, homemade chips, deep dish pizza, braums mix , and a whataburger chicken strip sandwich...i am done....no more crap...back to this tomorrow.

    We went to the waterpark and walked around for 3 hrs and i climbed the stairs for 2 rides so thinking that would take some of that...

    So we had a feel good and feel bad moments at the water park. I went on one and felt good , cause they said the max weight was 300 , and I am not 30 lbs away from that :smile: 1 year ago i couln't of ride anything.

    Well then there was one ride, that my DH rode the 1st time, and was fine, then i go to ride, it the sign says max 300, then a little paper taped to it saying 250, but then at the top it says 300..they let me ride it and didn't say anything , but then hubby went back up there and they told him he couldn't ride it he was too heavy, he was really upset...I felt soo bad, if the guy told me i was too fat i think i would of cried:smile: i understand if you think it isn't safe for over a certain weight, but make it clear everywhere and not 1 sign 1 thing and 1 sign another.
  • I am brand new here. Not sure of the protocol and I could sure use some help & motivation.

    Is this a place for newbies to join? Or is this a closed group?
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Susan -

    Sure you can join!!!

    most of posts daily of calories, exercise, water, and something proud of, some of us post sodium or something else we want to stay on top of.

    On Friday's we weigh in the person with the highest % gets to pick a challenge for the week.
  • Thank you. I REALLY REALLY need the help & motivation.

    I want to do the work.....so feel free to kick my butt into action.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    JULIE - :flowerforyou: :heart: CONGRATULATIONS :heart: :flowerforyou:
    So happy for you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Welcome Susan !!!!!!!
    Check in past few days............
    Calories - over, I was being really bad and eating too much sugar and chocolate. NO MORE.
    Water - OK but probably not more than about 64 oz so low for me
    exercise - walking & gardening but not really enough to make up for what I ate, booooo.

    Today my head is in the right place and I am doing well, mind you it is only 10:45.......
    In France I was in a tiny place 15 mins from Confolens which is roughly between Limoges and Poitiers although an hour away from each. It was so much fun and my French is pretty solid when it comes to understanding, my speaking was VERY rusty though.

    xoxo - eat well today everyone :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • I've been
    a "member" less than 24 hours and already my outlook is brighter & I've found some hope I ddn't have before.

    Keeping a food diary has always been helpful for me so this site is terrific for that.

    For Father's Day breakfast my Hubs wanted a fast food splurge. I said No, Thanks. He had his & I made a small breakfast from the freezer. It wasn't the healthiest, but it was not alot of calories & it was certainly less fat & bad stuff than fast food.

    YEA ME!!!

    So far so good on water consumption.

    There is a roast in the oven, I trimmed all the fat & we'll have fresh veggies with it.

    Need to get some exercise in. Our heat index is over 100 so won't be doing anything outside but I AM being conscious of moving more & getting up off my tuches.

    Thanks for the warm welcome.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday! So far today I am doing so so. We had fajitas for lunch and they were a little more than I thought. No more tortillas and queso for me!

    Yesterday check in:
    Calories - Over
    Water - Not so good
    Exercise: B&BW count?
    Proud: That I didn't overeat at the mexican food place like I usually do
    Julie - Once again Congrats! Keep having fun on your honeymoon with your husband!!!

    Susan - Welcome to our group! Beware during the week we are very chatty! :laugh:

    lildeb - Yea, on the capris!!! Glad you had fun yesterday!

    meokk - Glad you are doing well! Enjoy France for me!!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    I've been
    a "member" less than 24 hours and already my outlook is brighter & I've found some hope I ddn't have before.

    Keeping a food diary has always been helpful for me so this site is terrific for that.

    For Father's Day breakfast my Hubs wanted a fast food splurge. I said No, Thanks. He had his & I made a small breakfast from the freezer. It wasn't the healthiest, but it was not alot of calories & it was certainly less fat & bad stuff than fast food.

    YEA ME!!!

    So far so good on water consumption.

    There is a roast in the oven, I trimmed all the fat & we'll have fresh veggies with it.

    Need to get some exercise in. Our heat index is over 100 so won't be doing anything outside but I AM being conscious of moving more & getting up off my tuches.

    Thanks for the warm welcome.

    Sounds like you are off to a great start!!! Keep up the great decisions!!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    hey gals,

    Haven't had a chance to read the post, but tomorrow, hopefully, I wil be all caught up...

    Check in Saturday and Sunday
    Calories: over by alitte on both days...but I think it worked out OK..since I was out and about all day
    Exercise: I got some form of exercise..I am beat today..
    Water: saturday 16 cups(128+ oz) sunday about 80 oz

    Proud: even though my family had cheesesteak I did over do it ...I was thinking about how I want to get to ONEderland...And hopefully I will by the end of June!

    Have a great evening gals!
    check back tomorrow...
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