Over 200 New year New Me Part 23



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good God Cris no wonder you were so stressed! So glad to hear he's going back to work!!

    LilDebbie if you want them, they are yours! Your so close we could just meet up and I could give them to you. I have a whole mound of clothes if you want them. LOL If you have somewhere to store them. I'm going to take a picture of this mound that I have and show it to y'all. It's crazy!

    Jess - Yeah i will take them, i seriously have 1 pair of 22 shorts, and a few pair of pants (never wore them cause i was almost there after i had abby), but besides that i have no smaller clothes than a 24...AND I AM GETITNG OUT OF A 24 FOR GOOD...I would love them ...i have a huge closet , it is like 1/2 empty right now. Yeah we could meet up :smile: no shipping that is even better !!!! Hopefully i will be able to pay it foward to someone and give them all my 24's when i grow out of them :smile: not sure that is the right word..but you get the gist :smile:

    Let me know when and where??
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA the past few days. I'm actually busy at work (yay!) and haven't had a chance to catch up on posts. I'll try to get to it soon, though.

    I'm currently failing horribly on the eating and can't seem to stop putting everything in my mouth this week. I'm hoping this is just PMS, with TOM expected next week. Like Cris, I think I'm in a bit of a funk and eating seems to be my way of coping with the reduced hours.

    Anyway, I'll come back soon, I promise!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good God Cris no wonder you were so stressed! So glad to hear he's going back to work!!

    LilDebbie if you want them, they are yours! Your so close we could just meet up and I could give them to you. I have a whole mound of clothes if you want them. LOL If you have somewhere to store them. I'm going to take a picture of this mound that I have and show it to y'all. It's crazy!

    Jess - Yeah i will take them, i seriously have 1 pair of 22 shorts, and a few pair of pants (never wore them cause i was almost there after i had abby), but besides that i have no smaller clothes than a 24...AND I AM GETITNG OUT OF A 24 FOR GOOD...I would love them ...i have a huge closet , it is like 1/2 empty right now. Yeah we could meet up :smile: no shipping that is even better !!!! Hopefully i will be able to pay it foward to someone and give them all my 24's when i grow out of them :smile: not sure that is the right word..but you get the gist :smile:

    Let me know when and where??

    Sounds good! I'm not going to be home this weekend so I can get it all boxed up or in bags or something next week and maybe we can meet up next weekend if you will be around?

    Heather-Glad to see you posting! Hope it's just PMS! I realized that's my problem! I forget we are almost all synced up around here.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    ugh I ruined my MFP logging in streak! I've been logging my calories even the god awful ones Ive been eating lately...and yesterday was the first time in 130+ days I didnt. I still logged into MFP just didnt log calories....booooooo
    I think as long as you log into MFP it counts. I'm pretty sure there have been days I didn't log anything -- like maybe my birthday -- and my streak is still going.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    ugh I ruined my MFP logging in streak! I've been logging my calories even the god awful ones Ive been eating lately...and yesterday was the first time in 130+ days I didnt. I still logged into MFP just didnt log calories....booooooo
    I think as long as you log into MFP it counts. I'm pretty sure there have been days I didn't log anything -- like maybe my birthday -- and my streak is still going.

    I think you are right. I usually don't log my food on the weekends and I still have my streak going. I think your good to go Cris!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    Thank you for the avacado advise! I'm going to have to try this out!

    Avacado's aren't exactly low calorie :frown: - but they are supposed to be really good for you, and as far as snacks go there are much worse. I can sometimes head off a binge by having 1/2 an avacado because they are filling and satisfy that 'rich food' craving.

    I was going to warn about this too! :tongue: Make sure you LOG the grams before you eat it or you'll be very upset! I usually eat 15-20g at a time and it's 40-50 calories. But, they're *healthy* calories and *healthy* fats.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    My (new) ring came today! OMG, it's so amazing. Seriously, out of all the rings I looked at online and in person, this is *by far* my favorite. I think it's just perfect and couldn't be happier with it. ^_^

    What a doggy filled day it's been. First baths for Mo, Kid, and Emma (the 3 big ones) and brushings since they're all shedding like there's no tomorrow and then to the vet clinic for rabies shots for Mo & Kid since they're staying with someone while we're gone (I'm not a fan of yearly vaccs because research shows a dog only needs 1-2 rabies vaccinations during their entire life to maintain immunity but that's another conversation) then nail trimmings all around (that's 120 nails!), washing dog beds and dog bowls. Whew! I've gotten my exercise for the day. I'm pooped and it's only 4.30. :laugh:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Thanks for the help on the chapstick. I will try those things. Colgrl, I drink water all the stinkin’ time. If that means I need to drink more I might start floating away!! LOL! I will keep it in mind and still try and drink more.

    Nancy – You will get there! We all know you will. I have set goals to meet by certain dates and I will definitely not be meeting my birthday goal. It is kind of depressing when I look at it but I was shocked as all get out that I met my Memorial Day weight goal. That was a luck of the draw because I wasn’t even losing for awhile. As long as we get to our main goal then that is all that matters. It doesn’t mean that we have to beat ourselves up to get to our mini goals. Are mini goals are goals that we will get to maybe not in the time that we give them but we will meet them all one of these days!

    Jess – Glad that your foot is feeling better!!

    Lildeb – Whatever works to get the weight off is a great idea. Keep up all the awesome work that you have been doing!! Awesome on the 22’s!!! The weekend is just a day away!!! You will have to tell us what he thought of his present.

    Mstahl – So glad that you are loving your job!!!

    Tracy – Sounds like you have a great plan for tonight at the movies! Way to think ahead.

    Teresa – Sounds like even though yesterday didn’t start off well that it ended pretty well. WTG on scoring those 2 goals!!

    Cris – I am so glad to hear that you chose the happiness route. Wedding planning is very stressful especially when you don’t have all the funds that you need to have the wedding you want. Everything will work out somehow and when your wedding day comes it will be beautiful and be everything that you want. We are always here when you need us, that is the great thing about boards online. Plus since there are time differences it seems like everyone is on here at one point in time. WGT on the 16s!!! You will be in 14’s really soon!!

    Lauren – I started giggling when I saw that FB post last night. But it is so true!! Glad you had a great night last night with your hubby!

    Julie – That is awesome that you are able to help your friend and your fiancée (soon to be husband tomorrow)!!! WTG on your lowest weight!! Hope TOM stays away so that you can enjoy your honeymoon!

    Pos_me – Sorry your son is sick. So glad that your hubby is coming home!!

    lildeb & Jess - If you want I could get them when I am in Dallas over 4th of July weekend and bring them back with me so then you only have to go half way, since I live in Austin. Just a thought.

    I hope I got everyone. If I didn't I still love you but I have been trying to get everyone for the past few hours so that I could catch up.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    My (new) ring came today! OMG, it's so amazing. Seriously, out of all the rings I looked at online and in person, this is *by far* my favorite. I think it's just perfect and couldn't be happier with it. ^_^

    Your ring looks BEAUTIFUL on your hand!!! Glad you got the ring your really wanted!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member

    Thank you for the avacado advise! I'm going to have to try this out!

    Avacado's aren't exactly low calorie :frown: - but they are supposed to be really good for you, and as far as snacks go there are much worse. I can sometimes head off a binge by having 1/2 an avacado because they are filling and satisfy that 'rich food' craving.

    Thank you for the heads up! MUCH apprciated!
    I was going to warn about this too! :tongue: Make sure you LOG the grams before you eat it or you'll be very upset! I usually eat 15-20g at a time and it's 40-50 calories. But, they're *healthy* calories and *healthy* fats.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    My (new) ring came today! OMG, it's so amazing. Seriously, out of all the rings I looked at online and in person, this is *by far* my favorite. I think it's just perfect and couldn't be happier with it. ^_^

    I HATE my work computer! I can't see the picture. I will look tonight! can't wait to see it!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Raider - Me and Jess only live like maybe 20 minutes from each other...we both live in the Dallas Area but thanks for offering :smile:

    Julie - that ring is just soo beautiful...!!!!! Does it fit good, or are you going to have to get it sized??
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Raider - Me and Jess only live like maybe 20 minutes from each other...we both live in the Dallas Area but thanks for offering :smile:

    Julie - that ring is just soo beautiful...!!!!! Does it fit good, or are you going to have to get it sized??

    Whoops! For some reason I thought that you lived in Houston. :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Raider - Me and Jess only live like maybe 20 minutes from each other...we both live in the Dallas Area but thanks for offering :smile:

    Julie - that ring is just soo beautiful...!!!!! Does it fit good, or are you going to have to get it sized??

    Whoops! For some reason I thought that you lived in Houston. :laugh:

    Too bad I wont be here on the 4th! We could of all met up!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Apparently I exaggerated a little about the calories in avocado, sorry! I just put 28g on my wrap and it was 45 calories. :smile:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Raider - Me and Jess only live like maybe 20 minutes from each other...we both live in the Dallas Area but thanks for offering :smile:

    Julie - that ring is just soo beautiful...!!!!! Does it fit good, or are you going to have to get it sized??

    Whoops! For some reason I thought that you lived in Houston. :laugh:

    Too bad I wont be here on the 4th! We could of all met up!

    Well with my hubby reuniting with his family this last November we have made several trips up there since then. So I am sure there are bound to be lots more times that I will be up there.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Yea I told Bobby I REFUSE to put any of the expenses on our credit card or take out any loan to pay for the wedding. I hear a lot of people do that and I think its just crazy!!! The ring is now on my credit card though....I hate having any type of balance on my card and the ring is the only thing on my credit card because Bobby has been laid off for the last 5 weeks....did I mention that was another thing stressing me out?! Job loss and balance on my credit card.

    He goes back to work tomorrow...I will be so happy when hes back in a regular routine, he just sits around the house and does nothing but watch tv all day. Im like uhm go do something u dont have to work but you can still be productive....ugh so glad its over! Plus the bills started catching up to us this past week, so hes going back just in time!

    OMG Cris, it's a wonder you're still functioning! Seriously, you are dealing with some HUGE stress factors. I agree with lstpaul - the one thing you can control is your food and exercise. Use that as a positive addiction!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Oh Julie, the ring is absolutely GORGEOUS! And you could be a hand model! :wink:

    I just spent three hours taking my father on a marathon shopping adventure. Ooofta. He is 84 - 85 next month - and when he gets his mind on a goal that involves a good deal, we must accomplish it! :noway:

    NOW I am off to the elliptical! LOL Finally!

    OK I realized you all might be thinking that my pic is of the new dress. It's not! LOL This is a pic from two years ago. LOL I realized after posting it that you all may think it was the smaller sized dress for the wedding. Ooops! This is actually a before pic. I didn't take any of me at the wedding, but I guess I better put the dress back on and compare it to the one I have posted now!

    And those are two of my brothers. We are all three professional musicians. The one seated, David, weighed more than me at one time. He was at 500 pounds a few years ago. He lost it through strict diet (vegetarian) and exercise.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ok so I am not going to lie!! I have been eating poorly the past 2 weeks now and I feel just awful!! As well as hardly any exercise so I am in desperate need of some uplifting.I by no means am giving up I will defeat this ugly blubber that haunts me daily and I will overcome this cycle of eating poorly I HAVE TOO!! This is my life and I want it to be better everyday for the rest of my life.I want to be here for my children and grandchildren and maybe even great grandchildren who knows right??? I just need some uplifting to get my butt into gear and go back to better choices.I guess in a sense I just gave myself a pep talk LOL!! This crappy food is just THAT CRAPPY!!! It makes me feel horrible.NO MORE NO MORE!! I must find a balance I must work hard and feel great AGAIN!!! Ok vent over.TOMORROW I WILL RESTART!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Raider - Me and Jess only live like maybe 20 minutes from each other...we both live in the Dallas Area but thanks for offering :smile:

    Julie - that ring is just soo beautiful...!!!!! Does it fit good, or are you going to have to get it sized??

    Whoops! For some reason I thought that you lived in Houston. :laugh:

    Too bad I wont be here on the 4th! We could of all met up!

    Well with my hubby reuniting with his family this last November we have made several trips up there since then. So I am sure there are bound to be lots more times that I will be up there.

    I will be gone on the 4th too ...

    Awestfall - Here is your "uplifting" YOu can do it...get back on that wagon YOu will do great , you can do it and you will be there for your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchilden, heck maybe even great-great -grandchildren.

    pick up serena and she has peed in her pants for like the 5th day in a row...just want her to be good and do what other 7 yr olds. Part of me wonders if the peein in her pants has to do with her other behavior problems, she knows how to go and when she needs to go, she just doesn't see it to be important or want to stop what she is doing..maybe the psyc will have some insight...okay i am done venting ...jsut had to do that.
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