Over 200 New year New Me Part 23



  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Welcome New girls !!!!

    Tsout - I have beend doing that with 1/2 the cals (actually i have been doing relaly not eating most of them ), the last few days i have been eating all or at least 1/2. I started eating more at lunch and i think that is making up some

    I am drowining in water today :smile: I struggle with water (ALOT) but today i have already got 100oz and it is just 3:30 ...of course i have been in the batrhoom all freaking day, even lost some workout time due i had to go when i got to the gym :sad:, but still got in 35 min and 300 cals..

    I am loving my scale this week BTW...This morning it was 270.9...i was like no way, i think i got on like 10 times...even before gym (after breakfast, and a snack) it was 271.0 ..i am soo excited about getting out of the 270's so quickly...i stayed in the 280's for what it seems like forever (my fault since i wasn't trying very hard i think)

    I am hoping to be where i am now or a little less by fridya, under 270 would be freaking awesome but not holding my breath.

    Julie - GOod luck on the job, would be nice to get married and get a new job that you love :smile:

    Well guess i got to get back to work

    Job well done!! you are such an inspiration...keep doing what your are doing:flowerforyou:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    *****TMI ALERT******
    I guess I didn't post this last week. I went for y yearly visit to the dr and he was concerned because he said there was blood and white blood cells in my urine. Very little but was there. So he thought I had a kindney infection which could lead to strones or possibly a bladder infection or bladder cancer or it could be due to my "signifficent" weight loss. So I been waiting since Thursday. Finally called and said everything came back normal. They are gonna re check me in 6 months. But when he threw cancer in my face I freaked out! I'm 26! So there it is. Foot seems to. Getting better so no dr yet!

    I am so glad it's not serious. Keep you in my prayers. Keep postive girls..GOD works in mysterious ways:flowerforyou:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    I've gained 7 pounds in 7 days. Now, 7 happens to be my favorite number, but seriously?
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
    This week I have stayed within my calorie range every day, but the food was NOT clean for the most part. Which is why I have been starving, probably. You can't eat a LOT of high calorie food, enough to feel full, and stay within your cal range. So I've been eating small amounts of terrible food. Ooofta. Way to go, Nance, on messing up the threederville goal for Friday. :frown:

    OK so. Hmm. I don't want to go to the fitness center today. I haven't had a break from exercising in over two weeks. Or is it because I am mad at myself for gaining?
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
    and gaining
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
    and gaining
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
    and gaining
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
    and gaining
    :sad: :sad: :sad:
    and gaining
    :sad: :sad:

    Blue: don't beat yourself up:heart: I am probably guessing that what you ahve gain is a lot of water and holding to too much crap:wink: You have been working out like a mad woman...so you are on the right track but the way your body is responding is making your upset. First step, hide the scale for about a week or so...just until your body response to the exercise you ahve been doing. once it responds correctly it will all flush out. hang in girl...Love ya:heart:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Mstahl: Tomorrow is a new day..LOL:flowerforyou:

    Cris: we miss and love you:flowerforyou: :heart: when ever you feel the time to come back...our arms are always welcoming..stay postive:flowerforyou:

    Litdeb: You're a workout machine:flowerforyou:

    check in
    calories: on target! 1,179
    exercise: 45 minutes elliptical and 30 minutes treadmill burned 600+
    water: I hope it's enough...lost count
    proud: I am back on the wagon and holding on tight so I don't make another slippery slide and fall off...I won't fall off...I want so badly to see ONEderland:cry::sad:

    Have a great night girls!

    check back tomorrow..
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Blue -- Sodiumriffic food, even in small amounts = water retention. Drastically increasing workouts = water retention. Bad food also usually equals more waste because your body can't use as much of it = "whatnot" weight. None of it is fat weight! Seriously!
    I've been working out harder since May 20something and my muscles are still freaking out. It's not just me pretending -- I can *feel* them being puffy because of all the water they're retaining. Like... they're actually protruding kind of puffy -- I can feel them under my skin. Yours are doing the same. It's fine to have a rest day -- your muscles probably need the rest to repair themselves anyway. :wink: But keep at it and don't get discouraged. Even though the scale has been wonky for me based on my sodium splurges and hard workouts (I've been going up and down and up and down between 196 and 202 or so for 3 weeks), I'm actually seeing my thigh measurements decrease pretty drastically even *with* the puffy muscles thanks to the magical elliptical. My collar bones are sticking out more. I just realized last week that I have wrist bones again. I actually have some *gasp* definition when I flex my biceps. My stomach is almost flat (well, when I'm standing up or lying on my back, at least :laugh:)! It's all very magical. :tongue: Look for those little appearance changes and cling to them for motivation.

    Jess -- SO GLAD your test results came back normal! I had a kidney infection several years ago and it was just awful! I got some nice pain killers out of it though... :laugh:

    LilDeb -- I'm happy the scale is cooperating for you! Wow, you're down below where I started! You'll be under 200 in no time now! :wink: And way to go with the water!

    Posme -- you're doing a great job getting back on track!

    Calories: 1302
    Exercise: none. I was so insanely upset I didn't get off work in time to go to the gym. I was actually so angry with my manager when she wouldn't let me go in time (because of her humongous mismanagement of staff earlier tonight) that I had to go to the back of the store to secretly punch things to let out my unused-energy-packed frustration. :laugh:
    Water: I haven't been good about tracking water lately but I know I had at least 80oz
    Proud: I stayed pretty on target with calories even though I had no exercise cals to eat. It's hard to drop into 1300 calorie mode when I've gotten so used to eating over 1600 calories most days over the last few weeks.
  • frogy_98
    frogy_98 Posts: 212 Member
    Hello Ladies

    Thankyou for the very warm welcome! Here is a little bit about myself and I hope to get to know all of you through the daily logs.

    I am 30 years old, married for almost 6 years. We have a wonderful daughter who is 2. We live in Fargo ND and I am a stay at home mom.

    I started my weight loss about a 2 month ago however only got serious about 2 weeks ago. So far I have lost 6 pounds so I am proud of that but would like to lose about 80 lbs over the next year if possible. I would then be closer to my ideal weight, I dont plan on ever being a stick but would like to get back to 145 which would still put me above what the medical world has to say is the healthy weight for me. I weighed that my freshman year of college, so I dont think I will make it down to 135 and dont plan on trying to get there either.

    I hate to cut this short but it is getting late and I still have lots to do before hitting the hay, my dd has speech therapy in the morning and then another evaluation in the afternoon to see about occupational therapy, she is behind in both areas partially due to her being born premature. Will get more into that at a later date.

    But I hope to get to know you all more and lend a friendly support or a ear to listen to complaints either one works for me.

    Have a great wednesday and remember every day is a new day and new start.

  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Royally screwed up this morning with what I ate for breakfast.I have already ate 1200 calories and its not even 7am yet.YICKS!!! Guess I am going to be kicking my butt in cardio today and eating light for the rest of the day.I CAN DO THIS!! I will not freak out on myself.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    mstahl - I totally agree with you about "Do what you love". For months, I was looking for any kind of job in Chicago (I lived in Columbus, OH) so I could move and be closer to Adam. All the while, I was miserable working a job that I was good at but not 100% committed to. After talking it over, I decided the road to happiness was deciding to go back to school. Now I'm here where I want to be and as an added bonus, I get to study what I actually love (going to work on my Master's of Linguistics).

    blue - keep your head up :) everyone is right. if you're doing what you should, then the gain is for a good reason. Muscle weighs more than fat, and if you've been hitting the gym hard then your packing on more muscle :)

    Tonight is the first night of rugby 7s (for me). However, I totally forgot about a dentist appointment at 4:30 ugh... so we'll see how much I feel like playing. To log some kind of activity, I'm going to do some high-powered cleaning today and fit in a round of 100s (through out the day, do 100 sit-ups, 100 push-ups, 100 leg lifts, 100 squats, 100 lunges). It sounds like a lot, but you can break it up :)

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories - under by a lot... I should have had a better snack (however... day 1 of challenge: check!)
    Water - Dear self... please drink more water! <3 me
    Activity - spin class!
    Proud - I got mom and my sister to join MFP :)

    Happy Wednesday, ladies :)
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    topped off yesterdays' bad food day with Mexican - probably ate 1500 calories in that meal (or more) oops!

    So far today? I'm good!

    stalk ya later!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good morning GIrls !!

    Happy wednesday everyone...oh how it feels later in the week to me !!

    I am so freaking excited...The scale actually showed me a 26# (breifly but i saw it), I got on and it was 269.9 of course i didn't believe it so i got one several more times (moving the scale around and such), would fluctute between that and 270.0 ....i was soo excited.....that was after some high sodium yesterday with having taco's.

    THat means only 2 more lbs till my 1st goal of 50 lbs.!!!!

    I am awful dizzy this morning so not sure that is all about...going to drink some water and stufff shortly., maybe that will make me feel better

    Blue - I agree , it is water and 'whatnot"...take a day to rest and get back to it...It will coem back off and soo much more.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    *****TMI ALERT******
    I guess I didn't post this last week. I went for y yearly visit to the dr and he was concerned because he said there was blood and white blood cells in my urine. Very little but was there. So he thought I had a kindney infection which could lead to strones or possibly a bladder infection or bladder cancer or it could be due to my "signifficent" weight loss. So I been waiting since Thursday. Finally called and said everything came back normal. They are gonna re check me in 6 months. But when he threw cancer in my face I freaked out! I'm 26! So there it is. Foot seems to. Getting better so no dr yet!

    So glad to hear that everything is okay!! That is scary!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Good Morning gals,

    I was watching the "Today show" on NBC this morning and they did a study investigation on Frozen meal....the study is very alarming to those who eat the meals and trying to lose weight..

    "Can you really believe fat and calorie numbers on food labels? NBC’s Jeff Rossen investigates the truth behind “low-fat” and “low-calorie” meals."

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Pos - that was interesting...I eat them (not all the time but i do eat them), my hubby eats them everyday...i never would assume what was on the labels were not necessarly right.
  • Happy Wednesday! I kept under my calorie goal yesterday (1,094), but I didn't exercise :( That's the goal for today, to hit the stationary bike after I'm off work.

    Does anyone else sometimes randomly do desk exercises during the day? Sometimes I'm so bored/tired I just get up and do some jumping jacks :P

    Blue, don't worry about the scale, like everyone else said just put it aside for a while and I know next time you will see the results, or you'll start feeling them in looser clothes, more energy, etc. My scale isn't budging right now, but my accomplishment is that everyone around me is sick, which would usually mean I'd be sick, but my immune system is actually working!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Im starting to feel better mentally, dont feel that great physically. Have avoided the scale because I have been stuffing my feelings with food for a good amount of time now. I fell back into a lot of my old habits, except this time it made me sick. I am going to try to slowly get back to the gym on monday and start eating healthy again. What I am, eating now is just making me feel so sick. Why Monday? Why not today or tomorrow..etc.? I have a lot of stuff planned for this week and I wont have much control of what and where I eat. I dont want to start off already feeling like Im failing...I figure Monday is my best option for a clean start. I will try to make better choices until then though.

    Mstahl- I was thinking about you...what happened to Megan coming for the summer? Did George being there make her not come??

    Everyone- thanks again...you all know for what :flowerforyou:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Good morning GIrls !!

    Happy wednesday everyone...oh how it feels later in the week to me !!

    I am so freaking excited...The scale actually showed me a 26# (breifly but i saw it), I got on and it was 269.9 of course i didn't believe it so i got one several more times (moving the scale around and such), would fluctute between that and 270.0 ....i was soo excited.....that was after some high sodium yesterday with having taco's.

    THat means only 2 more lbs till my 1st goal of 50 lbs.!!!!

    I am awful dizzy this morning so not sure that is all about...going to drink some water and stufff shortly., maybe that will make me feel better

    Blue - I agree , it is water and 'whatnot"...take a day to rest and get back to it...It will coem back off and soo much more.

    WooHoo!!! YOU GO GIRL!! I see 26# and 50 pounds loss..WOW!

    Are You still dizzy? It might be dehydration..Chug a lug:drinker:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    It's not even 10am and my head is spinning. After all the crap that has been pushed on me in the last hour, there is *NO* way I'll get any of my actual work done today. It'll all be waiting for me (and then some) when I get back next Tuesday. What a wonderful thing to have to think about on my honeymoon.
    I HATE MY EFFING JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm done. :embarassed:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Im starting to feel better mentally, dont feel that great physically. Have avoided the scale because I have been stuffing my feelings with food for a good amount of time now. I fell back into a lot of my old habits, except this time it made me sick. I am going to try to slowly get back to the gym on monday and start eating healthy again. What I am, eating now is just making me feel so sick. Why Monday? Why not today or tomorrow..etc.? I have a lot of stuff planned for this week and I wont have much control of what and where I eat. I dont want to start off already feeling like Im failing...I figure Monday is my best option for a clean start. I will try to make better choices until then though.

    Mstahl- I was thinking about you...what happened to Megan coming for the summer? Did George being there make her not come??

    Everyone- thanks again...you all know for what :flowerforyou:

    Cris: take all the time you need...We will be waiting for you:heart:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    It's not even 10am and my head is spinning. After all the crap that has been pushed on me in the last hour, there is *NO* way I'll get any of my actual work done today. It'll all be waiting for me (and then some) when I get back next Tuesday. What a wonderful thing to have to think about on my honeymoon.
    I HATE MY EFFING JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm done. :embarassed:

    Julie, Do what you can and forget about the rest.. You're not a machine, but a human being. Hang in girl:flowerforyou: I hope the new job goes you way:wink:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Jess: I'm glad your tests came back ok, hopefully that foot will heal soon and you will be good as new!

    I'm still waiting on my test results - my neck/shoulder/arm aches are definitely better with the higher dosage of ibuprofen and the muscle relaxer I took last night ... but I still feel groggy and I took just 1/2 a pill at 8:30pm so it's been over 12 hours! I definitely can't take that muscle relaxer during the day.

    Blue: You will start seeing lost inches soon with all your working out ... and the scale will catch up too. Don't let the number get you down because you are doing great!

    LilDeb: Wow! you are really doing well!

    Littlespy: Today is the day isn't it? Are you married yet? CONGRATULATIONS! :love:

    Cris: Glad to see you back, you will be back on track in no time. I hope you feel better physically and mentally very soon. :flowerforyou:

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: under
    exercise: great - an hour of step and an hour of lawn mowing
    water: not so good ... had a diet pepsi in the morning (I've pretty much quit my diet pepsi habit - just have one every once in awhile now)
    proud: that I exercised and stayed under my calorie limit
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